No PC port again

>no PC port again
I hate fatlus so fucking much, why do they hate PC? Literally, fucking literally tons of free money. Nier Automata sold 500,000 copies as a japanese single player game in the first few weeks with a shitty port, Persona would surpass that. Fuck you slanted-eyed motherfuckers.

Attached: Persona-5-Royal-Box-Art.jpg (798x1000, 184K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Just emulate the ps3 game and watch the royal extra stuff on jewtube.

just emulate the base game. it has like 90% of the same content

Reminder that Atlus has the say on which one of their games goes to PC or not. That's why Catherine was released on Steam.

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the fuck

It's 2019, user.

Eh? Why not just play it with your PS4, why do you care

>owning any gaystation model after 2

Have you been living in a cave the past few years?

PS3 emulation is working pretty well now.

I already played it on PS3, but I wanted the new version too.

Fuck off already portbegging pcmutt, subhuman, die in a fucking fire.

Absolutely pathetic.

You'll get the base game in a few years, pcfag. Just be patient. :)

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How do you know, the game is not even out yet

based atlus
P(irate)C "gaymer"s on suicide watch

Full body when

Imagine being this poor lmao

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Sega should just force these fuckers to release everything as multiplat

because I've seen Atlus' "upgraded editions" before

Never, they only did classic to remind people to get Full Body instead.

Reminder the only PCfags who beg for games are third world monkeys who live in favelas, as evidenced by /vint/

I just don't want to give money to one of the most disgusting companies around, you tranny abomination, freak.

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>huezilian complaining about trannies
>when in his culture those are revered as actual woman and sexually desired
oh nononono

I'm Italian you shitstain amerimutt.

What money? You can't even afford an internet connection.

Attached: your average pc gamer.jpg (1042x748, 99K)

>calling anyone else a mutt

these lads are based, a console peasant would dream of achieving 1/10 of their grandeur

>It’s the same shit over and over.
The other 9/10ths is ringworm

how are things under the disease ridden waters?

>Literally, fucking literally tons of free money.
>implying pc poors ever actually buy games at full price
good one. just be grateful for the scraps that pc is allowed to have.

>can't meme
>no PS4
Checks out.
Because PCfags are scum. You won't even play the game, you'll be too busy modding it.


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How do you explain Automata then?

how do you explain catherine?

>modding is scummy
-Yea Forums, 2019

I don't know dude, like being made for PC 7 years too late?

Who’s the master race now, bitch?

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The point was, you illiterate catamite, you spend more time on trivial shit than actually playing fucking games. Let's not even bring up all the franchises that went to shit as soon as their games touched PC.

I remember the day Automata came out on PC. So many fucking threads about how stupid PC faggots couldn't beat the tutorial level, constantly complaining that you had to start the game anew each time you died. The masterrace can't even fucking play games well lmao.

They lost 500k sales, but Sony and their game series gained in other ways. If every game went to PC, it'd reduce the value of the PS4. Sega have definitely benefited in ways that are behind the scenes. Maybe they made a mistake. How do you know for sure? Maybe Sega and Sony have built strong relationships as a consequence. Maybe mistakes by Sega will be overlooked. Maybe they'll get some kind of benefit we can't even perceive as outsiders.

Then why Sega gave away Yakuza and other games for PC?

>October 2017 - "We believe that our fans best experience our titles (like Persona 5) on the actual platforms for which they are developed. We don’t want their first experiences to be framerate drops, or crashes, or other issues that can crop up in emulation that we have not personally overseen. We understand that many Persona fans would love to see a PC version. And while we don’t have anything to announce today, we are listening!"
>January 2019 - "We hope to have more exciting news to share from Sega/Atlus in regards to publishing on PC in the future,"
>Survey this year asking what people would like to see had PC port as an option
Its coming eventually.

Because that may have been part of some negotiated agreement between them and Sony. Sony may have not cared as much about Yakuza because it isn't as popular. Clearly there is some specific and detailed agreement between Sega and Sony and assuming that Sega just goofed is dumb.

Why won't you fags ask for shit loads of 3DS exclusive fatlus games being ported to PC? Even fucking Golden gets more port begging than those games. They are all on dead platforms that needs rescuing from there but no, it is always muh purseowner 5. What makes purseowner so special?

>when will they ever learn?

Those never influenced anything

I'd buy a SMT bundle on PC with 3ds games, 3ds enhanced ports and older games on PS2, PSX and SNES.

Oh great user, please tell us about all these great games that was solely ruined by coming to PC

Kek just emulate the game bro
t. Sonybro

Piracy. PC gamers never pay for their games.

For starters SMT4 and Apocalypse being released on PC with high res in game artwork would be enough for me. Atlus won't do it though. Maybe they will remake it for Switch 2 in 2024.

