What's the appeal of this game?

What's the appeal of this game?

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Other urls found in this thread:


So shut in weebs can live out their fantasies of being anime girls. Everybody participating in this webm is a dude. Probably fat and hasn't showered in weeks.

>What's the appeal of this game?
anonymous degeneracy
and that's a good thing

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Losers can pretend to be social butterflies without having to bath before the process.


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no u
I know its vrchat but I need a full source of the video

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every time anybody wants to get off to this stuff just remind yourself that the anime girls are actual neckbeards and you'll feel disgusted with yourself

The gender bender aspect is what makes it so hot. We're all guys but through the magic of technology we all have cute pussies and perky tits and can lez out together

No, that's definitely not the hot part.

It's pretty hot

Not as hot as the place you're headed, sodomite.

>FBI closes the door

He needs reinforcements.

Oh sweetie, you believe in fairytales?

I believe in the ovens.

I wanna be a virtual prostitute!!

So this is what that Black Mirror was talking about

more people = better party

Especially knowing it's a man behind that character.

Dude on YouTube made a series called Sexy Sunday which basically were 20 - 60 minuts of OPs webm.
Sadly the cuck devs shut it down and banned him or atleast told him to stop with the borderline porn content if he doesn't wanna get banned.

SL is better if you actually want to masturbate without paying $500

I mean, I know about the memes, but there are actual girls playing this shit, though they're more often than not part of big groups and have dozens of orbiters, so getting to them isn't that easy, but you can make some interesting encounters nonetheless

If you like improvisation and doing some RP, VRchat is simply the best thing that ever existed and I honestly can't wait to see one of the big corps making their clone (but with a budget this time)

>What's the appeal of this game?
justifying your $600 meme glasses

This honestly. VR stuff is very limited, meanwhile SL literally appeals to any kind of fetish you have, you are sure to find it.

haha no wonder Yea Forums hated britbong bullying you second life pedophiles youtube.com/watch?v=MDdN-SlTmaw


i just couldnt be doing this knowing it is a man behind this

Wait, did youtube ban him or the VRchat devs?

>Theres also a 89% chance its a femboy trap thats actually passes for a woman
VRdevs are a bunch of fags who hate any sexual shit on their game and regularly hunt it down

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Why the fuck did this make me so hard holy shit?

>tfw personal space issues
>can't get boner because being to close to anything makes me anxious

I know you can get warnings (and a ban) if you even say thot in game, so imagine anything semi-explicitly sexual

it's really sad, but then again I don't see how they could host an 'adult' version of the game, it"d just turn into furrycentral/second life in less than a week too

Devs did.
But I think he also took down all of the videos which were a lot.
His name is Xigneon I think.

You're allowed to do whatever you want in vrchat already, just has to be in private.

That's fucking gay, what a bunch of killjoys.

yes, but if there's a guy doing YT videos around, you will get fucked
t. got a warning for wearing a skimpy suited foxgirl because a friend of mine uploaded it to YT even though it was in a private map and only with invited friends
and it's not like my friend is popular or anything, just a few hundred views

the devs are just niggers

For a lot of people? Venting about how they're fat and gay and retarded by pretending to be a cute anime girl and having virtual sex or whatever. I just like playing as recoome. It's not a good game though

Then don't hang around streamers, or better yet, whip your cock out so they can't upload it to any site or stream it.

but user, that's where all the girls are
and the most interesting peeps too, hanging around retards that are too shy to talk in fucking VR and furries isn't nearly as appealing

I've found more interesting people through /vrg/. (Although that place has gone downhill now.)

Weebs pretending to be anime girls so they can fulfill their degenerate lives of not being able to become a productive member of society.


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I'm not fond of interacting with guys pretending to be girls in a chat.

