ITT: your favorite video game and your mental illness

ITT: your favorite video game and your mental illness
>Viewtiful Joe
>gender dysphoria

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>Dark Souls

Social anxiety

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>Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
>Paranoid Schizophrenic

Dragon Quest 3
I'm extremely based, which makes people around me feel insecure.

>kotor 2

>Jagged alliance 2
>Antisocial personality disorder

Schizophrenia, Dissociative disorders and paranoia.

same + claustrophobia

Silent Hill 2

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>Yakuza 0
>Autism + Social Anxiety

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Dragon’s Dogma

>I pee sitting down


Dragon's Dogma
I like boys

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Splatoon 2
Depression, anxiety

>anime poster
>has a tranny issue
Like shit on flies. Also you can kill yourself anytime, stupid faggot.

Just have sex

>The Cat Lady

Fuck, didn't know I was mentally ill.

>SaGa Frontier

>every person who is a fag or a tranny poster
>loves Nintendo and anime
Is there always a correlation with these awful cunts?

A link to the past
Autism spectrum disorder

You're meant for eachother.

Fucking kill yourself you stupid fucking tranny. Forty Percent.

Dame da ne...

now kiss

>every faggot here is an internet tough guy 24/7 except when it comes to women and mental illness
You're just faggots. Stop blaming shit on your snowflake diseases. What ails you is faggotry. Simple as.


>hollow knight

Trials of mana

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Postal 2
Manic Depression and dementia

Mentally Healthy

ITT: weak minded faggots

>Red Dead 2
>autism and AvPD

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I don't know why people like you plague this earth. You are gonna kill yourself when you reach 30 you might as well skip that process and do it now.

>Nier: Gestalt

God Hand
Cunny addiction

Metal Gear Solid 3

Avoidant personality disorder/Dysthymia

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Those 2 things sound like they go hand- in-hand

>fallout 1
letting a mental illness define you is the weakest thing you can do, also, most "illnesses" were named as such so pharmaceuticals can produce medicine for them legally, its not a proof your "illness" is real, nor it will help your sad attempts at earning pity points for pandering it openly

>Depersonalization disorder
desu I don't see anything wrong with it, it's easier to use your phone.

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>gender dysphoria
>anime poster
>loli fag

>your favorite video game
CS 1.6
>your mental illness
niggers tongue my anus

>gender dysphoria

It's called puberty. Or just dressing up as the object of your sexual attractions.

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>people self diagnosing their own "mental illness"
amerimutts need to fucking die
all of them

Spoken like someone who isn't sick in the head.
That being said, I keep mine under wraps. No one knows about it except the diagnoser and a few family members. I haven't even posted it in this thread. Whatever's left of my self-worth would be gone if I used it to garner attention.


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Stupid faggot.

Chrono Trigger


>Bioshock 1
Bipolar II, ADHD, BPD, Aspergers

Recent Favorite: Hell Let Loose
Extreme video game addiction

dont @me you mutt fuck, go figure out your personality on the spectrum

I don't have a favorite game, I either like a game or I don't.

>Bing Bong Wahoo
>Bing Bong Wahoo syndrome

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mental illness doesn't exist
you're all just retarded faggots

>Killing Floor
>I think furry girls are hot

>metal gear rising

i dont like video games
chronic laziness

Nier Automata
Small penis syndrome

but how can I be retarded if mental illness doesnt exist? Checkmate atheist

What do you think of my favorite game?

>Fallout New Vegas
>diagnosed depression, anxiety, and severe sleeping issues that nothing can seem to fix
i dont let it define me or keep me down though, some days are mentally taxing, but giving and lying down and letting your health problems beat you up isn't the answer, anons.


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team fortress 2

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If I kiss do I get a dragons dogma enjoying bf

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>Dark souls


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makes me think

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Darkest Dungeon
I'm a fucking masochist/sadist

Persona 5

dilate, trannie

>anime pic
checks out

Diablo 2

Which is it

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god you're cute


Monster hunter
closet gay + anxiety

Hi, OCDbro. Cave Story for me.


tranny cope

Ape Escape 3

That's not a mental illness, that's just good taste

You only think so cause Im posting anime

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>Deus Ex

>Resident Evil Remake
>I don't know, never went to the doctor my parents just let me be the weird kid

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Dont think I have any, other than being really paranoid at times.
Mom killed herself and was a schizo though.

>Klonoa 2
>I keep coming back to Yea Forums

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To those of you that "have autism/social anxiety"

Have you ever had a job? I thought I had it too but I got a job in construction where I have to regularly talk with people and I don't seem to have any problems doing it.

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monster hunter

Doos Ex
Autism for real, and not in the sense that everyone on Yea Forums calls themselves autistic. I've got a letter from the NHS and everything.

Majora's Mask

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>transistor (I could change it with tf2 but I will stick with this for now)

Ocarina of Time

Anxiety Attacks

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How did getting a certificate of autism feel

I'm kinda like you, but for example having to work out in a gym that is closed and full of people gives me a feeling that I can't even breath right.

