What does bernie have to play to earn your vote?

What does bernie have to play to earn your vote?

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Is rapeplay even a good porn game or is it just a meme

liberalism need not apply

rondo duo

its good for its time, playhome, koikatsu, or custom maid 3d 2 are arguably better and have mod support now

Tropico, maybe he'll see why is ideology isn't feasible

But I wanna rape people

Hatred and DOA beach volleyball

make him stream demonophobia

You can do that in almost every other Illusion game user.

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But I can always get a good communistic community by end game

Grand strategy games and city builders

>it didn't work in a video game, therefore it isn't feasible

Cities: Skylines

Attached: berniecities.jpg (1280x720, 955K)

Bernie will never get my vote because of what he did to Hillary.

post a game pic and ill put bernie on it

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nothing, voting for tulsi

an old game called kick the bucket

>voting for a cop
lmfao cuck

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He already has it

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Kamala is the cop.

play home is basically the sequel to rapelay, without the subway groping stuff.

Shadow Warrior without bitching about "muh racism"

Age of Empires 2 HD

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I want to see him play Frostpunk

Hillary was the one who threw Bernie under the bus

Papers please

>Bernie will never get my vote because of what he did to Hillary.
It's common knowledge that the dems fucked him over because it was her turn

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In what way?

Good. He shouldn't even have been able to run because he isn't a Democrat.

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>it didn't work in Russia
>it didn't work in Cuba
>it didn't work in Venezuela
>it didn't work in north Korea
>it barely works in China

And all the people are miserable at that

If he bans lootboxes then I will vote him in

>entry denied

democratic socialism isnt the same as full on socialism. the main difference is the democracy part.

Fucked him over as in paid him to drop out and he used the money to buy a mansion

democracy is bad

bernie isnt an open boarders guy

Somebody should tell Daniel Ortega that.

He needs to 1cc a touhou game, not on easy mode

He should play the game of not wasting his time on fucking twitch of all the places, because that's not how one beats the democrats rigging their rep vote.

so wait he is a super rich dude, and people still donate money to him for playing videogames? who are these people? wtf dont they know he is super rich just from views and ad revenue and stuff?

this is upsetting to me cuz i lost my job after getting injured and about to be homeless and the concept of people caring or helping is very foreign to me. im a really good hard working person too. hmmm. ive never said this before but the clown world is pretty true lel t.t

He's a pushover, he will do whatever he's told to.
>vote for Hillary guys
>black lives matter

he has to take a hard and fast stance against UBI while also supporting without question single payer healthcare

it turns out people are fucking retarded

Cuba has a better education and healthcare system than the US despite having been embargo'd by the whole Western world for half a century. China is quickly overtaking the US as world leader, economically and politically. Russians are desperate to go back to the days of the Soviet Union now that they've had a taste of capitalism, with Stalin seeing 90+ approval rates.

Venezuela and Norks were always tiny shitholes

>we live in an age where politicians that run for the presidency are now streaming on a gaming platform

Make him play RA 2 and 3

This. 19 year old college faggots are literally too young and retarded to apply their logic with the tyranny of majority. Put it this way, what if the USA had that logic 50 years ago? Kiss your faggot rights and desegregation good bye.

In one you chose who wastes your money , in the other your money is wasted by someone you didn't choose. The only good we could get from socialism is healthcare and we'd have to cut some other shit in order to have enough money for it. Military spending is the only thing keeping Putin in check, if we get rid of him then I'd be down.

>about to be homeless and the concept of people caring or helping is very foreign to me.
That's by design, no community, no common goals, just do your own thing.

Thats not even the worse part.

>We are now living in an age where politicians are simply promising retarded 18 year olds literal cash for their vote

>get rid of Putin

You are objectively a retard. Go have a pussy riot and suck of a tranny dipshit.

Yeah look at all those Guatemalans clamoring to get into Cuba lmao

And democratic socialism isn't the same as social democracy, which better describes what Bernie's ideology really is.

>The evil twin of ancap society
As expected of socialist

>this is upsetting to me cuz i lost my job after getting injured and about to be homeless and the concept of people caring or helping is very foreign to me. im a really good hard working person too. hmmm. ive never said this before but the clown world is pretty true lel t.t

Bullshit. It's like all those faggots in the Micheal Moore movies claiming they are losing their house after 5 generations as if they didn't remortgage like dumbfucks 10 times

Why would he not endorse Hillary? Should he have endorsed Trump instead? I understand he got screwed by the DNC but that doesn't mean he shouldn't endorse literally the only alternative to Trump.

I didn't want Hillary to win but if you force me to choose between an evil retard and an evil retard with one more IQ point, I would endorse the slightly smarter retard.

>tyranny of majority
>at least I still have the chart that specifies that a visible minority is a non-caucasian

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No refunds

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>it did until it was destroyed by liberals
>it did despite america's best efforts to ruin it
>it might have if america hadn't been putting their best efforts into ruining it
>sovereign nation that america is scared to fuck with
>world superpower set to overtake america in all senses
seems to work actually

>Russians are desperate to go back to the days of the Soviet Union now that they've had a taste of capitalism, with Stalin seeing 90+ approval rates.

You are seriously a fucking retard. Putin has a massive approval rating and he is anti-commie pro-religion.

pewdiepie is more of an influence on people's lives than you, mr homeless user who doesn't believe in helping people

>We are now living in an age where politicians are simply promising retarded 18 year olds literal cash for their vote
How is this at all new?
>Vote for me and I'll lower your taxes i.e literal cash
>vote for me and I'll improve wages i.e literal cash
>Vote for me and I'll make more jobs i.e literal cash

>it only works if special snowflake rules are applied

Back to fantasy land with your 17 year old ass.

walking is easier than swimming actually

Beaners believing in the American dream, man. Not smart or educated enough to know what's best for them, else they would try to get to Canada like the Haitians did rather than stay in the States.