SGDQ 2019: Fuck Mods Edition

Let people talk about games where they please you fucking plebs. You assholes made an Etika sticky. Let people talking about SGDQ on Yea Forums. The speedrunners on /vg/ do not want casual viewers in their safe space.

Current run: Fire Emblem Fates
Next run: Kingdom Hearts III

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who Yea Forums here?


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>3 hour 4 minute "speedrun"
>of Kingdom Hearts
>the worst one in the series
What are you girls going to do until the next real run comes on?

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story wise yes if only counting 1,2,3
recoded is the worst

>358 days/2

how was dark souls 2 lads?

I've got a day off work so I'm having a few beers and watching my gf play Crash Team Racing while I wait for runs I'm in to.

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Casual reminder that Meow Wow is best KH boy

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what happened?


fuck off

Fire Emblem added to ZZZ. I'm heading off to bed anons, goodnight.

SSS!!: Punch-Out!! (Wii)
SSS: Big the Cat // Super Bomberman 2
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar // Titanfall 2 // Mort the Chicken // Glover // TRAG
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift // Resident Evil 2 // Divekick // Shrek XL // Last Action Hero // Nex Machina // Dead Rising // Remnants of Naezith // Metal Slug X // Metal Slug 3 // Chip and Dale
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM // Super Mario Sunshine // Silent Hill 3 // Nuclear Throne // Starcraft // Jumper: Griffon's Story // TMNT 4 // Ristar // Cave Story
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64 // Ape Escape // Crash Bandicoot 3 // Punch-Out!! (arcade) // Zelda Randomizer // Furi // Command & Conquer // Sonic 3D Blast // Koumajou Densetsu II
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipstream // Pokemon Crystal // Splatterhouse // Sylvester & Tweety // Clustertruck // Dark Souls 2 // Gauntlet
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune // Monster Boy // The Textorcist // Deltarune // Hylics // Laffy Taffy // Boogerman // Lethal League Blaze // Looney Tunes // Rhino Rumble // Aero the Acro-Bat 2
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2 // We Love Katamari // Catlateral Damage // Castlevania DOS
ZZZ: Borderlands 2 // Zelda: Link Between Worlds // Fire Emblem Fates
Ω: Metroid Prime 2

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>kingdom shits
no thanks, just gonna watch evangelion instead

Threadly reminder that MSF:

>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex

Let's break 2 million this GDQ!

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Mods you can't make an Etika sticky and then delete GDQ threads that we have every year.

you can't just post Hotaru like that without warning me, I just woke up and i'd rather not fap yet today.

So what do you think about KH? I bet it will go to ZZZ tier

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only during /147/

That’s a funny way of spelling Days

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358/2 at least had exciting specials and could play as all the organization

however the repetitive levels, garbage leveling, and any flying mission I agree with

I think I watched some guy animating whatever she's from in a Youtube video over a year ago.

I am fully functional~

4 hours of shitposting.

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Sleep well user

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What is the weirdest donation you've heard far now?

For me it's the cuckold happy because his gf is in India alone.

miss me yet?

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>being an Omlette poster

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Nigga it wasn't that bad. At least there was dumb shit and cute asians. Much better than katamari and ducktales

She's a big woman....

It's already F tier for me for being 4 hours of KH.

>exciting specials and could play as all the organization
That shit sucked as well. Not to mention Limit Break was a garbage ass mechanic


Why not?
Every time I wake up I got a boner
Perfect time to fap

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Imagine elbow dropping on that tummy


going to sleep

fuck game freak apologists btw

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Yea Forums standing by

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>Over-estimate Fire Emblem run
>4 hour KH3 run coming up
Fuck RPG runs at GDQ, holy shit.

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>Ω: Metroid Prime 2
man, i watched this run expecting an entertainingly bad trainwreck, and i'm not sure why it's rated below ZZZ. it was just a boring as fuck run with a faggot runner.

Suck your mum fag

>the cuckold happy because his gf is in India alone

Is it me or does Kungfufruitcup looks chubby?

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it's the time for the post run filler interview instead of actual video games

At least make it an F I would say. Trainwreck and cringe redeems it a bit.
And good night user!

So, could I get a rundown of anything interesting that's happened so far? Did we get any fresh embarassments from the speedrunners, any interesting runs?

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time for a 4 hour nap

tranny malus

stfu sperg

I'd say FE is worth a D/F it wasn't a drawn out snoozefest, but it was just a n average trainwreck.
Sleep well based Megu Poster

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I just don't enjoy fapping with morning wood for whatever reason. I prefer to fap right before bed.

