>bleeding subs like a bleeding pig
>Proceeds to block your path with mandatory rep grinds now with both dailies and world quests!
Based Blizz is so great at killing hype they made me pre-order Shadow bringers at the day before prelaunch.
Bleeding subs like a bleeding pig
Good, let's play ShB!
I couldn't stand how DRK tanked in storm blood but now all the tank seem so homogenous with like all having a shield on ally target and removing WARs self healing
Thinly veiled FFXIV thread?
Good, fuck nu-WoW
Lets go brother, we'll become the warriors of darkness
>only two hours of content
>this is supposed to last the warcraft players 6-12 months
>this is supposed to compete with xiv
How is the new raid?
mod deleted shadowbringers image in the last thread why?
Not yet out but it seems okay. The raids are the best part of WoW at this point but the last one was literally reskinned Horde base. Even Siege of Ogrimmar had more new assets.
I saw that the last one took place in the Horde BfA city. They didn't change the layout or anything for it? I haven't played since launch.
Not much changes. Some internal assets but really minimal
Best waifu?
>Cloud of Darkness
Feel free to add one if I missed your waifu
The city did look cool but that seems really odd for a full raid tier to not have any new locations. Reminds me of the Argent Tournament.
Go dilate tranny.
Argent tournament for a filler patch actually had a ton of content. Even the raid was huge for its type. Now the argent tournament type patches have way less content and the raids are like 2-3 bosses that people barely remember. Its gotten so bad that less than 100 alliance guilds downed the most recent final raid boss.
What I Battle for Azeroth? Is it like wow2 or just another expansion?
Oh yeah, I agree, it wasn't the same type of patch, I was just talking about the re-used location. But that does sound horrible. Less than 100 guilds cleared it? I'm sure they still have at least over a million subscribers even now, if not two.
Expansion, but every expansion makes major changes to the engine to the point where if you compared the base WoW engine to the current one it looks like a different game; especially when you consider how much the gameplay has also changed.
>argent tournament dailies are content
>BFA dailies are not
what did the tranny mean by this
Over 100 guilds cleared it. Vast majority are horde now for recruiting, alliance is just the RPer faction
100 alliance guilds and it's 3 reasons
1. Is that BFA is shit and lots of players quit
2. Is that most hardcore raiders switched to Horde since that's where the player pool is. It's basically 1 alliance hardcore raider to 10 horde raiders
3. Is that it's really fucking hard. The raid was designed to be encountered with players being almost at item level cap. Meaning you can't outgear it
That's too bad. I had a good time at launch (mostly because I was playing with a friend, which makes pretty much anything good) but it seems like it really has gotten bad. One thing I really didn't like was the Azerite gear system.
Its so bad that Im pretty sure next expac will have mixed raids.
Seems likely. They probably realized why make the effort in balancing racials and making both factions appealing when you can just let people combine factions for raiding and call it a day.
Its not just racials. Frankly the voidelf racials are OP as fuck. Its the player pools.
fuck that shit. I don't want to play with shitty casual, alliance retards
I know, that's why I said making both factions appealing too. Also, fuck those Donut Steel Knife Ears too. Could have had the chance for Broken, granted void touched but still broken, but nope.
Are XIV threads being deleted? Haven't seen one in the last hour.
Of course they are. Janny is seething over 8.2 being a wet fart and people being hyped for Shadowbringers during maintenance.
They would never give alliance broken because broken aren't "pretty"
The alliance playerbase is full on barbie mode right now. A bunch of alliance players are just asking for another flavor of elf as their next allied race.
would you consider dark iron, kul tirans and worgen pretty user
or the inevitable potatoes with metal prosthetics, ie junker gnomes
While I don't care about High Elves themselves, I can see why people wanted them instead. Also, Horde shouldn't be throwing stones when the majority of their population is pretty knife ears
plenty of porn out there with all of those
broken not so much
worgen are a furfag race. Thats a little different because furries just want to be knotted and have no standards
Kultirans, Dark Iron and Junker Gnomes have gotten tons of pushback for being ugly, Dark Iron admittedly less so, but they also share the same basic features of normal dwarves so dwarf players would like them regardless. Broken would absolutely not be picked up by the female draenei waifufags.
