fixed Yea Forums
Fixed Yea Forums
>sort by creation date
I'm surprised that one of you braindead shitposting mongoloids actually know how to use the catalog.
Very nice.
>Ever sorting it by anything but creation date
Imagine being a bump order faggot
You would be surprised that almost all of the screenshots like these use that. What the fuck is the point of using the catalog when the threads jump around every time you refresh like you weren't even using the catalog?
When I sort it by creation date, all I ever see is sad threads, doomed to die. Even if I try to keep it bumped.
/stage builder/i
Yes, but the point is you actually see those threads instead of some teenager posting nigger porn and the other teenagers flooding in and bumping it every 5 seconds.
Probably because we're all used to it from before the catalog existed. Fuck, I still just refresh the front page unless I'm searching for a very specific thread.
>sort by creation date
>see in live time threads critical of nintendo getting almost instantly deleted
>meanwhile threads shitting on sony, microsoft, or pcfags are left alone
i don't understand
I hide most of that gay shit.
You have some repeats in there
Inevitable, immeasurable, irreproachable, unattainable, unironically........... B A S E D
Probably because you are unironically braindead.
Of course I didn't realize how bad things were before people started making external catalogs too. Learn to use the fucking website.
I'm less braindead, and more like an old coot set in my ways. No need to be a gay niggerfaggot, whippersnapper.
What the fuck are you, like 21?
Remember: you're here forever.
I'm 29 and you are a dumb fuck if you don't min/max the way you use the internet. You should fucking know better. Learn to use the goddamn catalog.
I know how to use the catalog, squirt, I just don't feel like it. Why be autistic over how someone else browses a forum?
You god damn 90’s kids, man.
You are being inefficient, I don't understand how that doesn't bother you. Shouldn't be surprised at your newfaggotry since you keep bumping this shit thread too.
possible, i put shit that pisses me off on the list when i see it. sometimes something slips through and i add it again by mistake.
The only people who min-max everything and care about efficiency to the extent that you do are guaranteed to be on the spectrum. Not even joking around here.
Guess who this website was made for, lad.
>ordering by creation date
Those are the people much more likely to stay here forever, they bought a Yea Forums pass at least once, have a filter list with over 50 entries, tried to apply for moderation and take this website way too seriously. Consider the rope
People who were banned from Something Awful? Obviously, that's what it was MADE for.
bump order is best. you see active threads, shit threads at the bottom where they belong, irrelevant 500+ threads at the bottom where they belong, samefags not getting bumped
It gives you an at-a-glance look at the board. I spend all my time on the catalog.
if the thread gets no bumps it must mean it wasn't a very good one and isn't worth my time
You see literally the same threads with creation order you dumb fuck except they don't jump around when you refresh.
If you actually spent all your time on the catalog you would only need to skim it once and then only look at the new threads being made you retarded newfaggot.
Most people spend most of their time browsing Yea Forums in threads and not the catalog or the front page.
The threads refresh themselves, why the fuck are you doing sitting in them waiting for replies? Of course most people here are mouthbreathing reddit/facebook rejects so why do I even bother.
So not normalfags like you. