>remembers there are girls browsing Yea Forums RIGHT NOW
H-hey, ladies. Whatcha been playing lately? Any cool on the nintendo or the sega I should know about?
Remembers there are girls browsing Yea Forums RIGHT NOW
Other urls found in this thread:
there are no girls browsing this board, dont be silly op
girls aren't real
the same thing i always play, ketsui
inaccurate but it's unsurprising you think that given what a shithole this board is
chopping your dick off doesnt make you a girl
My vita charger broke so I had to put ultra despair girls on pause.
So now I'm playing dqm: joker.
Angry birds! I'm such a gamer!
>implying women would improve its quality
You've got a lot to learn zoomer.
Trans. lol
trannies arent girls
When you say girls you mean traines and far bitches?
Was it really necessary to make this thread on Yea Forums and Yea Forums?
I'm unironically a biological girl, no trans or anything just a girl, i just browse this place for news but i always imagine all of you like handsome men if that makes you feel better
Pls be my gf
They’re not interested shit for brains.
this but unironically
actually tranny
You're a shitter so no
based and wholesomepilled
I'm so, so, sorry in advance for what is about to happen. Trolls are going to come into the thread and they will be saying some very hurtful things about you. They will call you some very hurtful names. But none of those things are true. How could they possibly know? How could they possibly know how beautiful you really are? How sweet and compassionate you are? I'm so sorry about them, please do not let them hurt you.
>mfw thinking about you hurting
I just want to see you shine and flourish. You are so precious to me. I want to write poetry and sing songs about my love and adoration for you and all of your perfections. My name is Brian, by the way. I know that you're tired of all the assholes and jerks. I know how you feel baby doll. I know. I am different. I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, and if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen. I live in London. Please be in London.
easy to spot from a mile away
go dilate in the corner tranny
tits or gtfo
>girls don't browse Yea Forums
You guys should really look at certain boards like Yea Forums
They are all fat fujos.
It's been a while
Also /ck/, although there's a ton of gay guys in there as well.
are you cute
>H-hey, ladies. Whatcha been playing lately?
Europa Universalis 4, custom Australian based faction, currently purging SE Asia of all it's natives and forcing the rest to grow coffee.
>Any cool on the nintendo or the sega I should know about?
Mario Rabbids Kingdom Battle co-op is pretty lit and I picked up a second hand mega drive not long ago with Streets of Rage which has been a plast, i'm also playing through the Sega CD version of Snatcher on PSP at the moment.
I like to imagine anons here as super buff or fat scalies because I think it's really funny to imagine the Yea Forums buzzwords being sad by a super deep-voiced huge gay dragon to each other
Post tits and i'll post my dick
haha can you post a pic with mustard on your toes just for a laugh haha it'd be really funny haha
There were way more back when Yea Forums only hated attention whores, before this place became obsessed with politics and hostile towards females by default instead of just if they were being faggots
I want cream to cream all over my face!
Plz be real.
>come to your house and beat the shit out of you kind of way
sure buddy. maybe he could if he didn't run out of breath while walking to the front door.
Imagine being proud of being a Yea Forums mod. child mentality.
This is so retarded, but I have to agree with everything he's saying. Even if it is just a shitpost. Big lel
cringe thread
based as fuck
t-thanks y-you too
I don't play video games
I just hook up with anons on /trash/
>tfw had a short haircut after having really long hair for years
>realised how handsome I am
It's a good feeling, I tell you what. Also, wholesome post.
Sorry for being a men. We men are pathetic creatures!!!
>trying to broaden my horizons
>decide to go to /soc/ for those state meetups
>it's been weeks since my state has had its own thread
I can't start my own because I'm a newfag to that board. Fuck even when I WANT to hook up with people it's impossible.
and /mlp/
titties or gtfo
>long stretches of silence filled with mouse wheel scrolling
this is fucking art
>caring for gender on anonymous board
yeah but if a girl asked me nicely i'd post my contact info and then we wouldnt be anonymous anymore
biggest fag ITT, congrats user
Reminder that behind every post on Yea Forums is a cute anime girl or a cute anime girl (male)
lady here, suck my cock
/d/ has girls too, they're pretty kinky.
yes i am a women (male) OwO
Haha I love pucci and tetas
I imagine you as a handsome man too user
There are no males on /cgl/.
