Why is Overwatch dying?

Why is Overwatch dying?

Attached: Overwatch 2019.06.27 - (1280x720, 2.99M)

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Blizzard let faggots poz their neghole.

this is why

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It took itself too seriously.

Based SJW tearing Overwatch down.

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Because making characters gay is more important than delivering new content or a zarya bikini skin to players

Because blizzard is already making overwatch 2. Why play the inferior version?

Overwatch 2 is apparently not even a competitive shooter, it's a L4D clone with robots

It's an easy game, low skillcap. Not very intuitive, or groundbreaking. Just meh

Game hasn't been releasing enough waifus.

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SJW moderation
Same fucking game events since the first year

>Blizzard failed to make a hero shooter to compete with TF2 or even take their market
>Blizzard then tries to create MvM with their IP but only as a standalone
>Blizzard is still surprised their IP fails to keep people or continue selling

it's ultimately very shallow and limited. there's nothing to keep a core audience invested.

if a game is multiplayer only then it needs custom mapping and modding tools

homosexuals pozzed the game. think about it


But both of those characters are confirmed QoS. Why would they fuck white dudes.

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fuck off kike

Forced 50% win loss.

Don't forget Widowmaker, who got captured by Doomfist, a 6'8 black alpha male and killed her white husband of her own free will so she could stay in Talon with her new BBC.

>the team is spending a tremendous amout of time and resources punishing people
If this is true it's the sign of gross incompetence and delusion. They cannot be this dumb. This was said just to placate the urinalists writing these hit pieces.

overwatch sucks but you have to be an actual faggot to say shit like this even ironically

Samefag bug chasing loser.

Hey decided to focus more on esports(money) rather than the actual game.

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return to those ranked matches that are as meaningless as your future, mercy main

Does this mean OW2 will have a story? Maybe even a single player mode?
Nah, who am I kidding, Blizzard doesn't have the writing ability to carry a single player campaign.
Just release more sexy women so we can have an Overwatch porn renaissance. Let's at least hope the design team is back on track with the new game. More Mercys, less Moiras.

catering to the esports crowd
you can't force it

It’s still a fun casual time waster but all the heroes have some kind of annoying bullshit and it’s pretty consistently gotten worse as time goes on

its been dead for years summerfag

We roadhog mains channeled our spirit power to curse Overwatch to suffer a slow agonizing death after our nerf.

The junker shits are the worst characters conceptually of the original cast. As long as people still play them they aren’t nerfed enough

I look forward to the brave LGBTQ+ all-black cast of overwatch 2

Bullshit low skillcap. Fast skinny characters can be damn hard to shoot, and those who CAN reliably keep a bead on them change the game.

They added like the brown characters in a row. There’re just pandering to an audience who won’t even play.

They added the god damned brown characters.

it would have died ages ago if it weren't for the dumb espores


all of the retards crying for "muh diversity" and "muh representation" don't even play the game

They added THREE god damned fucking brown characters.

Fucking exactly. I bet people jerk their dicks off about it too.

Check your damn text before hitting post in future

Jeremy, 55 has posted. Now go back to /pol/ you retard :D

the aim assist compensates, greatly, for the size of characters. As the OP webm illustrates.

Also overwatch was never alive, so it can't really die.

Fuck your ass with your own dick you tranny demi-faggot.

The only shit here is you bitch

>Blizzard failed to make a hero shooter to compete with TF2 or even take their market
Of course they weren't going to take TF2's market. TF2's market is poorfags, retards, and third-worlders.

Have you followed the development of OW? Half basically all of 2017 and half of 2018 was focused on this.

Because White males are the most desired race

White by american standards

It's just a really fucking boring game, even when you're good at it.

Because it's not a game, it's just a way of getting people to buy frivolous cosmetics.

Nerfing Dva and buffing Junkrat while breaking mercy and roadhog really killed a super flexible meta
Now Dva was useless, no one had a counter to Junkrat spam or Zara spam/Ult, Roadhog actually regained some usefulness but with Mercy being so needed at that time it really didn't matter
And Junkrat went from bottom pick to top pick everytime because there was no way to mitigate his spam

>OW is dead on arrival!
>OW will be dead in a year!
>OW will be dead in two years!
>OW will be dead when X comes out!
>OW won't surpass a couple hundred thousand players!
>OW is already losing millions of players!
>Everyone is already bored of OW!
>OW will be dead by the next patch!
>OW will be dead by the end of the season!
>OW is bleeding money! I just know it!
>40 million sales are nothing!
>90% of those sales are free weekenders! Just trust me!