Blood elves are a fucking blight, but theyre still not a majority, just the most common race. Alliance the pretty races (basically everything but dwarves, kul tiran and gnomes) are well over 70% of the playerbase
WoW changed with the times
Real boomers and zoomer devs left blizzard years ago
Millenials, sjw, trans, and weakminded like devs join company , they have theyre retarded views for their retarded "audience" and bam, magic happens = wows been dying since those changes, now is 99% dead, not only WoW but the whole blizzard company
Why do so many Horde players go blood elf? I thought it was the savage faction. Now they have even more elves.
They look good in armor. Most of the Original horde races have very wooden running animations. The more recent ones starting from belfs have very bouncy and nice to look at running animations.
No they really dont, they look like fucking twigs and gear floats horrendously on female blood elves.
But I thought Horde was the mature faction
they used to have the best racials
>try out FF14 trial
>color palette is brown with brown and brown
>after 4 dungeons, everyone but me was playing as a catgirl while writing some retarded RP in chat
i hate it, but im gonna buy it in the long run i guess
story quests are nice tho
>playing an mmo made in the last decade
>Alliance gets shitty ghetto gnomes as next race
>Horde get glorious fox goblins
its not fair bros I'm Alliance
It's amazing how the current content map, which is the same as it's been for several expacs now and has always been finished relatively fast, hasn't been revised or entirely scrapped in favor of something new and refreshing.
>DRK tanking in SB
Did we even play the same game?
kys furfag
Trannys love WoW tho.
>tfw I just want maps like GW2 but a better endgame PvE focus
XIV/WoW are the only games that give a shit about dungeons or raiding anymore and no matter how bad WoW gets I'll take it over XIV. I get people enjoy XIV but there's too many design things I dislike about it.
Yeah, first dungeons are literally dungeons. Variety gets much better by like lvl 30-40 I think. And just ignore the miqote girls, they tend to be the worst players in the game by far along the aura females.
I find myself running into less catgirls and more lalafells.
dont call trannies people
Give FFXIV a chance, I played since TBC and left in BFA, couldn't believe how much better FFXIV was PvEwise compared to what we have now.
If you don't then stay in WoW, but i'm telling you I regret not playing FFXIV before.
I have given XIV a chance, I hate it. I played during HW and SB and it has nothing to do with aesthetic, I hate the actual game.
>cinematic shows Azshara trying to save people
I thought she was a vain, evil cunt who couldn't give a shit less about her people?
She's also a massive narcissist. What's the point of preening if there's no one to show off too?
Thanalan is pretty brown but the other starting areas are better. Dungeons also start to look better than literal dungeons after a certain point as well. RP shitters are forever though.
this game died with cataclysm
beating a dead horse for almost 10 years
>wtf WoW has lost its way so terribly that it will likely never find it's way back
I predict that once Classic releases, they do TBC and WotLK servers, release one last expac for live, dock the sub down, and call it quits.
It's hard to enjoy mythic raids anymore because everything outside them is garbage and even raiding has made worse the past couple expansions with titanforging, AP grind and personal loot. On top of that everything you get from the raid will be nullified come next patch. Not worth the time.
>couldn't believe how much better FFXIV was PvEwise compared to what we have now
lmao ff pve is fucking garbage compared to wow
Why are classicfags so delusional.
Stay in WoW then, while we get to enjoy a good game.
>good game
Which is subjective, but I'm glad you have fun with it.
I'm not a Classicfag, retard. I'm simply stating that the game is in such a shit state, that they'll most likely just continue pumping out classic expac servers, giving players options from before the game went to shit. Once that's done, they'll throw in the towel since players will now have multiple states in which they can enjoy the game.
20 man
Bad classes and balance
AP grind
Legendaries in legion were absolutely unmatched in terms of shit ideas
Personal Loot
Lack of rewards, heroic is just not currently worth doing and mythic only barely, horrible returns for time invested
Fucking nonsensically badly tuned/designed bosses
I suffered through Legion and Uldir. I cant take anymore
Classic and Retail are not in competition with each other, it's one sub for both under the same company. Blizzard doesn't care what you are playing as long as you are forking over $15 a month to do so.
There is no reason for them to release unique servers based on Classic/TBC/WOTLK and fragment their players between all of them even further. Not to mention plenty of people would argue WOTLK or even TBC was the "beginning of the end".
