Tales of Arise won't have skits
Tales of is a really really bad video game series.
How nice of you to bump this thread for a really really bad video game series
>Didn't comment about skits
>"Oh my god, they're taking them out!"
OP is a faggot.
It's still a video game related thread, it deserved a bump.
By the way the director responded to their question it's obvious there's gonna be no skits
They didn't say anything at all about skits. At least wait until we actually know anything before jumping to conclusions.
It looks like they're gonna be 3D animated skits instead which is even worse imo
The more they change, the better. Tales is an absolute travesty. Is there any aspect of those games that isn't a total mess?
What is it about Tales threads that consistently attract angry retards that hate Tales with a burning passion?
The later tales also changed the skit layout to the old Legendia format with bust portraits, but nobody bitched about it.
retards with so much free time
>60 hour button masher
>10 seconds to post
0 seconds to ignore a thread about a game you hate
Well, TOArise is moving to some ARPG shit. Maybe the button masher will become enjoyable.
I can spare a couple minutes.
I don't hate Tales, I just wonder if they'll ever make one that isn't garbage. I hope they do.
How is it worse?
>I don't hate Tales, I just wonder if they'll ever make one that isn't garbage.
His answer looked sketch but I really hipe they don't entirely remove skits.
Those are one of the tales games best features.
They help flesh out and sometimes even develop characters, and we get to see the party memebers interact.
Most jrpgs don't do that.
2D animation > 3D animation
Tales already downgraded for brainlets after abyss.
I'm all happy for you morons that you enjoyed that crap until now, but I'm more than looking forward to a reboot.
Plus it looked decent in the trailers.
Skits are full anime instead of just the characters.
Ok but why?
What the fuck do you mean 2D animation.
The skits are just fucking VN sections. The sprites don't even use Live2D like Neptunia.
The last decent Tales, Berseria, was only remotely tolerable because of the cast. Everything else was fucking dogshit and played and looked worse than a compile heart game.
Because 3D looks too stiff and not as nice as 2D when it comes to anime. Some more modern games like DQXI or Ni no Kuni 2 manage to capture anime in 3D quite nicely, but it still just doesn't look as good as 2D animation.
They move their mouth and change their expression, good enough for me. Substituting that with 3D models won't make it look better.
I loved ToS as a kid and replayed it once I was 20 to discover that there was very little redeemable about it. Voice acting and dialog sucked, dungeons were a slog, the adventure itself was extremely bloated, awkward character animations loop over and over again until it becomes hard to watch. Character portraits were good, the soundtrack minus its shitty synth was well done, the combat system is the base for something worthwhile. Great animated segments, although there are very few. Best game over screen. I don't hate it.
>Tales already downgraded for brainlets after abyss.
Shut the fuck.
reminder that this game is being made to cater to western audiences. and you know how that ends
Well now you've spent quite a bit of time in a thread for a series that pisses you off, so good going
>muh serious story telling
bad signs already
I know, this tab's been open for an hour now. Having it on the corner of my screen has made me very angry.
>Tales already downgraded for brainlets after abyss.
Abyss has the most brainded AI that can't deal with free run at all. You can cheese free run so hard it's ridiculous. Abyss battle system was fixed in Vesperia. Hearts R has the best tales battle system to date but it's on the vita thus few people had played it.
Abyss was already casualized as fuck in comparison to, say, Symphonia. Combat was decent, but everything else, starting with dungeon design, was simplistic shit.
It turned out well for MH
There's nowhere to go but up in this case.
huh..? how are 10 seconds random convo skits related to the game experience?
There will probably be better ways of actually meaningful interaction that don't feel like a cheap visual novel cut out
Yes I'm sure someone who's never enjoyed the series would know better than anyone what the series should be doing
>Everyone memes for years that Zestiria is bargain bin trash and hypes Berseria as the second coming of the franchise
>Finally play both
>Zestiria is a fun adventure with transformation mechanics that keep combat interesting
>Berseria is a worse retelling of Berserk that meanders for too long and the combat is brain dead easy “mash one button” shit
Did people actually play Zestiria, or did they just listen to the turbo virgins who cried over their waifu not being playable most of the game?
It can't get worse than berseria
Yeah, the cast were great despite some of the its flaws but
>played and looked worse than a compile heart game
Stop exaggerating. Dogshit is still better than the best game compile heart could ever make.