>"like, like, like,"

Why the fuck does everyone have such awful mannerisms and speech patterns?

she's gained some weight. I still think she's cute though. Nice hair

trannies spammed it with Z because of the qt asian









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It's so sad, KH3 has 40% great, the rest pure dogshit

Damn, did i miss all the mommy posting from FE?

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KH will be another ZZZ run, unless something unexpected happens.

Is cloudflare fucking up for anyone else?

I'm not gay, but I'd likely fuck Bailey Jay.

Her arms look photoshoped, but in real life.

Once the tranny's done with the interview I'm off

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this whole game is k i n o

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the only person who would get seriously into speedrun is an outcast autist

/fit/ standing by

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Lmao yeah, it seems like she just bought one giant piece of cloth and makes all her tops out of it.

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Get your eyes checked.

also if you're going to avatarpost as a tranny at least use Assigned Fail so it's on the artistic level you deserve :^)

>Yea Forums cucked again

That's pretty gay.

>Recoded is the worst
If you're referring to plot, you might as well not include Recoded(best Sora, though). If you're referring to the game itself, get the fuck out. Recoded is good.

>proposing infront of a large audience

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I can't tell if the guy on the left is a tranny or not.

"assfaggot" save file during glover run
autistic sperging during split/second run
tranny outbreak during metroid prime 2
punch out wii was one of the best gdq runs ever
someone got banned because he called someone a faggot
someone got assaulted


>I'm not a murderer, I just kill people


She's ugly as shit
Especially with that hair

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>You assholes made an Etika sticky
What the fuck? What is this, facebook? Source to thread?


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how do people interact with Miles knowing he's fucking insane.
How can anyone look at this twitter and think this is normal behaviour?

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>this interview

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It’s called Doctors Without Borders user

Did he just hit on her with the "Ready to mingle" line

Damn dude that real woman looks like she has boobs because she's a girl with boobs.

I usually don't like danger hair like that, but the gradient effect is nice.

more like Kungfupuddingcup

Some faggot proposed during this run?


Why are so many trannies jews?

This series is the Twilight of video games.
If you're not a 13 year old girl you have no business playing that.


>I'm single and ready to mingle, KungFu.

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/k/ reporting in

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That cartoon is shit

Ah, thanks.

get over it no one played it

>no Indiana Jones world

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Why won't they play an actual good game like Xenosaga?

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Are the donations going slower this year or is it just me?

Anyone got numbers?
Feels like they are really struggling for incentives.

this is so awkward holy fuck dude

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I want to throat fuck this slut

>no one played it
So? That doesn't lower the quality of the game.

what do her shits look like

Why do they all wear cargo shorts?

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God when are these two going to fuck already?

How spoiler heavy is the KH3 speedrun?

The very first thing out of the runner's mouth for Katamari was his name, followed by his pronouns they were she/her

Because they don't have as shitty taste as you.

Kungfu is officially now fat ugly Hayley Williams. Congrats.

Unsurprising. The whole organization is obviously marxist from the outset, so general corruption is to be expected. It also explains the high degree of censorship and hostility to trans-skepticism. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were money laundering involved as well.

In Kingdom Hearts or at GDQ?

That's just a guy
Why are you so obsessed with trannies?

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You need the extra storage space for all the condoms you use at these event. Nahmsayin'?

I was doing boomer things.
Did I miss anything fun this run?

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>Xenosaga I is 4h14m
>Xenosaga II is 4h04m
>Xenosaga III is 6h19m

it's the entire game isn't it?
it'll probably spoil the entire game then.

no unless you're into asian feet

I assume they'll skip all the cutscenes but KH3's story is shit anyway so who gives a fuck if they spoil it.

sleep tight meguposter

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You're right, they should speedrun Chrono Cross.

They are comfy and practical.
Only the NPCest of NPCs whine about cargo shorts.

Sounds like a fag and probably deserved it.

full spoilers
I don't think it has any legit skips and sequence breaks. You'd probably still get a good understanding of what's going on even if cutscenes are skipped

/trash/ reportan

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Do you seriously thing Fagdom Hearts is a good game?

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>estimate 3:40:00

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>boring rpg shit
>no azn cutie on the couch

Asians yes, feet no.

Oh boy, I sure do love sing-alongs :^)

At least this runner doesnt have a speech impediment

are they gonna awkwardly sing disney songs with no backing track again?