This is the 5th "MUH ATLUS PORTS" thread I've casually seen today.
This is lovely, the seethe is eternal. Don't worry, I'll enjoy it in your stead.

Btw the main team moved on to develop pic related. Don't put your bets on it going to PC either.

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After getting butthurt over the PS3 emu that could emulate P5 relatively stable as one of its first big games they claimed that Persona is not meant to be played on PC and best played on Playstation.
Now that utter bullshit statement is out and they won't release it on PC to save face.

>Bro-up with Yusuke.

500k is nothing compared to the average amount of sales on any other platform
Unlike consoles, those 500k sales weren't full priced ones, going as low as $10
For every PC sale 100k people pirated the game.

PCunts stay failing

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500k after the FIRST FEW WEEKS you mongoloid.

Yeah, I wonder why an 8 year old port that's getting an enhanced release soon didn't sell buckets (pro tip: it still sold much more copies than the Vita version of Full Body and almost as many as the PS4 version in Japan).

And that's despite the fact it wasn't advertised for PC at all because of Snoy.

No game is ruined because of a few people playing on PC invading threads on some obscure gaming discussion site faggot.

Eat shit

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So? That doesn't change the fact that 500k sales are garbage sales and that the port allowed millions of people to steal the game.

Yakuza sold more than Persona. It's Sega/Atlus best selling console title after Sonic and Puyo Puyo.

only nintendo is allowed to have exclusives without complaints on Yea Forumsintendogaf.

They also mentioned PC and Steam specifically in their latest fiscal year report. That was in fucking Japanese too. It's definitely coming.

I'd love them, but most people think they won't bother adapting games relying on two screens for PC. You can bet people will ask for SMTV once (if?) it comes out though..

The game doesn't release in the west until 2020, nigger. How would you know it's not coming at that point?
>Inb4 we dont plan to bring it to other consoles
Yeah, for 2019, not 20

That's why there are more console exclusive series coming to PC than ever.

>Lives in pic related
>Calls anyone poor

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The game shipped 1,5kk copies after the first month. That means at least 1/3 of sales were on PC. How is that bad you retard?

why are these threads made exclusively by favella niggers?

No Atlus game on 3DS uses the second screen in creative ways. Even EO and its reskin Persona Q series can work perfectly fine on PC using K+M. They can make it work if they want to.

>Sońygger samefagging and posting 10 meme images while pretending to be someone else
Why are their asses always on fire?

>They can make it work if they want to.
Like with everything. Point is, it's likely too much work for too little gain. SMT isn't as known as Persona, add 3DS port to that and you're not gonna reach many people. Persona would probably be easier and more profitable.

>Fiscal Year Atlus’ Business progress, Results, and Conditions
>The environment surrounding the entertainment content business has become increasingly competitive, with the digital gaming industry consisting of products of high quality and leading IP.
>In the field of packaged games, sales expectations are growing in the gaming market, mainly in Europe and the United States, as the current generation of game consoles become more widespread in the video game hardware market. Additionally, game distribution in the PC games market continues to expand, with platforms like Steam.

Don't worry, once they see the shit sales they will port it over.

People who ask for when Atlus will release on more platforms really don't understand the company.
Their longterm goal is to release on no platforms.

The next Atlus game will release as a limited edition artbook only, where 4 lucky winners can come to the atlus office and watch them play it through the window.

>begging fails
>resorts to use the "it's falseflaggers!" card
s a d

Thank God I'm not some pathetic PC beggar.

Well we can see from sales, that maybe one out of 20 sony shitposters actually buy the games they pretend to look forward to.

SMT4 sold something along the lines of 600k. It is the best selling SMT game. If something that will be worthwhile to port to test the waters, it would be this one.

You're a pathetic Sony slave.

The amount of revenue from a PC port would be negligible. It wouldn't be worth the asshurt dealing with console babbys.

The PC copies weren't full priced and its very existence allowed at least 10 million people to play the game FOR FREE

>It wouldn't be worth the asshurt dealing with console babbys
what gave you the idea

>Square Enix game not being full price on launch
What are you smoking you fucking nigger?. It's clear you're absolutely clueless about PC so why won't you shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing yourself?

>Console shitposter doesn't even know licensing, marketing, and physical distribution cost
They end up the same profit anyway, you fucking moron.

>It wouldn't be worth the asshurt dealing with console babbys.
>console war actually matters

This is exactly what I did and will do.

And you're a slave for PC on top of being a beggar, so no matter how you look at it, you're the most pathetic in this situation

You can do what you want on PC, nigger. It's not a closed system for monkeys like a console.

