When are we gonna get a good bible game?

When are we gonna get a good bible game?

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There's already the you testament

As soon as we get a good video game.

ya ok, but jesus isnt white.

>tfw no game where I can main top-tier Samson

I just wanna club 1000 of my bros with donkey jaws. Is that too much to ask?

Jesus is God's son, dumb dumb. He's not even human.

Play The You Testament

why he portrayed as white when he a dark brown jew?

Who can beat him? (without an asspull)

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user look at that beefy son of god
are you really gonna start shit with him?

Not that it would really matter, but jews in the area at that time weren't brown or black, they were pretty white looking.

not even gigachad would mess with jesus

He was white to differentiate himself from the other filth.
How else would people know that he was the messiah?

Imagine a game of this book

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um are u sure??? they were definitely brown, even dark brown. plz redpill me on why he is white with blue eye?

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people want to be like jesus so they depict jesus to be like them. it's why you get white jesus or black jesus or asain jesus depending on who made the art.

Jesus didn't look like that, Jamal.
You can stop embarrassing yourself now.

oh i see thx. sad that he doesnt look like me and looks like a modern day arab lol

He was wholly God and wholly man in a way that we cannot comprehend

A Samson game by Platinum.

never most likely. People tried plenty of times, video games and religious people, especially american christians don't mix too well.

darksiders 2

god kinda does weird shit everynow and then
Like, some time ago, we build this sand castle right? wanted to go with the big man himself and speak to him
he kicked it down and bullied those nerds into speaking in tongues, just for shits and giggles

>tfw you will never fight the leviathan or the behemoth in a AAA bloody as fuck bible game

söyboys hate christianity. Ain't gonna happen

>dark brown
If anything he was olive/tanned just like the others.

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>Not being an Arian

Ascension of the Mettatron
El Shaddai

This. The bible actually has quite a few creatures that are perfect boss fight material.

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That's not even Jesus. That's just the random face of someone and the theory behind it tries to argue that Jesus looked like that because he was a Nazarene and lived in a desertic zone.

Friendly reminder Eyes of Heaven is non-canon and TWOH would not be able to cancel out GER in the actual series.

based söyboys

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>there will never be a GTA like bible game where you play as Jesus, beating up merchants and stealing their donkeys.

How come Christians really wanna see cool depictions of their deities, while certain other religions get mad when you even joke about that with theirs?

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Tbis, El Shaddai is fucking great.

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I don't play smite but why are there gods and figures from every other religion except christianity?

Deus Ex
>based söyboys
oxymoron at his finest

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They assume bible belt maniacs will get mad.

>tfw no doom/painkiller game with catholic priest as protagonist, with orthodox priest as coop partner
life is unfair

>one copy of The Bible Game for Xbox please

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>people in the area now are brown
>that means jesus was brown
>people in americas now are white
>that means the chiefs were white
based retard

>no game where you fight the main demon for the seven sins

Modern Christianity is not the religion of Christ, they are heathens, worshippers of the Pope and servants of the Jews.

I can't speak for others but christianity has a bit of everything for everyone. You have the main message of peace and love that Jesus preached, lorewise in christianity there's elder god tier horrors and stuff beyond your worse nightmares, interesting stories and interesting characters.

>hasn't played Terry's games

When are we gonna get a good bible?

>submissive christcuck

best post

t. prick

Tbqhwy a game based on the old and new testaments would be fucking sick

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It always cracks me up how everybody is laughing at David

user, you should let him go... Terry is no more.

Jesus was a prophet, not a son of God. God is One. He doesn't need representations.

>people in the hottest parts of the world were white
Based retard

the temple was completed and wr must use it for guidance

>Bronze Age: Total War
>Hittites, Hebrews, Caananites, Egyptians, Sumerians, etc.
>DLC to add gods and magic to the game
Sign me the fuck up

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bloody hell, tought i was the only moron that played that one
it was really fun

Cesare borgia (not the asscreed one) ordered to paint him as jesus with his likeness being associated with christ.

Tanned whites are still white, newfriend

Jesus was the avatar of the Demiurge. The real god is some lovecraftian unfathomable shit beyond the edges of material space.

That story doesn't make sense. Goliath would know how dangerous slings were. It would be like someone today being surprised a rifle could kill them at range. Story was written by some non military farmer.

They were caucasian yes, but not "white", retard.

The Egyptians were white too, based retard.

