There was no reason to buy Sega products, looking back

There was no reason to buy Sega products, looking back.

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unpopular but correct opinion
based as fuck my fellow gamer

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Dreamcast was such an odd console, nobody had it but somehow it's still remembered fondly

mastersystem = kino

Shit taste, zoomer-kun.

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>no defense against the indefensible
>resorts to ad hominem

The Mega Drive was worth it alone for Shining Force II

Sure there was. You could have prevented this

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Lemme just say, even though that motherfucker took S I X double a batteries, the Sega Gamegear had that backlight which saved lil me when a gameboy on night car rides just wouldn't fucking work.

>There was no reason to buy Sega products, looking back.
Yes there was. Their games were fun.
That's literally the only reason video game consoles exist.

Genesis was better than the SNES

Attached: Hellfire-Sega-Genesis-Cover-Art.jpg (714x1006, 380K)

The dreamcast and saturn were legit good but never fully realized their potential.

Heh, I had the recharge pack for the car cigar jack my dad modified so that I could use rechargeable battery packs from RC cars. One of those lasted for hours and they were always lying around in our house. Good times


I'm sure you already did snoyfag.

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The dreamcast was the BEST emulation box.
Plug on TV, support both 480i and 240p, runs everything but snes with special chips..

that's why it's remembered fondly, nobody actually experienced what a piece of shit it was.

This only applies to the West really

Did you register for the Dreamcast online service to get your free copy of ChuChuRocket in the mail? I did and it was fun.

Also, Nights into Dreams on the Saturn is an all time favourite of mine (even bought the game with that weird controller)

SNES shmups ain't got shit on thunderforce 3

Correct post right here
>google thunder force 4 intro music for nostalgia's sake
>first result is an amazing metal cover
>1.2 mil views
>6 years old
>I didn't know about it all this time
I don't even think that game sold as many copies as that cover has views

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All 4 are pretty good consoles desu. It's just that the Saturn was a huge fail and the Dreamcast started good but then Sega ran out of money.

>no reason to buy Sega products, looking back.
What about the metric fuckload of great exclusives?
Back when you bought consoles because they had great exclusives?

>Dreamcast started good but then Sega ran out of money
more like Sony plopped its big DVD dick on the table and scared Sega out of the business

Sonic games were always bad.

theres no reason to do anything ever

t. IGN

No, it was quite literally that they couldn't afford to properly support it. It broke launch sales record on its launch and while the PS2 broke those records there is no reason a well supported Dreamcast couldn't have done okay.

but I did have it, I loved it aside from the fact that it sounded like a jet engine

>there is no reason a well supported Dreamcast couldn't have done okay.
Dreamcast had a great library for any console and it was only around a few years. It failed because of Sega mismanagement, not because it was bad.

fuck that's some nostalgia material there

You could buy a Dreamcast & DVD player for the price of the PS2. Sega Europe even sold a package for 299.

What about jacking off to cartoons?

The Sega System is my favourite console.

Master System was forgettable, but Genesis/Mega Drive had a ton of great games. People forget that Sega literally split Nintendo’s market share in two in the early 90s, there’s a reason for that. Nintendo pissed off publishers with their incessant licensing fees and censorship requirements, effectively making the SNES the “boy scout console” that was oversaturated with samey first party games and RPGs. They spent the early 90s playing catch-up with Sega, to basically no avail. Their Sega-CD knockoff eventually became the Playstation and the rest is history. Contrary to Nintendo fanboy delusions, the company never had another hit console again until the Wii in 2006. The N64, Gamecube, and Wii U were all massive commercial flops by any honest analysis, and it all started when Sega ripped them a new asshole with the Mega Drive, a move which they have arguably never recovered from.

Buy an action replay retard.

Everyone knew about Sony’s plan for a DVD reader. The Dreamcast was originally designed to have one (along with a more powerful processor), until some marketing dickhead at AMD leaked everything before launch, nullifying their contract with SEGA and forcing them to rework the hardware last minute.