If anything Classic will influence future Retail expansions, I'd say they might also go back and tweak things from Vanilla but the audience is rabid about that despite areas like class balance being incredibly lopsided.
The best case scenario is Classic roadmap is set up in a way that offsets the BFA release cycle so when BFA is in a lull Classic gets something going to keep people subbing over the duration entirely.
It's time for World of Diablo.
every "point" you made here was incredibly stupid and wrong except for personal loot
>resubbed and bought BFA on sale because I'm bored
>only level 112 and bored to death already
I did a dungeon and it took less than 15 minutes, shit almost made me cry.
Not him but while I casually play ff14 and will play the prelaunch I really dislike tons of fundamental aspects of ff14 that stop it from being my go to game.
>the movement just feels so much clunkier compared to wow. Not to mention theres not many movement options outside of sprint and mounts
>the ui, the item inventory, the fact that you dismount if you talk to people
>FF14 dungeons are worse than WoW. They are hallways as fuck. WoW has some hallways but they are way more open
>Its so much slower in general, I cant stand leveling a dps since I would get bored.
>I mainly tank but all ff14 tanks feel very samey and looking at Shadowbringer its even worse. All 6 WoW tanks have their own feel to them.
>The raids and enemy are far more rigid theres no creativity. WoW has stuff like warlock portals, classes that can solo soak things like hunters, mages and pallies, things that only highly mobile classes can do like monks, dh and warrior, mind control. Just how
>the world design also feels so weak and lifeless compared to WoW and even other MMOS like ESO and GW2. Everyzone in WoW has so many little things in it like how a stream up a mountain slowly forms into a brackish river finally reaching into a very sandy shore then the ocean.
Thank you user, I swear every time I mention I don't like XIV everyone assumes I mean the aesthetics but it's a lot of what you said on top of I think the endgame gearing and class design is atrocious.
Really bugs me that once you hit max level in XIV that's it, there's no more growth or variance to your class. Even something like Azerite or Talents is mixing something up, since M+ lets dungeons be a viable alternative to raids (which I love) I can build AoE sets or dick around with different talents based on affixes and enjoy that. XIV gear is just statsticks and while I think the OST and fight presentation is fantastic it just feels bland because my BRD or AST will always play out exactly the same.
>defending legiondaries
>defending mindlessly grinding AP
>defending 20man when it doesnt organically break down into a normal number of 5man groups (like 10man) while m+ is growing
>trying to pretend like class balance hasnt been completely fucked for BFA despite 7 sub rogues on Zul, mandatory warlocks for Ghuun, and lock/shaman stacking for CoS
>defending blatantly overtuned garbage like launch Fetid Devourer or Uunat
>defending raiders ending up with 5 ilvls over world quest players from titanforging and welfare handouts
Seriously kill yourself. Raiding is an absolute shitshow right now.
>be me
> missing old guildies.
>use leftover gold from garrison gold fiasco to resub and buy expansion
>maybe 2 or 3 of the old boys are still around
>try to finish Pathfinder Part 1 before 8.2 comes out
>So close but don't quite make it.
>That's okay, one more Champions emissary and maybe 2 more Tortollan and I'll get it.
>wait. Why am I wasting my time on a boring grind just to unlock something I already earned like 12 years ago?
>by now I've been unsubbed for nearly 3 years and have learned of the world of great games I missed while I was wasting my life on WoW before.
>there's still actiblizz boot lickers who unironically devote their lives to this crap
I agree with most of your points but I think it's a staple of most MMO nowadays.
The big advantage Wow had from classic to MoP is that it felt really good and responsive to play while FFXIV and ESO feel extremely static with clunky combat movement and GW2 feeling very floaty, but sadly WoW has lost a lot in that department with the engine and model updates.
Leveling is also a very boring grind in all MMO on the market currently, and if I didn't have 110 characters already I clearly wouldn't even have given a thought about trying out BFA.
Concerning dungeon design it's clear that no MMO did better than the first half of WoW but I thought some FFXIV dungeons were very interesting mechanically, although linear, early on sadly they were needed to fuck and unless you're max level all dungeons are boring without challenge and really lifeless, early GW2 dungeons, basically at release, we're fairly interesting in design with various routes made for different levels of characters and play but due to vocal casuals they nerfed small group content.
