
Attached: 06447293-61A9-4753-BB36-7818ABFD9EE9.jpg (1600x1132, 364K)

Other urls found in this thread:


and it unironically looks better than the new mainline game

>FRLG Lass

Can we get a containment board for the autism


Attached: pokemas.png (400x400, 236K)

>Finally have a game with all past characters from the main series together in one title
>its mobile gacha shit

Attached: goldsilverportrait.jpg (500x500, 78K)

Ultra Sun and Moon have them too


Who KYAA! here?

I know thst gacha are all shit, but I've always wanted to try one at launch because all gacha I've played were running from years and are just content bloated

When this get released?

They said to be aiming for this summer in the stream.

Attached: D-EmlaZU0AAy-ou.png (461x532, 211K)

where's that pic from?

thats neither impressive or hard to do

Got it from a spanish pokemon twitter "centropokemon"

Attached: D-EiZ-lW4AA5bBr.jpg (1125x639, 81K)

Pryce is looking at Whitney's boobs.

Going to be funny when all pokefags play this as their first gacha thinking it's going to "btfo" gamefreak and give up after getting fucked over by limited time pulls and turn on it immediately

>clair doesn't have her dragonair

I'm a F/GO fag so I'm used to shit rates.

You'll be rolling for them, right?

Attached: D-Ei7XsXsAIFEco.jpg (1200x675, 141K)

But does it have all the Pokemon?

pokemon characters are about as interesting as fire emblem characters

My guess is they'll roll them out slowly via updates, like with Go.

I've wasted so much money of DB Legends already I'm so retarded and want to kms

Unless it gets a thousand trainer models, no.

>Crasher Wake
>No Chuck

will this have japanese voices

Not likely, at least at the start. Each trainer only comes with a single partner, and there will only be 65 trainers at the beginning.

Attached: D-EmhUjVUAARBnW.png (469x407, 217K)

>No Druggy Daddy Drayden

>original sabrina
>BW2 elesa

Attached: D-Ei6mJXsAAZ3dN.jpg (1200x675, 107K)

Limited 5* rocket version when?

Attached: 1548121948217.jpg (1450x2048, 213K)

You'll likely be able to choose your main character's pokemon though.

source on 65? what other info is there

Hopefully soon

Attached: D-Ei7wmXkAAeWuw.jpg (1200x675, 123K)

I don't even know who these faggots are.

>all past characters
Try 8 of them. The closest we got to that was the PWT in Black and White 2.

>on mobile shit

pvp will be terrible playing jap players

>Best Battle theme confirmed and remixed

Attached: 1C5753A9-31FD-48DA-9981-C6ECFD072633.jpg (539x539, 41K)

>all fights are 3v3

This alone makes me want to try it. I’ve gotten so bored of the autistic switch in switch out guessing games

Attached: D-Ei6RMXkAEXmgd.jpg (1200x675, 145K)

>Implying they'll even implement pvp

>clash royale gameplay

hard pass

>will this have japanese voices


...if you switch to the Japanese language

Nah, saving my gems/quartz/whatever for Lillie, Summer Lillie and Winter Lillie.

I have no problem playing with Japanese players in Dragalia Lost, another game published by Nintendo.

>gacha for leaders
>gacha for pokemons

That's PvE though, not PvP.

I already play the turds known as FEH and Dragalia Lost. I can't manage 3 gachashits as much as I like Nintendo. And Pokemon is not even on my top 5 Nintendo series.

Fucking yes. As someone whose favorite part of the games are the trainers, this is perfect. I lost my shit when Barry was in the animated trailer.
Hopefully Roxie and Colress are in it.

pve and there is major desync in dragalia lost with people getting hit and taking damage on your screen (and some even shown as dead) but they're not really

Is she in?

Attached: tumblr_ojzpcyEt231s4sukgo1_r1_400.png (400x481, 123K)

wouldn't you?


Well, your heart was in the right place.
That's FRLG Sabrina with original's hair color.

Drop FEH and Dragalia... LOST
They are both dead kusoge with dead generals on /vg/. Play something like Fate/Grand Order.

Switch will eventually be a failure and Nintendo will have to go mobile to survive. Gamefreak is just ahead of the curve.

Gamefreak has nothing to do with the gacha.

si? ahora callate


Attached: Screenshot_20190627-091017_Samsung Internet.jpg (62x61, 5K)

she better be

nah, FE is my second favorite Nintendo series and I like Dragalia's gameplay and character design.
>Play something like Fate/Grand Order.
I could never get into the series, and tried everything from anime, to manga to the porn VN. Jannu is cute i guess.

Pretty interested to see how the game's meta will develop. With the fairly restricted options on pokemon at least early on we may see a divide where some maingame shitmon is toptier and some toptier in mainline is a shitmon (similar to what happened between Yu gi oh/duel links).

I just hope i can be carried by Iris.

This is basically what the president of The Pokémon Company admitted to thinking before the Switch released, but since it ended up being a massive success instead, Game Freak is now stuck having to shit out HD console games.

No Hex Maniac, no interest

Yeah, not quite THE original, I really meant to say "not HGSS".

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>first guy makes a tomboy team
Very based

Did you get Marth during the FEH event

Attached: Marth-5-star.png (1024x1024, 177K)

If this is what I have to play to get playable Giovanni, then I'll do it.

