Devs will make girls with every possible body type but when it comes to giving a girl a pot belly, muffin top, or any softness around the edges of a midriff, they avoid it.
Don't they understand just how much better girls would be with more cushion on the tummy?
not necessarily, depends on the depth of the belly-button
Isaiah Lopez
Because a big pot belly is not sexy irl, not one fucking bit man
Carter Butler
Kip fucking sucks at weight distribution and you should feel bad for posting this garbage
Juan Turner
user, you've seen all the wrong pot bellies then. I feel bad that you haven't seen the perfect ones.
No, not pregnant. That is fat being held up by the tight outfit so that is why it looks kinda pregnant
Anthony Myers
this desu, if she's not supposed to be pregnant then the drawing makes not a lick of sense in terms of weight-distribution or even how fat behaves. fat doesn't produce a taut gut like that
I don't think Kip is trying to be realistic with weight distribution, anons. I appreciate his art style though and he draws amazing bellies, even if he doesn't properly proportion them
It's NOT pregnancy, you can see the fat on her belly.
Zachary Wright
on what fucking planet does fat produce a gut like that
Asher Mitchell
>m Imagine wasting your mobile cap to shitpost on Yea Forums
Carson Evans
Why are there fat threads all the time on Yea Forums now?
Jordan Roberts
It's a fetish you dip, it's not supposed to be a realistic portrayal of fat
David Sanchez
>he didn't take the calyx pill unlimited 4g lte data from sprint is only a hotbox away, user except not right now because sprint's fucking down in the midwest and they're trying to pretend it's not
because japs hate meat, so that's already 40% of video game girls out of the way, and the west has been going full 'hurr we need to cover that belly' for nearly ten years
Japs need to grow up and Westcucks should be ashamed they are hiding guts
Parker Clark
>not supposed to be a realistic portrayal of fat >"then make her look fat" user it's clear the artist just likes to draw guts like that. it isn't meant to adhere to any sort of realistic understanding of what fat looks like, it's just supposed to appeal to the person who drew it
Ryder Hernandez
>artist almost always does skinny bodies with fat torsos ftfy
and looks nothing like the OP, girl he linked is one of those spergs who stuffs herself to bursting and pushes her gut out even more to take fetish pics even then she doesn't look like that
Asher Walker
It's funny watching medical experts trying to combat the obesity epidemic while desperately trying not to offend the body image, sexy-at-any-size crowd.
Blake Myers
fat == disgusting
Matthew Williams
One thing's for sure. If Wii Fit Trainer was redesigned to this, it would give her some genuine character depth and weight