Because the gameplay is way too reliant on ultimate abilities and actually having a competent team

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Too many brown people.

Wrong you fucking retard. They’re minorities. If it ain’t white it ain’t right.

Why are all of the hottest characters into BBC? Are there ANY that like white guys? This is getting depressing.

>Are there ANY that like white guys?

But they lost half of their player based and consider making overwatch 2 so its not all rainbow and sunshine on blizzard land.This game was suppose to last 7 years like league and be a e-sport juggernaut and to this day both are not happening.

>Keep adding more and more garbage characters instead of actually trying to achieve balance
>Half the characters are annoying as fuck with garbage personalities
>You can get permanently banned for calling someone a "fag" literally once
>They implemented a good boy points system to try and fix the toxicity
>Claims to be "Fast paced action" when a third of the heroes have stun mechanics and a fourth of them have shields that you have to bust through to do any real fighting
>you don't lose Ultimate or its charge on death, meaning there's almost no downside to just endlessly bum-rushing in to your death until you have ultimates to spam
>Blizzard is now full on SJW mode, happily claiming half the cast is LGBTQQT2SEIEIO+ or black dick only
>Blizzard would rather spend the manpower on banning toxic players than balancing the game or making new content
>Every single map of the same game mode is pretty much a carbon copy of each other, meaning gameplay is extremely boring after a couple hundred hours.
>Only willing to try three gamemodes: king of the hill, payload, and hybrid payload-control points. Too afraid to do any other gamemodes that aren't just a short event gimmick
>Pretty much guarantee that Overwatch is still relevant because of the porn and nothing else.

There's about a dozen more points but this is the jist of it.

Products of inbreeding do not live long.

quality of service?
well it makes sense that they are selling themselves

>Have you followed the development of OW?
No, i only played the game.
>Half basically all of 2017 and half of 2018 was focused on this.
You have got to be shitting me. It's called the block button. Every time some smartass told me to kill myself in quickplay i just blocked them. It's so easy. Why did they need to waste so many resources on this shit?

>Why did they need to waste so many resources on this shit?
because muh inclusion and safespace

Because they decided to invest their money to create a forced competitive scene instead of fix the main game

How's that chinese botfarm called wow doing?

hahah keep proving my greentext right

Same reason TF2 is still being played
Free to play imminent

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>>Blizzard is now full on SJW mode, happily claiming half the cast is LGBTQQT2SEIEIO+ or black dick only
Fuck them for this. Pander to the losers.

This is because they refused to change any character abilities for years, then when they did change them its the wrong fucking characters.

>Whole kit is 100% meta total shutdown for days
>AoE heal block/boost + 5 second disable + 150% special booster all in 1
>Hurr we nerf dmg support no dmg

That set the tone for the rest of the "development". Player numbers only rise for vs ai season events, thats why they are making a l4d clone next.

As if I will ever give nuBlizzard my money
I mean I would if WoW 2 happened and retconned WoW, but what are the chances of that happening

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It's not. Yea Forums has been claiming that it's dying from day 1. It's still one of the most popular multiplayer games.

>I mean I would if WoW 2 happened and retconned WoW, but what are the chances of that happening

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>20$ for an almost dead and low content online shooter.
Blizzard fags everyone

>waaaah, muh sjw safespace isn't doing as well as i hoped

>about 10 k players

>couple of million players

rent free

TF2 has had 10k for some years now aka solid playerbase
Overwatch went from 6mil to 1~2mil in a span of 2 years

The fact that people genuinely think Overwatch has 1-2 million CONCURRENT players (or has ever had that much) is fucking hilarious to me.

Who is it that is this dumb? Is it kids?

Brown people.

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>couple of million players
I'd love a source on how you know millions play it. Or are talking about those pointless 50+million players!*
*That only played twice during a free weekend

mm hmm
stay mad hatdrone

>couple of million players


Why would I? I'm having fun playing videogames, just took the time to explain how stupid was your statement

Their first 4 additional were


Guess what? All niggers

lol the greentext already predicted your "argument"

lol seething 2 hard

It's incredible that they've found a way to blame the community for the shit state of their game.

