The first 3 Harry Potter games, just like the first 3 Harry Potter books and movies...

The first 3 Harry Potter games, just like the first 3 Harry Potter books and movies, are peak comfy and the best part of the series.

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Only played HP1 for ps1 back in the day and it was very comfy desu.

Emulators exist, nothing is holding you back.

Harry Potter got much less interesting when the focus shifted from wizard wonder to high school drama. I didn't give a fuck about all the romance subplots in later books. The 'Harry and Ron hate each other' subplot in book 5 was the worst in the entire series.


But also, anybody play Chamber of Secrets on the GBA? That game is fucking incredibly comfy.

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Jeremy Soule composed the music for CoS on consoles.

Why did they hate each other in 5 again? It's been a while. Wasn't that the one where Moldybutt was fucking with his brain?

you’re probably a pedophile

The GBC games are the comfiest.

You are more likely, to be honest.

Based and Redpilled

>Harry and Hermione have chemistry
>Goblet of Fire rolls around
>retarded writer sticks her with Ron for retarded reasons
That's when I dropped the films, that, and they stopped wearing cloaks and I've got not time for wizards who don't dress the part.

The first movie was trash.

What is the difference between the p

It was based on misunderstandings and plot convenience. I don't remember the specifics either.
It looked amazing for the time.

Ungodly horrible taste.

Merula was cute

Platinum is just a stamp that is given for the best selling games on the console.

Yep, I lost interest in the movies once they started doing shit like having school dances and less focus on magic.
The first movie still has a perfect feeling of wonder to it.

My University I teach at had me teach a Harry Potter class last semester and I had to scramble to get materials together to teach it. You wouldn't believe the amount of people that agree with you on the Hermione thing or that he was supposed to get with Loony.
That class started out fun but then it just became me having to tell fully grown college students to calm down about shipping characters

You now feel old and sad.

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>That class started out fun but then it just became me having to tell fully grown college students to calm down about shipping characters
sounds hilarious desu

Shipping is serious business lad.

This reminds me of the time people got buttmad over harry '''fetishizing''' the Asian girl Cho Chang in Goblet of Fire

Yes indeed. It's hilarious how everything past the 3 is pure garbage.

Uhh I never bothered with the GBA and PS games, but I've seen the PS games are much more creative and feature-filled. EA's PC version are almost primitive by comparison. Unfortunately PS has the typical problem where you can't jump, but you can climb and hang onto ledge and move while hanging onto ledges like you're playing Prince of Persia or something.



it was in 4. Ron thought that Harry voluntarily cheated and entered the tournament and was just refusing to tell him about it

Try the GB games, they're turned based gold.

It got out of hand sometimes, but a lot of the time it was hilarious. Not fun for me, but hilarious.
>One girl had never read the books before, or so she claimed
>Get to the second book in class where Ginny is first mentioned
>One girl says something as a spoiler about finding hints she and Harry would end up together
>The girl who'd never read them before screamed at the top of her lungs that she thought Hermione was endgame and she'd stab the bitch for that
>University doesn't play with threats like that
>Kicks girl out of class, more than likely expelled
>Still get good semester reviews from students

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The worst part is that Harry got worst girl with the most forced romance ever thrown into literature/film, they had absolutely no chemistry.

Yep, I was more interested in Animorphs than this high selling series when it came to that stuff.

Okay, gonna play these on PS2 emulator.

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Yep, all the movies and book with Voldemort resurrected are shit and uncomfy

>he was supposed to get with Loony

It still sticks out in my mind to this day. I love him


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Only tried to read the first book and found it really shitty, the movies I don't really remember a lot besides that there was a baked up girl that was pretty cool...I've only played the first 2 games, but they were great, the third one is cool?

The third one is probably the best one.

Just watch the first three movies and stop there

For the first two games, which is the best 3d game?



I think Harry Potter have the same problem of Pokemon, the world itself is pretty cool, especially for kids, but the media related to it is quite underwhelming...if they were like a tabletop rpg system it would be really better

PS2 for the better version
PS1 for funny faces
PC/PS2 for OST

The best post I saw in a very long time

>Prisoner of Azkaban has a retarded setup but turned into gold
>Goblet of Fire has a retarded setup that turned into shit
How can anyone write two stories back to back with this difference in quality is astounding

Also, to people who only watched the movies:
You should seriously read the books (at least the first four), movies skipped a shitload of worldbuilding and slow, comfy stuff that people like the series for.

>Prisoner of Azkaban has a retarded setup
>Goblet of Fire has a retarded setup

Why did Hermione get all of Ron's good traits in the movie and Ron was left with nothing?


