>this confuses and enrages the zoomer
This confuses and enrages the zoomer
Other urls found in this thread:
>burp and fart button
>a useless mechanic gameplay wise but that adds fun to the game
I had one of those 256 arcade games or whatever CDs and the GTA2 demo was on it and I played the shit out of it
never did get GTA2 until like 3 years ago though
I was always most of the time fucking around in first city back when it came out so you didnt missed much
>yes I'm not completing missions, how could you tell?
If you want to see them cry
Poke 'em in the eye
Put their fingers in the socket and watch them fry
Taxi drivers must die
Why everyone hates taxi drivers anyways?
They always take the longest route.
> Teriyaki-chan was voiced by Seiko Yoshida, voice actress just 13 years old at the time of the release of GTA 2.
huh, pretty cool
>kills your GTA
Pearl Harbor
There are missions in GTA?
>tfw no Teriyaki-chan gf
>comes back stronger than ever
For me, it's Tony
I wish GTA would go back to creating in house music stations. I think the last game to feature one was LCS.
I still listen to the first GTA soundtrack.