I actually think this was Jeff Kaplan's dogwhistle way of saying corporate is making him focus on toxicity, he isn't doing it himself

He intentionally highlighted that it's slowing development, as if he wants community outcry

Shouldve just made every character in this game female and extremely fuckable like Pharah, Mercy and Dva

>Claims theres a few million active players
>Someone asks for sauce

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Do the higher ups at Blizzard legitimately believe they can completely prevent "toxicity" in a game like Overwatch? You'd have to be a fucking idiot to waste so many resources on that shit.

Overly moderated. Jeff Cuckman literally ruins anything fun about it when he finds out.

>wojakposter tries to shitpost about one of the best games of the last decade
lol and you have the gall to be taken seriously

Don't know and don't care. MMOs were always shit. Cool deflection, bro. Did I strike a nerve?

I agree there are tools to deal with that, all I'm saying is that the development team spent a massive amount of time correcting it. I didn't mean to say it was justified, just that they aren't lying.

If Overwatch is failing and dying, how is Paladins doing then?

Because Sombra and Bridgett are no fun to play against.

Why don't they just make an automated system like League's?

LoL did it years ago and it has worked amazingly well. You even get a little notification after the match when someone you reported get banned.

win rate MM


No content.

They’re recycled the same PvE events for years and think maps are enough to hold peoples attention

It is pretty stable, things are doing ok.
Apparently, Yea Forums only has vitriol for Overwatch because the meme center tells us to hate everything by Blizzard.

Focus on arbitrary shit, instead of competent balancing and ironing game design flaws

choke point maps

gay characters

I am always amazed that Yea Forums is having about a dozen "OVERWATCH IS DEAD WHY?" threads every day and no one has yet provided a solid reason why it is supposedly dead.


then worst part is, there are people who genuinely defend this.

imagine any other company doing any other services or product. excusing their shitty performance because they were too preoccupied monitoring end users for using naughty language

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How are you feeling about incredibly skilled mercy mains critisizing your hero picks in highg gm?

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anons pls, i literally just blew my load to bbcslutwife4u.

>more characters/gay characters is more important than fixing or improving the game itself

i would actually reinstall the game if they did a 180 and abandoned that bullshit, hunkered down and really made an effort to make the game better

paladins is slowly dying but not as fast as ow

They cant even if they tried. Blizzard balacne was always dogshit awful fotm cycling.

Rod recently tried asking venti on a date lol

lol that's pretty delusional

what was incorrect about what i said
both paladins and ow are dying

blizzard abandoned the game for overwatch 2.
Also the game had no real updates for a while and a majority of people left.
The game was made for an esport and not casual where most of the money is from.

>blughgbhgbbhglll muh censorship muh esports get woke go broke

Actual answers:
>It's an inherently heavily competitive game that had a casual fanbase, even quickplay games are often treated as light-competitive because you NEED tight teamplay to win, making it a bad fit if you just want to play a few games and unwind like in TF2
>The heavy MOBA influences again make solo carries/plays difficult to impossible. This alienates shooter players heavily as they're liable to perform amazingly well only to get stonewalled by a barrier when one of their team messes something up. MOBA megafans, meanwhile, just keep playing LoL and DOTA.

tl;dr they're trying to have their cake and eat it too, appeal to the casual class shooter niche and the moba e-sports niche at the same time and made a game that frustrates both.

Not enough new content. That's it. People are getting bored and leaving, and less and less come back when their new uninspired character comes out once a year.

This is why I quit. Barely any new content. I hope they have a much better plan for OW2 or the same thing will happen.

I need some sources for your claims :)
feelings and memes are not acceptable

>why is this game dying?
They didn't add this beauty.

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Got dabbed on by Fortnite and buildlet blizzard boomers have been coping ever since
You're not cool for being hipsters, faggots get laid and do your taxes or something lmao

tell blizzard to prove their 30 minute join time game isnt dying and then you can talk

So...no sources?
Thanks for playing, try again next thread.

lOl OvErWaTcH IsNt DyInG BeCaUsE ItS StIlL Up!!!1!!