I want to commit rape

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>PVP gacha
what could possibly go wrong

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This is the first time I've seen an Asian with an afro.

as someone who started feh at launch and tried fgo na on launch, i never want to play another gatcha on launch ever again. all your units will get power creeped to hell and you will likely run out of shit to do in a week. and the state of fgo na was pathetic compared to jp with the amount of qol stuff it got

>Maylene-Roxie-Acerola team
Imagine the banter.

Only based crasher wake

You really think they will leave out the most popular gen 6 character?

>Game Brock design
>Anime Brock personality
This makes up for all the regional pussy he's missed.

Nope, I failed miserably and I wanted him the most. I only got Fjorm out of the 3 characters.


Attached: 512x512bb.jpg (512x512, 75K)

>can't manage 3 gacha
If you can't handle 3, then you shouldn't even be playing gacha in the first place.

I'm gonna grail Rosa and jerk off and then jerk off again

>actually shilling fgo
games good if you like killing doors for hours faggot

dem fucking hips

Attached: 2.png (639x658, 742K)

The meta will be whatever time limited legendary/mythical pokemon with an OP trainer pairing.

There seems to be a new daddy like in every Pokemon Mobile game

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>for hours
Just 3-turn it. It takes 10 minutes daily at most.

Attached: D-EnPUgUwAElbSC.png (461x490, 197K)

Limited Halloween rateup trainer.

Fuck off to your containment board alterfag. Worse scum that ponyfags

I only play them because they are from Nintendo and because I have no time to play real games until weekends or vacations. I didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose me


Dumb rudeposter

Attached: 1542969071608.png (400x400, 195K)

Give her huge boobs

Playable tiddy maniac or I'll pass

what did they do to brock?

you sound like a skill-let that doesnt 10/10/10 his servants. 50mil ish qp per skill on an ssr takes more than 10 minutes of farming a day accounting for the atrocious loadtimes

Attached: IMG_20190508_211307.jpg (1920x1107, 1.69M)

MC is probably stuck with the thunder rat. notice how the male and female trainer both use Pikachu in the trailer.

My support is all 10/10/10. You sound like a retard who doesn't burn hundreds of apples on lotteries so that QP never is a problem.
Good job on keeping the new Raitabortion in her only good ascension art though.

>hilda is a womanlet

Attached: More Trainers, More Battles.  Get Ready for Pokémon Masters!.mp4_snapshot_07.28.015.jpg (1920x1080, 237K)

Where the fuck is my chad boy Gold?


So how do you play this kinda stuff?
Never played any gacha games before

hmmm, I wanna play

It's different for different games. Some gacha like Fate have a long main storyline which is almost like a visual novel with turn based battle segments every now and then.

You push the screen and start tapping, and before you know, your wallet will be empty.

Her hair sticking out of Korrina's bike helmet will never not look retarded.



>burning hundreds of apples on lottery
i'd rather kill myself than to play the game that much, jesus christ

Isn't that the standard? FGO is the only gacha I know without any pvp.

Legends isn't even the good one you idiot

>tons and tons of female characters
>no Sina, even though she appeared on two gens
Why must gamefreak torment us so, bros?....

lol if people didn't think Pokemon was dead enough, here it is

>b-but it's just fan-servic-

lol now they're deconstructing parts of the franchise into separate measures

fucking kek, Sword and Shield won't even have any of that, just the currently newest additions pertaining to new gen

>People were unironically saying that the Pokemon franchise was done after denying autists their fix in Sword & Shield

This gachashit is going to rake in more money than a mainline game could ever dream of.

Attached: 1550322719883.gif (185x185, 118K)

>you sound like a skill-let that doesnt 10/10/10 his servants
>only has two 10/10/10 Servants

If you don't open at least 100 boxes every lottery you'll get laughed at on /alter/ and people will unfriend you if they recognize your support. Sounds to me like you're just a shitter.

most of them have a story mode. but usually it devolves into doing the same few "power up" missions over and over again, or doing some sort of daily challenges/pvp for 30 minutes a day. then you get really bored and they desperately add new events once every 2 weeks to shake things up and you stick around to check whats new but every time you get bored of the new content in a day or two and you wait for the next event

>better trainers
>Better overworld animations
>Better trainer interactions with other trainers/Pokemons
>Better battle mechanics

Lmao how is GF going to recover? Why did they use this instead of their giant shit

Attached: 1494858905183.jpg (184x184, 9K)

ok but can i get team rocket?

>gamefreak can't use all the pokemon models they already have because it's too much work
>mobileshit dev will and even models every fucking leader in existence

Attached: 1526903286723.jpg (640x775, 106K)

You do know that's a companys' last measure, right?

>Game Freak finally gone Intelligent Systems

I mean, it was bound to happen sooner or later.

Attached: I-I-I-I wanna.jpg (282x282, 8K)

>how is GF going to recover?

by selling their corporate soul by attending waifu aficionados ala FE devs

>this level of production quality for mobile gacha

It looks so good that I really want to try it out, and if it was an actual anime like the trailer, I'd watch it in a heartbeat. But it's fucking sad because it pretty much means that the Pokémon franchise is fucking dead.


Attached: tumblr_inline_o3tbmxf0wv1tcy5f4_500.gif (500x306, 1.84M)

But FE3H actually looks like a good game though user.

>the trainers instead of the pokemon themselves


Attached: ex aid.jpg (1200x800, 119K)

powercreeping doesn't exist in fgo

>post-game boss trainer stronger than the Champion
Of course she will be there

More people than you think

Attached: D-EmlabUEAA8qMp.png (461x465, 196K)

GF has no corporate soul, retard. They have been shitting progressively shittier games since XY

Silver and Mars are missing to unite the family.