This is what a fever dream looks like


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or anything else other than jazz handsing at MMD rips

This but stop using bad pubbie examples

you cant stop me

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only fags that never tried VR could ever claim this
prove me wrong

inb4 hurr I tried it

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I was actually a part of the Sexy Sunday community so I'll explain what happened. VRC devs are a bunch of leftist cucks, anything sexual they view as bad pr. Twitch was always against Xigneon, so he never was able to stream it, but he would record his pov and make a big 30 minute or so cut of all the highlights each Sunday and put it on youtube. VRC devs didn't like that he was even uploading it on youtube. Youtube doesn't care, but he had to pretty much remove his entire channel, because even though it was outside their jurisdiction, VRC devs were still getting reports from butthurt faggots that he had videos on youtube. He still does Sexy Sunday, but it's completely private and isn't recorded at all. He can't upload the videos anywhere, because legions of haters will find them and report him to the VRC devs. Some of the stuff that happens during SS is hot, but for the most part it's not as good as it looks. Also, like 85% of the dancers are dudes.

>buy $500 tech demo
>try to erp
>get banned
no ty

>getting caught
another (you) problem

>get banned
>from a free to play game

One day I will hopefully be able to leave this world behind and live in a full dive vr world

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more like
>buy $500 gimmick helmet
>try to erp
>gyrate and hump the air alone in my room
>get banned

imagine feeling so much remorse over your purchase that you defend a shitty, dying platform

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>1m VR users on steam
>dying platform
what do you think you're doing?
do you honestly think you're convincing people right now?

or is this all a ruse and you'll play the 'I was just pretending to be retarded' card in thirty minutes?

I'm sorry you live in a third world shithole and you don't have the money to buy one, but that doesn't change anything user

holy fuck have sex (irl, not in vr)

>mfw found my gf in vrchat and had sex in both
you have no idea

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This one always cracks me up, everything about it is just perfect

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user just because you can't see the nutsack doesn't mean it's a girl

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You never did either one of those lmao

It makes my peepee hard.

u jelly

how is it tracking all her body movements?

>he hasn't bought a kinect for his gf just so she can get full body tracking
your loss


yeah but we're reaching a point in which it doesn't really matter


looking at op's webm I couldn't care less about who's really behind the headset
I'll never meet them irl and our interaction is limited to their oppai demon model

and their voice.........

either use a modulator or don't speak

If full dive is allowed to exist it will be at the behest of those who will abuse it

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Pure degeneracy and delusional trannies.

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holy shit cyberpunk is real

>model has cameltoe

Man I can't fucking wait for eye tracking and those new index controllers


>This video was removed for violating our TOS.
what is this jewery

It's a social playermoderations for likeminded losers such as myself. I live in boomerville nowhere so I can't meet people in the flesh like I could in the city, but since it's the internet, I don't have to say goodbye to shit and I can move elsewhere. Also good friend groups can be a party every weekend so it's fun in that sense. I've heard VR chicks that are actually chicks are easy as hell, too, but I never stepped up at bat because that shit don't interest me, I got offline VR porn.


>Everybody participating in this webm is a dude
I'm bi and don't give a fuck.

This is satanic.

you can literally be a girl, user. think about it

honestly, vrchat is great even without lewd. imagine discussing current state of the european union with adorable anime lolis while doing cute stuff in front of a mirror. you cannot even begin to imagine how nice people can be when everyone looks nice and pleasant

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>I got offline VR porn.
Post pastebin please. I want to fap.

Alright, I've got to go to bed now

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how hard it is to turn your fucking mic off
goddamn it

full body tracking. most popular solution is using vive pucks, you get three of those, two for feet and one for hip

Do I really want to pay 500 dollars for a dude on the other side of the screen to pretend to be a girl and blow me?

Guys I think I have reached the point of no return.


no you can do that for free
you have to pay the 500 if you want to be the (girl), though

>of course I am!

No, but you want to pay 500 dollars to pretend to blow other dudes

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Is this how anime becomes real?

>tfw I just got 2 more anime degenerates

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>2 animus giving their all
>probably 12 year old demon watching
>fucking fbi bails
this webm gets better the more I watch it

Naively it's just koikatsu and honey select at the moment. A struggle to get working properly but the immersion is great. Especially if you make the camera a different size, bigger, smaller, both are great.

