What are some good games for cynical gamers?

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tomar fucking sucks

oney, julian, ding dong, matt, and zach were the toppest tier, 2017 oneyplays best oneyplays

everyone else is fucking trash


he was self aware
more than blokes like fuckin lyle, mick, or tomar can say

I genuinely miss the effortless chemistry Ding-Dong, Chris, and Julian had. It was comfy and funny. Then they had their falling out, and the rest of their Pokemon Red and Kingdom Hearts 2 playthroughs felt forced and stilted.

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spazkid is fucking great fuck you

>including someone who was literally only in two short series
kill yourself faggot this isn't fucking sleepycast

Zach is the best member prove me wrong

They didn't have a falling out

lol yeah they did
>have great chemistry
>ding dong and julian voice their dislike of making lets plays
>they leave
>they come back
>the atmosphere has completely changed
>chemistry is gone
>new episodes feel like they're just trying to get it over with

I just wish Julian would post more art.

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>guys of course this game mechanics suck. I am a game designer in case you didn't know the first 45 times I said it

funny gargling noises and catchphrases

cory was in a shit load of stuff in early oney plays

Get fucked.
They moved from California because two gay, unemployed furries can't into work, so they're living off of Patreon and streams to work on their game.

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did ding dong and julian fuck off again?
I haven´t seen any new videos with them resently

They didn't have a falling out, they moved out of Cali together. They came back so they could earn some more money to help move because moving out of commieforrnia is fucking expensive

julian and ding dong were only good whenever they talk about channel awesome, simpsons, random internet videos or bill cosby.
zach meanwhile is great all around
the rest are fucking boring

The best episodes were the ones where the game was complete shit and nothing to talk about or boring and long so they get bored abotu complaining and talk about other shit (like kingdom hearts). DD&J were the best partners for Chris but the constant ripping on the game got old quickly.

No. He still promotes Julian's streams.

The best episodes entirely are when they're trying to play Shenmue because you can hear they're totally real. Not until over half the video has gone they're saying "Wait we're keeping this?"

And the one where they play Lord of the Rings.

>It's a Lyle spends 20 minutes telling a boring story no one gives a shit about episode

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ding-dong defense force is here

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that guy is so loud and unfunny its insane


>Lyle is in videos regularly again

>climb ME

>What if I hit file instead

I used to think Ding Dong was black

>What if instead of now loading it said now exploding and it blew up?

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>others clearly don't think that's funny
>silence for a moment
>enter the genius lyle

these faggots need to play games that are actually entertaining to watch them play instead of any old shit that they try to make commentary over, them playing new vegas and beam ng was great they need to do something they can actually screw around in

Tomar is best when paired with Chris and Zach, it's funny watching those goofs toy around him.


Holy shit guys, have you seen this?

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lets players lmao

totally tubular dude

This Tomar and Lyle are especially unfunny cunts.

Me on the left there

What a disgusting little creature

>is a gay furry
>can draw
how the fuck isn't julian swimming in dosh right now? how do you fuck up this much?

Lyle is a lot better when he isn't trying to compete with Zach to be the funniest in the room

Hes only good when Zach is there. I'm just glad Mick hasn't been on in a while, he's not funny at all. Lyle isnt great either but he's better than tomar.

every sleepycabin guest - mick > every other oneyplays guest

You know what is more bizarre? He is actually decent in anything else he is in, it's like he has a knack to only be insufferable on Oneyplays.


>it's a Zach make an impersonation of Trump episode
>it's a Chris make an impersonation of Linkara episode

>praising mick at all
even on fucking sleepycabin he was consistently the least interesting guy in the room

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thats why i said - mick

tomar and lyle are so fucking normalfags, their conversation is so boring to listen to, my friend pedro is the worst video with these two around

believe it or not, his style is not mainstream enough, is too niche even for the furfags. besides he doesn't do fanart which hurts you the most if you want to gain followers


>it's a tomar makes an impersonation of lettuce foot guy episode



>expecting a guy to be funny when the vain of his humor was screaming really loud, making fun of lolcows, hanging out with funnier people than him and acting like the cool guy

Sanity not included fucking sucked btw.

Matt is annoying and tries too hard to be funny

>and acting like the cool guy
never could put my finger on this until you said it

chris' last video was boring af, the game looks fun and was great to see chris enjoying the game but lyle just can't into humor

>he hasn't seen Julian's drawings
don't look for it Taylor, you may not like what you find

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>every sleepycabin guest - mick
Mick I can stomach but fucking Niall

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>Shitting on Niall
You take that back motherfucker

Sonic Adventure with Corey is undeniable proof that he needs to be in the show more often

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why doesn't chris bring slightly artistic back

Never Again was good since that trope happened word for word

>acting like the cool guy
there it is, that's what i find troublesome for lyle, he tries to keep a cool guy persona but it doesn't work, specially not with people like oney or any other from the sleepycast when they already talked about topics that normal people will feel awkward to talk about. maybe he'll work fine with supermega since they are pretty safe with humor and stuff

"And and and and here's a really fucked true story that happened to me. Chris you should know about this cause we're Irish."

