Be honest, how would you rate your overall gaming skill? Do you suck and come to Yea Forums to shitpost, or can you back up your trash talk with actions?
Do you consider yourself to be a 'gamer'?
Gamer is a useless buzzword that people who actually play video games never use. It's main use is to create outrage, drama and clickbait.
>Do you consider yourself to be a 'gamer'?
No, I'm not an insufferable retard.
Yeah, you said it better than I was going to.
Do I consider myself a gamer?
I play a lot of games, so sure, I guess, but it's a watered down label because of how widespread the group is.
What is my gaming skill?
There is but only one man that I know that can best me.
Do I suck or can I back up my trashtalk?
Both. There is always room for improvement. I rarely trash talk anyways. I only do it to bait people into playing a game with me.
No, the term "gamer" has had a negative stigma in my mind for years now. I enjoy video games, have done so for over 20 years now, but I'd never call myself a gamer in this day and age. Hell, I'd be loathe to ever do it in the first place.
You didn't answer the question as to your skill level, though
I suck shit at games but I play them all the time. This medium is so varied and has such a rich history I want to experience all of it. So no, I'm not hardcore or anything, I just love games.
Just finished my 400th game.
I don't consider myself a gamer.
I'm a guy that playes videogames because certain games catch my interest. When there are no games that excite me, I don't play games.
I'm pretty good and puzzle games and platformers, but I suck at FPS and strategy.
Only fighting game I can claim proficiency at is Smash.
Alright I need a name. Google returned nothing.
I'm good at everything but don't play anything long enough to master it.
do you watch movies, do you consider yourself a ''watcher''?
I'm thinking the correct term would be 'Movie buff' or something to that effect
Honoka's Honking Adventures
>Marie staring at her Honkers
It's minor, but Marie does have a touch of breast envy
Watching others play vidya not as well as me is kind of frustrating.
I can learn fighting games much quicker than the average player
Not as good at FPS games as I used to be but could still be reasonably good given a little time
Nioh is harder than Sekiro and I beat both games
Bad as fuck.
But then again I play a shitload of different games and genres and I rarely specialize myself on a particular game, so I guess that explains my lack of skill. besides, I don't play as much in general as others.
Not trying to justify that I suck ass, I know I do, I just pursue other endevaours besides vidya, and I like it that way.
How can our eyes be real if those titties ain't real?
>owner and I stayed up all night playing video games
>Marie actually believed this
Overall? Great at FPS games, good at platformers and hack n slash games, no idea how to play team-focused PvP mmo games e.g WoW in the resources/flag mode and I'm not that good at fighting games, card or strategy games either(mainly because I rarely play them).
She clearly thought they were searching dog porn all night originally. Then she asks to join in the next night so that confirms it.
>being worse at videogames than some random cow
I would neck myself
Breast envy is nice
To be fair all she does is eat and play vidya. She never trains like the other DOA girls have to
>Implying that's a look of envy.
She's thinking ahead to what she's going to have Nyo do to the shrine maiden while she's being penetrated by Kanna's giant oni futacock.
>Nyotengu will never school you in fightan
You lost me
cuz he sucks thats why also yeah its a stupid term in general however as more people get involved they are going to come up with a way to categorize people
I'd rather NiCO school me in fightin and Nyo be schooled in S&M
That's fine too.
I want to beat honkers with my cock.
I don't think I'm particularly good at anything, no. It's getting hard to find the time to practice harder games because of real life obligations, so I mostly play easy games or games where you can't really win or lose in the long run.
I still enjoy putting the effort in when I actually find the time, though. It's good to try and improve.
Is it good enough for the strongest fighter?
I consider myself a gamer and anybody on this board who gets defensive about being called one is retarded
I suppose I am above average at games, I got pretty good dodge reaction skills at least