Press S for AST
FFXIV Shadowbringers
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You need us and our Balance!
so now we can actually bring BLU in savage content?
PLD should be SSS tier desu.
Press S for Eureka, closed forever just like the Diadem.
I`m boreeeeeeeeeeed
that's Alphinaud
considering how thats octoboy's art im pretty sure its alphinaud without even looking it up
>earring on left ear
what kind of dicks is he sucking here
>doesn't have a penis
>braindead trannies are awake and just posting porn and shitting up the place now
Guess I'm out of these threads early, cya fags on the other side of the gates
Alisaie confirmed for pure and wolsexual
Do they let you preload the expansion patch? This is the first time I’ve actually been subbed for a launch.
God I wish that was me
So DNC is the primary ranged support right? Does this mean BRD is finally in the shed?
I don't remember exactly but iirc Stormblood was up like 16 hours before maint ended.
BDS will never die. It's the one job that has NEVER been bad.
BRD and MCH get to be DPS now
In the cuckshed where they belong
>and still get outdpsed and out party utilitied by DNC
I prefer SB MCH to this new one.
>you survived long enough to see SHB release only 18 hours to go. don`t die today, user.
brd might still have a spot because of damage reduction buffs for prog but other than that I can't see a single reason you'd bring one if you're a sweaty tranny raider.
i'm really curious how brd will turn out now that it doesn't require crit for anything. before it started off bad at the start then scaled insanely with gear but now it's just always at that end point. will it be good? will it just stay behind everything else now?
>best damage and mitigation
iirc you had the big patch (which would then and will probably now error out and have to restart a few times as everyone in the world grabs it) and then there was like another little patch or two before servers actually went up
It's our turn.
It’s too early to tell now, but I really don’t like how’s its just another 123 dps. With the ammo and how heat worked you had to be more careful working around wildfire and overheat.
Not after Vauthry gets to her
>blm is literally the same
>same rotation and everything
>just got some potency buffs and new skills
Is blm de definition of balance?
When will the patch drop?
Don't need to fix what isn't broken.
>All that upset about Steel Peak leaving
>No one mourning One-alm Punch
Would have maybe been a cool thing to keep for the stronger emphasis on interrupting shit desu
Wait, if Titania ISNT a Primal...then isn't it kind of a bad thing that were fighting the actual Queen of Fairies? That seems like some dire shit to be making an enemy of her.
we keep winning bros
>all those big potency buffs for DRG
Is this just to normalize them after the loss of the piercing debuff or might this actually be a good increase to their damage?
in 3 days, check back then
Having an interrupt tied to a form is really clunky
Ammo rotation fucking STUNK
>hurr it's 123 rotation except there's a CHANCE you might get to do it
if you want RNG combos then go play DNC with their flourishing attacks
All 3 ranged get the raid shield.
I recall someone saying that in in dohn meg, which is the dungeon that takes place in that zone, that the frog boss talks about the fact that your fights with him are just a test. Its probably the same for titania.
oop then it's just battle voice huh. oh well still a pretty fun class and hopefully the change away from crit lets you just thoom through procs more often
Why you gotta lie like this mate?
That's all i'm waiting to go to bed
When they introduced Titania on the live letter she was accompanied by the title The Dancing Plague. I wonder if it's a more extreme version of Ramuh, where Titania is taking more direct action to wiping out the dangers of man, and you have to try and pass her test like Ramuh?