Play Witcher 1.
Play Witcher 1
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Already did. 5 times.
It's the best game in the series.
Good taste user.
pretty tempted to replay it now after I've read some of the books
Recommend any mods?
Already did, about 4 times
It's very good, but probably the worst in the series.
I loved it and felt fortunate to receive a hand me down laptop from my older brother five years ago so I could finally play it. It was so well done and actually prefer the old combat system over the new one.
Sadly my same laptop will not run it.
I'm about to.
After checking the steam sales I reinstalled STALKER, Blood Money and The Witcher.
start just yesterday
also what is the meat mystery behind the meat stall vendor outside the outskirt of vizima, also i burn the witch abigail
The texture mod on moddb and Flash's mod. Luckily the latter seems to be on moddb again as well.
Stay away from the White Wolf mod many will recommend. It's shite.
I've played W1, but not W2 and W3. I was considering just skipping W2 and going to W3, but I don't know.
I wouldn't skip 2. It may have the worst gameplay of the series, but it has good quests and story telling.
Literally THE BEST pleb filter of all time, you literally cannot contest this claim
played or finished W1? also u def should play W2
Already did 3 times for all endings except Flaming Rose ending. Fuck those pompous holier than thou fucks.
>based bro siegfried is a standout character
>tiny cameo in W2
>doesn't look or act the same, different VA
Why even bother bringing him back?
Alright, thanks, I will. And yeah, I finished the game.
>Already did. 5 times.
>It's the best game in the series.
2 is better.
W2 is dogshit but it ties into W3 plotwise as all of the game is basically about Nilfs setting the ground for a new war.
The combat is unbearable
>play Witcher 1 on release
>love game, play it a dozen more times back to back for multiple story paths and build ideas
>continually come back to it over the years
>Witcher 2 releases, never get around to buying it
>Witcher 3 releases, finally decide to play Witcher 2
>buy both 2nd and 3rd at the same time with intent of playing through whole trilogy
>enjoy fiftieth playthrough of Witcher 1
>start Witcher 2 and discover the combat has turned into retarded rollshit dodges and the gameplay is memesensing around for clues
>try to push forward but continually lose interest
>years pass
>Witcher 3 heralded as greatest thing since masturbating in the shower
>want to try Witcher 3 but can't bring myself to play games out of order
>keep trying to play Witcher 2, just can't find enjoyment in game
What's to be done?
Does the combat ever get better in 2 or is it just this rolling around shit constantly? Also why the fuck can I not drink potions during combat?
>that laid back fantasy tone
build time machine and play W2 when it came out
Best soundtrack
I can't get past the dogs at the first town
there is probably no detailed background story behind her, she's just there to freak you out and make the world feel more odd, freakish, mysterious, otherworldly, inhospitable, alien etc.
>witcher 1
>gameplay is horrible
>witcher 2
>gameplay is better, but still terrible
>witcher 3
>gameplay is really good
at least they made one good game.
Based and Redpilled
Put Witcher 2 on easiest mode and just plough through it.
The gameplay is meh but the game is overall really good and worth playing.
i played this years ago, back in 2013 then witcher 2 the following month, the only reason is so i can do save import from 1 to 2 to 3
then my hdd got fucked up and the save file is gone
....ok? she has no impact on story progression if that's what you're asking
I did, its a great game.
The xbox sequels are only okay in comparison
you'll be fine bro, 2 is filler
I did, it's trash, as are all the Witcher games
True, if you like this game you really are a pleb
Absolutely based, redpilled and witcherpilled. Yaevinn best waifu.
Witcher 3 is literally the single most overrated mediocre piece of trash there is
Fucking Scoiatael shits
I played and enjoyed 1 and 2 but the open world in 3 bored me to tears and I dropped it after 50 hours of barely any plot progression (which was as much time as it took to complete 1 or 2).
shit game
Unfortunately you still don't have a single good opinion yet.