Silver is already confirmed at least

Attached: D-Ei8EzW4AAn5ni.jpg (1200x675, 125K)

Yes but she won't be using Rayquaza

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>Having lasted this long

I think it's already done enough as it is, I don't mind it dying. All we can do is watch and witness parts of the franchise being shambled into different gacha mobile spin-offs while main entries are dry as fuck.

But we brought it to ourselves, we really should have taken their hint by the time OR/AS happened.

Attached: Because you know deep inside that I already had tore you a new one.jpg (357x346, 69K)

>trainers have preference of color
How did Sugimori get away with this?

The whole point is to get more interactions with trainers and pokemon,in the mainline games it's just "unga bunga insert text here" meanwhile here they have personality, just look at rosa

If Lillie can get in, I see no reason why not.

>rival husbando team

that's even worse, that's just implying they're double dead on the inside and given their carcasses to the devil

Sugimori saw a market for it, so he probably knows a little better than you.

Yea but because they're so boring in the regular games I don't give a fuck about them getting actual characters in this gacha shit.

Give it to me straight boys, will she make it?

Attached: YellowFRLG.png (191x458, 117K)

I can confirm I'm an autist for remembering the name for every character, Pokemon, and moves in this trailer

Gamefreak has NOTHING to do with the gacha game.

Playing as a blonde slut, and having cyntia and lusamine in my team, the Thot team

Attached: 186.jpg (960x1200, 144K)

What game did she appear in?

How did Wally end up in this crowd?

>shilling the game while also boasting about how elitist it is against people that dont farm hundreds of hours on a single event
is this supposed to make the game seem more attractive than its competitors?


Yes they showed Giovanni in the trailer.

Is mai waifu Green there? Had such a crush on her as a kid.

I don't give a fuck about the stupid animals. I just want to whale for the hot trainers.

Attached: 1546044688370.png (600x500, 356K)

You think this game will have every Pokemon? Based on what? Literally the opposite is true.

Every trainer is limited to a specific single Pokemon. The number of Pokemon is hard limited by the number of trainers, of which there are 65 in Masters. If you legitimately think they'll add a further 740+ trainers that all happen to have every Pokemon as their ace then you're literally fucking deadbrain.

Literally most of the non-toddler fanbase cares more about the characters, pokemon are just the weapons you use in the RPG

Dumb Kamen Rider poster

There was more effort put into this than in swsh

The trainers are all 1 note boring shit how can you like them more than the actual pokemon that have some semblance of personality, especially in the newer games?

>Dumb Ex-Aid poster

Attached: E7F45663-35C2-4214-BA74-9A6FDF905ED9.jpg (850x568, 215K)

they literally just released an aoe zerker that power creeped raiko in 90% of her functionality

>The trainers are all 1 note boring shit
Because they haven't been fleshed out yet. Now they will be.

Don't bully Emu because of a dumb user.

>what is merlin and skadi
They even added break bars because of Merlin completely breaking the game.

fuck off to wherever you came from

Talking about masks, new evil team.

Attached: D-EiG4SWkAEOvOB.jpg (1200x675, 95K)

i want first appearence jessy and james


Attached: everyone is wario.png (476x453, 212K)

Just looks like FRLG Sabrina to me.

>that no shirt brock
I'm not gay, but DAMN

Attached: 1560893217169.png (670x966, 533K)

Raikou's main purpose is to farm, Arjuna blanco's release doesn't impact that in any way.
You can still clear all the content with 3* and below.

Attached: 1554468550059.png (503x515, 194K)

You can clear it but there is still powercreep and the meta keeps changing. Someone who is shit right now can be a top tier farmer in a month.


Attached: Untitled.png (1134x505, 703K)

The meta shift occurred on like two occasions in 4 years. And even to this day Jeanne Alter and Memelin can clear everything, just takes a few more braincells. Who cares about powercreeping if it doesn't actually impair players.

FRLG Sabrina had teal hair appearing to be black.

Leader looks like a jock. I like it.


Attached: 1561641767479.png (583x521, 293K)

Team Domino

do you guys think that most of the popular trainers will be shit and the one that arent popular better?

Attached: MonadoThink.png (300x300, 77K)

>create new models for trainers
>they still reuse the horrible pokemon 3d models

Attached: 1527789798380.png (600x564, 222K)

what the fuck were they thinking with that jacket?

Twice the gacha, twice the profit.

>better animations than SwSh

Attached: 1411020184437.jpg (395x401, 59K)

What the fuck were they thinking with those pants.

>Actually looks better than SS

Attached: 1541198939060.png (327x316, 221K)

Of course it does. It's not being made by Gamefreak.

Pretty hype ngl, also release is so soon im creaming right now

It still looks the same to me, a mix of blue-black. Feels like if it was straight black her hair would look closer to Elesa's.

No and that's a good thing.

Call me a faggot if you will but I think those specific Nu-Design trainers like Rosa (specifically her empty alien eyes) don't fit together with the artstyle of 90% of the other classic characters.

It honestly looks too out of place to me, she looks too unique

Now the Fergus comparison is even more valid.

this is a prime example of "moving the goalposts" you've gone from "there is no power creep" to "who cares about power creep".