>went from most shilled game of 2016 to not even getting decent numbers in league matches
>pros quitting in droves
>youtubers/streamers dropping it in droves
>mass exodus of players in general
>even the few content creators left play maybe once a month of just do lootbox openings on events

the only players left are those afraid to let go of all time time theyve invested. i was friends with a guy who was real deep in the pro and semi pro circuit. there are times when we would just play qp casually and suddenly some guys who turn out to be pros on their alts join in and do ranked. i genuinely felt like that kid brother who drags everyone down in a coop game. i could tell they were disappointed in me but never talking shit because i was just a rando to them. those people who were super passionate about the game just slowly dropped off and quit or moved to other games

green texts aren't sources either though hypocrite

i dunno man look at paladins steam charts
look at ow relevancy or queue times

Despite looking better than TF2, I just didn't enjoy OW as much. Maybe it's the various weapons that TF2 has and that pretty much any player can sometimes have a different load out compared to another player playing the same class.

Yea Forums throws a shitfit out of their collective asses every time a woman or a minority is added to the game. Imagine how they are gonna react if she was playable.

Why are leftists such totalitarian scum

ok i win
cya next thread

Blizzard made a bad game
This made people pissed off when playing it
Pissed off players act like cunts to each-other
Blizzard tries to stop bad behaviour by banning/silencing

This is addressing the symptom, not the cause

does anybody even talk about overwatch anymore unless it is shilled here?
Every other website doesn't talk about overwatch.
I only believe it is still talked about due to wafiufagging.
fortnite killed it as overwatch was only played since it was popular.

>Mafia 3 has a nigger protag for literally 0 reasons
>This is fucking gay

Point me to the post where I greentexted ;)

>look at ow relevancy or queue times
What about them?

I wonder who could be behind this post

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It's okay if they're hot, unironically. AR least then there's some good r34

>OW gets a minority character

>sjws ruined it get woke go broke xD
while blizzards efforts to make the game more woke aren't doing it any good they're not the reason it's dying

honestly it's just the gameplay and the stale meta

Who caaaaares

You and anyone that isn't a newfag retard already know, you ain't slick.

go back to /pol/

>no u!

You mean more people will make fun of these horrific western designs

keep up boomer
its all about calling people trannies

The only outrage ive seen like that is when they made 76 a faggot for again, literally 0 reasons .

>Bad game is dying
This is a good thing
>Bad game is getting a fucking sequel
This is NOT a good thing

Who the actual fuck cares about what Yea Forums thinks

The higher ups have never actually played video games. They just know that the loudest voices on social media complain about toxicity and tell him to "fix it".

nice merchant, saved.

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you mean jews

I don't even see how people even play online games anymore, everyone seems miserable, and unhappy, and the lack of flaming enables bad players to keep fucking up everyones games, thus making everyone more unhappy than before.

It's kinda shite but I dunno, I still like it. I think the workshop is an actual good step in the right direction after the lack luster original server browser.
I just want a custom map editor and more casual options outside of the typical matchmaking.

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>"Well, It hasn't happened to me at all."

...and when they made Tracer gay...
and when they added Doomfist....
and when they added Orisa...
and when they added Briggite...

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>the addition of doomfist, brigitte and orisa
>hanzos buff after buff after buff
>buffing widow by removing her weaknesses (hook cd and mine cd/vision)
>''''''''nerfing'''''''' tracer only after 2 years of her being broken
>goats and doom/sombra or you simply lose at gm+
from the top of my head

>and when they added Briggite...
i don't remember any outrage like that when Brigitte came out
it was mostly waifu posting until her gameplay

You kind of missed the part where Blizz DARED to add yet another STRONG WOMYN that beat MEN up with a melee weapon (women can't wield melee weaponry because women are weaker than men)

you have no idea how hard tracer mains cried because a hero could stun them and kill them with a combo which was on a 5 second cooldown

Because it's shit?

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based and redpilled

i do
thats why i mentioned gameplay

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We wanted doomfist as he was portrayed previously
Instead we got a naked black guy whos melee DOESN'T EVEN USE THE DOOMFIST, and his primary fire is a shotgun from his, again, non-doomfist hand.
Complete with cartoons and shit trying to show how badass he was but he was hot garbage ingame and directly countered by the characters he beat up in the animated thing.

