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Have you subscribed yet Yea Forums?
Yea Forums is voting for this based as fuck dude right?
>hi there fellow kids
always cringy when out of touch boomers do this
based af grandpa
I hope he only plays work simulators
I want to play vidya with uncle Sanders
boiney sandahs
>using the success of capitalism to push his socialist bullshit
seems about right
>appeals to the poor
>tries to steal their money via donations and subs
[spoler]Pokémon Go to the polls[/spoiler]
>BernieSanders is now live
>Category: Don't Starve
>there are unironically idiots who support this retard
Why are Americans so clueless about politics
This desu.
okay spoler
will he BTFO drumpf daily there?
>accepting donations
yeah, fuck this guy, better give 50 billions to israel
fuck bernie, fuck white people who wants education and healthcare #supportZionism #Trump2020
>Hey guys, Bernie here. Before I kick things off today, lemme just tell you about my sponsor real quick...
Man, he looks gross up close like that.
So.... what games does he play?
What games will he play?
This guy learned NOTHING from Hillary.
Honestly glad Trump won, Bernie would have not had any kind of chance getting anything done but now that almost everyone hates GOP he just might change things for the better.
The Soviets were financed by Wall Street bankers.
Why are euros so obsessed with American politics?
America is a hybrid country. We have capitalistic and socialistic elements.
Bernie just wants to lean heavier on socialistic elements like almost every other 1st world nation does.
Particularly with regards to things like education and healthcare.
Bernie doesn't want to make Twitch a government run service so this is perfectly compatible with his ideology.
>voting for a literal marxist jew to own the jews
>hello fellow kids
>communism is when you give money to white people instead of giving it to israel like based capitalist Trump
>1st world nations
No, just no.
We really need national socialism back.
They're entertaining
>it’s ok to exploit kids because they willingly do it
Kys, donations for streaming should require 18+
>giving money to white people
>white people
How do you do my fellow racist?
>>voting for a literal jewish slave with a jewish family, serving israel only, to own the jews
lmao, die kike
now post the real one
I'm not against some elements, but state run education has skyrocketed costs, and overall lowered the actual educational value of most public institutions. Same with healthcare, which is worse now than it ever was prior to ACA. His ideas are nice on paper with no evidence that any of it works in practice.
Social democracy (which is what Bernie means by "socialism") has been the main political system in the west for decades
>How do you do, fellow goyim kids?
Really wish this faggot would hurry up and die.
>voting jew to own the jews
Die, yid.
Low standards for public education and very high cost of post-secondary attribute to this
Never. That commie old fart can go fuck himself.