>last decent Tales
Last decent Tales was Xillia 2.
Meh. Game looks pretty but it seems to be reusing the bullshit combat system from Zestiria/Berseria. Unless it grants players freedom or the ability to combo in the air, I don't care.
At least the game looks pretty now.
Thank god, that shit is beyond stupid and its high time they removed it
>Last decent Tales was Xillia 2.
Did you not like or play Innocence R or Hearts R?
I wouldn't be mad if they removed it, all the other answers he gave already tells that the game is still tales in mechanics.
Skits are cringe as fuck.
Tales of Destiny will always be the best Tales of game.
>Optional side dialogue about recent events or random fun things party does together that doesn't break the narrative in any way
>cringe as fuck
>Random fun things
>Not cringe as fuck dialogue for turbo weeaboos
I like anime, but holy shit those skits are annoying.
They're probably reworking skits, since there was a non-answer and this thread is just clickbait. Odds are they're gonna pull some sorta Star Ocean 5 bullshit or at least try to tone down how disconnected Skits are by having them as mid-gameplay stuff rather than "press a button, everything pauses to see talking heads".
Still they're much better than the shit other series force you to watch a main story cutscenes
people shit on zestria because the story was shit and the characters sucks.
People like Berseria because the story was alright and the characters were good.
>the combat is brain dead easy “mash one button” shit
So is Zestiria. Even with the transformation gimmick, it's still a button masher.
Regarding story, I just prefer Berseria because the cast is more interesting. And the party consist of ragtag group of criminals that don't spend 24/7 sucking MCs pussy.
I'm not saying Berseria is the best Tales game, I'm just saying Zestiria is easily the worst.
Transformation was a gimmick that was already done better literally in the game that came out before it. It and added nothing a more robust moveset couldn't accomplished
Tales of Destiny and Tales of Vesperia are the only good games in this trash fire series anyway
I hope they change the skits entirely and make it more story related, almost like cutscenes
I did, and i hated every moment of Zestiria.
The way equipment works in the game meant you gotta grind to get to the OP skills
The TF gimmick was nice, but it also means you can have only 2 player coop because the forms are too good to pass up on.
The AI is pretty bad in the game, I had to restart a few bosses due to the AI killing itself against a boss.
Also the soul system in the game limits your attacks too much imo (which is also a flaw on Berseria's combat)
Zestiria has a pretty fucking good OST though, it's fantastic. It's just bad on everything else it sets out to do.
I beat the game twice, Edna is the character.
Both stories are trash, and Zestiria has better combat. Berseria is the worse game
>Aceman stops waifuposting to call out Zestiria's bad mechanics
You're absolutely right too
they are, retards who like them like shit anime like franxx and violet evergarden so it makes sense they'd be able to consume Tales' boring meandering plotlines and complete lack of character roundness and personality. It's weebshit for weebs. The type of no life weebs who have a backlog miles long of bullshit and watch anime for the sake of anime
tales of arise is the first tales game i'm interested in in over a decade. please fucking shake up your series bandai
Oh for fucks sake it's Tales for the west, isn't it? Should have known with it being revealed at E3, XBOX'S E3 no less. First Monster Hunter, then FF7, Now Tales? Leave my games the fuck alone you Westacucks.
And yet Berseria had even less going on for it
Same here. If this ends up being a shitshow like Tales has been post-vesperia then I'm gonna gracefully bow out from this series
>Still makes me want to impregnate her
What are you on? Abyss was easy as fuck because every fucking enemy had no idea how to react to FREERUNNING, Vesperia balanced that aspect better at least regardless of how you feel about the other stuff.
I won't argue cause you're right as far as the mechanics are concerned.
Berseria just abused the skits as cheap cutscenes.
Atleast she did something for (you)
It used to be decent "comfort food" JRPGs between DQ releases, but now it's just low effort shit for weebs to waste money buying swimsuits for animu girls in.
You just described Persona user
I played Zestiria enough to not want to try Beseria when it released BECAUSE it looked so similar, i will get Beseria for this steam sale though to judge if it really is better or not because people shilled it for few years now. Im not expecting much honestly, but i feel the sale is a good opportunity to give it a chance since im kinda interested in Arise, and really ,"Berserk Ripoff" isn't exactly a damning insult.
