Is FFXIV the best mmo on the market rn?
Is FFXIV the best mmo on the market rn?
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>chink wow clone
Seriously what's good about it? I tried playing but it put me in a world with the usual 60 hours of railroaded fetch quests before "the game truly starts". So I quit.
Also every class seems to be the same other than whatever part of the holy trinity they're on.
Yeah. I mean I've had fun so far. What other game can I make my own breakfast bar.
Who else is staying AST cause they can't be fucked levelling another healer?
Hey AST looks like you dropped something there, don't worry bro I got it for you. Try not to lose it again on your way to the shed. Wouldn't want you to have another accident at level 4 now would we?
unironically I want to visit
You enter pvp and you get instantly cast these 3 bad boys on you. What do you do?
I main PLD and I will votekick any AST I see in a dungeon.
Patch will most likely go up 15:30 UK time.
Thats the same time Stormblood 4.0 went live and Havensward 3.0 went live.
So probably within the next 2 hours.
>you enter pvp
Good luck
chinky muck no thank you
How does this work for PS4 players? Does it dl automatically?
>I'll be taking that meta spot now, AST.
Jesus Christ AST even gets shit on in PVP with the worst debuff
The raid buff healer should not have high personal dps + high uptime like it has now. The nerf is a good change.
Bitch I heal better than AST. Better reroll to WHM or SCH.
Think you need to launch the game as the PS4 has its own launcher.
>implying AST motherfuckers won't bitch so much that yoship buffs them to godlike numbers before 5.0.1
playing this uninspired shit over wow wtf is wrong with you trannies
You'll take my running out of mp and like it
Won't happen. Yoshi hates HW jobs with a passion.
It wouldn't surprise me if they got rid of those abilities/mechanics simply because they were visual measuring sticks in fights. TP, Mana Shift, Diversion, Protect, etc. weren't the most intuitive or engaging skills, but they were a clear declaration of "I'm paying attention!"
Then again, they did keep Feint and Addle, and I almost never see anybody use.
>trash pvp
>no world
>loading screens between zones
>single player main story
>fetch quests
>wow copy
epic mmo
Are we able to play without a subscription up to a certain level at all?
>yoshida hates AST
35 I think
I think it's 50 now, but it could still be 30.
>WoW copy
>Lists bad things.
Is this kinda like the "do a 360 and walk out the door" iq play kinda shit or just bait
t. seething asmonshitter. Classic is dead already.
Nice, I might try it out
Classic dead already even though they opened it up to everyone who has an active WoW sub.
He showed kindness ot them once. Never again.
Can be a slog early mate so try to make your own fun a bit and pace yourself so you dont get burned out fast.
Too many people try rushing to the end and get burned out with the huge amount of story quests which can be annoying
Well, at least more jobs get AoE skills at early levels now, so that ahould make dungeons slightly more fun.
wait really i could be trying classic wow right now?
Implying I would ever play world of pisscraft
Can ffxivfags only deflect onto wowfags?
well its the only real competition can't blame them
>Ask DPS to aoe in dungeons
>They tell me it does less damage than single target and refuse to aoe
Yeah... fun...
You missed it. 20th June for 48 hours. Open to anyone who has a active WoW sub
Reminder that SCH is basically unkilable with Broil+Lustrate spam
>Content finder
>Instanced everything
>Solo based progression
>artificial lockouts that gate everyone into 8 man statics
>No open world content
>Mobs are vanilla exp bags
>Non existent class customization
>2.5s Global Cooldown
>Engine garbage skill pathing (can walk right into boss abilities when they're done channeling)
>Every boss encounter is a completely scripted simon says dance routine with insta-wipe mechanics
>Teleporting everywhere completely destroying any sense of scale of the world
>Time of day and weather patterns, worshiped deity, race selection, elements etc all have absolutely no impact leaving the game feeling shallow
>Worst itemization I've ever seen in an MMO, gear has no unqiue statsics and is pure vertical stat scaling
>Story quests are bogged down with endless fetch quests, completely destroying the pace of the plot
>Aesthetic is fucking trashed with tacky vanity mounts and pets and gear and glowing weapons and bikinis everywhere
>no world pvp option
>no voice acting
>everything is instanced; even zones
>repetitive busy-work simulator
>combat is sluggish and doesn't feel fun
>a vast majority of raid content is way too easy
>too many lockouts
>everyone looks the same
>way too easy to get big fuck-off mounts so every has big fuck off mounts
>can't tell who the good players are and the bad players are; they all look the same
>renamed and reskinned skills for new classes from old classes
Well thats the only real competition you fucking shit flinger.