They're comfy and easy to wear!

it's been decided then also
SSS2: Metroid Prime 2 // We Love Katamari
S: Borderlands 2 // LoZ: ALBW // Ducktales 2 // C&C: RE3 // Starcraft // Dark Souls 2 // Fire Emblem Fates // KH3
A: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune // Monster Boy // Hylics // Deltarune // DOStlevania // Looney Tunes
B: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipstream // Pokémon Crystals // SMB2 // Zelda Randomizer // Catlateral Damage // Chibi Splatterhouse // Sylvester & Tweety // Boogerman // Flustercuck // LLB // Rhino Rumble // Aero the Acro-Bat 2 // Gauntlet
C: DMC // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64 // Ape Escape // Crash Bandicoot 3 // Punch-Out!! (arcade) // The Textorcist // Nex Machina // Chip N' Dale // Sonic 3D Blast
D: The Hobbit // THUG2 // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM // Split/Second // Super Mario Sunshine // Nuclear Throne // Remnants of Naezith // Jumper: Griffin's Story // Ristar
F: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift // Resident Evil 2 // Divekick // Last Action Hero // Furi // Metal Slug X // Metal Slug 3 // TMNT IV // 2huvania 2
ZZZ: Rygar // Titanfall 2 // Silent Hill 3 // Laffy Taffy 3D // Dead Rising // Super Bomberman 2 // Cave Story
Ω: Punch-Out!! (Wii) // Big's Adventure 3 // Shrek XL // Mort da Chicken // Glover // T.R.A.G.

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>Art is hard. Art on a whiteboard is harder. But LLK makes it look oh so easy, and oh so pleasing.

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Is it me or KH got even gayer?

at least there was a single frame of pantsu

Attached: pantsu.webm (274x502, 408K)

Reminder that mods and Janitors defend the subhuman mutilated and mentally ill abominations otherwise known as Trannys.

Just because you're disgusting doesn't mean people can't say it like it is, freaks.

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Based as always

all 3 of the KH3 runners are turbovirgins. FACT.
guy on the couch is a virgin too just by association.

What's wrong with cargo shorts? They're comfy and you can carry all your shit in them.

Any links to good previous runs to watch while I wait for SMW?

Which fanbase is more autistic, Sonic or KH?

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Either you have shit taste or you completely randomized that list.

they did Chrono Cross a bunch of years ago by spikevegeta, it's like 6 hours long but pretty comfy.

Doctors without morals is more like it amirite????


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>KH run
>no spike on the couch

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Is this guy a tranny

Oh neat, this could be fun even if it IS 3.5 hours.
>"we'll be using magic a lot, IT'S LIKE TOTALLY BROKEN HAHA"
Yeah, but not on critical, why would it still be broken if you are playing it now after cr-
Welp, fuck this.

at least learn to spoken, it's trannies

This looks like Hinamatsuri but it isn't. What's going on?

God I'm so horny for gamers

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It is.


man i don't have the patience for this

guy on the couch on the left has a gf

Sounds like the suicide is right around the corner on this one.

>half-life 2 inbounds
Nice. That's actually really fun to watch.

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Reminder that the best way to deal with this shit is not to pay it any mind.

i suppose it's time to make dinner

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You're right, I made an error, much like they make an error thinking they're something they're not.

We got more than a single frame last time.
These really are getting worse in every way.

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>that one TWEWY pic
Goddamn you, Nomura

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Sonic, KH is mostly just girls.

He looks fat ugly and smelly

Stop posting that antichrist worshipping faggot.

Man KH2 Sora looks so much better than KH3's

I hope KH4 has a simpsons world

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Someonen give me a short explanation of the Kingdom Hearts plot.

She'd probably want to fuck you as well in exchange though which would be pretty gay.

I mean, liking traps and trans make you bi in the first place.
I genuinely hate the bad trannies for ruining the social image of the beautiful shemales.

it's reversed, user


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god fuck
the runs have been way too long this event
at least ESA has 2 streams so this isnt as much of a problem

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Why is it always Asians?

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I'd love to run HL2, but I am too annoyed about the whole backwards bunnyhop mechanic. Just not fun to do sadly.

>short explanation

this is going to be fucking boring

should i close the stream to deny them a view or just minimize

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I don't remember those characters

Based nega tierposter

oh god I just realized how many long loading screens there's going to be in this run

The good guys win.

big bad guys do big bad things
good guys defeat big bad guys
the end featuring disney characters and final fantasy
that's it

Their desire to show PANTSU is coded into their genes.

Kingdom Hearts? this is going to be the worst to watch.

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There was a cat like a million years ago, and now people lose their hearts and become two people, and Leonard Nimoy keeps jumping from body to body, and also Mickey and Sephiroth are there sometimes.