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I've been looking for this time to fap

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Welp time for me to get into anime and buy a headset.

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Lol are you new around here fren?

nope, are you?

This reminds me of The Matrix scene where the traitor talks about the virtual steak he's enjoying.
I'm a bit jelly.

it's been years since I had last gotten a an involuntary erection, what sorcery is this? thank you OP

do you have any more

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>roomate got a vr set and let's me try it
>downloaded vr chat
>expecting to make some cool dudebro friends with silly avatars and maybe find some cute sounding girls with cute avatars
>it's just a bunch of guys as anime girls and a bunch of larping
Why can't i catch a break for once

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I had a Hulk avatar with a blond bowl cut and the Monado. Got a few laughs from it.

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it's the internet user, you can't expect to just find a cool group of dudes you can hang out with just like that
do you also expect to get your money back every time you buy lottery tickets?

We've failed as a species

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that game me an erection. i might masturbate to the sounds later.

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>be on vrchat
>no vr cause fuck that shit
>go to one of those cool drawing rooms
> 90% of the room is anime avatars
>I'm not anime
>some guy looks at me and mutters to himself "typical desktop users" and blocks me

What the fuck happened

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why didn't he use a voice mod? men voices sound like shit

lmao get fucked poorfag

VRdevs are losing out on the $$$ unlimited $$$ potential.

Kinda like western localizers that chop up and sell censored eroge VNs on Steam.

Appealing to normies is a revenue death sentence for niche content.

They should go find other shit to ruin.

hahaha I'm definitely not crying because of this stupid video I'm completely fine

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Anyone tried a Kinect with the new Rift S yet? Will it work? I'm kinda new to all this.

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>Want to play VRchat
>Headset always smells so bad from Beat Saber sweat that I don't want to

I'm not even fat. I just let out floods of sweat whenever I heat up even a little.

Read the original post again, but slowly.
I don't see them state that they don't have enough to buy VR.

nah friend ordered one but seems abit much

worth it if it's hard to cable in your room

you've been coming in every vrchat threads you can find to tell about your sad experience user
it's okay, just wait a few more years, get a job, and you'll finally be able to be 'accepted'!

I play VRchat and I have that same catsuit that slut is wearing, with a womb tattoo too. I also have leg trackers and everything so I give people lapdances, erotic dances and I also ERP with them.

Fucking anime girls who are actually black guys.

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unless i can watch a crocodile devour a girl, i'm not in.

Fun fact. I shower daily, have a gf I fuck daily and I rp as a loli in full body VR

this is exactly the problem with virtual worlds

everyone just stands around doing fuckall

they're just coping because they don't have enough money to spend on something like that, and if they can't have fun then nobody should be allowed to

but you shouldn't tell them that

Second Life is better

i can get fucked by horses and dogs on SL
And giant futa oni

imagine lying on the internet

you're on Yea Forums buddy, the only people here are zoomer pedophiles

>tfw no anime friends to enjoy a traditional American meal around the traditional American kotatsu

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You forgot your generic smug anime reaction image, you failed fucking abortion.

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It's modern day cybering
>I take off my wizard hat and robe

oh, my bad, here

now go get a job

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please erp with me on vrchat

This looks comfy as fuck

>"hrhgmmg... he no have what... mee..e have? no job.e.,d.... hrmg..."
>"ehee.gf.e..heehe...not anine... badd.,man....hrr,g..c-c-rush... himm,. with mighty..., ape fist...."

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sorry user I only ERP with actual girls
just pick a cute shota, you'd be surprised at how many girls like that shit

>Doing nothing but talking for hours
What sort of beta party is this

i am a girl (female)

>sorry user I only ERP with actual girls

Prove it.