Zestriria was huge disappointment for me to start with, so the fact i don't have expectations should make it easier for Beseria to be more enjoyable.
Nah, it was more like BABBY'S FIRST JAPANESE ARPG until KH dethroned it.
I enjoy both series. DQ is the comfort food of JRPGs. I have no idea how the hivemind decided that Tales is some sort of yearly cashgrab that's the exact same game every time and never tries anything new, but it's significantly more divisive of a series than DQ.
>studio trigger garbage and violet evergarden in the same sentence
how dare you
They somehow screw up Berserk’s great formula and make it incredibly boring, drawn out and predictable. Lower your expectations further, the people who shilled that shit did it purely because they jerked it to Velvet.
It really wasn't. And it's not even similar to KH in any meaningful way. Also it was never that popular, so it never had a chance to get dethroned.
Happens with every video game ever that changes engines and tries to "upgrade" the visuals. They put all the budget in the engine, graphics and optimizing and they cut corners on gameplay, mini games and side content.
Happened with XIII and XV
Happened with KH3
Happened with Yakuza 6
Happened with Star Ocean 5
etc etc
It will keep happening as long as publishers demand from the devs to upgrade their visuals to keep up with the competition but give them the same budget and same time limitations to create the game as when they were asking them to shit out games yearly or biyearly by recycling assets from previous entries.
Jews always win.
you know what this means, no loli party members or mascot character, only angry emotions and serious business allowed
Tales is a cashgrab in the sense that the game is literally made grindier than it should be to incentivize you to buy exp boosts and shit as DLC.
Hearts R is great. Wish we had gotten Innocence R as well.
Also DQ games have always been quality. Even the less stellar ones are just weird because of experimental gameplay choices. It's comfort food due to its style and old-school gameplay, but not due to its quality or polish.
Skits give you a chance to get to know the characters and their social interactions better. Don't like em, don't play em.
I've never once felt the need to buy an EXP boost or grind to excess in a Tales game. You might be bad at it.
>they thought this wasn't a westernized tales of game
get used to it as more and more japanese companies refuse to work on switch games and instead trying to make money selling their games on PS5/Xbone.
If there's one thing I never cared much for in the Tales series, it's the 2D portions, particularly the cardboard cutout skits. Keep the skits, but actually animate the game models, please.
You should have said costumes instead since I don't think it has any exp dlc at all, nor is hard enough to really need them. Though now this reminds me how costumes used to be abundant in the series before they realized they could pull what they do with Idolm@ster and sell them in big expensive packs, I hope skits don't end up that way.
Friendly reminder that insults are not very convincing arguments and that if you conpare Symphonia to Graces, you'll be able to easily tell how right I am about grinding being more prevalent in later games. Also just because you have enough experience with JRPGs to be able to beat the game underleveled doesn't mean most people won't have to grind or buy the exp boosts to get past a particularly difficult encounter late in the game.
good, fuck skits
Tales series has had exp and money DLC for a long time now.
I... I guess...
Honestly they had to change the series sooner or later. Even diehard Tales fans like me were getting sick of it, surely others feel the same. Berseria and Zestiria and Xillia 1/2 were clearly starting to run dry on actual gameplay ideas. Xillia games and Zestiria and Berseria kept retreading mechanics (linking two characters, MC transformations, etc) and the dungeons had been reduced to copypaste hallways and massive flat open fields of enemies and harvest points. It needed a shakeup
>can't read like the retard he is
>Because 3D looks too stiff
>the current 2D skits are literally just static images with different mouth pictures
I dunno, I think it's cute how they act out skits within the confines of their little reaction face panels. In Vesperia the panels move around to show where characters are in the scene and sometimes they go flying or spinning off screen to indicate getting hit (usually by Rita)
Berseria added magic-counter.
Not him but someone has never seen Destiny DC skits apparently. I'd also rather keep 2D skits as well since they would probably just have 3D models set up to mimic the 2D skits which I've always found to look awkward in whatever game I've seen it in.
if you're gay
>you'll never marry rutee
I see, I guess I've completely overlooked them since I rarely go to the store for anything anyway. I still find them unnecessary and not what would make the series a cashgrab though.
Yeah I've never been interested in it. Though Arise made me consider wanting to get it. The other games look like total shit though.
>ywn get rutee pregnant
>she will never have your child
i liked the games more when they used sprites
>one of, if not the only heroine in the entire series that the mc canonically marries and has a child with is a tomboy thief
Why did they stop doing this
What's wrong with berseria?