Honestly casuals ruin everything, I personally don't care if a dungeon takes hours if it's an interesting and challenging experience like Wailing Caverns, Scarlet Monastery, Stratholme or BRD in early WoW.
>classic and retail not in competition with one another
They will be. They're developed by two different teams as far as we know, and once Classic releases, people will begin migrating over to Classic because it has better progression, better communal aspects, leveling isn't treated as an inconvenience, there are plenty of things to occupy you as you level, and the game overall has a more fullness to it. I'm guesstimating that the ratio of players between retail and classic will eventually tilt more in favor of classic.
legionaries were great, they just fucked up how rng they were to acquire early in the expansion which they fixed
unless you're competing for world first you never have to 'mindlessly grind ap' it just comes naturally from doing anything in the game
>some arbitrary complaint about 20m raid size
it's much better than 25 or 40 and 10m forces homogenization on either class or boss design
class balances has been fucked the entire existence of wow, either play what you want or reroll to the fotm. it's been this way since 2006
>blatantly overturned bosses
for the 8 guilds in the entire world that even get to that content, by the time you get there it's tuned fine and probably nerfed past that
>defending raiders ending up with 5 ilvls over world quest players from titanforging and welfare handouts
why make this baseless claim when you can just look at top ilvls on wowprog and be proven wrong instantly?
Tfw 70% of my characters are fem nelfs because they have the best animations and can do flips in the jump animation.
Fnelf is top tier and you can’t stop me
It's the SAME subscription. Blizzard will just announce "World of Warcraft MAU" and it will constitute BOTH populations because as far as anyone is concerned they are the same population. Subjective opinions about Vanilla vs Retail aside Blizzard has no reason to create a sense of competition between games that have no actual competition with each other.
Originally I was pretty excited for 8.2 but I've already lost interested in it. Cba grinding that shit with classes that feel horrible.
Because as somebody who was a raid leader back in 'the olden days' I can assure you all the people who sit around complaining about casuals were the biggest fucking failures when it came raid time. It's called projection. It's like the other night I was playing CS:GO with my friend. The rest of the team ran in blindly like a bunch of retards and were completely swept. I was alone, I had 3 different people shouting 3 different directions at me, but apparently I was the bad when I got shot while trying to filter out all the noise. People like him would stand in fire, and then /w me about how they were really bored of the game because it's too easy.
It's pathetic because they think they are actually fooling anybody.
What datacenter are you on? Also prepare to eventually hate every fucking race in this game because of the faggots behind them. Hyur, Elezen and Male lalafells are the only well adjusted people who play this game.
Moogles are so cute
literally, every expansion (including vanilla) had mandatory rep grinds you fucking mongoloid retard
I doubt you were a raid lead in wow at any point because anyone who raided seriously past the first half of BWL needed a very competent and dedicated group to get anything done, unless you led a casual guild full of arrogant casual who shat on the rest of the population because they were in a "raiding guild".
You'll notice people complain about the same things every WoW update as if WoW hasn't had the same mechanics for 10 years.
Starting to think maybe they just shouldn't be playing WoW.
what time does shadowbringer launch?
>legendaries were great
>they just fucked up
ergo ithey were not grea+t
>early in the expansion
you mean until part way through the last raid tier? Fuck off retard. Nothing else you said is worth responding to, youre clearly a drone that never touched later mythic bosses. Legion and BFA sucked ass and guilds are dropping like flies as a result
There is a difference between reps that you can grind at your own pace and reps that are gated through dailies.
All reps in classic and TBC until Quel'Danas were farmable, all reps in WotLK had tabards, the real gating started with Firelands, and became omnipresent in MoP, then with the introduction of the mobage table and later world quests it became a joke.
We're not talking about subs you colossal retard. We're talking about player ratio between Live and Classic content, and how players will move more towards Classic content in favor of the new content, thus causing the current developmental roadmaps of Live to be disregarded either altogether, or in more favor of a content structure more similar to Classic. As a result, Live will either be concluded with an expac and the team will move on from WoW, leaving a maintenance crew behind, or like I said, a more Classic-style roadmap will be adopted.
World Quests are better than Daily Quests, but they never should've dropped the rep gain via tabard and the account wide boost once you hit revered that MoP added.
