Italian Resident Evil

Mamma mia! will you buy the Italian Resident Evil? it's made by the people who tried to make the RE2 Remake before Capcom actually made it

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Looks interesting, depends on how much it is and how soon it goes on sale

It's set to release during summer 2019 so pretty soon.

I guess.

I'm Italian and this looks boring as fuck, the way it's shot, the way gameplay is paced and several other design choices

wtf italbros, I thought we were based, where are the fucking balls, the cheese, the bold direction, the exploration bait, this is a by the numbers dead space/aliens I can do it too project

shamefur dispray

Listen, the reason I like Resident Evil is the classic gameplay and the batshit insane but also consistent (until 0) lore.
Does this game give me an explanation for the monsters that involves literal creamy boy fear and turning men into female tyrants?

>wtf italbros, I thought we were based

We stopped after the amiga era

The only decent italian games released in the last forever are Mario Rabbids and Remothered.

I never been to Italy because I just waste my money and time on videogames unironically.

This game name really annoy the fuck out of me because it sounds exactly like my Family name. And my first name is of Italian of origin.

I'm not Italian.

It should have dropped before RE2, now it will look sound, play and feel lie an outdated inferior clone.

>third person
>Unreal Engine
>bland location and characters

Che merda

no sorry i don't buy 3rd world shit

Go back to Africa.

you mean Italy?

and assetto corsa

>The setting it's not Naples


Daymare? Game looks cool but that name sucks. Sounds like a MLP character or some shit

it's a horror game alright but that would be too scary user

I wanted to shoot my fellow citizens for once without be arrested or being a camorrista

>NY accent from the comms guy
>game is Italian

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You're forgetting Grezzo Due

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>Those facial animations and faces
Needs more time in the oven, IMO. Release it in Autumn of 2019.

>where are the fucking balls, the cheese
cant you wops go 5 minutes without thinking about meatballs

I'd prefer the sweltering summer of 92

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Daily reminder that Italians aren’t white

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Dear Yea Forumsfags.
No one gets your shit references. Nobody likes your off-topic images.
Fuck off.

The absolute state of Yea Forumsetty

Meatballs are Swedish, not Italian.

Based Yea Forums-fag

I don't watch that stuff so I don't get the joke but I assume it's referring to a damn good match

what amerifats call meatballs doesnt exist in italy ritardato


so le porpette ca sarsa mongoloide

Italia de merda!

god I fucking hate italians. fucking pizza eating faggots
>le mamma mia
kys niggers

this, italians are unsufferable idiots.

Don't worry little bro, one day you'll to make good games like us

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he didn't even provide an argument you self hating drone

He mean the pakistani/african shithole your parents crawled out.

Why? They're fucking delicious.

La cosa che più mi fa girare i coglioni è che non lo hanno ambientato in Italia.

hold up what's the meme behind this


Looks alright. You fuckers make ejaculatero over worse looking remasters of dusty old games.

Looks bland and uninspiring. Definitely needs more polish and detail. Maybe if it came out in 2015 it would look good, not anymore.

Alright, Eurofags. Top 3 games developed in your country and which country that is!

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have you ever been to italy?
doesnt look that different

it definitely is the africa or pakistan of europe

Wouldn't Greece be worse in that regard?

italy is part of greece you idiot

This looks awful.

This seems like the kind of statement that would make Italians and Greeks yell at each other.

I don't know though, I'm just a Carthaginian who grew up in Spain.

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i wish africa would be like italy


>Kingdom Come Deliverance
>Mafia 1 + 2
Czech reporting in.

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>t. congofag
wait am i talking to a black person right now?

>Mafia is developed by Czechs
I forgot about this kek. I really love Mafia 1 and 2, so good call user. Shame about Mafia 3.

No, a red person.

Yeah that game was rushed by 2K and the story wasn't a continuation of the first two. Plus by then the guy behind it (Daniel Vavra) and a few others left to develop KCD, so Mafia 3 didn't quite have the same feel. It's a shame, it had some potential.


nice, rare

He could be a Belgian.