Probably because they're unsure they could ever top it, but I hope they try again some day.
>legit good tier
>good tier
>okay because main cast is good tier
>bad but not Symphonia 2 tier
Everything else
She also becomes a housewife during ToD2.
Tales monster designs have been shit forever now.
I told you they are going all out in trying to get the normalfags audience. This is just going to be tales of in name but this new faggot director will change everything about the series.
Bring back baba
Stop, my heart can only get so erect
The director is the guy behind the God Eater games. It's not even an actual Tales of game. Baba sits in his cave, laughing at all the fat otaku that want him back.
Baba can come back if he directly apologizes for being a coward and making Rose's VA apologize in his place instead of taking the blame head on for Zestiria.
>make anime game
are you retarded
>not normalfag shit
Oh another retard that think anime is niche
Sales-wise, but not (gameplay)quality-wise
Is this the same retarded interviewer yesterday that thought Astral Chain was going to be a trilogy?
I can't trust these retard.
Western games are fucking garbage so no.
This is your housewife for tonight.
>this thread
Jesus Christ is this the most hated jrpg franchise ever? Why do you people hate this series so much? Like not even fucking cold steel get this much hate.
What is it about tales of that make people seethe so hard?
Welcome to morning Tales threads
I haven't had a lot of fun with the games after Graces. It seems like they've been trying to do the transition to that open action-RPG style for years, but they've been half-assing it every time, with really shitty results. This game might actually be a good change, but I won't be in any hurry to play it.
Berseria is still on my backlog, although it looks like the previous games, only edgier and more adult.
>but not (gameplay)quality-wise
I can answer this. If you have never played a tales game, these games look absolutely terrible. They come out quick, they've got a geberic artstyle with shitty looking button mashing combat to boot. To the average person this is a recipe for disaster. But when you actually play one you realize that's wrong and it's got a lot of detail and love put into it.
It doesn't help the games combat systems seemingly start terrible on purpose, and only get better hours into the game. In short, it's really easy to dismiss entirely. And when Yea Forums dismisses it, they beed you to dismiss it also. But tales fans won't because it's good. And thus the hate perpetuates itself. I went through it myself, as I used to despise the series.
Then the game was always normalfag audience, there's no need for worry.
>Keep the skits, but actually animate the game models, please.
Bad opinion and you should feel bad for having it. The 2D skits are fine. I hate the use of 3D models in a VN format, and I definitely don't want them to become full fledged cutscenes.
So most people shitting on the series are retards with ADHD that never played the games? Yup sound like Yea Forums alright
>>these games look absolutely terrible... But when you actually play one you realize that's wrong
It's sad but very few here play those
you need to learn. when developers dodge a question, it usually is right. if there were skits, he would've just said yes.
Wish I knew, it's just a cool thing to hate on for people I guess.
Fujoshit will not allow them to remove skits.
>game is actually not open world, it's just the new engine and grafx
>game has encounters
>normal party size confirmed
Are you guys retarded or something ?
I don't even play this game and know better than you guys.
I hope they remove fujos instead.
Maybe the skits are made in a different manner, just wait for information.
>we want the western braindead american audience
No cunny or penny party member. No fun and no humor allowed just serious and grimdark trash for pea brain amerilards audience.
>No fun and no humor allowed just serious and grimdark trash
There was a peeny party member and Magilou was pretty fun
I'm guessing this is because of the Arise trailer. Anyone who disliked Tales is hoping Arise will completely gut it, and so they're shitting on Tales instead of leaving it be. Obviously the people who want the status quo are worried.
Skits are gay anyways. I always skip them
Its fire emblem all over again.
Dropped. One of the franchises iconic gimmicks and they piss it away to try and be realistic and edgy and gritty? Are they nuts?
Are the main hero and heroine finally gonna fuck this time
Well they didn't marry, but they were pretty much the official couple at least, and she punches Bugbears for breakfast.
man i'm retarded, i go to correct bugbears to egg bears and then forget to correct it. oh well
They will hold hands in the missionary position for the sole purpose of feeling each other's warmth.
What do you mean finally? Most Tales of mains do end up fucking their heroine if they don't die or it's at least implied that's where their relationship is gonna go.