>sorry user I only ERP with actual girls

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no you ain't

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> No reups of these videos


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>Wow a VR-Netsphere I bet this is gonna be awesome.

tiny fukken rooms looking no better than Gary's mod or SL (both 15 years or older)
no lighting or nothing just meme posters and a giant mirror wall where everyone is parked infront looking at themselves.
Just an big row of dabbing furries and flossing anime characters.
the only people interacting are faggots that try to collect shit to post on their sub par youtube channels.
maybe the next decade eh?

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This one is pointless without the sound. The person getting molested is a girl

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You fiend. How dare you shame him for expressing his sexuality?

it'll only get bigger and better from here on out user
we're lucky it caught on in the first place or this genre could've taken another two decades to appear, now at least people with the money are sure of its potential

You sure? Post it

I agree with you man.
>tiny fukken rooms looking no better than Gary's mod or SL (both 15 years or older)
There is an option in unity to have real time lighting, these anime fags decide to bake the lighting onto the map so that all your models that you've made yourself look like shit in those maps.

Tis but a sad world we live in.

How sweaty do you think these dudes get by the time they're done doing that?

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nonsense, girls like traps

its fursuiting for weebs, all kinds of autism can be found in that cesspit.

Yeah go ahead and source me up kachigga

nah, they like convincing traps
and I'm into /ss/ anyways, so I ain't letting go of this one

what's the appeal of or or even ?
cute anime girls
big fat anime titties
lolis and catgirls
all doing lewd or cute things maybe both and it's anonymous
how can you not get the appeal of that? What are you even doing here?

fuck i just got done masturbating..

Honestly anyone that hasn’t made the switch to Sansar is either 9 years old or a Luddite

VRChat has no future- it’s already depreciated beyond its time and its graphics are shit compared to sansar

the anime subculture is a path to mental illness (or possibly just exacerbating existing mental illness)

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The fact that it's taken you that long to figure it out is just proof.

I wish people would work harder on locations instead of just horrible characters.
a decently large patch of The Hunter Call of the Wild
some big ass Resident Evil or Tomb Raider mansion to explore with secret rooms and the like.
a Museum full of impossible shit like cryptids and aliens and other cool gems and treasures.
the inside of a fucking Zerg Hive with zerglings on a rail gliding by a window every few minutes.
make it the impossible Disneyland instead of just the Narcissism cube simulator it is right now.

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You can tell them this a million times, and they still won't care. They've given up. On themselves, and on the world. Now, it's a crabs-in-a-bucket mentality where they're trying to drag other people into their cesspit, because they don't want to suffer alone. Don't fall for it.

in a perfect world, men like these would not exist.

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Dont have it, saw it in a vrchat thread on /wsg/ some time ago. Dont even know how to look that up, vrchat threesome maybe

And for trannies to get validation.

I'm pretty sure you can use blender to import maps into unity, if you manage to get maps from games you can port em over into unity and upload them as worlds. As long as you set them up correctly of course.

I'm all of those except green and white, what do I win?


vrchat erp is the cringiest shit ever

Maybe god is real and he was right about society spiraling into degeneracy

you win transitioning into a catgirl

Reminder that the two guys in this video said this is "all an inside joke"

We need God more than ever in this day and age. Such degeneracy

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There's a 100% chance this is a dude.

No thanks, I like being able to jack my dick to completion 8 times a day.

>only 489
Casual, I got 10363 favorited things.

>tfw when savely in the purple area living the good life

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I should download Honey Select again and find that Christ-Chan card.

you can identify as a futa catgirl

I can't stop laughing

d-do you thi-think he was playing with his butt???
sounds like he was.... lewd

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Join us at !!! We're fun !!!

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>no way for people to upload their own creations, barely any avatar customization on top of it
>no way for people to build their own rooms from A to Z including user made scripts
sansar has no future lmao

Is vr chat a good game to play with a friend and have some wholesome fun?

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Got my Vive yesterday and honestly just want to chill and chat with people.

>Lewd general for a fucking socialising game

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>playing with sound

excuse me mom but men do not have large breasts or pussies behind their balls so no they are not "just men"

Making youtube videos and getting paid

ahahahaha i haven't had a good chuckle like this in awhile.