Look at him, he has a helmet on and he's fighting a literal child who looks like a concentration camp survivor. Goliath probably didn't expect the scrawny, anorexic shepherd's child to have aim hacks from Jesus.

I mean. The beard and long hair look is there even before that. Just look at the Deesis Mosaic.
The gnostics believe the opposite. They believe he was someone trying to free us from the demiurge.

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Why everyone are white? It even looks like medieval shit wtf

Based retard.
They weren't nigs but they weren't white either you autist.

>Caucasians aren't white
News to me.

Would you really expect a tiny young guy to have enough throwing power and accuracy to kill you, a 10 foot tall mountain of muscle?

If I was Goliath I would have underestimated David too.

Jesus was the child of God, so it would only make sense that he was born as a white man.

IIRC David is genuinely described as blonde.


Doesn't matter. The term bullet comes from slings, they were the original easy to use high velocity ranged weapon. A concentration camp survivor with a rifle could still shoot you.

Then what were they, big brain?
That's right. White.

Not an argument

To be fair they were expecting to face against saul, king of the Israelites instead of some shit kid

Even when the entertainment industry wasn't nearly as pozzed it was incredibly difficult to get a solid Christian product out of the mainstream. Mel Gibson was tarred and feathered and had to fund the Passion himself. If a legit Christian game comes out, it's gonna be rough around the edges and done by an indie, probably published just on steam. It is incredibly depressing that the corporate culture religion has overtaken the national arts.

Michael is the coolest fucking archangel there is, flaming sword and all. Definitely husbando tier

Except this time there is genuine proof and not a mere claim.
You can shut the fuck up now.

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You asked about why he's white and blue-eyed, as to his look I guess it's because something about jews not cutting hair.

>browns are seething because they are not important

LOL MUMMIFIED CORPSE HAS DIRTY, BLEACHED HAIR, MORE AT 11. WE WUZ EGYPTIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (caucasian doesn't mean white brainlet)

Kids are born with blond hair that turns brown with age all the time, and not just in europe

Christianity had to work triple time for the past 1000 years to have standing because the mythos is boring drivel. People has some fun with the pagan gods because they were flawed. Christianity is a bunch of idealized non human trash so no wonder people left it the second literally anything more interesting arrived. Wh40k has a more interesting version of Jesus than the actual religion. At least the corpse god is a fun thought experiment.

Nigger hair oxidizes to look red/ginger when you're preserved like that for so long. Here is a Peruvian mummy with red hair. /pol/tards are seriously just the white versions of Afrocentralists.

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Seethe nigger

Saracen detected.

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Holy cope. Multiple mummies have been found very well preserved with blonde hair too. Keep it up.

God of War 5 will be about slaying Jesus prove me wrong.

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Kek the absolute state of wh*toids. Imagine being this cucked by a sand religion.

white people are stupid, what's new?

>thinking that proves shit
/pol/tards: 0
atheists: 420

How is Jesus even the son of god? Wouldn't he just be an avatar or aspect of god, since god transcends the confines of existence?

Still seething nigger

Red, not blonde.
Get fucked.

Based falseflagger

It's gonna be thor and shit.

>The hair color of buried bodies can change. Hair contains a mixture of black-brown-yellow eumelanin and red pheomelanin. Eumelanin is less chemically stable than pheomelanin and breaks down faster when oxidized. The color of hair changes faster under extreme conditions. It changes more slowly under dry oxidizing conditions (such as in burials in sand or in ice) than under wet reducing conditions (such as burials in wood or plaster coffins).[33]

Is that what you say while recieving your welfare check?

I hate religion.

>pagan gods were fun
>Christianity gets dropped as soon as something funner is there
>Christianity completely decimated paganism

Nu-Kratos is pretty relaxed compared to his younger self. He even puts the other cheek the first time Baldur attacks him. It's not until Baldur keeps attacking that he defends himself.

Reminder that Jesus would be progressive and anti capitalists if he came back today.

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im an atheist but I have a feeling why Christian movies and games are so shitty because they are less about making them high quality and more to shove a religious message down their puny kids throats

Paganism is shit, because having gods represent your lore is overdone, not new and said gods are uninteresting or psychos barely different from your average Yea Forums user, especially Zeus.

>People has some fun with the pagan gods because they were flawed.
Most of the humans in the Bible are flawed. Read the fall of Solomon or Jesus fear of being crucified.
They weren't perfect and most of the time fail and try to find a way to redemption, even the son of God got angry sometimes.