Attached: 1517123998756.png (1920x1080, 1.84M)

>mega Lucario doing a z move at the end

LMAO This shit isn’t even out yet and Gamefreak already got BTFO.

photoshop a bulge into that image and you've got some solid meme potential there.

Better get used to those models. They won’t be going any where for a long time.

Why not? ever Pokemon model is done and fully textured with complete animations.
All they have to do is release Brock 5 star with Steelix or some shit.

>agartha ends with fergus telling the bitch to shut up and have sex
What a chad

Attached: 1545217928313.jpg (983x579, 131K)

Guess there's a reason why Brock also wants to be a pokemon breeder.

and you're a prime example of "retard"
My point is the powercreep is so insignificant that you could argue it doesn't exist.

>red's ace is charizard instead of venusaur as it should be canonically

charizard was a mistake

Red is like a pseudo Ash which is why Red also sometimes has Pikachu.

The 3d models are pretty nice looking, especially compared to the shit in the mainline games, but are they really using them in place of 2D artwork like other gachas?
That's the only thing this genre is good for, I wouldn't play one myself but I do like the artwork that characters get out of them.

isn't she broken

We don't know yet.

so the argument against power creep is that power creep doesnt matter because the game is so easy you can use off meta and still win? using that argument power creep shouldnt even be a relevant point to bring up in anything outside of raw pvp games then, considering pvp modes in gatchas rarely reward premium currency thus making them negligible and a simple dick measuring contest for those that want to participate

Dokkan doesn't have PvP either.

is it just me or does this game have more soul than sword and shield? the colors are nice and the trainers look good

Best rival music?

There's only one thing that's important out of all this... Well two things.

Attached: Krystal.png (1440x788, 999K)

It might be too small but here, u gay

Attached: 1560893217170.png (670x966, 538K)

Literally the Sticks the Badger of the Pokemon series.

porn with the models when?

>gacha makes all the money
>they stop making main line games cause making gacha is way easier

Acerola & Passoland
Barry & Piplup
Blue & Pidgeot
Brendan & Treecko
Brock & Onix
Clair & Kingdra
Cynthia & Garchomp
Flannery & Torkoal
Brock & Onix
Clair & Kingdra
Cynthia & Garchomp
Flannery & Torkoal
Iris & Haxorus
Korrina & Lucario
Misty & Starmie
Red & Charizard
Rosa & Snivy
Thorton & Bronzong
Rest are recruitable through the story
65 in total

gacha is a means to an end, gacha money will be used to make proper console games


Attached: tumblr_p1ck5mHLHA1rduh3zo4_raw.gif (316x480, 2.87M)

>Barry & Piplup
>no Chimchar
Weird choice.

they already showed Blue talking in the video and his name is Blue...
you might just be trying to be a faggot but if shes in the game her name is Green

Hopefully they give the main games to a more competent company after seeing the gacha's success.

How long will it take before Nintendo stops pretending that it isnt a waifu Gacha?

Attached: corrin fire emblem heroes.png (254x448, 189K)

Why the FUCK does Lucario get shilled so hard by Game Freak? He is the most FORCED pokemon of all time.

If I can make a team of Misty, Dawn, and Lt Surge (Raichu is my favorite pokemon) I will be happy.
Especially with the cutest Kalos leader in too.

His name is Green.

Attached: guriin.png (547x638, 359K)

>Barry & Piplup
This one annoys me because of Dawn.

Chimchar will probably be with Dawn/Lucas like turtwig. I assume they had to break a 'its like the anime' comparison somewhere but why they split piplup from dawn, i have no idea.

No leaf=garbage.

Fuck nu-Flannery

yeah but I wanted Marth

Pokemon is off topic on Yea Forums.

I like cute girls
What happens if this does better than that shitshow of a main game?

marth is dumb and the only reason why people like him is because he's first.

That's literally not a rule.

>they already showed Blue talking in the video and his name is Blue...
Yeah in the irrelevant dub. His japanese name is and will always be Green

Attached: Red and Green.jpg (1280x720, 80K)


Attached: D-E7dviXYAUza7K.png (789x785, 544K)

>a 37 second loop is the best rival music
yeah no

so will we finally get a world map so I can have a pokemon mod for HoI4

>Cant pull for villain girls
This is how you do not get my money

I'm trying

So when is it coming out then

this is literally a youkai watch ripoff

Nobody here cares about the Jap name, weeb.

No, yeah

Attached: 1559468341218.gif (504x504, 765K)

Pokemon is a Pokemonkiller Killer

>-h-his name is Blue
>+Hey, look, you are wrong

Attached: 1468435823772.jpg (410x371, 18K)

Fuck off. And yes you can.

And is a good thing.

Attached: 1481022601670193.png (900x679, 526K)

All I'm seeing are leaders though
Surely you cant have a gatcha with URs and SSRs only
Where are all my female swimmers, ace trainers and lasses?

You weren't paying enough attention

Generic trainer classes were confirmed in the first trailer, and this one showed some more too.

Attached: D-Ej0snXYAE2ztt.jpg:large.jpg (746x1080, 84K)

>mobile gacha
>3v3 format
>Real time
>Trainer skills

>Pokemon gets bigger XD

This is just pathetic

Attached: 1482147079372.png (750x900, 291K)

You don't refer to Pokemon by their Japanese names so you're not fooling anyone.

prove they aren't enemy only


How long until swimsuits?

Attached: __shirona_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_enpe__47af4cba749340b1e5d3c5c18e73b691.png (999x1473, 814K)

Will it have worse rates than SMT liberation?

