

Attached: OHNONONONO.jpg (3840x2160, 1.07M)

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I-is this real?

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Kojimbo drones are pathetic.

How long until resetera demands that it gets patched out for being "homophobic"?

This is Iga's game though

kojima killed castlevania though

kojima killed the radio star

he helped produce LoS which killed the series

Attached: BloodstainedCredits1.jpg (1385x733, 227K)

It did not, LoS was the best 3D Castlevania (LoS1 specifically, though the Alucard DLC of LoS2 is also fun) by miles. It also sold a shit ton. LoS had nothing to do with Konami stopping production on new Castlevania games - if you spent even 5 minutes looking into what happened around that time, you'd know that Konami was already considering shelving the series because IGA games sell like pure garbage and they already turned down IGA's idea for a SoTN2. Kojima convinced them instead to try out the LoS team who had their own pitch for a whipping game. So they did, and this extended the lifespan of CV for 3 games. It would've been dead earlier otherwise.

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That can't be fucking real.

They're all real. People paid thousands to be remembered this way or another.

>Kamiya was right

Still to be topped as far as backer credits go.

The "hope it was better than nothing" looks like subtitles though. Did backers get to put messages in the credits beyond just their names?

>"LoS didnt kill the series!"
>literally just goes on a needlessly long essay about how it did

Yes. See

>reading comprehension
the series was already guaranteed dead before LoS was even a thing, IGA's SOTN2 concept was garbage and Konami was already transitioning to full slotmachine mode
The only AAA games they wanted were true moneymakers like MGS, and even that got chopped eventually.

Huh. What a time to be alive.

>IGA's SOTN2 concept
Wait what concept?

whatever you say, sounds to me like it just made the actual good cv games even more dead than they were with no chance of a new one ever happening
thankfully bloodstained happened, and that retard hack kojima got fired so we may have a chance to finally get the 1999 game that IGA still wants to make
get absolutely owned, retard


This. it should be noted that IGA can't make 3D games to save his life, which is probably why Konami took a look at it and realized it would review poorly and underperform in sales.

Then awhile later, Kojima thought shelving Castlevania would be a bad move, and tried to convince Konami to officially make Lords of Shadow a CV title with some reworking.

>get absolutely owned, retard
How? Nothing you said really matters and you're implying I dislike Bloodstained when I'm actually a $300 backer.

>the 1999 game that IGA still wants to make
Konami doesn't want to make that game.

>tfw Iga left Konami because they were focusing too much on los
>now they are making ports again
>Iga literally said "if they call me I'm instantly returning"

People think Iga have some problems with Konami but he's neutral with same, same for Ito, both left on their own and Konami don't have a problem with that, Kojima probably did a major fuck up we don't know to actually get fired.

Attached: tumblr_otoshqbIt21u8wch3o1_400.gif (270x270, 2.61M)

In their latest reports, it's literally said Konami isn't making a lot of gambling shit... Since at least 2017.
MG and castlevania also are now listed for the future of the company.

Sure, as of 2017 maybe they pivoted back because they realized their mistake, but by the time they started cancelling their franchises (2010-2015, would've been earlier for CV if not for LoS and Kojima) they were dead set in the other direction. History is history.

If they wanted him they wouldn't have let him go, they're not interested in making proper games anymore anyway

They actually seem to be interested again. And they let him go back in 2014 because they saw the future of the castlevania franchise with the Los.
But Iga could actually return, it's not something like the Kojima situation.

I have never seen a source claiming Konami is interested in doing a 1999 game, at least, or a new true CV title in general. At best when they say they have CV as part of their business plans it means using the IP for ports, collections, and licensing for stuff like gacha shit.