Until Classic arrives, maybe. There is just garbage right now
>the competition is another garbage game that has existed for 15 years
Imagine being FFXIV in this scenario, lmfao
I fucking hate this games community
That's a funny way to say bfa.
Ah shame always wanted to give it a shot. When I was younger I thought wow was the gayest shit ever so I missed the chance to play classic when it was originally out.
The whole reason I'm interested in MMO's is because of the comfy feel of the early game, so that's gonna be no problem for me.
I just alt tab in dungeons like these. Basically 3 afks...
Yeah because no other MMO competes you fag
>implying AST has high personal dps
You ran into 3 trannies it would seem
Being 80% behind in subs and revenue generated isn't competing user.
I'm sorry to break it to you user but.... classic... it ain't gonna work out...
Show your work, retard.
Show me another MMO with over 1 million active subs possibly even more active players with trial fags other than WoW thats as popular.
It doesn't but it has enough to be better than WHM and SCH due to better uptime.
Well I hope you enjoy it I know I sure did.
no, PlanetSide 2 is
The absolute STATE of WoWfags
Show a legitimate source.
>competing with an mmo that has over 100m total players, 13m peak subs, formed the mmo genre, broke pc selling records,
yea nah
>Friend tells me ESO is fixed and much better now
>Reinstall it with the slow as fuck launcher/downloader
>Wait for endless patches it seems
>Get in-game
>It's the exact same spammy shit that it was on launch
Did I get meme'd?
ESO isn't even fucking close. They're constantly handing out the game for pennies just to spike their player numbers. Nobody actually keeps playing that game after a week or two.
more like 1 million active cinematic trailers
This is the one thing wow has over this game. It's community they are all passive agressive anime cunts That cry anytime someone calls them out.
Don't play on a streamer server. It's that simple
You havn't had those numbers in years faggot lmao
>WoW subs dipped below 1m this expac
WoW is literally the same but for 90s cartoon fuckers instead of weebs.
highest of the healers atm, user
No. Even bad wow is better than good 14
I bought the imperial edition on launch. It was shit at launch.
Re downloaded like a year ago, still shit.
Is there a list?
you were saying again?
mean while
>Box sales
>Not currently active subs
Oh shit you're right. I guess all the ASTs I'm playing with are garbage lol
>multiple threads at the same time
The state of chink shills, kek.
Don't respond to obvious bait. Let him enjoy his asmon layer.
Not right now, but I'm sure it'll be made
Couple questions to the math guys, roughly how much gauge does PLD generate over a minute? Will it let them use Intervention more often than WAR or GNB uses their OT mitigation (every 25 seconds)?
Also how bad is AST looking right now? Do the cards make up for how little damage they do? It's still going to be a parsetranny job for sure but will it be worth to bring for normal people?
3.4 million copies should give you a general idea.
Let's see how many copies Shadowniggers will sell.
>Servers go down for the most hyped expansion for the largest MMO currently out
>S-Shills! Chinks! asians! Chinese!!! AHHH!!!!
>using the 84k sales as an excuse when 90% of sales were digital
That won't help, even people playing on non-streamer servers are gonna be beholden to streamer influence
FFXIV is literally WoW reskinned and WoW is shit so no.
>wow "dead" expansion sold more copies than heanvesward + stormblood + shadowbringers together
>i-i-it's dead!
>t-t-those aren't sub numbers!
How many of those are still active? According to the leak... not many. MMO's don't make money from day 1 sales.
Post your site then, wait, it doesn't matter. FFXIV won't ever come close to the numbers WoW sells.
Come back when your game reaches 5m subs in 30 years, LMFAO.
Based trannykillwr.
Is your name Mirror T. Rope?
I see the WoW faggots have played all the content the 8.2 patch brought already LMAO.
And now shitting up FFXIV threads because they have nothing better to do with their useless existence.
Are we counting wow private servers?
>largest MMO currently out
But that's OSRS.