What's wrong with fat ugly and smelly

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literal attention whores. they are horny beyond belief for white man

Cute asian girls are generally in the same tier as chubby/fat white girls so they have to be part of gaming communities to make friends

Kid gets given a sword and separated from his super special friends
One friend fucking dies
One friend is evil
Turns out friend 1 not dead and special
Friend 2 not evil but possessed
Everything fixed and friend 2 missing, friend 1 send home

Kid is split in two
Kid rejoins
Super evil bad guys
Evil bad guys want to make a death star
Friend 1 and 2 come back and team up with Kid
Beat super evil bad guys
All go home

Nothing of value

I'd love to run Black Mesa, but I'm concerned about doing hardmode with any consistency.

even skipping all the cutscenes is painful let alone watching them all. one of the worst games i ever played

Friendship good
Evil bad
Keysword beat dark
Mickey Mouse
Disney niggers
Final Fantasy niggers
The End

>all these edge lords going into the funnest game of this gdq already hating it

le mature gamers everyone

3 was such a fucking mistake

Who the fuck gets excited about disney shit anymore?

They're not playing Crit because KH3 Crit is SHIT.

nothing as long as you're a small cute guy who wants to get fucked by them

>the end
lol no

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Yeah HL2 has a steep learning curve. Especially with the new inbound strats that require tons of prop clipping.

Big bad needs to make 12 clones of himself to get a door/moon/key

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yep, time to rewatch the esa ff3 run
what a fucking journey this run is

I always wondered who plays those shit games, now I feel validated.

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user if you wanted (you)s that badly, you could've just asked

>small cute
That's subjective

Frozen is huge. Have you been living under a rock the past 5 years?

is this worth unmuting and actually watching

Haha! I love it when Donald duck does funny scream and Goof says gawrsh! Fun game xdxd

based trent

The other way around. People stopped getting excited when the series became more about muh edgy FF OC and DARKNESS rather than Disney.
The series should have stopped at the first game anyway, all the 10000 games after that added nothing.

it's worth pausing


This. Kingdom hearts is best appreciated if you take it half seriously. Serious enough that you’re actually invested in the story, but ironically enough that the investment just makes the story developments funnier.

height and weight?

hey anons, I heard there's free (You)s here
could I have some?

Now that there's 4 hours of KH on the screen I'm not tired enough to go to sleep. I didn't plan my sleep schedule properly.

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>that hair
just shave it at this point. Wouldn't even look too bad being bald.

Attached: 472.png (1278x1062, 981K)

Here you go my man

Not small

Fuck off (you) whore user

>Invested in story

What story? Because 3 certainly didn't tell one.

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Yes, I do speedrun Kingdom Hearts. How could you tell?
(this is in poor taste)

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shut the fuck up esam

the schedule is so fucked this year

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What bro? I was talking about the gameplay, why does disney make you so mad??

he's lying. there were lots of threads but none of them were stickied.

He nevers gets anything but its okay. Its not a speedrun its just a lets play but its okay.

still bulkin

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Can we talk about how Xion's boobs got bigger in this game?

>KH fans

>asian guy with the hairiest werewolf legs on screen

>that posture




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Based Cringe user

there was a sticky though

>that chin on the couch

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It did, it’s just that it only told one in the last 1/4th of the game.


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so mean

Sorry user

I didn't realise you were trying to defend the gameplay and combat of one of the worst designed JRPG's

There was a good hour where all of the shitposters in these threads dashed into the sticky and it was wonderful. Then they all came back and the thread turned to garbage again.

That's too bad user
there's no better feeling than having your small body slammed into by a bigger guy knowing there's nothing you can do about it except moan and whimper

Those are some hairy arms on the guy on the left
And hairy legs on that """ethnic""" kid

seriously, i don't know that i've seen such a jaw:chin ratio before


have one from me

I just want to thank you for avatarposting so my filter can immediately hide you


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That sounds disgusting

>KH3 gets a run but not Sekiro

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One of them was though?

>Evil keyblade man does evil things
>Everyone is ok or will be ok
That isn't a story user

Speedrunning is gay. Get a hobby

I don't have a link, it's been deleted by now and I doubt it's in the archive at the rate of shitposting Yea Forums gets. But on the night it was confirmed by the NYPD there absolutely was a sticky for Etika on Yea Forums. It fucking blew up too.

KH2FM and KH3 are the two greatest JARPG ever made

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user, you misspoke and said Sekiro instead of Onimusha.
Let me help you out.

You're allowed to be interested in multiple things, user.