>You can do what you want on PC
Except play Persona 5 Royal it seems

Regional pricing + the copies bought by Valve themselves to boost the sales numbers.

Way to miss the point, retard.

Too bad Valve didn't boost your brain. At least regional pricing means you get some money from poor regions. If it's console exclusive, no one from those countries buys the game at all. Some money is always better than no money.

hopefully it will be available on the google platform

It's not about the sales.
It's about the PC port devaluating the game due to allowing it to be pirated

any game from any platform can be pirated

Not really.

Oh yes, I'm sure there are millions of people who won't buy the PS4 version of the game and instead pirate it on PC. You're braindead if you believe that.

>PS4 exclusive: bought by people who would buy it regardless
>PS4/PC: bought on PS4 by people who would buy it regardless, bought on PC by people who would buy it regardless, pirated by some
Second scenario gives you more money and has no drawbacks over the first one unless you're extremely short on staff (can't do the port) and barely financially stable (can't outsource it).

>I'm sure there are millions of people who won't buy the PS4 version of the game and instead pirate it on PC.
That's exactly how it goes.

>You're braindead if you believe that.
You're the braindead one if you can't understand how damaging PC is to gaming as a whole.
Atlus is one of the few developers able to see the whole picture.

>piracy only exists on PC
>being this dumb

You'd just pirate it anyway


>You're the braindead one if you can't understand how damaging PC is to gaming as a whole.
Yeah, it was so damaging it saved Valkyria Chronicles (for one game, but still). The only reason some devs don't like PC is because PC players have standards. Pull shit and make a lazy port and no one will bother. Consolefags will eat shit up though and won't speak up even if the game runs at 20 FPS.

it is turn based game

Most PS4 players don't even own a gaming PC and are probably too stupid to pirate you moron.

PC is a fucking secondary market that consists of 90% thieves who will make up LITERALLY any excuse not to buy shit anyway. You are not an important part of the video game market.

PC is certainly secondary market for majority of games, but you're deluded if you think piracy is such a big problem nowadays. If it was, we wouldn't be seeing more PC games than ever (and I'm talking about PS4/PC releases of formerly console exclusive series or new big titles and not some indie shit).

>You are not an important part of the video game market.
And yet 95% of companies bring their games to PC, even japanese companies, kek.

It didn't save shit; it tricked Sega into believing that there was interest on the series. Lo and behold, the fourth game bombed everywhere.

Microtransactions, DLC, loot boxes, Freemium, all of that started on PC.

GPU manufacturers bribe publishers.
After all, you can't pirate hardware.

Paid DLC was literally a console thing. CoD2 and CoD4 had free map packs on PC but you had to pay for them on consoles. Microtransactions were already a thing in Oblivion which was the first consolized TES game. Loot boxes I concede. Not sure what you mean by freemium though.

>actually wanting a PC version of this goddamn Yea Forums storyshit nonsense

Yes, I'm sure Nvidia is bribing Gust to release Atelier games and Blue Reflection on PC. Also Idea Factory with their Neptunia games. Are you, per chance, retarded?

Is it being sold at full price? I don't think it's worth another $60 for a new girl, new palace, and freeplay.

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it is turn based game

Beloved series like Dark Souls, Valkyria Chronicles and Metal Gear Solid got ruined beyond repair when they arrived to PC. never forget that.

So any word on whether Royal will contain all the previously released DLC are not?


You have to buy them again

well it is better that buying console for one fucking game

Check the idort threads (or as of late the Bloodstained threads) Nintendo and Sony console owners have a gaming PC specifically for piracy purposes.

How about while waiting for something to happen you clean your backlog of vidya instead of coming up and shitting up the board Even more

Catherine only sold about 50k on Steam if I was Atlus I'd tell these idiots that 50k is not a success and that if it doesn't reach the life time sales as the PS3 version there will never be any ports.

game from 2011 with expansion about the corner ... just how stupid are you?

You've already given up physical pc releases. You really want to give up ownership just like that?

i don't give up on anything the game will not be released on pc and i will not buy console for one game so streaming seems to be the only option

Physical can suck a dick; when external HDDs became a thing I never looked back.

I just get whatever comes out first

that means the japanese version

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Fatlus is a fucking mystery to me.
>release catherine on x360 and ps3, later port it to pc, but only after announcing an improved version for vita and ps4 (BTW VITA ONLY in NIPPON GUYS kthxbye)
>release P5 only on PS3 and PS4
>release those gay dancing personas on vita and ps4
>release improved p5 only on ps4

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>Atlus releasing shit on a console as dead as the fucking Vita
This one really stands out, all the others can be reasoned that the have some exclusitivy deal or some shit but the fucking Vita? A console Sony has abandoned like a red headed step child?