Christianity just adopted enough pagan rituals to trick the pagans into not having fun anymore. Then slowly got rid of the old traditions for uptight Christian trash. Now of course less people believe in that shit because a 4th grader knows more about the world than the bible writers.

Jesus is altruistic, he would be a socialist unironically

Video games are not Christian by definition. You should not play them as they only promote degeneracy and take you further from God.

Imagine believing in an Abrahamic religious text. LOL!

This is old news my man.

You can stop pretending to be important now.

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>uptight Christian trash.
What? The main message of christianity is about being a nice guy with others.

>We wuz egyptians
You can't make this shit up

>everything is either white or black
La creatura...

Never said it wasn't, but at least if you have a variety of gods of varying powers and goals everyone can find something that resonates with them. Most people aren't gonna have a lot in common with the idealized Christian world view of self sacrificing and contrition, which is why everyone just rewrites the lore how they want it these days.

>jesus in Bible: socialist, goid, noble, kind, generous, humble

>jesus how modern people represent him: literal opposite of those values

>post proof
>posts more proof

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>Dark Soul Indians are now white

You're right, I made a mistake.
Everything is white.

I was brought up in a religion that taught that there is no trinity, that Jesus was just the son of God, that he wasn't actually God. And they told me that everyone believes in the trinity because they've been deceived over the past couple thousand years.
Now that I'm an adult and have learned about the trinity I don't know what to believe or accept. For close to two decades I was told not to fall for it, but now I wonder if I fell for a different deception.

This is literally what Jesus looked like.

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Yes, I too LARP online while my country gets overran by muslims.

Pro Tip: There are thousands of religions. Pick one if you must but you're fine, nothing is going to happen because they're not real. If religion were real, we'd just have one.

>a news article is now proof


>implying Jesus was a shitskin

THIS is what Jesus looked like

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Lol there's no way you're this retarded. You're either a literal child that gets his shit from YouTube and Wikipedia or a nigger wanting (You)s

jesus was a fascist antisemite

>Jesus looks like my dad

>proof is now proof
Imagine my shock.

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>le jesus was a dark brown arab
Pic related.
A Palestinian Christian bishop.

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he was aryan nordic, anything else is an insult to god

you're right, jesus is red and white.

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Before death

After resurrection

>he hasn't played the definitive bible game

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Looks like someone that would need a body pillow of an anime girl preteen to fall asleep. Guess the catholics are following his path.

Lucifer is based as fuck

>Bible Game

One or the other.

Mate, people would laugh at you if you posted something from Daily Mail or something. Where's that paper bro?

we already have the wonders of MDickie's You Testament

That's literally a 3D rendering of the shroud.

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The mistery behind the trinity is something that people keep trying to solve even to this day.
>If religion were real, we'd just have one.
Man, this is honestly a pretty naive commentary. People would still have different ways to approuch God and understand him. It wouldn't change that much.

>Palestinian christian
These people need to be eradicated.

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God's clearly the bad guy in the bible. Not surprising people are scared of him though he's a psychopath.






>you will never be such a unit that your name becomes synonymous with massive, buff lads through thousands of years

t.Louis Cypher

>believing Jewish tricks


Moshi moshi ? yezus desukaaaa?

Calling people "naive" is meaningless because you have no evidence or proof of anything you're claiming. Also, why is Hinduism wrong and Christianity right? Why isn't Islam right? Why aren't Jews right? What about old religions like zoroastrianism? What if it was the right one all along? Shinto buddhism? Native American worship?

No, I'm thinking people just feel "spiritual" and make stuff up to feel good about it. See: Scientology

>but now I wonder if I fell for a different deception

Religion as a whole is inherently a deception, you're just picking your poison at this point.

Because they were all seeing the same thing

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>Video games are not Christian by definition.

>Most people aren't gonna have a lot in common with the idealized Christian world view of self sacrificing and contrition
Are you saying that self sacrifice, nobility, kindness and generousity don't resonate with people? Because they obviously do. Those are some of the ideals we all constantly talk about and strive for in a very real way. Sure, they don't describe the average human experience, but that's not what 99% of Bible characters are like either. That's why Jesus ends up on a cross.
The difference between the ideal representation and real people isn't an oversight. It's one of the biggest themes of the book.

>alt-right "news" site known for disinformation

Nigga, you misread the point of my reply. What I'm trying to say is that even if God's existence was confirmed and you could literally see him, people would still find different ways to believe in him and their doctrines would still be different from culture to culture. Your commentary is naive because it believes in a homogeneous collective belief, when it wouldn't be like that.