>TRIwizard tournament is a competition of THREE wizards from THREE schools of magic
>Only THREE students may participate
>That's why it's called a TRIwizard tournament since generations


- Dumbledore asked calmly

As much as Rowling is a hack, the first three books, movies, and games are still pretty damn good

Man that fucking time twister gave me autism. The sheer good that could come from it just in stopping Voldemort and even when shit goes down and Dumbledoor dies no one thought "hey would could use this to save him but let everyone think he's dead" nah it's just used in that one film and forgotten because the writer is a hack that couldn't make a coherent ploy.

How is it people don't see Ron and Hermione were a thing right from Wingardium Leviosa?
Ginny is horrendous in the movies.

Combat absolutely SUCKED in Harry Potter

Good guy combat spells:
Expelliarmus (either disarms you or blasts you away depending on what the plot requires at that moment)
Stupify (just a stun)

Bad guy combat spells:
Abrakadabra (just straight up kills you)

That's it

Agree. To me 3rd movie is peak kino of a whole franchise.

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Because She and Harry had legit chemistry that was not present in her interactions with Ron until the writer changed directions, and in her own words, because she didn't want fans thinking she was self inserting. The writer herself was setting them up, you're just defending the re-write.

Man I love Harry Potter and the CFFANCENE of Askaban

You're not wrong

Ahem, the OG Xbox version is the best and I emulate the GCN version on PC.

>best directors of all 7 films' directors
>made the best film in the series

It adds up

At least for a while they tried to have actual spells with names and specific movements. It's better than later when wands turned into lazer pointer flashlights.


To be fair, all time turners were destroyed during the battle in the Time Room at the ending of the 5th book. Convenient, I know, plus, they could've used it in the third book to kill baby voldemort or whatever, but I bet jk would come up with some bullshit line for Dumbledore to say like "can't mess this much with time lmao". Also, it looks like you can only travel back in time, so you would get stuck in the past if you did that.

>so you would get stuck in the past if you did that.
A worthy sacrifice to slay a tyrant, and you could become a mentor for yourself when your younger self starts learning magic.

>played on pc first three parts when was a kid
>later got internet
>discovered that ps2 versions are completely different
I've missed so much fun by not having any consoles

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Bring me my pasta, boy!

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Why couldn't he die when he was just a half imprint of a face on the back of that dude's head in the first book? Just stab the guy in the back of his head.

PC is the comfiest.

Because my horcrux binding the soul to this world

Can someone tell me the comfiest game?

I could have sworn the PC version of HP 1-3 was the better version.

we are never going to get a good harry potter game again

That leaked one looks pretty good.

PS2 emulator is waiting for you.

yeah but we will never know if its going to actually release or just going to get canned.
this e3 the trailer should have been dropped but maybe they will drop it in the gamescom or something. if they dont then i have lost hope on that project being alive.

This. I swear they were building it up as soon as they met. The Ginny shit was so fuckong rushed and made zero sense.


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>Only played HP1 for ps1 back in the day

Same here, though I remember the late-game being a bit spooky, like the Invisibility Cloak section. MY MY, WE ARE IN TROUBLE NOW, AREN'T WE?

It's an MMO

Garry potter in any medium was never good


Quite so. Really superb games, especially from an exploration/platforming standpoint. I credit Jeremy Soule's OST for a lot of it.
Between this, KotOR, and Oblivion he made some of my favorite comfy tracks.

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>hotbar combat for fucking harry potter
christ I hope not

sorry but deathly hallows was kino

Assaultica Riflero!

A proper game set in the Harry Potter universe would have the potential to be unreal.

Sorry but according to the leak it's an MMO, online only.

>enjoying Disney tier kidflicks

iirc it's heavily implied the Goblet would kill him if he broke the contract. There's a reason they permitted it.


>We want the Call of Duty audience

What game is better, CoS or PoA. For GameCube

>just like the first 3 Harry Potter books

Why was Stupefy such a smelly go-to spell when in deadly combat aside from Abra Cadabra of course you could do shit like slash them to ribbons or use a teleport spell that sucks off chunks of their body

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>Being a depressed boomer


Your cringe opinion fag. Now go eat shit known as garry potter

One job.

"Young adult" novels are better than nothing. You think the average Yea Forumsirgin reads at all?

Harry's son decides to use the time turner to save Cedric and fucks shit up astronomically

I ain't scared of a cup. I'll put that bihh in a dishwasher if he tries stepping to me.

Last boss in Philosopher's Stone on PS1 was HARD

The older I get, the more I realize that some things just aren’t meant to be. A game like that would be fantastic, but it’s not going to happen. We just need to accept that our imagination will have to suffice.