>gacha and GO will probably make more money than post pokemania mainline titles
>Former sells itself visually better than the latest mainline title
No wonder Gamefreak's desperate enough to really be lazy with the new entries and try to make new IPs with more effort.
Too bad that's just going to end up with more problems.

Attached: 1561494223082.jpg (720x480, 33K)

It releases this summer so probably in our very first event

Prove they are

Wait until the game comes out, if they are enemy only then you can complain all you want.

abo, iibui, utsudon, erebu, kabigon, kabuto saidon dugon.

They try to figure out why and copy it into the main games. It's why the last gen had so many similarities with Yo-kai Watch.

She'll be an event character, like N

>Clair & Kingdra
>Misty & Starmie

Attached: thumbs up.jpg (300x265, 18K)

more cute girls
I've never played yokai watch and didn't bother with the last game because gen 6 sucked so much

Fuck that. I want my Clair to have Dragonair.

Why would they though?
They can just half ass something and pokefags will buy it.

Everyone's boobs look bigger than I remember...

>imagine trying to pronounce all that shit in public
Even the japs themselves will find you embarrassing.

>claims he uses jap names
>can't even write them
Thanks for proving my point, 外人.

>You don't refer to Pokemon by their Japanese names
Because Pokémon canonically have different names depending on the language, characters can even look at their pokedexes in universe and see their entries in other languages.

I call my Gangar "Gengar" just like I call my neko "cat"

>Rotom dex in SM while anime went more SOL
>LGPE was aimed at GO users and Kantopandering despite GO at that point having up to Gen 3
What has/will Sword and Shield ripped off and what about future entries?

Very little, believe me, they are completely aware of what it is.

>give the series to someone other than gamefreak
>the soul is back

There is hope for this series after all.

Attached: 1561650262539.jpg (1526x1582, 521K)

Its gacha user. that pic is propably from 2 star Clair


Attached: jessie pokemon.jpg (700x1000, 313K)

it's all katakana and the keystrokes are exactly the same.

no thank you

A laughably bad attempt at copying Zelda's open world.

I hate to say it but we're probably getting nu-May. Not that I dislike nu-May but original will always be better

Attached: 1547319228670m.jpg (424x1024, 44K)

kek, no it's not. But nice try.

Attached: 1561570323197.gif (377x372, 3.46M)

Jessie and James were in Yellow and Let's Go, so I guess they have a chance to appear, assuming there won't be anime content at all that's it, could be wrong.

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Only beef I have is Barry not having Turtwig and Brock being forever nostalgiacucked out of having Steelix.

>Pokemon have different names based on region
>but characters from regions based on the United States or France totally only have one true name that revolves around Japanese wordplay

Attached: 1551150619835.png (616x517, 61K)

Are you pretending to be retarded or do you really not know?

Good luck getting her with gacha

Can somebody give me a quick rundown on what these "gacha" games are? The only gacha I ever heard of are toys in little coin crank machines.

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>ORAS Brendan

Attached: 1522021985673 2.png (234x279, 172K)

i hope I can have jp audio with english text

Attached: 1560818128071.png (1243x463, 90K)

Isn't Steelix not in his typing? If he needs a FE it'd be Golem

Lancelot is near launch and better than Arjuna Alter

Attached: fate_zero_seven_minutes_in_heaven___lancelot_by_vampiregodesnyx-dbu5bti.jpg (555x782, 253K)


>The only gacha I ever heard of are toys in little coin crank machines.
Now take that concept, but instead of getting little toys you get characters, weapons, outfits, etc. to use in the game, that's what gacha games are.

I don't see what the gacha mechanic in this game is. People have been saying it since they were revealed, and I can certainly think of several ways to do it, but I don't remember them showing or saying anything about it.

>don't even know who these faggots are
>pic related is one of the first results for "crasher wake"
sasuga /vp/

Attached: wake.jpg (259x194, 7K)

You spend in-game currency rolling to get characters, like you would at a coin crank machine. You can get in-game currency by completing whatever tasks in-game get you them, or by buying more if you run out and still want more.


Attached: watch?v=QXuT7ZsrqRA-00:06:15.375.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

You sound like the kind of person who's been whining about having Japanese audio for the last 10 years when he could have taken half that time to just learn Japanese.

But Steelix is the coolest...

They didn't. And actually I don't even know if it is a gacha since they only said it's a mobage.

Attached: c53.jpg (600x855, 119K)

Same here, mayposter of culture.

Attached: 1520312752081.jpg (494x700, 77K)

If they have Kris and Lyra then they'll probably have both May designs at some point.

Attached: watch?v=QXuT7ZsrqRA-00:07:39.526.jpg (1280x720, 186K)

>Double the Maymays
Yes please

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Attached: watch?v=QXuT7ZsrqRA-00:06:34.127.jpg (1280x720, 161K)

>the same amount of effort is taken complaining about it on an image board as learning a whole other language
You're one of those retards who claims that if he wasn't ruined by the internet he could have learned instruments and be a world traveler, aren't you?

>he still goes on

>jetkeks getting uppity again

Attached: 1560832043139.jpg (1400x944, 782K)

super super super embarrassing dude...

Don't project your failures onto me. I'm not the one complaining about a problem of my own making.

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Didn't this dude have an Articuno in the anime?

