>now let me interrupt this game of fortnite...
*exits out of the game by accident*
>to read all these donations and new subscribers
*spends 15 minutes looking for reading glasses*
Now let me interrupt this game of fortnite
Other urls found in this thread:
Bernieniggers are spamming this board now.
Can’t wait for someone to trick him into saying something that’ll get him in trouble, based retard destroying his campaign
oh is it election season already
He doesn't know how racist and redpilled retards in twitch are, he can't even imagine what he is in for...
I don't think Trump vs. Biden next year is topping Trump vs. Clinton in 2016.
great. can't wait for my mom to ask me how to make a twitch account so a million teenagers can call her a nigger while she tries to figure out how to make an emoticon for bernie.
I don't use twitch, but can't people just spam donations that appear on screen? Can't they say just about anything that he won't be able to instantly hide?
This old retard needs boomer votes, not zoomer upvotes
that sort of stuff has to be added to the stream in a video sense
Yeah that's how it works if you're some dumbass 16 year old streaming fortnite in a basement. He's definitely going to have someone checking and moderating his donations.
The best part will be the fallout, just like last time.
As if the DNC is going to push an old, straight white male candidate
He's self-loathing so it's okay
>Thanks to Bernie Gers for following, a fellow Bernie I see
All wh*te people should be self loathing. Fuck white people.
Trihards in the chat boys.
hey hey man, no need to take that sort of attitude
Does he not realize how disasterous this'll be?
yeah this they still haven't just decided to colonize the entire world
Careful. You know what happens when your kind gets too uppity.
user, the top candidates right now are white males, and white male candidates are currently combining for over 60% of the Democratic primary vote in the polls.
Admittedly Buttigieg is not "old."
He's a jew, retard.
that's what your mum gets for being a fucking retarded and supporting Sanders
lol butt
Bernie is really going all out for the 2020 election.
>that whatever the fuck on the bottom
Goddamn lizardpeople.
sanders>the orange buffon
>thinks he can say nigger on twitch
good luck /pol/tard
>trump vs biden
What happened to pence2020? Or rock2020?
He needs black votes of any age. Sanders's wins over Clinton in 2016 were in very white states for the most part. Any state with a significant black electorate he got completely clobbered. Seriously, look at how bad Sanders did in states like Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, etc.
I don't have a "mum", I have a mom. Now fuck off before the headmaster finds out you're being rude online.
the only way it would be equally memetastic would be with bernie or yang as candidate. both seem unlikely
I want Bernie or Buttguy for the memes.
>rude online
>on 4channel
This place is dead.
They don't have anything else.
voting for deez nutz again
Trump "got in troubles" for saying that when you're famous, women LET you do whatever you want, meanwhile Biden is creepy in front of everyone and is leading the primaries. Fascinating double standards.
bold of you to assume im a britbong user.
hope you and your whore """mom""" seethe harder
I think they were talking about Biden there, actually. Not that it makes much difference, since he's in cahoots with (((them))). They all are, really.
>implying you can't
They want to try and get someone who will appeal more to fence sitters this time.
vermin supreme
>imagine your entire voterbase is abunch of whiney entitled millenial stoners
this kike cant just die soon enough
imagine having that guy as your president
he would be the butt of all jokes
Lady's usury rates ah unacceptable
>that whatever the fuck on the bottom
>on the bottom
How fitting that you'd say that about Buttigieg
okay, this is epic
*fortnite dances*
Biden is a good goy, like Trump.
>and they are all convinced he'd totally win because the only people they talk to are other entitled millennial stoners
>Openly gay
>Has a husband
>Mayor of a town called "South Bend"
it always baffling to see old fucks, secially politicians, try to be "trendy"
>How do you do fellow gamers?
>entitled millennial stoners
they don't actually vote
They're "white" when it's convenient
>people think Sanders is to Biden as Sanders was to Clinton in 2016
>when actually Sanders is to Biden as Trump was to Cruz in 2016
Haven't you guys learned that the only polls that matter are the final counts during the actual election?
thanks for the context retard
>now let me interrupt this game of fortnite
He will play either flight simulators or turn based strategies.
are you kidding me? It will be wall to wall sex misconduct. Sniffing versus pussy grabbing. Fifty sexual assault/sniffee accusers will fill the debates.
So he's playing Tropico right?
are you jestin' me? look who's on the bridge
Fake Indian Warren would be pretty fun.
Tulsi honestly deserves the nomination instead of Bernie.
but they're the first to complain when someone like trump gets in. funny isn't it?
haha just imagine the leader of the most powerful country in the world being a complete joke
Well I think everyone should Pokemon GO to the polls!
>Another titty streamer
Tulsi would be a worthwhile opponent to Trump.
I don't support woman politician but the right needs a wake-up call.
Literally the only people who have this opinion are people who would never vote dem in the first place.
She ain't winning shit.
Been there done that since Bush and Obama.
The US is a schizo country ruled by jews.
I can't believe a fucking nigger was president of the US
what has happened to this country
Reminder: young voters casted 2 million more votes than boomers in 2018 and it lead to multiple Republican upsets and a Democratic house.
2020 will be even more because zoomers hate Trump.
>e-celebs and /pol/ in one post
Great. Now just put him in a wojak mask and it's an official Yea Forums thread
I don't vote at all, but yeah, she has no chance of winning. None of the decent candidates do.
Can't wait for him to lose again and see the absolute assblast on lefty sites like commiepunch