>Co-Op Relay
>tfw you will never have 2 autistic permavirgin friends to learn to speedrun KH games with

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Neither are RPGs

nap time it is, see you fags when this is over

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Ive noticed baldies have something in common which I cant really point my finger on, but theyre basically all weirdos. I googled the spiritual meaning of baldness and apparently it is when you are stubbornly blind/deaf to spiritual truth and you never want to change your ways. I dont really trust baldies, also never fuck with one they can go apeshit crazy.

holy shit. fuck these mods. making stickies for retarded dead e-celebs but deleting SGDQ threads.

>All this garbage before Quake

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They're not, user.

I'm sorry to tell you but the combat is really shallow and this coming from someone who used to like the series. There's little to no complexity and flashy moves != Substance.


I dunno look at he'd look like a tictac


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Theyre also gay

what the fuck are you talking about?

>evil DARKNESS man does evil things
>everyone is ok or will be ok

>evil lightsaber man does evil(?) things
>everyone is ok or will be ok
I can do the exact same thing. Being reductionist is a good way to make any story sound like shit. Not to imply kh3 was better than the other 2 story wise, but still. It had its moments.

>he hasn't beaten KH2FM on crit

Most fun run ever, everyone enjoying it!

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no homo, but a bald dude with strong facial features is pretty attractive. I fear going bald myself because my skull doesn't have the shape for it.

>not the pure eggball

Wait a minute
Are those

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That was an awesome skip, my butt was clenching when he almost lost his place on the arm.

>I googled the spiritual meaning of
Only in a KH run thread.

No it didn't, sorry. I accept your concession.

>He has and it wasn't difficult
I also accept your concession.

wageslave here, what's the tranny count been like?

Existence as a young bald man brings you closer to the spiritual. Because everything physical rejects you. I know.

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Gotta believe in the heart of the cards

I mean that perhaps they deserve it, it's not genetical but a reflection of your ways. I mean they really have something in common psychologically that has nothing to do with hair genes. The evil, the Rothschild, the sexually degenerate, the greedy jew, the guy who tries to make a joke out of anything (which is lying to oneself). All baldies.

follicles get in the way of astral projection

High potential, but low rate of transition, check back next year for progress.

Ahem. Dear Baldies. Have sex

Yeah, you definitely aren't the psycho in this situation.

>cucked out of real life so hard he has to turn into a yoga mom to feel

Out of curiosity, what JRPGs do you consider complex?

this is the most deluded thing ive read in my life.

But I'm not bald

Unironically more of them in these threads than in sgdq this year. There's been 4 the whole time so far.

Have sex

Sup baldino

>no it didn’t
Ansem’s death was the only part of the series to actually get me emotional, something I’d never thought would even happen with this corny ass series. It deserves some respect for that at least.


Explains skinheads.......

absolutely based

Or maybe its because you hit rock bottom through your ways, and that in itself forces spiritual truth.


Such obvious bias is unbecoming.

>it's actually trans
>idiots will gobble up "toxic gamers want no wymen in their secret club"

I guess the current batch all died already

Great run so far, good commentary and the runner is clearly into it not just going through the motions.

When you try to take shortcuts to enlightenment you get a debuff.

You read the rest of my posts though. Funny how filters work.

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go google the spiritual meaning of all the cocks you suck you weirdo.

>skinheads try to imitate this
Sora should go bald

is it over yet

Is Kingdom Hearts mid-2000s fanfic made real

You must have a bright side, something to compensate. I think baldness is when you choose to be completely deaf to the truth inside you.

No, it doesn't, there was nothing emotional about it unless you have the mental stability of a 6 year old.

Literally anything else, seriously, try almost any other JRPG and try to play it like KH and you'll get your shit stomped.

>the schedule is so fucked this year
They keep putting those extremely long running RTS/RPG runs in the EU evening slot.
I don't understand.

>all these cult posters
what the fuck is going on

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>seething baldy using things he can't do as an insult.
*sigh* cringe.

Wasn't there already a Hercules section in KH? Why would they reuse the world?

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Why? What's your doubt?

When do the FF characters show up?

Didnt this fuck do the same shit last GDQ? Faking a breakdown for attention?

Fucking embarrassing. A total disgrace.

What the fuck is the plot to Kingdom Hearts?

Wrong guy you responded to and you still haven’t posted any.

I googled the spiritual meaning of being mad as fuck but all I could find was support groups for bald people.

Scroll up newfag, like 10 people explained it already.

Well, they never actually went to olympus in the previous games so that's why it's here.

It was mostly just an arena in the past, 3 was the first game the made it a full world. They revisit worlds in lots of the KH games.

shut the fuck up

Incomprehensible bullshit that babies will defend.

