I will hang his head over my bed. Only then I can fall asleep without having a nightmare

I will hang his head over my bed. Only then I can fall asleep without having a nightmare.

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man, I am bad at this game

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post facility

how do I handle birb?
tipps say that he will go back to containment after a while but he keeps breaching over and over for no reason
forgot to equip my lads and meltdown send hunderts of hunger maggots

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Just leave it alone and it will go back to its cage. If you some how piss it off, just have your staff run laps around the facility until it loses interest

Just let him peck your employees and don't fight back. Complete the missions asap and grind some employees up.

read the managerial tips carefully
everytime you do work on other abnos his counter will have a chance to go down
just let him finish pecking you and he'll go back to his containment but DONT HIT HIM
for now just let him do whatever he wants
when you get better gear and learn how to micro you can get your revenge

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I love the mercenary, when i was doing hokma suppression, she breached with other 3 abnormalities, she dunked 2 then killer herself on the diffraction thingy and saved my run.

He cute

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>defraction immue to red
little red hood more like
little retarded hood

ok I think I found the cause of what made birb breach

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I fucking hate Plague Doctor, I was scared of him blessing more of my Chads but now I'm just losing my mind from all my containment cells being rearranged every day. I've got Nothing There in Command, Melting Love and Mountain of Smiling in Security and a ton of ZAYIN things in Central. Every day things feel more wrong and my only options are to Day 1 or push forward as shit only gets worse.

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>any and all Gebura missions fail during a Core Suppression
>except the missions by other Sephira
>still have to defeat a Midnight legit outside of this
>faced Green Dawn, Green Noon, AND Green Dusk, AND two Heroic Monk breaches all in one day without any casualties and the best micromanaging I've ever done in the game to date
>all this while suffering gradual lag and memory leaking and being really really patient
Okay fine. Letting my Magic Bullet chad willingly get lasered by Last Helix, then having my Melting Love husband AND my Solemn Vow chad outside fully charged Backwards Clock surviving the laser passing over them was a good enough result for me. Had a choice between Shelter (which I maxed observation already), Train, and what I think is Giant Tree Sap "the tree reaped from what it sowed", and went with Giant Tree Sap intentionally so I never have to take it again after I complete observation with non-chads.

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>thinking it matters where abnormalities are
just move your guys at the start of the day. it really isn't that hard now, is it?

It sucks if things breach, I liked having my dangerous shit in Central so that it'd take some time to get through those long hallways. It also made Rabbits easier to deploy since it kept things to one area better. I also just like consistency.

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Wtf is this suppression, seriously.

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I named them that because they were on Scarecrow duty originally.

Arguably the hardest bossfight in the game.

It's a pain in the ass for sure, despite how short it can be

Gebura suppression on steroids

Four minutes of intensely staring at a clock

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