Attached: D-Ei87FXsAAM9lD.jpg (1200x675, 139K)

yea youre gonna play the game in english and have to read it so however irrelevant that feels to you little buddies

Just have some humility. You don't need to be full ignorant and shitpost mode all the time.

Who's the hat Lady in Erika's team?

Correcting myself, it was this dude.

Attached: Emerald_Factory_Head_Noland.png (391x901, 347K)

I know it seems impossible, but you can learn Japanese if you put effort into it.

Why the long face, Norman?

Attached: D-Ei55TX4AAtI0D.jpg (1200x675, 137K)

>gamefreak pushes out a game that isn't Pokemon that has more effort put in
>hey guys where was this effort when it came to making Pokemon
>an IP that isn't Pokemon so unless it looks amazing, probably no one buys
Feels like the biggest grave digging move I've seen.

Attached: D-Ei9WVW4AY5w0A.jpg (1200x675, 112K)

Why did they make Brendan brown?

Who even likes these 3? Fujos? Mamoru Miyano fans for the green one?

Attached: D-Ei8Y6XkAA-wA_.jpg (1200x675, 147K)

I bet you hate JP audio just because unironically weebs uses it

>five hours a day, three days a week
>Haha, I don't really know...

Attached: pet-toys-29__605.jpg (605x642, 68K)

Because his useless gay son wants to do beauty pageants

More Otome than fujo.

Oh man I can't wait for this to be as successful as Dragalia Lost

>t. Hasn't played Shadow Dragon or New Mystery
Marth is one of the best written lords in the series

Attached: 1328071993913.jpg (640x432, 47K)

Really? I guess there must be girls who'd want to date them.

Yeah, that's the difference between animals and PEOPLE. If you are named Juan you won't be "John" when we speak in english but a perro will be a "dog"

>it has waifus so it has soul
Yeah no.

Unless we get some update/banner that features manga characters but i doubt it


Anything is better than DL.

I played SD and he wasn't memorable at all. Pretty bland and generic.

Isn't that the bitch who turns into a giant on the unova games?

You're in that board already.

Except that's not the case in Pokemon you retard. You don't see anyone in this thread call "Takeshi". You see people call "Brock". Also

Attached: new best girl.png (1123x557, 326K)

That's exactly what user said. Fujo are girls who like homo men. Otome are girls who want hot hetro men.


>it looks better than the real game

How is this happening holy shit lmao

I know, the comment was just me still being in doubt anyone would like them even for that.

Arjuna blanco is still cool you dumb scat poster

Only missing Karen

fuck these faggots and fuck those stupid handholding monkeys

Post your sync mon Yea Forums!
Pick unrelated mine would probably be Claydol or Tyrantrum.

Attached: 1558989399089.gif (228x566, 13K)

I have a hard time getting excited for mobileshit, what do I do Yea Forumsros?

I don't care about the waifus i just want to play as Giovanni using Mewtwo

Attached: QmGeaCk.png (1280x720, 1.25M)

You dislike it because you've never given it a try. Download a gacha that looks interesting and you'll see that the memes aren't true.

Get excited for pokemon dying instead (:

>lyra and kris on the same pic

Attached: NOICE.jpg (1536x1536, 506K)

Who's gonna be in your harem, Yea Forums?
>XY Kimono girl
>S/M Anabel
>Emma (Looker's assistant in XY. Pic related, I don't blame you if you don't remember her)
>ORAS Ace Trainer

Attached: XY_Emma.png (256x256, 31K)

He kinda looks like Joey from YGO

play puzzle and dragons

Those two things coincidentally are on Whitney

I've never played a Gacha game in my life.
Only ONE girl can change that.

Attached: e89f8e6279899a8964638217413e91fd.jpg (1115x1410, 204K)

Damn you

Attached: Joey-Wheeler-Pointy-Chin-Yu-Gi-Oh.jpg (1900x950, 137K)

Only the coolest jellies for me.

Attached: 593Jellicent.png (1280x1280, 604K)

You say this as if Pokemon didn't have a gacha mobile game 2-3 years ago?

>featured old female trainer in PV
Why is Rosa so popular?

Attached: 1560892873306.jpg (615x923, 89K)

Never played GO so I wouldn't know.

>thread full of waifufags
Gachas really do attract the worst people

donut hair onholes

What, you expect to people to be talking about the gameplay for a gacha?

I keep forgetting the names but that
brown hawaiian ghost tomboy
Female pokemon go protagonist

Nice design, BW2 was good, otoko no ko

I wasn't talking about GO which also isn't a gacha.

Attached: game also has a big titty blonde glasses girl with pantyhose.jpg (1280x452, 153K)

>Female pokemon go protagonist
Hell yeah, brother.

>why are people talking about the new thing in Masters?

God knows, she's the worst FeMC

Let's be real here, I hope the reroll process doesn't involve downloading 2GBs of Data every time and takes 5 minutes tops.

That's not Lyra

She's launch unit, right? I need to re-roll for her.

Attached: jasmine.jpg (600x800, 407K)

Her entire design screams "special snowflake"
Those unique moe eyes alone are something that not a single character had before B/W2
I bet she wouldn't even be half as popular otherwise

>new female protag for lewds
Rad. I hope the Japs love it.

She gets instantly defeated by Team Rocket's Archer so why would you

Everyone keeps talking about the gacha but can you actually roll the girls? Where did it say you can in any of the promotional videos?