>no trannies
>no women
>nnno gays
my sides, this guy is pretty based
Girls are yucky
Yea Forums females are all landwhales without any sense of hygiene. /cgl/ has better ones but they are all "mean girls"
Damn right you bimbo, women csnt compete with bussy
Oh god, more deranged lingo.
Play video games.
give me attention pls
I remember the time when /cgl/'s least wanted board was Yea Forums and /g/, the very boards I visit.
They'd actually date /fa/, but surprising to me, they don't like /fit/
Girls don't exist in here my dude.
>tfw only boards I browse are /fit/ and Yea Forums
team fight tactics and the new sims expansion
no homo
Why would anyone care about women on Yea Forums? They're most likely one or more of the following:
>mentally disabled
>terrible hygiene and fashion
Considering 50% of the United States is fat, and 95% non-asian, it's extremely likely that any girls on here are disgusting from those two traits alone.
saved and jerked off to
You should check out /ck/ sometimes. Every once in a while, they have some hilariously autistic posters just go crazy over there. I sent this one to a friend because I couldn't stop laugh.
>What compels a man to repost this thread for years on end with the same starting picture?
I don't know, it's really fucking annoying. Same as that stupid cunt who keeps on posting the "do you feed your pet fruit" thread with the cat eating a watermelon, or that schizophrenic idiot who kept spamming the same picture of a girl chewing into a raw steak with the filename zerocarbqt.jpg. Or the "is there anything she can't do" chicken poster.
I really hope there's an afterlife and their ironic punishments in Hell involve someone repetitively yelling the same stupid meme phrases while slamming their head into the same meme picture taped to a desk they're chained down in front of, over and over again for all eternity
And another one
>thinking eating healthy will make you live more
Literal smokers who smoked a pack a day outlived health nuts like you
Fucking kys retard also
>wanting to live more
please be in london
Real girls don't actually tell you they are girls.
Ketsui is a really fucking hard game (if you implying by "the same thing i always play" you play for score, right, and Ketsui is notorious for hard scoring runs) and i have hard times believing a girl would be interested in it
My bet is that you are either a false flagger or a tranny
There are no girls on the Internet.
except girl(male)
Every loli is a FBI agent.
Lol you are even more cringe by saving these completely unspecial posts.
Lurk longer newfag
Literal fag
You imagine her as handsome guy?
Lets meet up and play video games together jk, gonna fuck you silly you whore and impregnate your womb with my semen
>a biological girl
t. delusional tranny
lolno they are too busy riding dick or skipping through the 1000 matches they got just in the last hour.
But I do lurk /ck/, I wouldn't post there because I never have anything to actually contribute. People hardly post shit like this on Yea Forums anymore and if they do, it's the standard quality of current posts. They are only "saved" because of discord chatlogs.
t 2007, kys.
I've recently gone back to being completely clean shaven for the first time in 18 months and I didn't realize how much my shitty beard was obscuring my jawline
I'm the catguy. But stopped about 1 year ago.
This. You might have been replying to a woman in this shithole without you realizing it.
>implying you were around in 2007
every newfag ever claims to have been around then, including me
Yeah no thanks, let the attention whores starve, don't give females attention and inflate their already overblown egos even more.
literally this, or they are just trying to learn what to say to impress their vidya playing chad crush
Holy fucking based
Hehehe i love zelda and funko pops
Not before I do.
He's 99.9% right, just one little problem.
>People (Women mostly)...
Counting females as people is fucking retarded.
>given what a shithole this board is
you just made me reconsider
someone i know gave me shovel knight, so i'm playing through that. any other game recommendations Yea Forums
mood though. literally just come here to meme and to check out e3 reactions
Good, so we have to make it an even bigger shithole to get rid of you cancerous attention whore as well.
My penis.
holy shit most based thing i've seen all week
Are u girl?
Girls of Yea Forums, be honest -
How often do you shower?