MMOs always decline after expansion launches dude. It's the reason why Heavensward only had 250k subs after that dreadful 3.3? patch I think it was
FFXIV actually tweeted their active subs surpassed 1m.
When was the last time WoW ever posted sub numbers?
They wont because of how much its bleeding subs lmao.
Implying anyone cares about 8.2. Vanilla is going to fuck both retail WoW and FFXIV hard.
Fucking 5 of my retard friends bought the game day one and leveled less than twice then dropped the game. Sales don't mean fucking shit for this type of game when month to month they make 30% of a box sale in sub alone.
WoW is in a lot more than a standard decline.
>this delusion
>classic was fucking dead after a couple of days
aha return to your home. Alone.
Don't ever come back.
They don't need to post sub numbers. WoW makes 10 times the revenue FFXIV does.
WoW sells 5 times as many expansion copies 15 years later.
Vanilla is going to take the top 10 MMOs on the market and double that in numbers.
Depends on the fight. More frequent attacks blocked = more oats.
I wish then yoshi might actually put effort into ffxiv but I know classic is literally just streamer bait once the zoom zooms get bored it will die.
>Vanilla is going to take the top 10 MMOs on the market and double that in numbers.
people actually believe this
>They don't need to post sub numbers.
lmao imagine believing this.
It's only autos now, read the patch notes
Just stop user, it's getting sad at this point.
It's cause people are actually playing FFXIV while WoWshitters have run out of content, so they hang out on twitch instead.
>WoW most popular in europe
>Extremely low-IQ, obsessed shitposters posting for WoW
>playing an mmo that doesn't have a cool streamer
Why even bother?
Seethe harder
Home... top kek.
>Sweden for some reason
Yeah that checks out. I think the EU countries on that chart host WoW tournaments so it would make sense for them to have more searches
>He uses old, fake images
>big numbers = good
>see mmo
>want to play it
>down load it
>it's actually just slaping the same brain dead mobs with lack luster skills over and over
Every day I pray that XIV never adopts the streamer cancer that WoW suffers from.
Sadly, they're all coming here so we may be cursed...
wow is not World of Warcraft specific you fucking retard.
As expected from WoW subhumans.
Yeh theres a few streamers gaining traction due to swapping from wow to ffxiv
And that's why I used long names, in which you got btfo too. :)
>wow fags suddenly disappear
top fucking kek
Scottzone is doing his best to be discount british asmongold to bring lilzoom into ffxiv. Much like asmongold he's being carried by players better than himself and claiming all the credit. I think he had like 4 players with legend titles carry him through O4S the other day
>using old images
>using USA only
cope harder
hahahaa jesus christ is that seriously a new race in wow
>implying you wouldn't trade the trannies and mentally ill weebs for a few annoying streamers
>old image that I took 10 minutes ago
Okay retard, feel free to check it yourself and post the results.
>a few
At least the XIV GMs ban spammers like that nearly immediately.
>implying the streamers are the problem
>usa only
you dumb cunt
Why aren't you checking it yourself? Are you afraid of what you'll see?
He's not even using old images, this guy has posted every thread and the image is doctored lol
I would in a fucking heartbeat.
USA isn't the world dumbfag.
At least show worldwide satistics unless youre a faggot.
Yeah hes using USA only. Check his pic
It would take you all of 5 seconds to check it yourself and verify it but feel free to keep doubting me, I guess?
Are you serious the gnome is a million times better than furry bait next to it
this kind of retard bait is not funny bro even in an ironic way
Here you go user USA only for retards like you.
It's literally one guy posting all the WoW shit lmao
fuck sorry il try better next time
>missed how I specifically used Final Fantasy XIV and not FFXIV because apparently "wow" isn't allowed
wow can mean a lot of things retard.
FFXIV is specific to one thing.
>Wow, a word used to express amusement or disbelief in something, and in which is used commonly in human speech far outside of referring to WoW isn't allowed
>DURRRR FFXIV Isn't allowed either!!!! Even though nobody would ever put those letters together except to talk about Final Fantasy XIV!!!!!
>Fatboss, one of the biggest blizzard slurpers in the business calls this one of the best fights in the new patch
>5 mechanics tops
Nice game wowfags
Irrelevant unless you're intentionally being dishonest (you are), no one is going to type out "World of Warcraft" when searching for WoW because searching for WoW gets you the game.