>imagine name
That's true.
>picked up the game since it seemed cute a few months ago
>managed to somehow be interested in the story somewhat
>story hasn't been updated since launch and it was celebrating 2 year anniversary at the time
I wanted to see what else they would do with the characters...

Attached: DdlCU2sWsAcXO23.png (396x1187, 224K)

What's a hottie like her doing in a shitty mobile spinoff?

This. Fuck Gayfreak with this nuBrendan/May faggotry. GIVE ME THE AUTHENTIC EXPERIENCE!!!

Attached: D6A1tRwXsAIzLIE.png (680x677, 125K)

Puzzle and dragons has co-op and ranking dungeons, but no direct pvp.

>Those unique moe eyes alone are something that not a single character had before B/W2
It was new, but not unique. It's just the artist. The male trainer and rival had eyes like that as well.

I mean I did say "not a single character before B/W2"

>more optimistic for a mobile game than anything gamefreak shat out since XY
I hate this

Attached: help.png (400x300, 87K)

>that formal with sex appeal outfit
>huge tits
>fucking high heels
God I want believe such a sexy design is wasted on a shitty mobile game

Attached: 1550328119484.gif (200x189, 799K)

For me the franchise died when they released pokemon go
>inb4 muh autism

I like the fact that it's free, but I know games like these run with the entire of bullying the addicted player until they quit or break

Are you retarded?

>only want Veronica, get Fjorm and Marth
>sibling only wants Fjorm, gets Vero and Marth

I just want my wife.

Attached: 68909368_p0.jpg (850x1100, 202K)

part 4 Jotaro

I hope the Pokemon Company starts to get shit on with their mobile games
Pokemon Go ruined all future pokemons cuz Pokemon Company has bee too busy trying to recreate the PokeGo success

Counterpoint: all sexiest designs of whatever franchises come from their mobile games.

As long as I can make team spats, I don't give a shit about the rest of the game.

Attached: doubleS_01.jpg (1280x1816, 496K)

Only good gacha is dokkan but I might check this out

Attached: jd5niw1x6zv21.png (1485x1600, 2.25M)

The world tournament in the DS game had more characters than that shit.

Is the hex in?

You can beat the game with 3*s there is no content that requires op servants. You can even use meme teams during Nerofest

I want some kind of ace trainer to be in it.

Attached: 5c1b043a078c5794fc2ff29cafaa1ada[1].jpg (848x1200, 75K)

>The Profssors playable

What is she an ace trainer of?

>they made Misty's hips bigger

Attached: 1522879252635.png (271x276, 93K)

Please don't post this
This teenhood doujin was too much for my dick.

Attached: 1518726495819.png (292x217, 138K)


>mobileshit unironically looks better than the new mainline console game
The absolute state of nu-Pokemon.

Attached: 1505163108021.png (240x224, 3K)

>goes gacha
>nothing in the video even implied gacha
>none of the Pokemon mobile games have any gacha element
OP is a fag as usual.

>current year
>mobile game with a large amount of collectable whatever
>not gacha

the pantom thieves even morgana is in the leader's shirt

>Play something like Fate/Grand Order.
Slit your neck for trying to shill FGO

Who was the cutie fighting alongside Eirika?

Who the fucks the blond boy with the Rockruff? I skipped afew Pokemon games, or is an OC?

You guess is as good as mine

Attached: 1557675694810.png (411x1179, 253K)

true, but what's the point besides rolling shit?
based, good idea

I wonder if they'll keep it 100% child friendly or if they'll go the mad lad route and add actual fanservice.

Attached: __jujube_(pokemon)_natsume_(pokemon)__pokemon__drawn_by_matanonki__2c13113237b41dd045b76719315dab2c. (1600x1200, 1.48M)

But is hex maniac in?

Attached: 200.gif (290x200, 342K)

I'd be shocked if she wasn't.

Answer me damn it

>being sandwiched between both Crasher Wake and Wulfric
Of course user

This one?
No idea but I'm claiming her

Attached: 1561654298624.png (500x886, 599K)

>Hilda a womanlet in Poke Master gacha waifu
>She's below 5 feet


Attached: 22b959c3650bed0fff0decef732371c0.png (488x884, 457K)

Tell me user
How do you think you’re going to interact with different trainers/pokemon

It’s in the press release

ill she be a SSR or a trash common?
They cant ignored how popular she is even after all these years and making her a trash unit will make some people pissed

Yeah her

I just fucking want Wes, or anyone else from Orre.
fucking acknowledge these games

And Whitney's tits biger

Attached: 1561647658070.jpg (2208x1242, 165K)


What's the gacha mechanic here? Trainer or pokemon?

>He doesn't know that Isshu (American) girls are smaller than their Gen1-4 (Japanese) counterparts

>Candice is still stacked
huh, neat


>don't even have to whale to be a /Rocketman/
Good shit

so theres Red but no Ash?

Gotta Gacha Them All

Either a Beauty or a new design for a Lady.

Attached: ORAS_Lady.png (214x378, 25K)

Considering they're sync duos, I assume they'll be in a pair so if you obtain Cynthia, she'll have her Garchomp
So far from what I've seen, how the actual gacha will work and how the generic trainers will work is unknown.

Seething lesser gachakek

the trainer and pokemon are paired together. I'm guessing there'll be different combinations of same trainer plus different pokemon plus swimsuit for the gacha. Like how are they not giving Green a Blastoise

>trying to release a gacha game clearly aimed at children with the whole lootbox ban thing looming
Well, Nintendo just indirectly assured lootboxes are dead.

ash is a faggot that has never won a single tournament

You roll things in order to use them in battles or stories.

