What's that game or series that you've found yourself unable to get into no matter how many times you've tried or how...

What's that game or series that you've found yourself unable to get into no matter how many times you've tried or how much people insist that it's good?

For me, it's Morrowind.

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Not a series but Watch_Dogs 2 gave me the exact reaction this burger had.

Stardew Valley

Fire Emblem.


All of them. I was ruined by MMORPGs

>this is your brain on grinding

Hollow Knight. I really wanna like this game, it looks full of charm but I just can't.

Dark souls. I just can't get over the awkward controls and how fucking dull it is.

Rainbow6 seige

I hate MMORPGs. They all are too similar copy cats of WoW. Soulless Grind: The Game.

Xenoblade Chronicles

This for me too. Shame since I really like how all the armor in the game looks.

Wrong. She's British, who are arguably just as bad and close to surpassing Americans in terms of obesity rates.

I don't blame them, if they just put a little batter and toss is in a pan of oil it makes the vegetables much easier to stomach.

Aren't those just proto Americans?

Ar Tonelico. It has a 10/10 setting and music and I spent many hours reading about it on the web but my stupid ADHD riddled brain just can't play the very boring games.

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EVE Online

Pokemon, Persona and Monster Hunter among Japanese games. Witcher, Minecraft and Assassin's Creed among Western ones.

Battle royale games. My friends were fucking obsessed with pubg and apex legends and i can't understand why. Whole game is just running around picking up shit for 40 minutes and getting into like one fight where either you or the enemy is instakilled.

Huh, this reminded me that I can grab some brussels sprouts to add to my veggie collection. I've mainly been grabbing Broccoli, Carrots, Black Chocolate and Corn.

Witcher is a great pick. I played all three of those games, they're all wildly different and I didn't like any of them. Fuck.

Every single game from the last 15 years or so. Gaming has gone to absolute shit and there's no redeeming it. Let the industry crash and fucking burn.

>For me, it's Morrowind.
For me it's TES in general. I've given all of the mainline titles a chance but the gameplay is shit.

Monster Hunter

Your life is the thing that went to shit user, better drink a nice cup of bleach asap.


You must hate WRPG in general then ?

True Roguelikes. I appreciate the hell out of them, but just can't sit down and play them.

Face it, you know I'm right. Gaming is dead, dead, dead. There are no good games any more and the only true enjoyment you'll get is going back to play games from the 80s and early 90s before it all started to go to hell.

Planescape Torment

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You mean we aren't proto-british?

dragon age

which is a shame cause I dorf like a motherfucker

Fire Emblem, maybe it gets better and the beginning is just slow but it just feels so underwhelming whenever I try it. Also, is this that lady that only eats cheesy potatoes?

Sprouts are pretty good though. They're strong, yes, but have a distinct and interesting flavor when you get use to them. Maybe I'm just odd, since I spent a time eating vegetables raw, so I got more accustomed to bitter stuff.

I'm not actually a health nut though. In fact I took up eating plants raw because I find the methods of healthy eating complex and annoying.

Not him, but I also dislike Morrowind, but love Fallout 1/2 and the first two Diablos.

I tried monster hunter a few times and never got into it. Also ASSFAGGOTS as a genre, I’ve tried many and liked none

Get off of Yea Forums and ride a bike for a while. Cynicism has rotted your brain and it seems your joy now is to spread your particular disease to others.

Which fire emblem did you start with? Usually fire emblems have a slow start for 1-2 chapters and then pick up a bit.


Awakening has a really slow start and is so easy on normal/hard it’s boring. You might want to try Blazing Blade (7), Sacred Stones (8), or Path of Radiance (9) since they pick up a lot faster. 7 has a painfully shit tutorial that you might want to skip, though.

Tried time and time again to play MOBA games because my friends keep playing them. Nope, just can't do it, MOBAs just make me want to play an RTS game instead.

Alright, maybe I’ll look into those and give it another shot. Thanks user.

I’ve put 90 hours into Morrowind and never once finished the main quest. I just get bored with my char or get sidetracked and end up doing something else until I lose my save. Should I just rush through the MQ for the memes? I still like the game.

Final Fantasy 11. Game looks great and all, but the controls are so fucking horrible.

2D Zelda

Every Zelda from Ocarina onward are spectacular, one in a million video games. The power gap is just too big.

On a related note, Arin Hansen can officially be considered an insane person for his views on AlttP vs OoT.

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a link to the past is great, I'd understand if you weren't so hot on links awakening or the oracle games, but alttp is amazing.

Final Fantasy VI

It bored me a lot of the time, and I have no idea why people praise its story and characters. Just a very mediocre overall.

Terraria. Apparently I choose the worst (difficulty) settings for a begginer. Learned the hard way items are gone once you log out. Hate building stuff and playing with other people. Hate games with no story mode.

Please elaborate, cause out of the one's I've played I like AlttP the least. I think LA, Oracles and Minish Cap are better. I haven't played the original LoZ.

It's basically like ocarina of time but in 2d. The oracle games especially are kind of meh, I wouldn't really recommend them to anyone asking for a zelda game. Minish cap was alright. I think they're all better than twilight princess and skyward sword.

Stalker. Isometric Fallouts. Isometric RPGs in general.

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proto means it came before something else, a prototype, so no.

>literally my favorite games
I feel bad for you, dude.

