>Midgar is a modern city
>every other town and village looks like it's 3rd world
>Midgar is a modern city
>every other town and village looks like it's 3rd world
Because everything outside Midgar is some 3rd world tier shit. All the money and resources are in Midgar.
Midgar is better and has more resources than everywhere else? Midgar is for everyone, we need to import third worlders into midgar, make midgar equal to everywhere else.
Only the mining town Barret and his daughter are from looks 3rd world. The rest are perfectly functional hamlets.
This is what happens in societies with high inequality and/or bad infrastructure. Look at Russia. Moscow is a modern city, but towns are like something out of the last 50 years and villages are basically still in the early 1900s.
do americans really think all of the world is skyscrapers and sprawling suburbs
>This is what happens in societies with bad writing
Thanks for letting me borrow your words of wisdom senpai.
It must be inspired by Russia and Moscow
Mako extraction seems like a somewhat new phenomenon in FF7 world, just like in real life it takes a while for that technology to spread. Midgar is the wealthy center and the rest of the world is yuropoor 3rd world land.
so that's why its so easy to buy little girl sex slaves in russia
ya realize its a japanese game right
Explain the relevancy
Literally Japan.
First of all, the rest of the world doesn't look "3rd world" but medieval, the houses literally have medieval German architecture.
What this means is, that FF7 takes place in a medieval fantasy world, whose inhabitants suddenly discovered electricity, and as a result the discovery site of this invention rapidly advanced into a futuristic society. The rest of the world is catching up, as you can see the Shinra have power plants in some other places as well, but there just hasn't been enough time to develop the other regions yet.
It's clear that Midgar has not existed for long, the change to this world, from medieval to cyberpunk came so rapidly.
>go to shitty 3rd world village in russia
>hello, would you like to not live in shitty third world village?
Diversity is Midgar’s strength
>all these esls don't know what FF7 setting is
It's Britain and Japan.
have you seen 3rd world countries
they have massive high class hotels right next to huge slums where people dont have electricity or running water
it's just a bigger version of that
Because making every town the scale of Midgard would cost too much resources and inflate the disc count even more.
there are villages in our world that have basically been unchanged since the adoption of agriculture. there will never be a point in our history where most if not all of the populace enjoys the benefits of scientific and technological advancement.
This goy gets it.
I don't think anyone would care if it was 4 discs instead of 3.
Shinra keeping y pipo down
>America is a modern country
>every other country looks like it's 3rd world
America barely qualifies as first-world.
America also has the problem OP is talking about. The Appalachians are basically third world.
>It's Britain and Japan
So The Great Ace Attorney has been plagarizing the setting of FFVII?
>every other town and village looks like it's 3rd world
Junon and Costa Del Sol don't, because they're also centres of Shinra operations. Everything else looks low-tech because Shinra has a monopoly on heavy industry and electricity and if they don't care about a place, they don't put money into modernizing it.
Gold Saucer a well.
>when you realise ff7 could place in 40k and midgar is a hive city built on a planet that was recovered after the age of strife.
Obviously lacks any 40k iconography, but midgar is straight up a hive city. And jenova is basically an advanced genstealer.
>bring up something exclusively awesome and biologically sought after
>continues to say it's shit.
Literally the same situation is in my country. Too realistic.
The devs had a bunch of medieval fantasy assets they didn't want to throw away
Have you ever been outside of your city's boundaries user ?