No it’s fucjing not

Those are bad guy spells. Good guys are only allowed to use disarm and stun even when they're about to be murdered.

Did I imagine it or are they making an actually good fucking Harry Potter game?

Don’t talk about that horrible book. Even the normal books are shit but that book is dogshit that reads like fan fiction with every established rule being broken and people acting extremely retarded with a layer of angst.

You know if you go back and watch the original 3 Harry Potter movies the child actors are distractingly shit.

I thought they were making a harry potter MMO

Lol that looks fucking terrible you absolute retard.

The original gameboy color one was also great

Everyone is wrong

Game boy versions are best

>Harry potter MMO is like the most obvious and easiest thing to do with such an IP
>lol never

Using the killing curse at all would get you sent to wizard prison.

>that fucking infodump towards the end of the last book
>Albus Severus Potter
Did Ginny not find it fucking weird that he wanted to name their children after his long dead parents?

Go back and watch the sixth, it's much worse.

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>there’s still no video game where you can attend Ilvermorny

What the fuck Rowling, make them do one. It’s just 4 extra houses it’s shot easy. They didn’t add it to the Harry Potter Go game even though it would have been the easiest thing ever you fucking hack
Wampus best house

Was Wizards Unite a failure?
It's been out for less than a week and nobody's talking about it anymore

>using it sends you to prison
>teacher uses all three
>teacher uses killing curse inches from student
Literally if he had missed she’d be fucking dead

Pokemon Go was a phenomenon for five weeks and it'll never be popular again. No rebranding will be able to come close.

Doesn't seem so.

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HP2 for the pc is by far the best, I still replay it every now and then. Also 3 for the xbox because of the flying.

Pokémon GO makes almost 100 million every month. It had its most successful month since 2016 recently.

great taste user, happy hogwarts is god tier

>Harry comes back in the seventh book
>crucio's a guy in cold blood in front of Mcgonagall
>she barely bats an eyelid

Because that's a Dark Wizard in disguise. Why should he give a shit?

Never read the books, never played the games, never watched the movies, even though it was very popular when I was a kid (born in '91 here - the first book was '97 of course).

Actually I did read the fourth book because everyone carried it around at school and it seemed like a cool thing. So I read that one. But that's it.

Am I missing out? I think probably not.

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>even thanks him

Apparently Ginny allowed Harry to name the kids what he wanted, and she didn't want to name any of the kids after her parents or her dead brother at all. Ron and Hermione also have a weird kid named Hugo, but then a normal one named Rose.

They fucking establish that wizards can read mind the very next book and nobody noticed? The greatest wiZard of all time didn’t notice what the fuck explain yourself

Ha cocaч быдлo

I ain't going to fucking explain a bunch of shitty books. The answer is probably "Dumbledore knew the entire time, but was waiting for the right moment to reveal that he knew, and told anyone else that knew to wait" because that's always the fucking answer. The magical faggot knew and didn't do shit until it was convenient.

you missed the train

The force was cloudy

The gameplay was pretty shit but I loved how they modelled Hogwards in HP5 on PS2, just beeing able to explore the whole place was amazing

I only liked GBC HP1, 2 and GBA HP3 because they were like jrpgs

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The first 3 Harry Potter games, just like the first 3 Harry Potter books and movies are among one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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>clifford for president
every time


I said best 3d game. It's well established that the Gameboy color games are far superior to the advanced ones.

PS1 for the SOUL

>atlas shrugged
I see you saved the based version.

Because Hermione was the script writers favorite character

I didn't give a shit at the time and I don't give a shit now. If I had given a shit I would have read the books, watched the movies and played the games at the time. The wizard shit never appealed to me.

I was just wondering if the games had anything to them. Don't think I've ever even seen one of them being played.

>hmm I can literally tell he wants to murder Harry and vring back the most evil wizard back to life
>and I could literally kill him without much effort seeing as I’m the strongest ever but nah
>I’ll just wait it out

No, the games are short bursts of fanservice, you won't like them if you weren't into HP when it was a thing.

How's 3 compared to 1 and 2?

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>t brainlets
you cant use the time turners to change the past

the PS2 version was kinda disappointing
short as fuck, no quidditch, all the outside area of the castle was wasted since there was nothing to do there, and the fact that they removed a bunch of skills and spells from harry and gave them to ron and hermione to force you to play as all three was kinda shitty
the dungeons were alright from what I remember

Played the first two, never played the third. All I know is from the fourth on it was shit

The fifth game for the ps3 was unironically amazing

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Nah, the games just let you live in the HP universe for a bit so it's comfy if you are into HP. The entire appeal of HP is the world building and it caught on because every kid would love to learn how to do spell and go to a school with hidden rooms and shit rather than doing Algebra. If you arent into HP, the games probably dont seem very special.