Fuck right off
i hope you wrap your cord around your neck and die

>tfw you weren't immortalized in this video because you were in another room with a /vrg/sie who is no longer with us

The vrorgies

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is this a tsutomu nihei reference?

eat your burgers, apollo

Only half :^)

>glow in the dark tattoos with clear seams
>dog fucker
>flat lit shader
>no nude shapekeys

I don't need to lie. I was comfortable enough with admitting I was a kissless virgin up until last month. Also, a friend of mine and his wife double team people in it too

exactly my thoughts dude

TDA Emissive thot bitches are the worst

ok bro

should show his mom something from niku ringo or radiohead, she'd be too traumatized to question his preferences ever again

Holy fuck you speak my language brother


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shut the fuck up bananas

Great, now I'm horny.

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what the fuck

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The absolute state of vrchat trannies.

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Sorry user, getting tied up and fucked by a hot demon girl sounds great in theory but in practice the knowledge that it's a dude just makes it not work.

Call me when there's Matrix-like VR and we have AIs that can play the part of the female.

The worst part is that's a Fortnite skin watching them

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god I wish I was a girl with a big ass and big tits
life would be so much easier, and fun

what are you talking about? All that shit is in there

What VR setup is best for degeneracy.
If I'm going to do this I want to do it right

>niger voice

Wish granted but you're born in the Middle East.

Fucking faggots

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>hasn't showered in weeks.
That just make it hotter!

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But you'd also have a retarded female brain and age like milk. VR solves these problems.

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Index with 3 body trackers.

You're looking to buy a headset, full body tracking and maybe a sex toy of some sort.
Valve Index is the best headset right now. Get it if you can wait, and have cash to burn.
To have an easy time with full body tracking, get the HTC Vive headset and three Vive trackers.
Alternatively, you could buy a Rift for cheaper and try and build your own trackers - or use PS move controllers as trackers. These options are more taxing on your CPU than using trackers with a Vive.
Kinect FBT is a meme.
Buy a lovense edge if you want to get buzzed by your bro while playing.

>get called a faggot everytime on Yea Forums
>anons don't know it gets me off

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Blue and red, 520 favorited galleries on sadpanda.

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>all these replies reacting with disgusting
>meanwhile Easter rolls around and every single one of those fucks spread their hairy assholes for "likes" or "Team Mint"

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I hate weeb faggots so goddamn much. Definitely up there with furries and SJW trannies though the latter probably makes up for atleast half of the weebshitters like this.

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I love porn
I love anime
I love weeb shit
I love masturbating
I love being a degenerate
>b...but you're not h...happy!
lol fapping right at this moment to this very thread and living the life

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absolutely horrid taste you unfaggot

i love weeb shit too, can you post the full pic?

got a source?

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Got linked to this thread from /vrg/, I forgot how bad Yea Forums was
Keep being a bunch of Yea Forumsirgins


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i got linked from /slg/ and i'm loving it too

Would be nice if actual girls played the game I'd have VR sex with them.

I have masturbated to this guy's videos before, but I only like the girl from the OP. All the other avatars suck.


Daddy Jelly's smelly cummies on his feetsies~

It might have been too early in the night for the kind of drinking they do now.
My friend, you need to hit the Void Club at 1-4AM EST. That's when shit is real.

Is that subway, but with xenogear instead?

You got off the loop or most likely, tech fashion left you behind.
What? you think that 30 years from now you will be a hype desktop user? for all we know, a dektop pc and media like you know it can become the new VHS in 10 years

VRchat is a social game you mong, it's filled with girls(female). good luck getting through the wall of orbiters surrounding them, pajeet.

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>VRChat thread
>Wow why are people being lewd or weebs
That's the only thing it's good for

God Jesus!

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Someone fucking invent a god damn good voice changer, everyone makes avatars but it's all fucking useless without a voice changer made this decade. (Morphvox and clownfish/diamond etc etc were made in like 2008)
Until then VR is a gimmick meme fad that is already over.