>the shroud
Imagine writing all that for a LARP
I honestly feel bad for christfags. So many innovations and changes in their religion kek, even muzzies are more honorable in the fact that they don't change, they aren't tolerant of innovation, and they believe their book is the word of God, not a bunch of humans. Meanwhile the pope is kissing nigger feet. Fucking hell.

I unironically think this is more likely than alternate holy dimensions of punishment and reward.

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Coptic Christians in Egypt are actually all that's left from the ancient Egyptians before Arabs took over. Pretending Jesus was Arab you're stupid on another level.

Jesus was portrayed lightskinned by Italian artists. Thats why. He was most definitely tan. He was a carpenter for starters.
>bbbut jesus was wiyat
Hes the messiah and born to a jewish family. Respect the lord. How dare you

>Meanwhile the pope is kissing nigger feet.
>all christians are catholics.
Bro, even in catholicism there's branches that don't follow the Pope.

You do realize jesus was a carpenter? A working man who probably spent a lot of time in the sun? I know pol tards are retarded but put two and two togethet when a working man is building in a hot area.

Who cares if he was tan? Hes Jesus! Whyre you taking the Italians depiection of him to heart and presuming because he was Jesus he had to be lightskined? Thats incredibly un Christian like. And not something the man who died for our sins would appreciate or agree with.

He also loved his mother very much, and she was jewish btw.

God I love being white.

You're not even attempting to hide the nose, Chaim.

Still didnt save you from being stuck here. Pretty sad to be white and still be a loser. Tell me user, where did it all go so wrong that coattailing off your race couldnt help you?

El Shaddai

If you truly believe and Jesus and youre okay with insulting his people youre gonna be in a hot situation in the afterlife buddy.

Is this inferior creature trying to speak to me? I can't tell.

>his people
Khazar LARPers aren't biblical Jews, and they reject Christ.

When the weights were at their heaviest, that's when He spotted you on the bench.

Lmao mad as fuck and coping

Imagine being a christcuck and hating on your jew masters. They made the story for you!

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Play SMT 2.

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>omg peoeple celebrating god togethet and being happy?
Hell awaits you hedonistic piece of shit

refer to
Also, Americans are heathens.

Temperature does not decide skin color

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>Hell awaits you hedonistic piece of shit
Isn't that the point? Hell is good because suffering strenghtens character, while desiring Heaven is degenerate hedonism.

Based retard using an outlier to prove his point. UV rays from the sun do however, and hot areas have plenty of it. Italians drew him white because they were WE WUZing and also because Catholics in general were making power plays back then to secure religious lore and power

Jesus is the son of God, you dirty muzzie faggot.

Why didn't you reconvert back to Islam yet, Yea Forums - Video Games?

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Jesus would be a socially conservative fiscal socialist

Imagine being this much of a cuckold for Israel. America really is a vassal state.

God doesn't have any partners, nor does He have any sons, you kike puppet.

Imagine being this indoctrined by storm faggot propoganda. Pol fags are a bunch of shitzos shitting in each others mouth on a feedback loop. You think youre knowledgeable but youre actually a fucking retard foregoing one propoganda for another that makes you feel good and explains away your faults. Pathetic

You're obsessed. And you played your hand too quickly, kike. Stop being a cuckold for Israel.

>leftypol fags have been seething in this thread for over an hour
lmaoing at ur life

>implying you arent
Sound mad i called you out retard. Keep beliving in your delusional fantasy. Lol

A good Bible game would be one that builds faith through depictions of the stories and principles in it. Maybe a VN?

You're free to go there and disrupt their "loop" if you were had the arguments to back it up. But you don't.

You meant to tell me castlevania isn't part of the New Testament where Richter invokes saint Michael while doing backflips?


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Ok kike

I was thinking about making a good book game, starting in Genesis it would have Adam and Eve, but after a while Adam realises that she's actually trans and a girl, while Eve is cis. God, in her infinite wisdom, recognizes Adam's true gender and offers to remodel her in Her own image.

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Jesus vs the moneychangers in the temple would be a kino videogame fight

>why of course I died for your sins, how could you tell?

Probably Samson
Dude had retard strength
Outside Miracles Jesus isn’t canonically a strong dude

>someone makes a thread about a biblical game
>anti-bible/ anti christians/ jesus-was-a-nigger retards flood the thread
why would you click a thread about something you dislike?
your life must suck so fucking bad

he still wasnt white

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