>my dead hat game is not shit
laff go buy another key papa Gabe needs money

still no source,and tf2 has 40k right now

1. If you've played it for a week, you've played literally all it has to offer.
2. New content is extremely slow to roll out, maybe once every six months.
3. No custom maps, no (real) custom games, none of the shit that gave TF2 longevity and variety.
4. Certain games and maps aren't even available half the time because fuck you I guess.
5. The community is a circle-jerk of self-important snowflakes and pussies.

Note that I last played it over a year ago. If any of this has changed, I wouldn't know.

>melee attack and left click use the small fist
>the other three abilities use the doomfist
stop the fucking presses this is literal genocide

oh man 40k bronies are idling in the game that means it's not dead!

>has 40k player on right now
keep seething

Niggers and trannies is why

that is nothing

Oh you mean the skills that are still broken and not even used for damage but mobility because they're unreliable?

more than overwatch *dabs*

Because no one wants to play shitty online cheathack bullshit shooters any more.

You, me and everyone else knows that is not true.

40,000 people is larger than some cities and thats just the people on now.

>yet another deluded hatboy
go post your gmod memes the big boys are having a talk now

> not even used for damage but mobility because they're unreliable
lol this is why you shouldn't get your info from Yea Forums

This image makes me feel good. I'm glad others share my anger

then why doesnt blizzard release the online player count.

Why should they? Or do you genuinely believe the game is dead but they are keeping it a secret?

you must be a europoor who thinks ur little musliminfested village is a city because it was called that in the middle ages. Fucking moron. Fuck off.

>big boys
stfu yall prolly look like roadhog

cause they shouldnt have anything to hide in that area
i live in Wisconsin

Why do you want an online player count that's obviously fake?

that explains the retarded brain

ehh even if they inflate it id still be nice to know

>cause they shouldnt have anything to hide in that area
They also have no obligation to release numbers in any way. It's fine if you think the game is dead, it's just not true.

Is it? Idk I get queue times of like 10-30 sec 24/7

because women good

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the best was
>Netflix poaches Blizzard CFO Spencer Neumann
>Amrita Ahuja takes over for him
>steps down a couple days later to go to Square Inc.
>instead of hiring a new CFO they just dump truck loads of money on former CFO Dennis Durkin and have him take over

Bridgete was the most busted character for a year, worse than the mercy shit. She could stunlock and kill any character while healing herself and her team while tanking. You could literally climb to masters holding m1 and retards kept saying she was balanced and skillful.

Who the hell cares about Overwatch lore, I always find myself in a deep slumber. One can only imagine what sales will look like for Overwatch 2.

I wish those guys behind them were black

>it's just not true.
But how can you prove that without player numbers?

>Overwatch 2
Is this the hot new Yea Forums meem?

i didnt it was completely required i just said id be nice to know,just to make sure.
they shouldn't have anything to hide

thankfully best girl Ashe is still pure, though I'm sure they'll ruin her somehow

Well Blizzard announced they were working on Overwatch 2, but for all we know its just an expansion on current Overwatch instead of an entirely new game which just would not make sense

""""""""""""""leak""""""""""""""" says that while blizzards is dying like all the news reports say
they're making a new overwatch/revamping overwatch calling it overwatch 2
also reaper is now gay

I feel like people only play TF2 because of "Muh nostalgia" as oppose to it being a almost "flawless game".

wasn't made to last

Even before the latest leak there was this Goldman Sachs guy who talked about Blizz working on D4 and OW2.

How are you proving the game is not dead? By the consistent, hour+ long queue times at high rank? Or maybe the 5+ minute queue times in peak game modes (such as event queues and regular quick play)? Are you proving the game is not dead by the ailing Twitch streamer count, or the snail's pace of content creator releases on Youtube? Are you proving the game is not dead by all the latest Overwatch Leagues (barring the ones that are viewbotted by Blizzard) reaching peaks of 1.5k viewers? How are you proving your claim, anonymous?

i can imagine a good amount of the 40k players are visiting for nostalgia,i wouldn't say all of them cause i see a good mix of new players as well but it does probably make up a good percentage.

Among a host of other reasons, it's a game chasing the hottest trends of 2011 in 2019.