I can tell you haven't played an atlus game in a while or ever. I have a ps4 and 3dsxl and I probably won't buy another atlus game again after P5 and EO4.

Follow up question: when is Sega giving us a cart racer with Joker driving a Morgana kart and Warboss Gorgutz in a bright red wartrak?

Uh? Take your meds, schizo.

If I were to guess.
They don't want their beloved IPs to be tainted with nude mods

I had always thought they had an exclusivity deal with Sony. Do they not? Are they just one of those Japanese companies?

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You are naive if you think they give a shit. Not even Joker in smash, a game that sold over 12 million was enough for them to release it on Switch. For comparison P5 have sold over 2.4 million worldwide.

Honestly, this is probably the most obvious bait I've seen today but I really like it. Have an upvote

They don't have a deal. They just don't want to.

I'm not going to suggest you buy a console because I sure as hell wouldn't for one game, but I'd rather not play it at all than encourage publishers to not even release the game digitally. At least with emulators you can back up a game in a HD

How was your coma user? Can you tell me what the other side looks like?

ït is already available on pc with emulator atlus just refusing money for some autistic reason

So there's no legal/business reason they don't release on PC then? They just don't to help out their glorious country of Nippon and only support Sony, and not Nintendo too?

What is it with Japs and Sony anyway? I know Nintendo treats third parties like shit, but they're Nintendo. Who fucking cares what you have to do to get your game on their systems if you make millions in the end?

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They do have a deal you absolute turd brain. God are snoynigger so damn low iq?

Honestly, I think the main reason is because Atlus is a small company, that would rather use their resources in a different way.

I don't think they'd care this much about nude mods when they have Mara in the game.

i think sega have some european team for these ports so atlus would not do it internally

Show your non-existing source please. If they did people would not discuss this all the time.

Why not try getting a real gaming device, user?

Atlus don't want their games to be pirated. Is as simple as that.

but they already are pirated with emulators this is really stupid argument

Emulators are never 100% perfect and some consoles can't get emulated.
A PC port is making the emulator coders' work yourself for free.

Even if you let a 3rd party handle a port, you still need to set resources aside to oversee it. Atlus is also autonomous, and makes their own decision, Sega won't meddle with their affairs.

Why the fuck did they make surveys regarding porting the games to different platform if they won't actually do anything? Fuckers...

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How much could it possibly cost to port to PC anyway? You've already thrown down millions to make and market the stupid anime game, what's a abysmally small fraction of that more to access the PC market? Piracy is a problem but it's based on this fallacy that people act like rational robots and take the path of least resistance/cost when they can which isn't true. Most video games are bought at release by richfags, nerds, or fanboys. The people who pirate are mostly people who can't afford or don't want to pay anyway. But if two years later your game goes on sale for $15 you can probably sell it to them then because that's literally the most they would ever consider paying for it.

Nip boomers are fucking stupid

They do support Nintendo, with SMT, EO, and several spinoffs.
They just don't like making multiplats, be it because they have small teams or because they're tech incompetent as fuck. With PC it's extra bad because they're very focused on their domestic market so PC might as well not exist.

Make a "how do you pay for your games?" thread right now. 95% of the replies will be "I don't; I pirate" and the remaining 5% will be "I _________, but I wait until the game is 90% off".
Why would you waste money porting to PC?

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This is fucking Yea Forums, we're not a fair representative of any kind of group.

>Yea Forums: PC is literally free money for devs
>also Yea Forums: pirate every PC game

You aren't deceiving anyone with your bullshit rhetoric, Piratechad.
There is no money to be made from PC. end of the discussion.

Except Yea Forums literally elected the president of the United States.

please go back

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Both groups are one and the same.
Pirates just try to trick developers into porting to PC; thankfully Atlus is smarter than that.

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Does the first Nier emulate well?

Honestly I don't know why your angry, sony is likely going to censor it, just emulate the PS3 version

Just get a ps4....

Literally This. You don't buy games unless you can get them for Free.99. Why would anybody give a fuck to port a game for you entitled pricks?

>PC gets P5 port
>it’s the vanilla version which you can already emulate

Extra ironic given how pirates not only mock the paying customers but constantly and relentlessly try to convince them into becoming pirates.

Consolefags have been saying this for beyond a decade now, keep seething.

No matter how many contrived arguments people come up with for why PC ports shouldn't make money, 95% of games still end up being multiplat, which means they make money. Full price or not, piracy or not, short term or long term, they're still making money.
You literally need to cope with this fact.

It's true.
PC ports still exist due to disconnected from reality stockholders, nothing more.

And PeeCucks have been port begging for decades and will continue to do so in perpetuity. You're the one seething.