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Anyone wanna hook up in VR right now?

>cute anime girl
>with deep male voice coming out of it

no that's a level of dissonance I will not cross, it already made it hard to watch Circlet Princess at times, with the AI program, and thats why I dont much care for VRchat desu

Attached: [.ass] Circlet Princess - 01 [WEB 1080p x264-Hi10P AAC][33503674].mkv_snapshot_10.41_[2019.01.15_17. (1920x1080, 978K)

prepare to be underwhelmed by a clever shoop i.imgur.com/4RjkF2j.jpg

i wanted poop.............

Hm will check it out. Problem is I have irl gf who lives with me so trying to take part will be tough

I've always been bullied because I have a girly voice, I think It's my time to shine

I would walk around as Raditz and ruin moe girl bullshit whenever possible.

Age? Those kinds of evaluation only make sense when you are past 25.
You can totally feel "happy" while snorting coke from a cock when you are 19, your lifestyle has shit to do with it if you are euforic all the time and pretty much high on youth.
It doesn't take that long for that fuel to run out leaving you with only damage and maybe 50 years ahead of you of trying to replicate that lifestyle and just feeling miserable about the lack of general euphoria about everything.
People talk about life being short, but it's not. It can be pretty fucking long and people who don't think about the long game just burn themselves and become shitty and depresed as a result.

>Drink while going around to different worlds and people watch
>Occasionally someone will notice me and something amusing kicks off from there
>Otherwise just an easy way to "socialize"
>I'm a desktop fag
Crazy that this is free, it's a comfy time killer.

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What says they're weebs?

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Science has officialy gone too far. How long before the rapture finally puts an end to humanity?

Attached: 56560772.jpg (868x868, 79K)

Or just don't be a fag

How is it like to play this without a headset? I know it's not needed, but I would hate to feel limited on what I can do. How does the game compensate for non-headset users?

Attached: 1540782009706.png (744x412, 142K)

well maybe my life isn't that shit

You can do anything a VR headset user can, you just have to animated it before hand (Like if you want to raise your left leg, your right arm or do a flip) and there's tons of premade animations too.

>I'm also low IQ and delusional

>tfw get more turned on by the head patting motion than anything else "she" does
I'm so starved for human affection
No wonder this shit is so popular

Attached: 1561619123927.jpg (1024x427, 37K)

I have too... but am too self conscious to get on mic

First half was cringe.
Then I got a boner when they stopped sounding goofy

VRChat is the best bar I've ever been to

Why would anyone care what some faggot thinks?

>gets me off
how can someone be this much of a submissive sissy bitch

Tell him he's a worthless slut only good for taking cocks.

>there are people who think gays deserve rights



>I find something disgusting, so they shouldn't be allowed to do it
Nobody put a gun to your head and told you to watch that filth lmao

I bet your gf is really hot and sane and you're a really healthy weight.

I don't need to tell him
He'd probably cum by reading those words from someone else like a little bitch

How pathetic can one little faggot be?

Why would I need to engage with other people to jerk it in VR. There's tons of VR sex simulators out there


Attached: Duu1SJXW0AA2rmI.jpg (350x350, 16K)

When can I do this in VR Chat?

Attached: 1561578705336.webm (853x480, 1.58M)

Holy fuck that's nuts. What game is that

Attached: weebs.gif (410x230, 1.93M)

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Blade and sorcery VR

Blade and Sorcery.

Attached: 1561578794616.webm (1920x1080, 2.08M)

Attached: 1556395285363.webm (852x480, 2.91M)

Imagine actually defending those disgusting faggots and their completely shameful behaviour holy shit

dang that's cute

I think this advertisement was a bit too forward

Imagine being so fragile you feel the need to control everyone else.

Does anyone have that video where two guys are fucking in VRchat and one of them moans to the other one to cum in his ass?


Attached: 1561643583383.jpg (360x344, 25K)

Shit like this is why i still hang around on Yea Forums after all these years.