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And whatever happened to that hot British twink?



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sucks that jeff killed the momentum, corey was about to go on a roll with his sonic lore.
niall. or as i like to call. secondhand chris

>"she had to go get her niall abortion"
that episode was so fucking funny. Niall is an actual retard if he doesnt think that bitch stole that money from him

Last I heard from him was when he went to some group that was absorbed by Rooster Teeth.

Don't make fun of Niall. It's like picking on the retarded kid if the neighborhood.

Tomar is the best straight-man for Chris and Zach's antics though.

>implying their Irish stories aren't the best

I miss Stamper

stamper still doing meth by himself somewhere? how's that negro even making money at this point?


>corey was known to bully the sleepycast crew
>now everyone on the sleepycast bullied corey in the podcast

>I was so bad at fishing, one time I pissed my pants and my dad was so disappointed that I didn't catch a fish and I pissed my pants and we never went fishing again
Nialls Irish stories were fucking golden.

He managed to get out of San Diego and is living in Texas now as far as I'm aware.
That whole Twitter shit was fascinating. I hope he's doing better now.

best oneyplays series:

mario 64
resident evil 4
jumping flash 2
pokemon red
kingdom hearts 1
sonic adventure 2 original

GOD TIER: every crash game

Redpill me on this Stamper Twitter lore

The disgusting, depraved shit is what earns the big bucks though. Especially when it comes to the furry community.

oneyplays peaked with the RE2 letsplay back in 2014

>all this Mick hate
He's such a nice guy though, while still being able to jape around, and the most functional person out of the original SC crew (along with Zach).

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>let a crackwhore stay in his place
>crackwhore had connections to drug dealers
>drug dealers knew where crackwhore was
>stamper had to run away

Zach is the only fun co player. The little nasal man always makes me smile

They were too reserved and shy then.

"is not about sex" they say

I think the levels of disgust and depravity that Julian dips into is a bit much for even the more degenerate furries

Speaking of which does Christ just gravitate towards people with fucked up fetishes? Just Waffle alone likes to draw trannies being force fed turds

Fuck off with this eceleb trash

>GOD TIER: every crash game
With the exception of this boring ass CTR series. Don't forget Search for Reptar by the way.

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Basically he lets a random woman crash at his place, and big fucking surprise, she has criminal connections and people want to kill her. Stamper realises this, but decided to let her stay because she cleans and cooks for him. Eventually she moved out.

>does Christ just gravitate towards people with fucked up fetishes?
my man's gotta save the lost souls somehow

>The most functional


He let someone into his home who was apparently running from people trying to kill her. She kept visiting and he kept letting her in until eventually some real shady folks started showing up at some point. He posted a video on Twitter arguing with her in the dark about whether or not he was going to die that night before asking alexa to play Bone Thugs.

I liked Lyle’s individual videos on his channel and I’ve never watched oneyplays before. What’s the deal with him?

and F-Zero, I forgot about that one, spot on

>We need to get these monkeys our streets

Honestly? Tomar is pretty based

user Chris openly admitted to having a shrinking fetish the game was rigged from the start

Lyle just doesn't work well with the format.

I'm literally juth defending mythelf at thith point!

that's not really disgusting though like the other two, although for a long time Chris kept on making jokes about pee and drinking it that made me think he had some kind of watersports fetish

He is depraved and disgusting even for furry standards. He also doesn't have a mainstream "safe" art style. Top that all with him barely doing fanart of popular copyrights. A lot of his fame comes from OneyPlays now too and he's too much of a piss baby to look in the same direction as a fan that may have a wallet on them.

i think chris isn't like anyone else who pretends to be a puritan and admits to have fetishes, that's why people with weird fetishes are comfortable with chris because at least he won't judge them. i wonder if chris dresses up as a monkey when he's alone with veronica

But did she eat all the eggs?

It's bad enough though, once you're under any sort of transformation or extreme size difference umbrella the rot closes in. Spending enough time in strange places brings you strange things.

The BeamNG playthrough was pretty fun.

lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae

On another level one of the funniest people on earth tier

Comedy genius tier

Great sidekick tier

Pretty funny tier

Good straight man tier
Tomar>Ding Dong

Can get grating but is usually funny tier

Bad straight man tier
Niall, Mick

Bad sidekick tier

Sucks the air out of the room tier


Genuinely have hatred for him tier

Every time Zach does his Trump voice I tense up because I think he'd going to mock Trump or his supporters. Thankfully he never does, it's just an impression, not mocking. I have been ready to unsub every time.