Also it'll never happen but the community needs to realize (and really any MMO community) that you should have to put time in to get gear, catch up gear midway through an expansion is not the worse thing ever but the ilevel inflation that occurs because you need 4 difficulties on top of everything else is absurd and it's mostly done because the LFR/Casual audience wants to feel they get the "same" gear as the Mythic crowd which shouldn't be true.
EU Omega, Duskwight.
>so retarded you can't separate the item from the acquisition method and then apply criticism
Not seething just pointing it out as someone who actually played from launch to MOP in a somewhat serious raiding environment.
>he really thinks everyone is going to go play classic
I'm bringing up subscriptions because at the end of the day that's all Blizzard cares about, they want one total population not split between the two.
If you really think that classic wow is going to drain a majority of the retail playerbase then I applaud you on your delusion. Much like you probably think I'm delusional for thinking retail wow is better than classic.
>Vanilla was a playable game (let alone a good one)by modern standards
Dude world quests ARE daily quests.
>They would never give alliance broken because broken aren't "pretty"
>The alliance playerbase is full on barbie mode right now.
36% of 120 horde characters are fucking blood elves. get over yourself.
I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just saying I'd rather have world quests than say the MoP "pick 25 dailies to do today" thing.
this is some top tier delusion user
I enjoy how much you keep reposting this thread. One day you'll beat a fifteen year old game
yeah and night elf+human make up over half of the alliance. Youre the barbie faction retard
It's almost like MMO players are mostly composed of people who want to play dress up with a barbie model.
They clip the least and look the least stupid in most gear. However with the advent of Allied Races and upright Orcs I got rid of most of my Blood Elf characters.
>Create mage tower and artifact weapons with pretty cool skins basically the best thing of legion.
Shit all over it with garbage RNG azerite armors that look worse than rare gear from vanilla.
>male human
>barbie faction
excuse me?
>tfw can play Mog's theme from FF6 on a clarinet in-game
yeah dude let me judge legion on an imaginary scenario where legendaries weren't handed out like retarded RNG candy
Oh wait theyre still all soulless generic diablo trash that doesn't hold a candle to real legendary items. Shocking.
Wish they had kept the Mage Tower around like how Proving Grounds stayed around for a bit after MoP.
It was a really unique idea and pretty fun.
It's Hordecucks that con't cope with their faction being taken over by elves.
Legion was *literally* more RNG than BFA.
>legendaries were magnitudes more random than azerite gear
>broken shore and argus vendors pulled randomly from a massive pool of items, some players stuck chasing arcanocrystal for months
>crucible traits were randomized completely
>you mean until part way through the last raid tier?
broken shore let you target specific item slots for legendaries
Getting my Guardian appearance was the highlight of Legion for me. I would have tried to get them all if I didn't come back to the game so late in Legion's life.
yeah better not do any other content at risk of randomly proccing some dogshit and resetting my bad luck protection.
Oops got another trash legendary while mythic raiding. Sure wish I could have been like Johnny LFR and stumbled upon my BiS back in EN
>Always want to dispell the stereotypes behind certain races
>meet new person on rp server
>chat a bit they seem nice
>then they tear of the mask in a "IT WAS ME AUSTIN! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!" manner.
yeah I guess I am biased because I got my 2 bis legendaries that i literally never unequipped by doing that on a fresh fotm fury warrior
>imaginary scenario where legendaries weren't handed out like retarded RNG candy
you mean like halfway through the expansion lol?
>theyre still all soulless generic diablo trash that doesn't hold a candle to real legendary items
the first legendary item that actually changed the way you played were the rogue daggers from cata, legiondaries were miles better than most legendaries in the game
>Hyur, Elezen and Male lalafells
These races actually exists? I thought I was alone in playing a Male lala and I've yet to meet anything but Catbois/grils, Au ra ''(fe)males'' and the occasional female Hyur and/or lala
I've met a single male Roe, he was one of the good ones.
Is there any way to completely remove emoji posters and RP degenerates from my Duty finder? It's gotten to the point where I can barely stand it anymore.
Wowfugees, please don't buy skip potions. Just experience the story at your own pace, the game means a lot more to you that way, and if I may, the raids in the game are great, but few in number. It's not a race to the cap, and the first raid tier will still be relevant 6 months into the expansion.
In the first half of legion legendary items were random as fuck.
t. someone who didn't get a single one in weeks of mythics and Emerald Nightmare and got sidelined because everyone else had at least one.