Why does Yea Forums think girls on Yea Forums don't exist? I know a biological girl irl who browses Yea Forums, she's the reason I even know this place. And besides that there are boards like /cgl/ which are majority female. Is Yea Forums just that new?
you are the one who is getting the sloppy seconds
Girls either play Overwatch or FFXIV for some strange reason
I get that FFXIV lets you make cute girls but it's an MMO, stop playing MMOs
I met a celebrity today.
please be in london
once every two weeks. I like to let the dead skin cells coagulate so I can scrub it off like a wax layer in the shower.
>ctrl+f tits or gtfo
>3 results
You're anonymous, you have a reputation to uphold for fucks sake.
>Girls play Overwatch
Fucking THIS. I know like 4 girls irl who play Overwatch. All of them are mentally ill though..
no, toaster
i coalesce into the dirt. no need for showers here
all women are normies
Everytime I go outside so daily during weekdays and almost never at weekend or holidays.
Post feet and timestamp
There's nothing special about girls, they're just as retarded as we are
I opened this thread only to looks at some cute anime pics and I'm fucking disappointed
What's it like, getting a love letter, femanons?
I tend to forget that Yea Forums is ironically a very diverse website.
I typically just imagine the faceless /fit/ or Yea Forums character that appears in so many conic strips here as Anons.
But rhe trith is I've seen many kinds of people than that here.
>All of them are mentally ill though..
the drawback of being born female
Here you go
ITT: Thirst.
Anons, it's okay, just go out and talk to somebody. I'm sure you'll have sex eventually lol.
But I haven't learned how to bee myself yet.
Why the fuck do you give your non bird pets fruit? I mean, maybe a dog, but a cat?
>and if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen
Very rarely.
I prefer baths for maximum comfort.
Its pasta you dip
Yes, it's actually ironic that Yea Forums is a 'white supremacist' website, when it cannot be further from the truth.
Yea Forums is diverse, but still the asshole of the internet.
Sometimes, when I'm up at night wondering if I wasted my time here, I'll just try to remember all the famous people who browse this shitty website like William Shatner or Mike Pondsmith and chuckle at the thought of the possibility of insulting their race or sexual preference to their face.
haha wouldnt it be hilarious if you described your average bath routine from start to finish haha just an absolute riot of laughter haha
Yeah, he said that part makes him laugh every time he reads it, which implies he knows it is a pasta because he has read it more than once.
/ck/ is propably more female than most other boards, but still 90% male i guess. Don't think it's any gayer than Yea Forums.
I've never even met a boy who plays ketsui, there's an arcade near me with a bunch of CAVE games but the last time I went people were only playing the rhythm games
Didn't know this place was locked to solely Americans
My gf only ever browses Yea Forums and /r9k/
Pretty sure there are no female Yea Forumsirgins that come here regularly
Sure there might be the occasional girl that'll be lurking when a new game she wants to play releases, but she'll be gone by the end of the week
/clg/ has the biggest amount of female, /vp/ is second. /clg/ is easily 50% female.
Thank you, ma'am.
I reckon /ic/, possibly /cm/ and /y/ for the fujoshis might have a lot of girls
>he doesn't understand statistics
this has no relation to the post you answered to
Kill yourself, Frogshitter.
How easy would it be to pretend to be a girl online and get free stuff from betas?
I would never let a girl browse Yea Forums after what happened to my ex
It was fun and games until she get addicted to Rekt threads and later I found out she enjoyed watching Gore videos on liveleak on her free time.
>/ck/ is probably more female than most other boards
I-i don't know.
ok gotta go bye
Sounds like a perfect way to dodge bullets
thank you, that should always be posted
Girls doesn't play games, in fact they hate them because they draw the attention of men. Same why the hate soccer.
Ya know what, I DON'T like you. Thanks for making my day.
>that feel when girls in my college openly talk about their favorite hentai
They are more likely to be talking about waifus and hentai in Yea Forums
All I play anymore are 90s shooters, things that try to be one, minecraft, GTA RP or ARMA 3 maps with the squad.
I role play a cyborg because I'd rather people think I'm a squeeker with a fucked up voice modifier than a GRRRRRRRRRL gamer in their game.
It's always the best way.