That was a pretty clean dab from the guy on the right.
Not gonna lie.

bad guy and he 12 clones want darkness

Multiple worlds get revisited, this isn’t a one time thing. Hercules gets the most visits though. It’s because there’s a big theme in KH about becoming a hero or growing into your responsibility or whatever, so it fits with Hercules.

Did he just say CUMMY movement?

Hercules world has been in every single game. Usually it's just the combat trials area of the game it's in but now and then they make a real level out of it.

I'm not bald so I guess I'm not mad.

No, spoonfeed it to me. I'm too new to have seen posts 15 minutes old.

Play literally any other JRPG with combat


I accept your concession

thread theme

Who is this garbage series even meant to appeal to? Both JRPGs and disney trash is shit, but I imagine the overlap of people enjoying both is rather slim.

Boomer balding manlet here.

Handjobs in a Spaceship

I actually liked KH2's gummi missions.

You sound bald.

How is this run so far?

unironically yes

just shut your brain off dude. the plot is a mess and needs to be rebooted

You sound like a lunatic spastic, are you?

Dunno not watching it lol


Dilate tranny.

Only a truly cursed existence can transcend and gain enlightenment. And much like The First Noble Truth "All is suffering" "Bald is suffering" is our First Noble Truth. One you cannot comprehend.

>still can’t post any
Either nut up and post one or keep spouting shit like an autist. This ain’t hard, man.

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it's fine. 4 hour run so eh but overall it's not bad

oh man this guy is fucking BALD

>watching the speedruns

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what the fuck is this thread

Megumeme poster is very biased. As many anons have pointed out Rygar wasnt good at all, and Punch-out wasnt that impressive. But that doesnt matter since theres no poll for any of the ratings.

If “all is suffering”, then obviously bald is suffering, as well as having hair.

I can smell the baldness ITT

I'm glad you've reached the point of acceptance that you don't even feel the need to deny it at least.

Someone has that bald infographic pic with
>The problem bald
>The virgin shaved off
>The chad xzy

Play on Crit

Play on beginner for better damage combo stacks and a quicker run-through


>i'm gonna hit these buttons and beat this piss easy "boss" but I will try to over complicate my explanation of it just like the storyline of this shit series

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>that's a glitch where you can preserve two buffed-up counter shields if you buffer a different form in your situation commands
I have no idea what the fuck this means.

Wrong, most rigtheous people have full head of hair. Have you tried being rigtheous once in your life ?

Loving it

what's the official tranny count


Guys I had an idea, would you watch real life speedruns? Like running or something?

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I accept your concession.

>Incomprehensible bullshit
Why do people spout this retarded meme. The plot isnt fucking complicated at all, but aspies like Dunkey and any jewtuber will perpetuate this bullshit. It's because of people like this that G Reco was considered "too confusing for a gundam show". God forbid anything has a nonlinear plot.


And I accept that you’re autistic.


Also them monks are deluded, they think they have to shut the spiritual truth inside to get enlightned. This is literally what they try to achieve : spiritual silence.

Someone say bald?

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I accept your concession.

Get the fuck out, you don't even play vydia, memelord.


I accept your concession.


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If you build up your counter meter, use the counter attack, and change into another into another powered up state, you can do the super counter attack again.

nah timing countershield counters can be tricky and that boss is super spastic and random so it was impressive that he manipulated it with the shotlock and he also used a glitch to to get to counters in a row.

>a lot of cool games not present in this marathon
>a lot of them can be done in less than 1 hour
>someone greenlights KH3
>for almost 4 fucking hours

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lol I derailed it with my schizophrenic observation. Also lol @ that baldie who keeps replying to an user who he thinks is me.

Even Nomura don't know what the fuck is he doing

I played Kingdom Hearts 1 and I still have no idea what the plot to any of this is

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I have, but being shackled to a bald flesh prison often clouds my judgement. I must work harder.

tfw too hairy to be bald

If you are balding, then just shave it down to like 3mm and start working out.
There is no way you aren't going to look at least a bit better than the average hairy.

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I have an extremely weird shaped head, shaving it down would be a huge mistake

>Next on the list of bonus games, an All Forts race of Super Mario Bros. 3 between grandpoobear, Lawso42, mitchflowerpower and TheHaxor will replace Bonus Game 4 on the schedule if this incentive is met.
This shit still needs 100k to be met. Anyone think it will happen?

tails gets trolled the game
the runner keeps touching his chin
dude with a giant chin behind him
no trannies on screen
baldies are ok with me

Can we start posting softcore porn?
This run sucks

>Disney characters look 1:1 like the movies
>Sora looks fucking retarded

How did they screw it up, bros?

When has a game incentive ever failed?