>MC can't feel pain while the heroine inflicts pain to whoever touches her
>Both of them are from different worlds which can tie into the worlds mutually cooperating at the end
I never able to finish any game on Tales series because ALL of them at some point has GIANT problem with pacing.
>oh this is intresting
>10 hours of fillers
Jude and Milla didn't fuck
Elle was Ludger's kid
Sorey was a homosexual
Velvet was too focused on revenge to think about dicks
>legit good tier
Meme opinion. If I need an internet guide so I dont miss x step to get a good weapon, and then I can't backtrack to get it because all the steps are exclusively timed, the game is shit.
>decent "comfort food" JRPGs between DQ releases
But they were superior to DQ in every single way.
Tales has been assballs since Xillia. Good riddance.
Garbage that somehow gets a pass because it was slightly better than Zestiria.
That's why I said most even if we don't see it, Cless, Reid,Veigue,Senal, Stahn,Kyle,Shing,Ruka,Asbel,Cailus all smashed or will smash
Jude and Milla do love each other, but Milla chose duty in the end.
>people wish for Baba to fuck off
>get replaced by God Eater director
God Eater is a garbage franchise you all got monkey pawn as fuck.
You think Jude settled for Leia in the end?
>“With the improvement of 3D presentations, there will more or less be some changes to parts relating to the anime side of things. However, this doesn’t mean that the anime parts will be completely gone. (When asked about Skits, he could not provide an answer.)”
Does this dumb fucker even know what Tales is or skits are? God damn I'll be butt hurt if they don't have them or something similar to them.
That's literally not what they said though.
I guess so. I don't pay a lot of attention to Tales, but Fire Emblem 10 was so shitty that I didn't really care once they decided to turn it into waifu shit.
Imagine still watching anime in 2019
Imagine being sad that your generic weeb series might not have generic braindead anime skits
>Sorey was a homosexual
Explain this scene then
This. They keep trying the open world shit but what Japan doesn't get is open world games aren't supposed to be literally open world and Tales games don't lend itself well to mini events or side quests that pop up on the fly. It's not an Ubisoft or Rockstar game. Better to keep it a focused JRPG but no they want the western audience and the post-Dark Soul game world audience.
>Baba sits in his cave, laughing at all the fat otaku that want him back
Didn't he literally fail to make a single game after leaving Bamco and got fired by Square Enix after costing them a ton of money and wasting a ton of their time and manpower?
That's just him pretending to be not gay.
>coo coo
>I'm number 1
I never really understood when people said Sorey was gay based off his relationship with Mikelo. They seemed more like brothers than lovers. If anything it's Yuri who should be called gay
Some people want a game to be fucking long at the cost of pacing.
Imagine coming into a thread about an anime game and crying about said game.
Western games are a fucking joke to everyone with good taste. Enjoy your pro trannies agenda trash.
The big question is if Velvet is gay
It's the only thing the game has going for it.
>“It is not open-world. It’s a conventional RPG where you’ll walk across maps with the occasional dungeons to take on.”
One of the latest interviews for Arise stated that it isn't open world.
I worked a little bit on this game until recently. I can let you in on a few details
Alphen is actually Renan and was exiled from Rena as they deemed him a threat
This is kinda obvious but Shionne is trying to get rid of her curse and Alphen is the only one who can help her as he can wield the flame sword
>When asked about Skits, he could not provide an answer.
he didn't mention any specifics about them not being in.
Why is it always a fire sword
Japanese devs really need to get over their "MC uses a fire sword" fetish
But fire is awesome.
Thunder is the most based element.
And how does the flame sword help with getting rid of her curse
Because yes.
Because it's cool.
You know what would be cooler? An ice sword
Ice is for fags though.
We already have Veigue.
He left on his own. Square Enix reshuffled all their devs due to FFVII remake and his studio suffered because of it. So he left.
Can't reveal that much as it has to do with the plot twist. Speaking of which expect one on the level of SO3's plot twist.
It was already going downhill with the Nintendo titles. They're the start of hunter power creep getting out of hand and the gradual destruction of the methodical combat that defined the old games.
So Rena isn't a real world and Alphen was never real, but through the power of Shionne's love, he becomes real and his existence persists.
Is it grandose in the sense that it changes the entire scope of the series?
>New fire emblem is shit
>New pokemon is shit
>New tales is shit
jesus christ
The God Eater games are full of little conversations with the party members.