>not getting a satiator or gdemu clone instead

Saturn is an amazing system. Far better than PS1 and N64 libraries

Powerstone was the best party game

the dreamcast was pretty cool
was loud as shit tho, the vmu batteries died pretty quickly and let you know...

>Buying Master System
>Buying Genesis
>Buying Game Gear
>Buying Sega CD & 32X
>Buying Saturn
>Buying Dreamcast
>Buying Genesis Mini


Dreamcast was the last true gamers' console and I'm sad I didn't get into it before 2018

>it all started when Sega ripped them a new asshole with the Mega Drive, a move which they have arguably never recovered from.
the SNES came 2 years later and at the end it sold more units than Genesis, retard.
Not only that, but now SEGA makes games for Nintendo.

The disc drive on mine died

Probably because it spins discs too fast

What, I have one. Plus, I have a phantom universal modchip installed and did the bios swap for region free. I never even use the AR. What part of my post had anything to do with AR?

Dreamcast is fucking fantastic if you like arcade style games but yeah paying full price for a 30 minute game (even if it is very replayable) over and over does not feel so good. Good thing you can just burn the games yourself since it's the easiest console ever to pirate for. Also the VGA quality is magnificent and better than any other SD console even when using compontent cables.

>blue screen
>fucking cable shits itself recieving power
>blue ball gang, starts bouncing
>beeee booo bee boo bee bee
>d r e a m c a s t

All quality consoles

>Master System was forgettable

In North America. Here is Europe it was a success and such a massive success in Brazil that they were still selling them in late 00's.

Nintendo used to have a 90%+ market share in consoles. The Genesis smashed that, and they have never been able to get back to that. What does it matter what SEGA does now, they still destroyed Nintendo's monopoly

Master system, game gear and Saturn are all great. You’re missing out

I've only ever emulated it but struggled to find any worthwhile games. It's like NES but worse and even NES is pretty overrated, it has a handful of good games and the rest is pretty shitty.

The dreamcast had JSR and Crazy Taxi

I had one. There was a dope tennis game that was fun as fuck. But I also thought Sonic Adventures 1 and 2 at the time were good so I was obviously just a kid with shit taste

Saturn unironically has one of the best console game lineup in history

It just looks bad because the west got no games

There's no denying the NES has a stronger library of games but to say it's forgettable just isn't true, that opinion you have is only relative to you.

What's the best VGA cable to get for the Dreamcast these days?
I bought a cheap one online but for some reason the picture never comes up on my TV, curious if I should get a VGA to HDMI converter.

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Dreamcast was very innovative. I wish console and PC would pursue more than just graphix these days
>built in online play, no need for any add ons
>VMU, which had several cool things about it:
>was a memory card you could play mini games on
>served as the screen in the dreamcast controller
>two VMUs could be connected for multiplayer minigames

>mega drive
im seeing some regional differences in this discussion.
iirc the UK loved the master system and NES was a flop, then SNES had a massive marketing campaign that finally got nintendo into the scene.
though I could be wrong, i dont really care about gaming history.

>Nintendo used to have a 90%+ market share in consoles. The Genesis smashed that, and they have never been able to get back to that. What does it matter what SEGA does now, they still destroyed Nintendo's monopoly
No console has more than 70% or probably 80% right now, segautist, especially after the competition stepped it up after the NES, which market share was a fluke thanks to the videogame crash. But keep coping with your "a-at least Nintendo d-doesn't have a monopoly anymore!" without thinking about the handhelds

For some reason I knew a bunch of people with dreamcast, and not just GAMERS but casual gamers and normies. Hell, even recently a younger friend of mine asked if I wanted his dreamcast because he was moving and knew I had a bunch of old consoles. It's also the only console my roommate has ever owned, he's been a pc gamer his whole life. I know it's super anecdotal but the dreamcast didn't seem uncommon to me.