Attached: 4758577+_b3a0fca47ae25105908fca31e951b495.gif (200x150, 580K)

I don't know what it is and I don't know why but I've been thinking of AssettoCorsa for a while now.

penis appeasing

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misheposters are the fucking worse
anyone who uses booth models is automatically a loser

Fucking faggot.


that's some next gen shit how long until SJWs ruin it

this guy is a national treasure

Attached: 1537628926128.webm (500x374, 2.87M)

She's tiny and cute. And I'm underweight.

deus vult fucking when?

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I have 200 hours on vr chat but I've neverr talked to anyone because I'm too shy.

Sansar is just another Blue Mars.

I think I'm done with this universe

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I'm just blue. I only fap to youtube moms breastfeeding, so it doesn't count as porn addiction.


is that the no apaches in terraria guy

Attached: 498ed76be651cffb6bb9bac6a9bb75c3.jpg (600x600, 37K)

actually user I think you have all three - you sure you're not a tranny?

god it looks like garbage
unironically soulless

that's a fantastic sperg voice

you have to be retarded or 12 to find this shit cute


Attached: FUCKING QUAALUDES.png (1028x716, 765K)

>t. fag

Yeah, I'm sure it's just one.


have s-


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>this is what happens when you tell people on Yea Forums to have sex

Attached: 1516824064555.jpg (646x720, 23K)

Why can't we euthanize the homos.

Once we import enough muslims the problem will solve itself

actually retarded

I've seen a man's prolapsed anus, i've seen a bottle going into a mans asshole and break, I've seen a cat set on fire, i've seen some ISIS shit but this video is the one thing that makes me want to commit genocide on a mass human scale. We didn't deserve to evolve.

Attached: WsCgn2T.png (498x348, 134K)

have sex

I'm glad I don't have to live in your world and I get to actually touch real girls
go ahead, shitpost reply but I autowin by not being you

We need to homegrow our gayslayers. Support local produce.

So is that two dudes in the same room IRL fucking or is that just RP?

Attached: 1561599111182.jpg (509x463, 36K)

u mad

gj-bu was great

have sex

sorry too busy being NOT gay

Attached: VRChat_1920x1080_2019-06-27_00-07-04.103.png (1920x1080, 2.28M)


imagine having a blonde uniform-wearing nazi loli orgy while the christchurch shooting vid is playing in the background

I've got over 2k galleries favorited, and about 3 terabytes saved. I loves traps and shota but I hate trannies and niggers with a passion.

Attached: [Totemo Zako (Sugoku Zako)] Joshigakusei o Rachi Yuukai Shita to Omottara Otokonoko datta. CROP.png (2315x2169, 3.05M)

He had to make an epic post for all of his pals on reddit.

>posts the most popular gay character of the year

>calls dante gay
wow dude yikes

I have it and played with it i used a ana skin sat a bar vr drank and talked shit, it was great fun i need to set up my scanner things again

sometimes i ask myself were we always this fucked up or have we just been spiraling down a path of no return

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>scale vore

That's vanilla for the standard of the game.

everyone that posted a negative reply to this post is jealous

sometimes I ask myself how sheltered you have to be to find this even remotely worse than all the real shit out there.

Here's a counter point:
These webms are what VRChat is like.

You know it to be true. You want to fuck your gay cowboy pizza daddy.

Mate stop projecting.

Attached: VRChat_1920x1080_2019-05-28_10-59-46.825.png (1080x1920, 2.78M)

>vr sleep paralysis molestation expirience
The future is now.

>another homo man character

heres your reply

Seekairow is a pedo

Dante is MGTOW

You know I'm right.

heres your reply

if they want to stay in character they should only speak in grunts and single word answers

Can i have one too?

Deus nult, user. Deus nult.

yes and? I hate that shit, whenever its posted in /wsg/


Attached: 1559444357018.png (344x366, 104K)

why are zoomer so retarded and settle for low poly shit models with akward clipping first person ERP when Sl is so much better


Yeah that guy is fucking hilarious to watch in sansar. A great lolcow

Blue mars? Nah desu it’s the most realistic one out there

I'm laughing so hard but I'm so astoundingly disgusted at the same time. It's like watching two clown cars get into a fatal accident for four minutes straight.