It's time to accept it user, we don't have games anymore, we just have wanna be movies and gacha shit filled with waifus now
Nothing will top SO3's plot twist. I can't think of anything that can top being in a simulation
>Zestiria is a fun adventure with transformation mechanics that keep combat interesting
Zestiria combat was just as brainless as Berseria don't kid yourself.
The fusion was cool the 10 first times you did it then it all became the same "mash one button" shit.
And before you accuse me, yeah I played the whole game, the last boss fight would be kino if the game itself wasn't so boring because of the combat.
A scene where he apologises for something he knows is considered a faux pas and then asks a girl about her outfit?
Talk about gameplay nigga
Fusions were always annoying since I play the games co-op.
>ahhhh jee golly willickers i almost saw a naked girl
>oh let me look at your armor
Yuri wanted to do Judy dirty.
Dude, time travel, dude save the world, dude, travel to alternative realities to save the world. God fuck the zero escape series what a shitshow
Always heard it was great, so I tried Berseria and it was total shit. After seeing more of the series I must say fpbp.
TP is back and there's something similar to an overlimit. There's about 9 playable characters total (I think?)
>the joke
>your head
Nobody played Rebirth though
>There's about 9 playable characters total (I think?)
huh, this seems way too much, seems fake.
>Playing them co-op
How do you overcome the bore of only one person controlling everything outside of combat?
Reid pounded Farah
Keele pounded Meredy
Theres some.
They said total, that would imply like half of them are temporary and probably villains
I'm not 100% sure but I know there's definitely more than 6. I think one of them is in the party for a brief segment
Tales has been dead since Destiny DC, what did you expect
Probably those who were burned by a Tales game they thought was bad, and feel the need to stop others from having fun with it. This way they can share their misery with others.
Also, people from /pol/ (their main board) who detest "weebs" without realizing what website they are on.
I can only hope they're all unique.
>TP is back
Woah now slow down, is this confirmed? Because that should mean they scrapped the Zestiria/Berseria system as it didn't utilize TP.
This is great news, I'll even live with no skits if the combat becomes good again.
Has any leaks from Yea Forums ever turned out to be true?
Yes. Plenty of times.
I love Tales games because most can be played co-op. Very fun for my bro and I to play through together while we catch up.
>Has any leaks from Yea Forums ever turned out to be true?
Yes various, usually they start a thread tho.
Wasn't Arise first leaked from here?
Actually a lot of them
Plenty. People just don't take it seriously unit it actually happened.
That's about how many Vesperia had, doesn't seem unreasonable
Yes, but I woudn't believe the faggot here.
Not him, but take turns, and have engaging conversations with your buddy.
Can you tell us who the party members are?
Berseria already didn't feature skits.
Skits used to be few seconds long conversations not 2-5 minute dialogues like in Berseria.
They still got ufotable so anime designs for the skits are in.
I hope they're all cool tho.
>its another OP is a faggot and everyone takes his word
I guess Tales fans are bigger idiots than i thought. A dev saying "i have no comment" doesnt mean anything. You guys are taking this like a Smash Bros rosterfag every time Sakurai or a 3rd party says they have no comment.
>Tales without skits
The fuck. That's like a racing game without vehicles.
Did the ethics committee think skits were unethical?
How about you read the fucking article.
I need something to be outraged about today, I'm getting tired of moaning about Tifa's tits.
Like pottery, kek.
Goddamn this whole thing sounds like it’s shaping up to be a valkyria revolutions tier crapfest.
I thought they were going under.
Are they seriously removing the Japanese """humor""" then?
You'll summon "him".
>Baba literally gets the tanaka treatment from SE
>Before he even makes a fucking game.
He'll show up dead somewhere eventually.
Tales' Japanese """"""""""humor""""""""""(with about a thousand more quotation marks) is pretty weird
He got japanese pink slipped, you're retarded. That game was already in enough pre production to get a trailer.
It didn't meet the quality standard of the SE QA team, so he got fired.
>never played a tales game before
>play through Berseria
>it's fucking trash
That was the kind of game people bully weebs for playing. What the fuck was that story and dialogue? Also gameplay was shit, instead of actually allowing us to use combos and button imputes with any depth, you just spam two buttons with the right move setup baked in already.
Pretty sure Baba is done unless he goes indie. The guy has to be blacklisted at this point.