But a nice open gym with few people and I can just work out fine.

no I mean the way you're reacting to people, also I played DDDA and am a boy...

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I did for a few months but I couldn't manage it. It started with me getting regularly sick (usually just extreme nausea but occasionally vomiting) without realising why, until it clicked that it was only on days I was working. I was having panic attacks. I had to explain to them eventually since I couldn't keep calling in ill, and I've been looking for less intense part time work since. It really sucks, I needed the money.

Never and I can't get one either. Could not finish school.

bretty good desu. Because now when I fuck up at work I can legitimately blame it on my tismo and they can't do anything about it because it counts as a protected disability.

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Autism etc doesn't really exist, they are just social retards which can be cured

>Gotcha Force
>Literally flawless

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Portal 2

Protected classes of people shouldn't even exist

Why should the weakest humans be allowed to cut the line ahead of more competent people?

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Dark souls

Most likely im a schizoid, but havent had an official diagnostic

I like so many games but possibly RDR2
Not sure, get on and off psychosis and depression

How'd you get to level 200 so quickly?

farmed offline ur dragon, played a sorcerer and that one holy buff that increases your staff auto hit just destroys him.

Neat, I should try that if I ever care enough to.

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>Fossil Fighters: Champions
>Depression, caused by long term social isolation
I only miss one girl from all those people I abandoned, it just ain’t right bros

Because cooperation is the only way forward. It is just the case that with cooperation invariably comes exploitation because we aren't wired for it. Fundamentally a failed species.

>Monster Hunter

same, except I was the one abandoned and I never got over it

I only discovered was diagnosed as a child about two years ago, but I never had problems socializing. I don't prefer social situations over being alone but I'm not socially inept either. Though I do tend to have have obsessive tendencies especially with hobbies that I enjoy, like gaming.

>Majora's Mask
>R.A.D. Racist Asshole Disorder

I can be a sperg in my conversation sometimes and want nothing more than to take a break in solitude, I look forward to it very much at the end of work. I don't know how people just greet each other so well, pleasantries don't come naturally, even after some practice.

Kek, yeah I just played the one character, finished the game a few times to get all achievements, hard mode, speedrun mode, etc, it's a nice game but I doubt I'd get back to it desu

>manic depression
>showing signs of schizophrenia, but not diagnosed yet

I also over eat cause I can't get a bf, but I can't get a bf cause I over eat

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Every country under zog occupation features some form of "no retard left behind" policy which actively miscegnates and insures incompetence in a population over time. It's basically a breeding program designed to worsen a population across all metrics. They sell it to you as innocent altruism but it's a trojan horse.

Interestingly, Israel itself practices a strict "cut off the weakness" tactic when dealing with its domestic affairs.

We see these practices in vidya too. People who are literally too dumb to beat a video game are pandered to at the cost of everyone else.

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Is this picture real? It scares the crap out of me.

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But thats maki not nico you dummy

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Was a NEET for 3 years after high school (although I did get a cert) before I finally managed to land a contract job, little would I know that the people who contracted me cut me short 3 months so I only did 2 months of work, and now I’m back to being NEET even though I fucking hate it. I unironically enjoyed working because it gave me a purpose and a reason to get out of bed each day, now I’m back to what feels like the never-ending job search again.

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Yoshi's Island
High functioning autism, ADHD, chronic depression

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I just replay it every year or so on the same character. I really want a sequel.

No! You're the dummy!

>probably generalized anxiety disorder

well, you might get one with the success of DMC5.

Super smash bros ultimate
Schizophrenia and bipolar

You can find a bf even if you overreat, just find someone else who likes food!

>cooperation is the only way forward

Every great invention has been made by a handful of gifted individuals. Nikola Tesla, Henry Ford, Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, etc.

The common man has done nothing but CONSUME

That’s ok user, i’m sure other people love you. I’m still alone from what I did

I'd tell you to kill yourself for the shit taste and the anime avatar alone, being a degenerate tranny is just the icing on the cake.

Banjo Kazooie

Just get a job at fucking burger king or walmart, retard, and when someone calls you from your contractor job you can quit, those places know that people view them as temporary jobs anyway.

I like it

>I watch yuri

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autistic, general social retardation

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Those "common men" produce your food. They keep shops running, they fix your roads and build all the shit the gifted individuals need to keep going. Everyone helps each other forward, just like how a natural ecosystem is balanced. Remove one section and everything goes to shit (as we're about to see).


dead rising
playing video games


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>either everyone on Yea Forums is mentally Ill or every mentally ill person on Yea Forums literally cannot resist seeking attention
This is proof we should euthanize the mentally Ill.

You don’t think I’ve already that mate? Also I don’t live in burgerland, I’m Australian. I had 3 interviews in 1 week and never heard back from anybody, not everyone gets it so easy.

F-Zero GX

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>Garry’s Mod

pokemon crystal or oracle of ages idk which
schizo, bpd NOS, some other stupid shit