I guess what's confusing about Overwatch and similar games is that nobody really pays attention to eachother's skins in-game, yet individuals still buy lootboxes. I'll admit, at the time I was intrigued by skins, but looking back... what does it prove? You could have every skin in the game, but nobody will give a damn.

link to vid?

I thought the point was to just get the skins you like for the characters you play, not every skin.

While not a rule, some common skins/cosmetics give out inexperienced players and convince you to take otherwise risky strategies.

>Yea Forums throws a shitfit out of their collective asses every time a woman or a minority
Only if they're ugly or unattractive.

Doomfist is very handsome but Yea Forums cried because he is a black dude.

>though I'm sure they'll ruin her somehow
Definitely. Must be trans or barren or something. Probably bipolar. They can't be straight and sane, that's white supremacy.

>the game isn't getting new content because players are too toxic REEEEEE

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>but Yea Forums cried because he is a black dude.
I don't remember this.

lol of course you don't

>Doomfist is very handsome but Yea Forums cried because he is a black dude
Yea Forums wanted a cute black woman myself included. Maybe not exactly picrelated but something like that. Huge tall amazon with dreads punching people into walls. And it would have "CHALLENGED EXPECTATIONS" since everyone was expecting some angry black dude, which we got.

Attached: cutefist.jpg (850x903, 121K)

that wasnt what the outrage was about
pink haired wheelchair niggers were mad because she was white

i remember this but it was very short lived because all the over doomfists were black
i think it eventually became about doomfist being a boring character

Well if it was that big of a deal I suppose you'd be able to prove it by going into the archive and finding 10 threads about it.

>OW makes man character
>OW makes woman character
There is no winning with you people, no?

theres no skill involved and its entire set around 1 team combo meta with no skill ults that hit you before you can react with fuck huge shields.

Say if you lock in mercy, you cant 1v1 anyone else unless they are retarded, so not matter your individual skill you will never beat the guy attacking you and you have to 100% rely on other people and other people are retarded 400% of the time.

Attached: mercy.jpg (1441x977, 166K)

What did she do?

You forgot the part where he said they had to be cute

What the fuck is this webm
I can't even see what killed him, is it "flicking"?

he made her act respectable and she burst into flames

>There is no winning with you people, no?
You should know by now that you can't beat me!

>Thing bad
>>Nuuu u already said thing bad, so thing actually good, u mad

>There is no winning with you people, no?
Probably because. . you're talking about two different groups. But you already knew that.

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>helo I am the man of straw I represent all

because its boring. tf2 has tons of custom community servers that make it worth playing, overwatch just has the same shitty maps and gamemodes over and over again.

They nerfed all of the fun characters into oblivion.

How can memewatch ever hope to compete with the King Fortress 2??

Ah yes, two different groups of people: one group are obsessed incels who see conspiracies in every little thing and the second group are thirsty incels who want everything to be a cute, half-naked anime girl.

>being this mad you get proven wrong before even making a shitpost

Who hurt you lol?

>Abundance of characters with stun abilities that make it frustrating to move around
>Balancing is basically heroes taking turns being overpowered
>Competitive is only to get gold weapons and it's rare to actually have a game where it's down to the wire where either team could win
>"Toxicity" stems from people not having fun in the game and ultimately the game isn't fun

I'd say the game is fun with friends but after like 3 years all of us hate playing it, really it's just convenient to play and that's about it.

That's exactly why they should just make more robots
>game's setting and """story""" revolves entirely around the robots
>only 3 robot heroes in a roster of 30

No no no guys
You don't dislike a game because of balance, roster, community and bad developers
You do because of the meme hive mind, think about it, there is no other reason to dislike this game

>U maddd so mad. I win

>hiring a fucking woman as DIRECTOR OF ESPORTS
>hiring a """""""""director of esports""""""""" at all
blizzard deserves everything thats coming to them

>projecting your soul pain unto me
lol keep it up I want to laugh some more

>literally every post criticizing OW includes baseless platitudes about OW being dead or the gameplay is bad without providing solid arguments


Search literally on the dictionary
People have been criticizing every aspect of this game since launch with actual arguments
Also blizzard don't release player numbers yet claims million of players if you are looking for a lack of solid arguments

>Yea Forums throws a shitfit out of their collective asses every time a woman or a minority is added to the game
only if they are niggers

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is the cc argument not a solid one?