I sometimes forget that people in this board care about the most retarded things in vidiya, the tifa threads are out there afterall
>Being this autistic
Canonically Estelle is the dad, which works because she's a huge dummy
>its a berserk clone because the MC is an edgelord, the church is involved, and theres a word with Ber in it
>sodia wanted yuri dead because he was cucking her of the flynn dick
why is this game so gay
Sodia cucked herself by being such a tightwad all the time, really
She probably takes out her sexual frustrations on apple head
Did she grow a dick
I wish
Who the mother
Someone very motherly, of course.
Yeah, both Zestiria & Berseria gameplay is dogshit and unfun as hell. Their older gameplay system is much better with freedom of creative combos and much more responsive control in general.
that's because im making tifa moan with my dick :)
Only if it's like Xillia. Older games were so fucking stingy with it that you essentially had to clear most of random battles with normal strings.
>No skits
Thank fuck. This is the thing that single-handedly turns some of these games into slogs for me. I wouldn't mind, but there are so fucking many, and I don't honestly give a single shit about what's going on in the vast majority. Plius, they destroy the pacing - play 10 minutes of the game - get inundated by 40 minutes of meaningless skits.
This may be the first tales game in 20 years I'm interested in.
What does that even mean?
Just don't watch them, they're optional
>TP is back
Great, another game where you have to spam items just to keep the combos going.
If they're tied to a single other thing in the game, they're not strictly optional. Plus, there's the fact that you don't always know if the scene you're getting into is meaningless bullshit skits, or if it might actually have some relevant information to the story.
>buy Berseria yesterday
>enjoying it so far
>get to this
So is she autistic or something?
How did they have a baby
I recall Xillia's skits were labeled so you knew if they were just side stuff or not.
The simplest answer without spoiling anything is 'Yes'.
She's "japanese humor": the character
First comes love, then comes marriage
I can't remember all of them as I was shown them breifly
>A purple haired girl who claims to have known Alphen in the past. Looks a lot like Hinata from Naruto.
>A brown haired dude from Dahna. He's the goofy one irrc
>Shionne's childhood friend who's a high ranking official. Think blonde Zelos.
>Sorry to say but I think there's kid character. Can't remember if if they were a Loli or a Shota
I read that as >Tales of Arise won't have skirts
and my dick was diamonds. thanks for nothing OP
I doubt they would ever actually remove them, since skits are really important to the series, but if they are really gone, I won't buy it.
being able to play it in Japanese on PC made it more fun to go through, also watched the anime alonside playing it, game badly needs a remake though overall
Huh, any idea when we might get new info about the game then?
When are they gonna reveal more info? This is the first Tales I've been excited for in a while.
That I don't know as I left the project fairly recently but I'd expect them to drop major info at TGS and Jump Festa.
>A purple haired girl who claims to have known Alphen in the past. Looks a lot like Hinata from Naruto.
She sounds like a contender for best girl tell me more
Shionne gets jealous of her as she tries to make moves on Alphen. It's later revealed that they were lovers in the past and Alphen eventually remembers. She gets cucked as he chooses Shionne in the end
>won't have skits
are those what they call the visual novel sections?
Is there a shota doujin with Velvet and Laphi?
>It is not open world
Oh thank God.
Am I the only one who ships these two?
I feel like skits have just became a cheap way to shoehorn in the characterization you couldn't actually write into the main story because they're hacks. And by characterization I mean "LOL WACKY AREN'T WE FUNNY."
look up [Gate of XIII (Kloah)] Tales of Breastia in your doujin site of choice
Arise WILL save Tales
That's a bold statement.
>god eater producer
>open world again (no fixed camera, corridors)
>actually labeling itself as "reboot to the franchise"
Nah, too many red flags. Might still be better than berseria and zestiria, I think those really were the bottom of the barrel of the franchise.
> "reboot to the franchise"
>Is suddenly reminded of sonic 06
Yikes and I thought Zestiria was gonna be the sonic 07 of Rales
When's the art of the protags coming? I haven't seen anyone draw 'em
A week ago
based and redpilled
they're too busy drawing ryza
Her introduction is basically the big red flashing light warning you to strap yourself in tight, because you're in for a fucking ride.
>all these people who never played the originals
Tales is gay
I just want another Xillia 2.
For fuck sake, how hard can it be.
