He's got my vote

He's got my vote

Attached: twitch.jpg (1280x720, 495K)

He had my vote.

ur a fag

This election cycle is going to kill this board. Fuck off already.

Attached: bernie.jpg (1280x720, 430K)

I wish it would


Uhh is this real???

There's nothing left to kill.

Nah, it's shopped. He was actually playing Koikatsu.

You can't kill what is already dead.

>in 40 years this is how average streamer will look like

Was it kino?

Attached: tulsi vs warmonger.jpg (1265x660, 59K)

What happened?

someone should make a version where he's playing koikatsu instead

Can you send him your meido presets and he fucks them live on stream?

I'm never gonna vote for him.

Tulsi was savage

taking requests

Attached: koi.jpg (1280x720, 486K)

Bernie playing Monster Girl Quest?

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (1160x656, 1.54M)

not to be picky but could you have used a less boring screengrab from koikat?


What a fucking senator