That writing is fucking horrible, if I was in the helicopter in that cutscene I'd just jump out and shoot myself mid-air. I can't even remember any of the boring shit they said, 90% of that dialogue seemed completely pointless.

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Timesplitters series
Perfect Dark
Wipeout series
Though we wont be in europe much longer

God it's so bad
>main character kills some person

Attached: 06-27-2019_98.png (1043x84, 70K)

I'll buy it if they get Claudio Fragasso to write the story.

This reminds me of the time in our haunting past in which you had to make a morally grey decision, agent.

>not posting the video

>no game where you work as a part of a zombie extermination squad and have to pick your battles carefully

They Are Billions just doesn't do it lads

Yeah, the dialogue sounds super awkward, and it's written by Italians which should be the antithesis of awkward unless they are purposefully trying to imitate stock boring American military-industrial complex speech and some other b-movie shit. In which case congrats, you humongous fagottini.

Shut up nigger

>it's written by Italians which should be the antithesis of awkward
You've never seen an 1980's Italian movie, have you?

you mistaken Italy for France
THAT is a shithole jungle

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Look at this dude.

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>shitting on pre-2000 Italian kino
gtfo traditore della patria

fuck off spaghetti shill

That really takes me back.

But where are the mares?

meme game

Doom and Destiny/Advanced exist.

That actually looks like a fantastic Resident Evil knockoff.

I love them, but don't try and tell me they have natural sounding dialogue.

phone game, fun but a phone game is still a phone game

No weapon walking animation needs some work
Pretty solid otherwise, has that RE1 cheesy jankiness to it

No foiba mission, no buy.

It's more fun than many console JRPGs anyway.

It was natural sounding back then, s-shut up. Today's common lexicon is worth a pisstake in the wall. Dubs were also god tier because people took no shits in the localization process to make them as natural sounding as possible, stark difference with today's almost machine translated dubs. Certain translation errors were just artifacts we had to deal with back in the day.

>yep it brings back memories when you shot down bunch innocent people, remember?
>orders r orders
Can this be more contrived, holy shit

It actually sounds like something would print out.

Why is Italy like a more shitty Spain?

>Go to Italy for vacation
>it is really nice
>go to (you)r country
>its a shithole
explain yourselves anons

>3rd person over the shoulder cinmeatic experience
No thanks.


I just spent the last 25 mins prepping meat and seasonings and didn't wash my hands well enough. How do you ginneys usually get the smell of garlic off your controllers?


Carmela could you please shut the DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

This is now a sopranos thread.

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Ey Tone, I tell ya dese fuckin zombie cocksuckers are really startin to piss me off.

Dey're not zombies paulie, no such fuckin' ting!


Ey, swear on my muddah, Tone!

Ay tone I really tink we should turn around I heard dey had some kind of outbreak heah. God knows what kind of infection we could get!

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>Researcher's Notes
>Day 1: Subject has suffered severe exposure. He is being kept in quarantine, and we are to document his physical and mental health.
>Day 2: Subject is beginning to show signs of delusion and early dementia.
>Day 3: Subject is suffering a severe speech impediment, caused by a loss of dexterity in his fingers.

> A corrosive agent that latches from the lungs inwioeraiosdjfioasd


Don't dey have medicine dey're supposed to take these assholes?

I could have sworn there was a budget horror multiplayer game called Daymare.

Also he shot the Bennie!

Nice to see the Italians still make schlock even in the digital space.

Goddamn does it annoy me that they soldier guy hasn't readied his gun when landed though.

Sounds like your average Yea Forumsermin

Boy I didn't know they made one in French


Nash was raped in the summer of 92 and still has yet to confront his trauma.

Raped by a pack of niggers, he's a fucking disgrace!

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> DAYMARE: 1998 is a third-person survival horror game that recreates the mood of iconic titles from the '90s

Literally no game from the 90s played and looked like this.

Watched through it all

Soulless jank

Unironically worked into a seething shoot.