Probably retired from the way his last comment sounded.
Only if they don't actually pull what Xillia 2 did with cutting very important plot info and putting it into side material for extra bank.
Hi folks.
So how's her game?
>cutting very important plot info and putting it into side material for extra bank.
What do you mean? I didnt hear anything about that.
>no skits
really? i'm just a casual tales fan who's played a few of the games and that sounds like a terrible idea, they're a huge part of the appeal
now, making the skits more like dragon age style conversations that happen when you're walking around rather than being a separate thing that pauses the action, that would be cool
then again i think they had both those things in berseria
I know about those, meant fanart
not really complaining but I'm digging these tales of designs this time around.
Isn't he like literally her slave servant or something?
Cless and Mint didn't marry?
No they didn't
>A darker skinned man is a slave to a light skinned woman
Is Bamco trying to send a message?
What in the /pol/ is this??
She is my wife.
>Tales gets complaints that you end up in parts of the game where you get half a dozen skits all queue up at once
>just make conversations happen in the story instead of when your party steps foot into the right map and pops a heap of unrelated party banter
Could be fine if. It also could've been fine with more intelligent pacing and placing of Skits.
How nice
We know, Ruca.
I feel the same, this shit has to go.
Generally agreed upon to be one of the best as long as you're playing the version that's NEVER EVER
Characters will probably talk to each other in real time and there will be in engine interaction scenes thus removing the need for skits.
Nice, actual goddamn fucking cinematics
It had a great run in the mid to late 2000s, but yeah, the series is mostly either mediocre or bad.
I know exactly the type of people you are talking about user and I agree, however that doesn't speak for every Tales Of fan. I am mostly anti-weeb shit and I must declare Tale Of Symphonia and Vesperia are both comfy games filled with fun characters and a decent storyline that serves to be more interesting as it progresses. Tales Of games have soul despite the weebery.
he's talking about destiny dc, which is japan only
A friendly reminder that Richard in the f-arc is unironically the greatest Tales character ever created.
They expanded on the whole Kresnik family tree (Julius and Ludger's moms worked for Bisley's senpai as a tutor and maid respectly and he ended up having Julius with his mom at age 14 when she was like 20 for example) and explaining more throughly how Victor became who he was from having the same exact encounter with an Elle from another dimensions. She ended up dying though iirc before they got to Origin but they couldn't make a wish anyway since they weren't from the prime dimension which is why he worked so hard to try and worm his way into the actual prime one for her . There's a lot to it that would have made the game. much more impactful if they just included it in detail from the start: taleslations.tumblr.com
>Oh captain~!
He was a really fun character in F-arc.
I know this is probably fake but I want it dammit
Fuck off, Baba. We know it's you
Best Tales protag, say something nice about him.
Don't let Jude see this
he's hilarious in tales of fandom and i want to play his game
He's part of the 180+ masterrace
I like how clear and direct he seems to be despite being named Veigue.
Knowing Jude he'd probably jerk off in a corner and cheer her on with tears
Not the same thing but if they do te same shit like Cold Steel did in changing anime portrait for 3d models in dialogues I will be beyond pissed
The reason Alphen wears armor is to protect himself since his sense of pain is gone, but long term sustained damage can clearly kill him like any other person. If Shionne just causes the "sensation" of pain, it could work. But if she causes actual bodily harm, she'd probably kill him. But we all know what they're trying to do with these two, so there's no real point in speaking in hypotheticals. He's tales of arising that dick in her after this game's credits role.
I think their mediocre, combat has not strategic value, and you know what, fuck it, this series is shit.
is there a translation yet?
>First person she'll be able to touch
Oh she's getting DAHNA'ed for sure
Brace for japanese 'humor".
I have no idea how a series so consistently mediocre manages to have such a sizable fanbase.
The fact that you people keep coming here to bump the thread by bitching about it probably helps
Tales of Abyss is 100 times better than those
Can you get any more visibly butthurt?
Christ you people are pathetic. It's not like you made the game to take it so personally.
It likely wasn't on purpose, the ideas were likely there but didn't make it to the final product. But the information ended up in extra materials.
I know that sometimes the manga and novel creators sometimes approach the staff and asks for more details.
>Can you get any more visibly butthurt?
Sure, I could enter threads about series I've never played just to complain about how terrible they are
Tales is still alive while KH is now dead