>which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know
Definitely the totally random noises. Heehee, wee.

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>Pretty funny tier

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Haha wow cartoon characters "playing" games and having constant drama XD so funny hahaha. This is totally Yea Forums content and not off-topic at all XD I like the rabid dude hahaha he's a furry XD

This is genuinely well written bait. Not many people will appreciate it, but I do.

This is only in reference to their appearances on OneyPlays. They don't speak much and when they do it's always as a foil to whatever Chris is saying

>This thread is about something I don't like
>I will make a post mocking them, that will show'em
This is sneed tier shitposting

>Great sidekick tier
>Pretty funny tier
>Good straight man tier
>Tomar>Ding Dong
>Can get grating but is usually funny tier

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I know, imagine if a mod stickied a thread about a big e-celeb event for a day, wouldn't that be a stupid thing to do on the only talk about gameplay content board?

What's wrong


Yea Forums is not an oneyplays fansite
serious question: why don't you go to r/oneyplays if you only want to circlejerk? you do realise that every single thread on Yea Forums has dissent in them, right? if I made a thread about Anthem and someone replied to say Anthem was bad, I wouldn't call it shitposting

>Replying to the copypasta
Don't bother

Zach gets a free pass for actually having a trump impersonation that's funny.

Not having friends.

I was serious lol funny voices genuinely make me laugh way more than they should.

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Vinnyfag begone!

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae

Julian is shit. Tell me one time he was close to being funny

Not him but I think the problem is that the copypasta guy is somehow more annoying and autistic than most of the gossiping faggots. There's plenty of dissent that's not someones pathetic crusade to kill oneyplays threads.

You know this pasta is fucking golden because it's so spot on, meaning everyone can only huff and seethe about it rather than argue that it's misrepresenting the channel

Zach why?

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putting corey above supermega is like telling the world you're a retard. but thats okay user, i know there are people willing to help you out

Calm down janny cocksucker

It hasn't been relevant since the gfurs left. Now it's mostly Zach talking about funny little creatures and more edgy humor. It should get an update.

He needs money and he's a lazy animator who doesn't have any skills except being funny.

Remember to stay in college anons

He was the only good straight man on Oneyplays. Tomar is decently, but at least Julian clicked with Chris more.

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>tfw 3.8 GPA
>graduating with four year degree early next year
I've become the suit and tie boring loser I said I would never become.

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at least the pasta is funny
there's nothing funny or interesting about ranking lets play guests
I mean, who the fuck cares? what value does a post like this have:

daveyboy29 > daveyboi55 = fillibuster77 > daveyvarey231

jelliferary ruins all the jokes!!!

>dick flapping
>anus shot
>graphic shitting on screen
of course, its a seth rogen production. poor zach

>>ding dong and julian voice their dislike of making lets plays

Sleepycabin member tier list: Zach&Chris>Stamper>Corey>Niall-->Jeff----->Mick

Oneyplays guest tier list: Zach>Dingdong&Julian>Corey>Matt>Niall>Tomar>Mick>Jeff>Lyle


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"Hey guys! We're Supermega r-remember u-us?"

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Jeff is best boy.

>soulless shock 'humour'
christ this is awful

I mean tierposting is retarded and all but people going into detail about exactly how unfunny Lyle is brings me great pleasure. The one highlight of him being in videos.

I didn't put Corey above Super Mega

Why did SuperMega go from genuinely funny videos early in their life to uninspired, safe trite now?

They fucking had a recent podcast denouncing their early humor, embarrassed it was too 'edgy.'

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Cynicism or people trying desperately to become cynical has ruined much of western culture.

Can't do anything in earnest these days without someone trying to spin it cynically.

>Seth Rogan
>Justin S o yland

Nah the guy sucks all the fun out of the room and is as boring as brown bricks.

California slowly rots your brain.

They used to hang out with Oney and his humor rubbed off on them then they stopped hanging out with Chris because they were editors for Arin Hanson and now his "humor" rubbed off on them instead.

They are at the age were they feel like they have grown up (early 20s) and need to distant themselves as much as possible from what they were as teens. Little do they now that a second "teenage years" is about to start and soon they will begin to be embarrassed about thinking they grew up or became adults.

Was it worth falling for the California meme, Zach? Was it?

>seth rogan
im not surprised, rogan's humor is still stuck in his puberty years.
>saying they were edgy before
these fags weren't even close to being edgy. I guess they were scared by how strong oney and company humor can go, it was too much for their precious suburbs minds

dingdong thought this was funny and said he's always been a fan of mecha, and yet there are still oneyplays fans who are mad about this on behalf of dingdong. fandom is a hell of a drug.