Attached: 1554975745843.jpg (676x720, 93K)

Pretty sure that’s like the base scene that everyone starts out with, ofc it’s gonna look like shit

The moon place is great desu

You're trapped in the closet.

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Attached: VRChat_1920x1080_2018-12-27_18-07-25.307.png (1920x1080, 1.65M)

>vaguely penis shaped head

Now that's a comeback.


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they won't reproduce if all they do is virtual sex, don't worry

Y'all need Jesus

Attached: 811.jpg (409x513, 33K)


>this entire thread

VRchatniggers give everyone who uses VR a bad name.

o im laffin

This. It would be hotter with a Jesus avatar.

so this is how I know I don't have a severe mental illness

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>the causal talk in the background
Fuck that killed me

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hnnng man i love low poly anime body rips with their flat textures and no materials grinding on me being voiced by a male

damn must be tough to have to post links to youtube to survive

the amount of nuts I have nutted to high poly catwas swallowing my sl rod while they send me their pussies is a number that cannot be fathomed by your washed up unfunny mic screaming

'bullying' lmao that is quite the pat on your own back

Attached: awdsawds.jpg (973x646, 177K)

>2º guy turns around and starts talking
lost my sides

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It gave us this

>Vive/Index users have FBT and finger tracking
>Oculus will have face capture
Now if only someone would bloody combine the two into one thing.

Was waiting for this to be posted

Honestly, I'd be a degenerate like them if I had the balls instead of being a lonely fag

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>get banned in real life

Attached: 1554184283315.png (580x701, 275K)

You get that model from a public world? Tried getting my own into VRC but I'm not good with shaders so the model (particularly the hair) looked scuffed as fuck

Where are the VR futas?

Yeah it's public.

>Looks up to the top right and there's just a fucking shadow demon watching the whole thing

Attached: 1561498146146.jpg (225x225, 6K)

>VRdevs are a bunch of fags who hate any sexual shit on their game and regularly hunt it down
Probably because their investors don't like it, and they're trying to keep vrchat as kid-friendly as possible.

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Grow up. Nothing's changed since the times of the ancients. We've always had degenerates, or sexually promiscuous people, and they've always had their outlets. This is nothing new, nor is it anything crippling. Just live a life you see fit to yourself instead of being a whiny, depressive faggot

This will always and forever be sickening.

Attached: nbbn.png (867x722, 664K)

I'm uninstalling this shit right now

Attached: D7WzNoVUEAAHlBi.jpg (547x471, 24K)

What do mean by that. Of course it is.

I knew what this was before I clicked.
On the one hand, they're not bothering anyone. On the other, this is just fucking sad.

They're bothering me.

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This is why i don't care about climate change
We have no right to exist on this planet, and earth is rightfully purging us now

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I don't believe you.

VRchat upon release: Screenshots had second life models and shit
VRchat now: all anime

Attached: jim.png (229x295, 25K)

does this guy have a channel or somewhere i can see more of this shit?

Attached: 93619.jpg (225x350, 28K)

>this is so normal for vrchat no one else is watching and they're all talking about random shit instead

I wonder if sexual intercourse involves this much moaning and exhaling.

Depends on the people. Last girl I was with screamed way too fucking loud, others would just be dead like a fish.

HaVe SeX aNd YoU sHaLL kNoW.


>10 minutes later
>depressed and suicidal because your transition from fat ugly weeb to fat ugly weeb with a fake vag didn't make you look like YURI HACHUNOPUTONI SAMA from your favorite anime

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Absolutely disgusting.

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my fucking sides

Attached: み味方がやられた 早く蘇生しなきゃ....生き返れ 生き返れ.webm (814x500, 2.75M)

Red, orange, blue and magenta here, yet i would kill myself than becoming a tranny.