We don't even know if it's going to have gachashit, stop lying

If it's not gacha me and millions of potential japanese players won't even bother with it.

Make hay while the sun shines. I'm guessing this game will never release in EU.

At least that explains why her ass looks so fat

Japan probably doesn't care

I never thought she'd be so short. Pretty disappointed she isn't tall, like at least 5'9.

why would they bother translating the game in french, german, etc.. if it was not going to be released in the EU?

Probably will be available like how cygames does it then

>argumentum ad populum
Yikes, son.

Most gachas I've played I've only done so for the fanservice, like being able to collect villains who were never playable before.


So... I'm pretty sure that Xenoblade is next on hitlist.Lord help us.

Attached: 1553918182891.png (246x252, 53K)


Just imagine all of the porn that's going to come of this

Attached: DAC2399F-135D-4A97-9096-EE7733877AC0.gif (240x240, 1.83M)

how much will you spend for your waifu and all her variants

Attached: Cynthia___Garchomp.png (546x469, 236K)

>whole lootbox ban thing looming

It sure is. Been hearing that for years, dumb Belgium thinks his country's ban means anything. FGO is launching in Spain now lmfao at you shrieking Belgians coping as the nanny state bans mobile games.

I mean' she’s a girl and 10-12 years old

I need the Pokesupe girls in the game so badly.

BW and XY protags are older.

Have you considered not being a secondary?

Aren't the BW protagonists supposed to be older than the previous ones? Around 14-15 I think.

Can I make a Pokemon into a trainer instead?

Attached: Gengar spots vp.png (252x243, 17K)

That's just some shit Yea Forums made up

This, desu. They're the outlier, rest of the playeable trainers are preteens. Red and Gary did grow up by Sun and Moon.

I'm surprised it took this long.

>he hasn't heard about the US going after lootboxes

And the 10-12 y/o thing isn't?

I'm gonna be f2p and reroll for Sabrina on day 1.

It was a suggestion and it won't lead to anything.

GF confirmed this you retard.

Even if you don't go by game canon, pokespe protags still are older.

can you prove this?


My waifu isn't even a pokemon character.

16 to be specific. That was the gae they used to design her. Here's the tweet from a GF employee.

Oh shit you’re right, don’t think I’ve ever seen one ether.

Attached: F0F6CED2-93AC-4E03-A08D-52FB71439AFA.png (526x601, 157K)

yikes and cringe pilled my negro

>implying you wont play it anyway

I hope Mewtwo shows up without a trainer like he did in Stadium

how is gacha still allowed but lootboxes arent? is it just because lawmakers dont know Japanese?

>ask for something
>get it

Heed my words she will be this game's Camilla

Too bad there isn't a CYPkmnTrainer so we can get some confirmed alts.

>Implying we wouldn’t get summer beach Pikachu
>Implying we wouldn’t get spooky costume Pikachu
>Implying we wouldn’t get Cupid Pikachu
>Implying we wouldn’t get Pikachu Libre
>Implying we wouldn’t get Christmas Pikachu

no regrets

Attached: bird up.png (800x613, 139K)

So I'm collecting trainers now or what?


But if she was taller than 5'6, then most of Yea Forums couldn't date her.

Yes, trainer and pokemon duos.

Attached: D-Em28_UIAImwSj.png (461x545, 267K)

>no response
Why does this always happen


>not Lyn

I'm a bit out of the loop here
Can someone list all the reasons people are shitting on GF right now

Trainers + pokemon.

So they can't pull this without everyone bitching.

For the XY protagonists at least, there is Emma, a 16 years old girl in the post-game sidequests who is referenced as younger than the player character.

Black and White's was more vague though, with just some marketing material saying they were older.

You are Pikachu’s trainer so it will basically be your avatar wearing fitting costumes

E3 revealed that Gen 8 was a fucking mess for a huge variety of reasons
At least it still has cute girls

Well you got me there, She's got more similarities to Lyn, but who will be the pure waifufag pick that doesn't deserve all those fucking alts?


massive steelixfag, love this dude

Attached: 250px-208Steelix.png (250x250, 45K)

Attached: Quagsire.jpg (260x240, 12K)

>you will be able to get each trainer once
how will they do it if there's only 65 of them at launch?

Can you be more specific? I wonder why there is so much seething. I get the national dex thing, the shit animations and the shit excuses for less content roughly but is there more?

What pokemon is Dawn going to use?

Attached: 1527694131995.jpg (706x1000, 78K)

Giratina obviously.

Three Houses looks like a realy solid FE game tho.

Hopefully Turtwig. I prefer Piplup, but Turtwig is an underrated little dude. Chimchar a shit

Player characters in mobages don't get much attention.

Attached: rei.png (394x647, 63K)

why is Lupin in pokémon?

Hopefully he'll get some love since Piplup is already taken.

That's not true, they got some of the most porn

Attached: 2098eca00df7b4c245999ca2a53e4bc6.png (478x676, 488K)

>chad boy Gold?
He's going to get fucked by getting a weak gen 2 starter. Hopefully they give him Lugia

I wish that sceptile just said gex quotes in the games

Gold will powercreep Red screencap this

That's pretty much it. Guess main reason why fans are extra pissed now is because hate for GameFreak's laziness has been growing since XY and SS was the straw that finally broke the camels back.