>halfway through the expansion
epic retard post. Heres your (You).
Halfway through the expansion was when the """""bug""""" for resetting bad luck protection on race changing was found and people chain bought race changes to continue rolling for good legendaries since it was still RNG trash
>Play MMO
Normies please go. You are the problem.
That's the saddest part about my many years wasted on WoW. The whole journey through the years of storyline are completely relevant. I resubbed thinking maybe it was something from my past I could share with my bf, but even when classic comes out in between Classic and the current content everything has been rendered completely irrelevant. There's no way for us to re-experience all that together. And that just sucks. And that was the biggest flaw in WoW as a whole.
Its not that I dislike grinding. Its the time gating.
I rerolled guardian druid shortly after nighthold and I had all of my spec legendaries before tos, playing casually
>make strawman
>post capeshit
The druids mage towers felt so off.
>Gorilla bear, not even a nice Firbolg form or like a permanent guardian armor form.
>Different color of seizer cat- Why not an HD druid of the flame skin? Hell if you are going to make guardian a bipedal bear why not make feral the claws of shivallah cat from WoD?
Let alone the balance and resto specs not having unique models for any their shapeshifts.
>playing casually
so why are you commenting on the state of raiding again?
Black list as you see them unfortunately it isn't foolproof.
because I raided the other 3 tiers and uldir, quit after clearing mythic en
I wish WoW let me grind, instead it gates it day by day by day by day.
Mythic EN wasnt a real raid, only semi-relevant boss was M Cenarius. skipping M NH invalidates your opinion on AP grind because it was at the peak there and ToV.
Hard as balls even on Heroic. Once you get to Za'qul the bosses just ramp up in difficulty and require perfect coordination.
Azshara especially is this way
>avoid the swirlies
>be in LoS constantly
>but avoid the tentacles
>and the stuff raining down
>take care of the adds
>farmer brown has 3 apples
>the square root of Y is what
>who is the zodiac killer
>too late rooms shifting go the opposite way
>now you're not in LoS
>and just got hit by a tentacle so you're dead
>well we got pretty far right?
>sorry that was just phase 1
there's just so much going on its hard to keep up You need to be in line of sight of her, but the room kind of changes direction if that makes sense so you now have to go to the opposite side to stay in LoS, all while avoiding shit like giant tentacles popping out of the wall that will almost insta-kill you.
All that was just my testing of heroic too, cant imagine what Mythic will be like. Guilds will have migraines trying to keep up with everything
I like how helpful and nice the community in FFXIV is, but holy fuck are they touchy. I got kicked from a FC once, because some grill was crying in the chat that she went to sleep literally shaking, because someone told her in a dungeon she can't heal. I told her there's an ignore button and 5 minutes later got kicked for being "an insensitive asshole". I guess you can find people like that in WoW too, but somehow I remember your typical WoW random having a thicker skin.
Indeed. One of the things that saddens me is the constant treadmill mindset that the only content is the newest patch that WoW has tried to keep up since the end of WotLK. FFXIV especially is a plot-driven game, so it's very frustrating to have people bring the content sprint mind-set with them here.
A recent example that comes to mind is during the last story trial's intermission phase, me and a friend shed a tear over the music combined with the "twist", whereas a friend that almost never watches a cutscene just asked "why did this guy appear, is he villain now".
my opinion on ap grind comes from how ap actually is in the game right now, not some bitter holdover of how it was 2 years ago
you don't have to grind ap unless you're competing for world first
No right now there is just more welfare gear than ever before making raiding not worth it and even worse classes than legion (somehow). Then as BFA continues to bleed players the 20m requirement becomes even more obnoxious.
>Guild girlfriend wanted attention and you told her to suck it up
Nah that cancer has been in wow sense vanilla.
>some grill
Imagine white knighting some tranny in a chinese erp simulator
I left my last FC because of drama
>husband and wife team together with some really close friends who were progressing through savage coils
>one day log on to some drama as one person leaves
>once the husband and wife go on smoke break it all comes out
>this isn't the first time its happened, there have actually been about 5 FC's so far that the drama carries over from
>the husband and wife team are two gay guys that smoke like chimney's who cause drama just because
they said everytime the FC gets remade they lose another friend until there were only like 4 left including the husbands. Ended up just leaving even though somehow both gay guys were geared to the teeth.