Just as people aren't searching Final Fantasy XIV when FFXIV or XIV gets you the same results.
Point is, your entire argument of using search trends is retarded and so are you.
WoW doesn't work because it's not used just for world of warcraft, BFA does though.
Is you don’t pick WAR as your tank you are no based tank to me
seethe more that your pathetic game is going down the shitter and "classic" is nu-blizz last attempt at trying to salvage anything.
Your games literally dying out.
Don't forget to beg for a invt to the assmuncher layer when classic launches :)
>your your your your your
Don't even play WoW you dumb fuck, I'm just tired of you XIV trannies spamming Yea Forums instead of staying on your /vg/ thread.
Kill Storm's Path and bring back the animation from Butcher's Block and I will consider it.
Get ready for 5 more threads cuck. It's Shadowbringers day
Threads will be gone soon, Shadowbringers is out in less than 24 hours. We'll be busy playing the game instead of watching twitch or shitposting on Yea Forums
>talking about actual games, bad
>10 pages of smash bros, eceleb and twitter drama good
>game so bad you shitpost on Yea Forums instead of playing it on expansion day
At least this guy claims he'll be playing it.
The games down for the expansion maintenance. Are you.. retarded?
If you actually cared about whats on Yea Forums why aren't you in smash bros threads shitting them up.
Theres smash bros all the fucking time you dumb fucking cunt.
>claims he'll make more threads
>somehow this doesn't indicate they'll be made in the future
Why bother when the jannies and mods love everything Nintendo? You might as well try be arguing with a stone wall.
A few hours in the future is still patch maintenance. You're going to see them for the rest of the day but then it's go time
>FPS cap is in place because they don't want to break player's computers
What a fucking joke. Absolutely moronic.
All you need is a silky smooth and cinematic 30 FPS, retard.
How much hours of maintenance do you need for a patch exactly?
Uncapped fps removes boob jiggle. They're doing you a favor.
AST needs some potency buffs, all the other tanks and healers are fine.
XIV actually adds a lot of stuff in a patch. It's hard to believe that as a WoW player.
Uncapped fps removes the boob giggle though?
When you uncap it theyre stationary. 30-60fps they jiggle on clothes(not armour)
It's an entire expansion.
Inb4 you're bullshitting.
About 4, generally. They add on another 20 just to put up their anti-blizzard ddos protection
Make sure to sleep and go to the gym before maint ends.
best jiggle is at 40 something fps, which is horrible on the eye and looks garbage
60fps is also microstuttering and removing the upper cap is just redikoulous
I don't play WoW as I said but it doesn't matter how much you add in a patch, that doesn't matter for downtime length unless they're doing under the hood server changes.
But it's 2019 and that shouldn't matter either, considering server tech is now instantly scalable but they are a Japanese company and as such won't understand current server tech for another 30 or so years.
>has the strongest raid buffs
>doesn't want to have the lowest personal dps of the 3 healers.
Fuck off.
Should I try it? I'd like another mmo but there is no way I will ever return to wow or eso. It's not possible.
Is it expensive? Does it need a good machine to run smooth? Any advice for beginner?
It's okay to play WoW. Everyone enjoys different games.
It’s not like FF is some random unknown niche series
Free trial to 35, make your own decisions instead of listening to strangers on the internet
>free trial
Thanks for the head up, will do that then
I'm talking about healing potencie fag but ok. CU is a fucking joke of a cooldown.
I pop in and play Guild Wars 2 every few months if you really have to know.
The way they handle patches is that your instances of the server are kept up so you can keep playing when a patch is deployed for a few hours while new servers spin up for the new patch. There's no downtime, you can close your game and download the patch and login instantly as soon as it is up for download or you can keep playing on the old patch for a few hours.
I know it sounds like technology from 2080 to a Japanese developer but it's really not.
As mentioned in the thread the game is down for maintenance right now though. Also people on trial accounts will be put at the back of the login queue during early access so you might not get to play for a few days
Too bad GW2 is shit desu
I like to play it extremely casually, there's no weekly tomes, mandatory grinds or any annoying shit that bothers me about most other MMOs.
But if you like to dedicate your life to an MMO and play it full time, FFXIV/OSRS/WoW are for you.