If I told you it's the Jews would you believe me?

they will insert as many Sent Shills Prizes segments as they need to make it met

Why were they uploading VODs, but then stopped after Metroid Prime 2?

>trying to bait anons into getting banned
Nice try janny

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post brappers

Jesus will come back soon and after he won the war, he will restore your hair.

>We've got yet another 1 thousand dollar donation with no name or message!

Are my eyes going mongoloid or is this running at 60? Shit looks smooth.

>"Sora it's my turn to fight for you"
>gets upstaged in the part where all the other characters are supposed to have a fight
>gets kidnapped in the last 20 minutes of the game
>dies for 5 minutes and Sora has to use timetravelmagicrevivalwhatever power to sacrifice himself for her offscreen
fuck Kairi



>all these fucking dorks on Yea Forums watching a niche speedrunning convention thinking they're above autism hearts

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Now: Kingdom Hearts III
Next: Kingdom Hearts III
Later: Kingdom Hearts III

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I was warned for c____posting, so I'm not gonna risk it

That's one punchable voice.

>thinking they're above autism hearts
I accept my autism

They're going mongoloid. GDQ is streaming at 1080/30.

>this fucking dork thinking hes above all these fucking dorks on Yea Forums watching a niche speedrunning convention thinking they're above autism hearts

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>autism hearts
I wish I was underneath Starfire and Raven's farts.

Is Kairi 18 yet?

it has a 60fps mode on ps4 pro, it's impressive with the amount of particle effects and enemies on screen that it hits it holds it.

Says the person doing the same thing.

I accept your concession.

It's happened before with a bit donation incentive for a glitch exhibition of OoT. Probably wasn't met because who uses bits right? They haven't used bits since then either.
Thank fuck for anonymous. Hope user wins all the prizes they deserve it.

I really like the graphics of this game not gonna lie bros

Thankfully no


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I also think it's the best way, how could you tell?

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/e/ dumps are the best part of shit runs
does anyone even like runs over two hours?

I love KH3, Speedrunning, and I've been on this website since 2005.

only 3 hours left lmao

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>4 hours of a children's game

Attached: 4.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Jews hated hair and called it degeneracy.
When the Pagan Gentile Gods kick the kike "god" YHVH's shit in and throw jewsus and muhammad into oblivion they'll give everyone long glorious blonde hair.

>this fucking dork thinking hes above the fucking dork that thinks all these fucking dorks on Yea Forums watching a niche speedrunning convention thinking they're above autism hearts

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If you notice you are balding IMMEDIATELY start going to the gym

You're a liar.

Did you expect her to stand toe to toe with xemnas and Xehanort? Everyone there besides Sora, Riku, Mickey and Aqua (despite her shitty treatment) was a liability. Well I guess Donald had zettaflare.

No speedrun should ever be over 30 minutes, otherwise its a lets play. Change my mind

i dont, i'm happy to be below you user.

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Is that doll one of them twowhos?


This is a convention for manchildren to begin with.

this is worse fanfic than the book of mormon

It's a pretty gorgeous game and 60fps make it look so clean, also wait till you see the pirates world.


>tfw no girl to fart on me

just let it go

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>tfw you learned all you know about religion from shin megami tensei

Where are you watching from Yea Forums?

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I forgot that doll, but my dick didn't.

Yes. You're a liar. Prove me wrong. Prove that you love me.________

spamming this isnt cutting deep because i'm literally not. not sure what you want me to say.

They're the most stupid, what are you on about?

what :|

Imagine speed running Kingdom hearts Chain of Memories (GBA)

not on a farm you bald farmer
i hate bald people
fuck baldies

dude ray traced farming simulator looks sick

god I wish that were me

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I love all the anons on this site, what the fuck would I do without you people? Ya'll have kept me company for over a decade and made me feel not insane for not having normie interests.

my bedroom
>tfw it took me like 10 seconds to realize this wasn't a picture of a game

Fair point
Top speed?

yo this nigga actually farms? lmfaoo get real gigs dude

baldy no hair baldy bald

fuck off shitposter

I bet you are white

Home for now but tomorrow I'll be out of the house until late Saturday but looking at the schedule there isn't much I want to see anyway.

working from home

so my office

Beginner any%
The only good runner is on the couch.
major oof

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based farmer

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if he was black hed be picking cotton on the farm, not riding a tractor.

why do people say KH3 is bad? it looks like a cool game with lots of variety

I hope you're having a comfy day on the farm user. I love you

Crazy to think that people waited over a decade for KH3

fuck off racist

>farming food
You know you can just buy it in the store, right?

sorry tyrone



So this is what happens when boomers rank up.

It’s just not as good as KH2, that’s the big problem.