Two expansions later still haven't joined another
>again with the welfare gear complaint
if you raid mythic you'll be more geared than anyone who doesn't, stop with this retarded argument
part of the reason bfa classes are worse than legion is that the legendaries are gone and azerite gear was a shoddy replacement
>if you put in 5x the raw playtime and play at a 10x higher difficulty you can be slightly above a person who drooled on their keyboard next to a world quest
Yeah very rewarding.
Until mythic is even equal to lower difficulty shit in terms of reward for time invested this game is beyond saving.
Why do you care so much about what other people are doing? That's really not a healthy mindset. If you're playing WoW for the image then I have some bad news for you
We have to be going to Garlemald this expansion, what the fuck else is there at this point
would you prefer classic where most of the loot from the first two raids are sidegrades or worse than preraid bis
At least FFXIV has girls that play
WoW is all neckbeards who stare at recount all raid
>i..it's a good thing the game is so easy and casual that it attracts girls
holy cringe
I, for one, think that FFXIV Savage/extreme content is harder only if because you don't have addons that do all the thinking for you.
>WoW is a challenge
>has girls that play
Thats the saddest excuse for playing a MMO.You wont find a gf on there,especially if you are a sperg.
the "dbm equivalent" in ffxiv is much more hand holdy than any wow addon
more than ffxiv that's for sure
epic casual deflection. The same nonsense goes both ways, why would mythic raiders being 60 ilvls above you bother you? After all, its not like it impacts you right?
>"dbm equivalent"
The fuck are you talking about?
do you know what dbm is?
do you know what the word 'equivalent' means?
the women in xiv are all either annoying,stupid or complete absolute cunts, the last fc i was in kicked out the only black guy because he was the only one not constantly smelling her asshole like the other guys in the fc
>gamer girls
do XIVtards really...?
I don't care though. The core gameplay is throttled by the gcd. So you literally only need to make 1 decision per second to master your rotation and after that it's just memorizing mechanics. I did my "heroic" raiding back in wotlk and cata but ultimately I can't be bothered anymore with this game. If raiding gives you an unironic sense of accomplishment that lingers beyond your play sessions then there's something seriously wrong with your brain
i don't think you're aware of how many black people play wow,and while gamer girls are annoying the ones in xiv don't come close to the absolutely awful ones i've met in wow
What is the "dbm equivalent" in FFXIV, you mongoloid?
>more deflection
simply epic. Why dont you go blog about your mount collection on reddit
You got called the fuck out son
>project repeatedly
cringe desu
>Me and friends playing
>The 5-man mythic isn't out
>The raid isn't out
>All of the dailies shit up our quest logs because dailies haven't really been a thing since MoP
>The dailys are spread out across the zones so reasonably they should just be world quests
>But there are also world quests about
>One zone you pick 1 of 3 fish men and level it up by doing specific bullshit and getting pearls to upgrade gear which is like the legion bullshit armor leveling system
>The other zone you slowly build up some trash-heap with the new disabled baby race known as Mechagnomes while getting punch cards to upgrade a trinket
So the Steam Summer sale is going on and I'm thinking of just buying a bunch of indie darlings and maybe one decent tripple-A game.
>decent triple-A game
I wish there was one
Stop posting that picture, that shit is so wrong it hurts to look at.
Post the correct version then.
It doesn't exist but that version is wrong since 7 worlds rejoined and that shit only shows 5, plus the source is hydaelyn and zodiark isn't the 13th.
>get BiS legendary
>blizzard nerfs it by 50%, making it the 8th best legendary
Imagine classicfags doing all them mechanics.
I wish we got bunny boys for FF14.
On release I remember BFA being recieved pretty well. I'm one of those retards who come back for each new expansion just to be disappointed, but I actually had a blast at the beginning of bfa and stayed subbed for longer than usual. Sadly it was terribly bland after a certain progression point at max level which was when a lot of people started bitching. The first "content" patch which introduced war fronts made me unsub the day it was released, it was such a load of horseshit. Lot of players saw it similarily I guess, at least every time I revisit the wow forum thats my impression. But yeah, it's barely believable that this trainwreck of an expansion started off that well.
>playing WoW or FF14
that's gonna be a yikeroo from me, buckaroo!