The unwanted bullshit attention is a pain in the fucking ass.
there arent any girls on this website
only trannies that think they are girls when they totally arent
I'm a guy and I've been playing DMC recently, but you can pound me till i cum and call me whatever you want user
How new are you?
Having a dick or a gaping wound and calling yourself a woman doesn't make you one.
It's like calling a cheeseburger without meat a caesars salad.
in april I fucked a chick who had 400 hours in project zomboid and 700 hours in rimworld. we played the multiplayer remake of roller coaster tycoon 2. it was comfy
did you rim her world? if you know what i mean...
What mods did she have installed?
t. tranny
theres a good amount of women in /ic/
>All I play anymore are 90s shooters, things that try to be one, [...] or ARMA 3 maps
god please don't have a dick although if you do i will suck it. i don't want to suck a dick though.
>i always imagine all of you like handsome men if that makes you feel better
There are only cute lolis here, you should know that.
Fuck off Yea Forums
Rimworld is a game I've been able to get normal friends into since I can sell them on it being The Sims but worse graphics and more depth. I've found guys I show it to usually die after not poking around resources and build menus then make excuses or quit in front of me and the squad to come back a week later and tell me all about how they had a cool base, a ton of terriers to eat and then figured out wood bases and decor are flammable. Then they learn with steel, but they kept playing. I truly believe that game was a good entryway into games you dont play to win but to get better at like a fighter for the creative crowd.
hey giiize, let's ruin civilization again. It's been a fun decade
Literal 13 year-old tier topic.
>the sega
Worse than a soccer mom, GG OP, you disgust the girls
I'm a biological female with a working functioning vaginal orifice and I'm so far gone that only fictional men can own my heart
I cannot like real people anymore I've gone off the deep end
nothing hurts more than knowing the one you love isn't real and isn't wearing a maid outfit for you to ogle at
you should continue to show your gfs Yea Forums so you can weed out the insane
a test to see if they're fucked up or not
This, but I'm a man.
Ok prove it
I hope you're aware that SE executives forced YT to make Zero into a girl.
I like both men and women can be destroyed by 2D
>Tfw you will never meet anyone tall, muscular, gentle, funny and wise like him
>Tfw you will never watch war documentaries and hear what he thinks about our conflicts
>Tfw you will never be impregnated the next line of conquerors
Why go on
>the amount of yous you get just by saying you're a woman
I once met a girl that browsed Yea Forums in an arcade meet up thread back in 2010, she was a cute chubby Mexican girl and we're actually still friends.
Too bad I moved away I miss having a co-op partner.
I wonder if that means Yea Forums is full of horny teenagers or lonely men.
Why do you think twitch thots get so many donations?
>run bath
>remember to use the nice bubble stuff that makes the entire room smell nice
>light a couple candles
>hop in and relax
>consider shaving legs
>realise there's no one to appreciate that
>crippling lonliness
>cry quietly into the bubbly water
>flatmate at the door asking if everything's alright
>lie, claim it was just a really sad book
>lie when she asks what book
>quickly read wikipedia summary of the book on phone in case she asks more about it later
>sad wank
>empty bath
>do hair with shower as bath empties
>get dried, get dressed
>return to computer
>shitpost on Yea Forums and wish for death
You know, the usual.
no girl, make like everymen here, and imagine everyone of these shits like ugly fat deformed shits like they are.
pls be my gf
hi OP
no, I won't date you
Not everyone is fat you know
we're all little girls here
Holy fucking BASED and unimaginably REDPILLED.
I imagine everyone here as being scrawny pasty dudes that may or may not be balding early
and the occasional black guy
Dait me
every day, sometimes every two days
I just love playing with my tits
don't forget to shave them, David
I'm a girl, not a tranny freak
uh huh that's what they all say
good bait 8/10
Y-You too
Thread reminder that all legit girls must show tits with timestamp or GTFO
wtf are you people on about, this is fucking cringe as fuck are you mentally ill.
I agree with him but holy fucking cringe
make me :)
my tits are right here in my shirt and you're never ever going to get me to post them
make me make you
Nothing but trannies and jannies up ITT.
wouldn't it be funny if the girls here would tell us their cup sizes? haha you know, just for fun haha
That's great nobody probably wants to see them, only a roastie would post here.