Hey Ya'll Scott the Woz here

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How many episodes has he been on? I only saw him and Cory in the SA2. Jeff is a grumpy old man and doesn't care much about LPs, but every now and then has some spark, specially when he makes fun of Niall


If their podcasts are anything to go by, they genuinely have this mentality. They really give off the vibe that they are well-off sheltered suburban retards.

Funny how they used to mock Seth Rogan and his edgy humor to now have Zach associate with him and Roiland.

I mean I think they've admitted to being Christian sheltered suburban kids.

It is what happens to many people. They feel that since they've left their teenage years behind they are now adults and know all there is to know about life. But your 20s tend to be as rocky as your teenage years.

They also used to make fun of sellouts and filthy letsplayers and now Oney has become one. Such is life.

>praising ISIS and 9/11 isn't edgy
Then what the hell is edgy?

Ah okay I thought you meant he was best on sleepcast. Yeah he was alright on SA2 I just think most the other guests are funnier.

lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae

It's strange that Ryan grew up Christian despite having dirty Muslim roots on his mothers side.

>"LMAOing at those other let's play channels with their merch, fanart and fan animations haha"

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>People are genuinely laughing in the crowd at le cartoon men showing dicks and shitting
Fuck seth rogan and fuck this new wannabe adult swim-tier """humor"""

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oh boy, being anti-american is edgy? maybe 50 years ago not when people were already burning US flags

Hey Jim, you wanna join Antifa?

you mean newgrounds flash humor?

>adult swim-tier
Hey, they used to be cool, don't forget that.

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Jontron made a new video a few days ago. It fucking sucked as usual. At least he's gaining more viewers than ever and has never gotten hit with the demonetization stick. I wish he went back to his old style of videos.

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How the hell was that selling out?
Artistically, that animation collaboration was the only good thing to come out of the entire channel.

>Jontron made a new video a few days ago. It fucking sucked as usual.
As always, too many cooks in the kitchen, my friend. I doubt Jon even has much of a hand in the creative process of his own show anymore.

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Let's be honest. That happened because it turns out newgrounds flash animations and doing funny scream is only profitable if you're a letsplayer or working on a real show. And since that's all they could do they had to swallow their pride.

The difference is that when Newgrounds was the hottest thing it was a fringe culture to do flash or any kind of internet animation from '99 until probably '06. This is adult producers with funding and big names attached to it, not something a 13 year old whipped up on their first day of using Flash. Seth should be genuinely ashamed his face is associated with this but what do you expect from r00d hotdog man

Adult Swim nowadays tries too hard

Unbelievable how unfunny it is now

I'm talking about how they used to see themselves as better than those other channels by not getting as much attention from these types of fans, only to later become what they mocked.
It's the exact kind of people Ding Dong despises, that's why he only gives attention to harsh criticism, he thinks they're the cool people

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Jimmy go to the braincel subreddit

Chris, Zach, Ding Dong
Julian, Cory, Tomar
Matt, Ryan, Niall, Mick

And yet they still look down on Patreon and Twitch donations but Youtube money is still a-okay somehow. These guys are fucking idiots. Oney recently bought an expensive house in California for him and his girlfriend and he's still going on about not selling out and being an "honest" artist. It's all bullshit.

what are you talking about this is the golden age of supermega


>1 video out of the hundreds of shit ones they produced
Is this supposed to defend them?

The irony of expecting better quality entertainment while also being an oneyplays fan
You're seriously no better. You consume garbage while sneering at others.

>1 good video out of the hundreds of boring ones

>tfw you are neutral torwards lyle

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If you really want to dislike Oneyplays and Newgrounds as a whole just check out...the 2016 Magfest convention. That whole thing was just...yeah.

The irony is that it's very profitable and good for your "brand" to appear like you're somehow "more genuine" than everyone else while doing the exact same shit.
And there are people dumb enough to fall for it.

what, dislike them because their fans are autistic monkeys?

why bother
if you love to watch content as shit as oneyplays then nothing is going to convince you to stop. it's much more likely you'll tell yourself that everything shit about them is actually good.


I will never understand how the fuck Game Grumps survived past the Jon era

they had been focusing on their stage tours, now they've finally moved from the grumps and are doing more of their own thing

julian being unfunny is what makes him funny

good example is that hipster kickstarter bit

Is it the saxvore?

Mick, Oney, Niall, and Amin are there and they are all just plain awful. The room temperature IQ fanbase is the icing on the cake.

It's funny watching old sleepycast and hearing them relentlessly make fun of letsplayers and then defending Chris doing letsplays since it's just something "on the side". They've always been hypocrites on this stuff.

I unironically prefer the old normal boots type of game review video instead of the weird-ass, plastic-ass variety/react channel he has going on now.

I unsubbed after the literal actual flex tape shill video
show just ain't what it used to be