Cast them

cast them

Attached: Sony Announces Live-Action Final Fantasy XIV TV Series.png (941x717, 908K)

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U think u do but u dont

They already did that

Attached: AAAABZBwI7-ArWR-4-M9XN_LrM3x5GYOScolrJzGsFrBf0_fqoSSMrEs_uQJS9ysomiz2oMIXoI34KgJ9jbAevHrCq8zhrC6h5qW (512x288, 78K)

Wtf its real.

Will it be like an adaptation of the game or telling it's own story? I feel the latter is probably the smarter option

please no

original story set in eorzea apparently could be good

>wasting money on this instead of the game
Ah, I can see why SE can only afford to voice 5 cutscenes per expansion now

so how will they incorporate the ERP amd the fags

Idris Elba and a tranny

Danny Trejo as every last character

>The Final Fantasy XIV series will tell an original story but is directly inspired by the MMORPG's characters and world of Eorzea
>Specifically, the Final Fantasy XIV TV show's story will focus on "the struggle between magic and technology in a quest to bring peace to a land in conflict," and will include familiar characters directly from the game along with new ones.
This sounds horrible.

I still haven't watched this shit, is it good?

Cast all blacks

Attached: 1510927143560[1].jpg (1000x1584, 1.78M)

Will suck ass. Japanese live action shit is almost always beyond awful. Instead of being dramatic they for some reason always turn everyhting into fucking slapstick.
The absolute state of DRKeks and Warkeks.

Oh fuck off. We're talking about the show. Your trannygeneral is here >>/vg/


dilate, tranny.

You're projecting again, greylet.

both of you fuck off to the

What a waste of funding. It's going to be absolute shit.

>with the help of the company behind witcher's adaptation
its going to be a shitfest
thank you sony, i fucking hate you

>spending budget on this shit
What the fuck is wrong with SE? Just spend money on the game instead people are already flocking to it

Attached: jqv.png (381x381, 177K)

Why the fuck don't they make it an anime instead of live action. Japs fucking love anime and so does the FF XIV player base. what the fuck?

>weebiest MMO out there
>proceeds to make live action series

good god I'm going to puke
it better be some meme OP, or else

>(the company behind Netflix’s forthcoming adaptation of The Witcher and Amazon’s The Expanse)
Wew lad