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Assassin's Creed
God of War 2018 tm



>all these people that can't into stalker

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I would probably love AlttP if I played it on release, but it just pales compared to later Zelda games, including Link's Awakening which I think managed to do more with less tech.

It isn't that I think 2D Zelda is bad, its more like, to get autistic here for a minute, 2D Zelda is base Goku and 3D is SSJ. One completely BTFOs the other.

stalker is garbage
anyone who thinks it's any good is simply doing so because he doesn't know any better

it's depressing as it's just a slightly more complicated than your average FPS. I know a ton of people got super turned off the game during the first mission where you fight bandits with a makarov.

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janky spaghetti code with a premise that could have made it AAA

Zelda games, especially the 3D ones.

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>almost all nintendo based games
>gravity rush
>persona 5

I've heard nothing but praise for VTMB, and I believe there is a good game somewhere in there, but I have never managed to play for more than an hour before completely losing interest.

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which should i start with user? I got the ps2 on up.

Huh? I think Ocarina of Time is boring as shit, 1 in a million my ass.

really goes to show stalker is for retarded menchildren who can barely communicate

Witcher 3
>get to some point in the game until I get bored
>drop it for a year
>try to get back into it
>have no idea what I'm doing in the story
>fuck it, start a new game so I know what's happening
>drop it again before finishing it
>another year goes by, same problem, don't know what's going on, don't want to repeat what I've done already a third time
it's a vicious cycle.

Morrowind and Metal Gear Solid.
Also Fire Emblem 4. I've played and loved all other FE games, including Marth's, but Genealogy is incapable of holding my attention past the second map.

Any FPS really.

>American education

New Vegas.
Bioshock series.

Any modern day competitive e-sport style game.

Newer RTS, MOBA, battle royals, hero shooters. The shit just feels like shit to me. I used to care about being good, but these games sucked the fun out of it. Fuck, I have more fun in free shit like krunker.io or old ace of spades than fucking overwatch.

Reminder that sometimes work and life get in the way of your truly enjoying a game. Sometimes I find myself unable to enjoy myself playing a game when in reality I was dreading going into work later that day and that negative feeling bled into the game. Years later when i had better scheduling, I found myself having a fucking blast with the game.

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Stalker and I fucking love the atmosphere and the gameplay, but I cant play jumpscare games

Isometric view is a deal breaker for many people.


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Just play in release order. The only thing you should watch out for is to get the retranslation patch for AT2, since the normal one is pretty bad and misses some stuff iirc.

>Friend doesnt like Fallout, Witcher or any RPG in general
>Ask him why
>"I dont like those game with all those numbers, i just want to play a game"

i hate anime and shit but i love dragon quest VIII and nier automata

I like RPG's, just not those ones. Liked System Shock 2 and many others, hell I even liked Skyrim for what it was.


Is that semen

Check out A Link Between Worlds. It hits all the right nostalgia notes for ALttP, it's hands down one of the best Zelda soundtracks, and you might get in to it easier.

Battlefield (all except Bad Company 1-2)
Rocket League

That's pretty much it, because generally I refuse to waste my time on games I dislike.

If I ever play something I don't like, it's 90% of the time because a friend persuaded me to play with him.

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STALKER, I just can't get into it. I've probably installed it like 10 times and couldn't play for more than an hour before getting bored and uninstalling it.


Gears of War
Final Fantasy

Open wide.

Proto-Americans is a perfect phrase lmao
i know of alot of bongs who'll hate that

Not a fan of brussel sprouts, taste like hay and smell like a stable. Asparagus and Broccoli is where it's at.

warm icing

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Coincidentally I'm that way with side scrollers. I'd prefer all of those to be isometric.

Where do you end up stopping? Set it to max difficulty so that enemies aren't bullet sponges and go for head shots. It's hard to start but then it sort of clicks and you don't want to put it down. Pretty much once you've got a rifle or two and a good scope.


I don't think it's bad. I just don't have the time.

>vampire the masquerade
I don't know how to overcome the junk controls and waiting for doors to open. I really dig the atmosphere and superb voice acting in this game but I just get put off by everything else. I played gothic 1 and 2 to death so I don't know what's wrong with me.

I'm up to like 100 hours in Oblivion right now. I also have enjoyed FNV.

Weirdly I didn't get into GoW 2018 until I restarted on the hardest difficulty.

>see asian being filmed with a hand-held camera
>know something disgusting is going to happen

almost any competitive online game

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Any turn based rpg, what a shitty dated mechanic. Ff9 sucks dick

I like quinoa and carrots but sprouts are fucking disgusting that women is right

Super Smash Bros series

Fresh broccoli can smell like baby diapers if not cooked or prepared right. You need to steam it or cook it in soup or noodles instead of eating it just by itself like a retard.

Just try Ultimate, you probably got memed into playing smelee (it's a bad game and easier than neckbeards say)

>liking damage sponges

You lose all the nutritional value of broccoli by cooking it.

I played like a few hours of Dragon Quest 9 and I found it kind of boring, are they all like this or is this one just an outlier?

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t. fatass

Final Fantasy. For real, I never got the appeal of it. It's never had consistant lore or style to their games and specially now they are abandoning the rpg genre for shallow hack and slash bullshit.

To me it's always seemed like the epitome of weeb in the way the plot is writen, the characters act and how everything looks.

>oracles games are kind of meh
fuck you