>Doomguy has a personal army of Crusaders now
>Doomguy controls demons and dragons now
Doomguy has a personal army of Crusaders now
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Time to apologize.
Doomguy will become the big bad after the ending of Eternal, and will be replaced by DOOMGAL.
Screencap this.
Doomguy dies.
Females have no place in realm of manliness.
bethesda in charge of creating interesting and unique locations for their unnecessary doom expanded universe
That doomguy is a lost primarch and has possibly fallen to chaos
Maybe its allegory of what jews will do when they get the upper hand.
That’s what they said about Wolfenstein.
Wait, were getting allies in doom now?
it's probably more background shit or something. wouldn't be surprised if the Slayer goes to the Night Sentinel homeworld as we've already been told and then ends up causing them to rise up again and distract the demons in the background as he goes for the heart of the enemy personally
Is Doom getting Nomura'd?
Can we expect KH levels of storytelling?
No, John.
I'm assuming this is probably concept art for a flashback from before he betrayed the Night Sentinels
Don't think they've said that
>Inhuman assistance
It can't be because he's in his Eternal armour, also there's no proof that he's the Night Sentinel leader, if anything the newest trailer disproves it by actually showing the Night Sentinel leader as a ghost.
What's up with the dick head on the left besides Doomguy with a scroll? He's clearly not a Night Sentinel.
Well I don't know about you but I'm not gonna tell him he can't have those things
You’re a nigger for even joking about this; putting that negative energy out into the world.
I think it's probably the Wretch that betrayed the demons. He's on the side of Doomguy and co. probably. Either that or some fanatical human priest.
I don't know why he wasn't considered a big hero before this game when he was beaten down and tired in Doom 2 and still got back up to save Earth and kicked demon ass. It's fitting though I guess.
It means the writers dun goofd
He's not the Betrayer, he's Doomguy
>Not having a co-op doom game where Doomguy and Crash fuck shit up together
is it even original doomguy in the new games?
>killing demons for the sake of killing demons
>doesn't even realised that his actions have created a cult worshipping him
I don't think he even cared if he knew. And then he proceed to went back killing more demons
The Doom kings fortress called HellCrown Citadel is made of a material called Demonite that is said to be the hardened blood of ancient rulers of hell who still lay sleeping becoming more restless each day.
>doom’s hell felt like diablo 3’s
>now they’re going all reaper of souls with all this blue
>which ALSO has “confrontational angels” who become as monstrous as demons
Market-tested worldbuilding at its safest
I imagine that the castle's hallways loud-speakers blaring industrial metal on a loop
>The battle among Doomguy's army rages
>A huge blast of Argent Energy explosion occurs
>You get knocked out
>Slowly open your eyes
>You're in a cart
>Hey, you. You're finally awake
As long as she was as thick as doomguy I wouldnt have an issue with it.
Imagine the porn.
At this point I wouldn't be surprised or disappointed.
>The final levels are a massive battle between Doomguy and the new Night Sentinels vs the demons
You would force his sister to fight him?
And they're right.
Sounds kino I love Thicc tomboy mummy gfd
Doom guy is based
Isn't it doomslayer?
potato potato tomato tomato
who cares its fucking doom