That's it I'm going to bed. Good night anons. I hope you enjoy the mario run after this.

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I remember when GDQ was exciting because a WR was actually possible since it was usually a top 3 runner that was playing.

It's a gem of the ps2 era when devs took chances on crazy ideas that made it's way to the ps4 gen. It's absurdly fun and creative with all the disney licenses.

Holy shit that is based as fuck

they set their expectations far too high

I hate to admit it as a 2fm fag. But whenever I ply 2 fm now I miss stuff like keyblade forms and airstepping.
If they patched 3 to fix the guard, made water actually useful by giving it a one frame start up but long recovery if nothing hits you, and manual limits... it’d at least play insanely good. Can’t fix that story tho.

>That's it I'm going to bed. Good night anons.
But it's only 5.15pm

>giants mecha in toy story

yeah, I'm thinking this is pretty based

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i am based

Rozen Maiden, please.

based brit user

Farmers are rich af. But they also have shitty diet since they eat the peasant food they grow or liquid jew (milk). BALANCE OF THE UNIVERSE

Dude my black gf just read your post and had to cover up her face, what the heck is wrong with you?

Actually is 13:14

i am actually based, the other guy is a cock shiner

This. Now it's just easy mode, marathon safe strats and some other shit.

KH3FM is gonna best 2FM, it's almost there with critical mode.

It was. One of the very few standout moments of KH3

fuck that nigger bitch right in the pussy

your welcome for the break from that sight.

nuh uh

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I remember when you could actually see the audience during runs and learn to appreciate them and their distinct personalities because they weren't literally in the hundreds.

I'm Irish actually. Don't you ever EVER call be brit again you faggot

Found the nigger.

And I remember people having to explain to idiots like you since at least 2013 that people avoid risky strategies in marathon settings and WR usually isn't possible because of that.

>how do people interact with [Anonymous] knowing he's fucking insane.
>How can anyone look at [insert post here] and think this is normal behaviour?
I wonder the same thing about 90% of this board

Horribly balanced.
Instead of satisfying conclusion we got a half baked sequel bait. The story have never been the series strong suit its embarrassingly bad this time around. Lack of post game content. Feels unfinished, not literally unfinished like 15, still feels lacking years in development hell show in the final product.

>liquid jew (milk)
Here's how I know you're a manlet

irish are just lower class brits

>farmers are rich as fuck
Because the government bails them out with tax payer money

>can only sell 1kg of apples of 10 cents
>government gives them 10 dollars anyway just for being farmers

yikes! you got class soon kiddo

Because your first playthrough you have to sit through the awful story and it’s honestly so bad it taints it. A playthrough skipping cutscenes lets you see the potential it has.
The gameplay has a couple problems that involve weird invincibility frame issues and balancing but it allows for a lot of customization to have a bunch of fun playing.

I'll fucking thrash you at table tennis mate

Someone should stream old gdqs on his twitch so we can all watch together and pretend its live.

someone else make new thread. im blocked from uploading again

where my 30+ bros at

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I want to play Baldur's Gate instead of watching this but I'm not really enjoying it. I'm still early on. Just got to the Friendly Arm Inn. Maybe it's because I'm still so bitch weak and everything can one shot me but it feels like every decision is a death trap.

29 here about to go to work

True but Im also high T, unlike every milk drinker.

why doesn't 4channel just start its own speedrunning thing

I hope that one day when you are old enough to legally have sex you'll see your old posts and cringe at how pathetic you were

epic cringe

Prove it

Boss rush would be nice but I want a balance patch more than anything. Plus you can’t fix all the bosses being pretty same. I miss when monster bosses were completely different fights.

>the story in all the KH games is laughably bad but only KH3 gets criticized for it

kh """fans""" everyone

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>about to go to work
but its 5.19pm

Based farm user

Anyway can someone tell me how to watch the runs these gdq fags havent uploaded yet? Wanted to watch some of those s tier runs like split/second or glover

New thread

What boomer milestones have you achieved? mortgage? wife? none? no shame in this thread brother.

New thread, shitty op edition

32 year old boomer here, I just spilled juice all over my gut and now I have to go take a shower. I'm sure I won't miss much.

Go to videos on gdq twitch channel and choose a chapter.

>this is what germans mean by chilling

you looking back and cringing at how hard you settled when your girlfriend does some typical nigger shit is more likely than that.

You sound like you're getting even balder

Enjoy being bald and fat KEK

Because anons can't into going fast? Imagine user trying to speedrun something like Hollow Knight and getting walled by Hornet.

where in america is it 5:19? this is an american website only so get off my board or else i will make black people slaves again

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