You will suffer the same fate as us
You will suffer the same fate as us
get dat weebshit outta here nigga
fuck off fatenigger
Good, I love fgo.
you know it
Pokemon Master will become main line, just like FGO became mainline Fate
Pokemon GO already did that.
Actually, Nintendo has pretty strict guidelines on their microtransactions to avoid it creating too many traps or being addictive, since the target audience is kids and they don't want their name ruined with any potential bullshit if something goes wrong.
While it's not clear how much this applies to Pokemon specifically since the Nintendo connection is a little more nebulous there than with Dragalia or FEH, there's certainly precidence for Pokemon to be less jew-y than its equivalences, considering how Pokemon GO compares to the Harry Potter game Niantic released.
I’m doing okay though. Pokefags who are new to gacha should be fine. Still buying SwSh though
fuck off fgoyim fag
get your 100 same saber face outta here
>Actually, Nintendo has pretty strict guidelines on their microtransactions to avoid it creating too many traps or being addictive, since the target audience is kids and they don't want their name ruined with any potential bullshit if something goes wrong.
i've played animal crossing pocket camp, and this is bullshit
at least the main thing in GO is pokemon
this main thing is definitely fucking waifu
>Actually, Nintendo has pretty strict guidelines on their microtransactions to avoid it creating too many traps or being addictive
The only ones that somewhat adhere to this rule is Dragalia. FEH's gacha is still bullshit.
FEH is pretty fucking forgiving compared to most other gachas in terms of RNG.
can cynthia be saber in this situation then? i want to cover my house in figurines of her
This kek. Your mobage is way bad. Same faces everywhere.
get ready for 1000 same cynthia face
>Fgo the ultimate Jew game
Fuck off fate fags
One you go waifu gatcha, you'll never go back
this is true, if you're fucking autistic enough to actually buy into waifu gachashit you're too far gone and should probably be put down for the good of society.
The only "forgiving" thing FEH has is 4% SSR gacha. half of the time you don't even get the element for the character you're looking for when you roll.
>years ago fatefags on Yea Forums would hail their glorified shonenshit VNs as one of the best series around
>since then it has been reduced to the gachashittiest of the gachashit
> Weebshit
You're on the goddamn Pokémon board, retard. Kill yourself
Being the most successful gacha in the world? Sounds good!
I can't wait for my Pokebara team.
seething weeb
>pokemon is comparable to some shitty vn series
Fuck off fatenigger
FEH is by far the easiest Gacha to be F2P, you get tons of orbs from the story and the rates are pretty high. I have easily 100 5 stars as a F2P.
And get constant content and spinoff anime? Wow, what a tragedy. Better for the lackluster games and anime to finally fucking die then.
>grailed horta
Now this is a soulful support list
Nah I can see FEH level obsession from fags here but not FGO hell.
FGO being hell and the incompetent NA team is the reason I keep playing it. The discussions on /alter/ are hilarious.
based servant user
>no Rance gatcha
/alter/ REPRESENT!
What is /alter/?
the most popular /vg/ general
I can't wait for the collab event!
Mebbers should have a luvdisc
Ok good fuck off back to there then fate fag
>>move from /vp/
It was moved from /vp/
Fergus looking like Brock always gets me.
How is the game doing? I quit months ago, didn’t even finish babylonia
play granblu instead
Shinjuku was boring, the CCC event was pretty great and Agartha was better than expected. Loads of dead weeks with reruns in between though.
>got merlin and waver
>keep getting SSRs every 40-50 days
they've got me by the fucking balls, god I've spent so much time playing this shit farming game
Have tons of meta chars in Dragalia lost but stuck in grind hell.
>no gameplay
Ironically enough FGO has more actual gameplay than most modern AAA games coming out in the west.
Isn't that just Rance X