It's a comfy series. Books, games and movies are all good. Definitely worth one playthrough.

When was Hermione at her hottest?

>HP visual novel that makes you create your own character and attend hogwarts comes out
>its a fucking mobile game

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Why didn’t fucking Dumbledore try to kill Voldemort earlier? I’m the first war

I like the games and I'm not that much into HP. Play them.

Why haven't they done a current-gen release of these in a pack?

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For me, it's Chamber of Secrets Hermione.

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before she got rid of her buck teeth

Because it takes time to track down all the shit he used for horcruxes and he was in the middle of trying to mitigate losses from a full on war? Volde was as strong as Dumbledore but was fucking immortal at the time and Dumbledore was trying to figure out how to un-immortal him at the time

She’s 12

Third movie

The cast was older than the books as they went, so she might be 13 there

Lol reported, seek help

PoA GBA was goat.

>Harry and Hermione have chemistry

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People still play Pokemon GO. I just got into it actually since I've upgraded to a better phone, and I already have a handful of friends. Makes it even better that my workplace has a PokeStop in it.

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harry and hermione have "chemistry" because roasties self insert as her and refuse to believe they wouldn't get with the main character (because they're all that special!)

Chamber of Secrets is a very decent game, but I still don't know how they got away with Ron calling women "objects", even back then.

>tfw you'll never have friend's or moments like this

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Thanks for the reminder.

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What potion should I make for diarrhea? Had an intestinal infection a week ago and still won't stop shitting liquid. Without fail everything I eat comes out less than an hour later.

GBA games are based

I did 100% it, was my first game on a console (had some pc games before)

was pretty shit with the annoying movement system

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Played PC myself and they are very good. The PS2 version looks quite good though, always charmed me but I never played.

Cute witch though.

JK Rowling literally admitted that Harry and Hermione should have been together and that Hermione was her self insert. JK Rowling has a thing for Redheads. Do the math.

Also this was well before she went off the deep end with wizards and witches shitting themselves in the castle grounds

CoS on the PC while a nice little collect them all it fails compared to the PS2 version

>Harry Potter got much less interesting when the focus shifted from wizard wonder to high school drama.

This is why I like the first 2 Harry Potter movies the most. Everyone seems to think 3 is the best one, but I liked how Columbus adapted the first 2 books significantly more. Hogwarts felt like a different world, it felt alive. Once Columbus left the series it was just a bunch of kids in hoodies walking around a castle.

Why did you guys call him that? My Russian teacher never explained. There's even a h sound in ruski. You do the same with words like Hull.

no she didn't. you fell for clickbait

>Cursed Child literally tells you no matter how the timeline gets fucked up that Ron and Hermione always like each other

I have only played 1 PSX, 2 PSX, 1 PC and just recently 2 PC. I like the PSX versions better but 2 PC surprised me after how shit 1 PC was.
The main reason to play these games is to relive the story and 1 PC failed at that only having Norbert, Forbidden Section of the library and the Gauntlet from Fluffy to Quirrell.
The rest of the game was just spell tests. Worse is that sneaking was overpowered with the cloak not having a time limit and Mrs Norris getting stuck on the geometry.

2 PC is a massive step up on retelling the story but doesn't reach the level of PSX. (Ford Anglia stage was my favourite)

You sure? I loved CoS on PC. If thats the case I got to emulate the PS2 one soon then. Would I need a controller to play properly?

I played them on pc and they were great. Can someone tell me if it's worth playing the console version? Are they better?

Pc controls are always fucking weird it’s like press m for this press e for this f1 does this also comma is very important. Holy shot controllers are better expect for fps. Couldn’t play Gothic because of the fucking controls.

>what is meta

Wasn't the first Harry Potter game the one on the gameboy color with copypasted Final Fantasy'esque spells, random encounters and Peeves literally poisoning you to death in the middle of the fucking school?

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Taking fan fiction as canon

PS, and CoS on the GBC were RPG's as was PoA on the GBA

It’s Sorcere’s Stone get over it already

Alchemist's Stone would have been better but similarly America doesn't know what they are either

Never mind. What is mind, No meta

wasn't getting the unlocking spell a pain in the ass in the gba version

Agree. Not gonna lie here, the Goblet of Fire game is one of my biggest vieo game disappointment. When i was a kid i loved HP.

So which is the definitive version?

for pc? 2 is easily the best, then >1 and finally >>>>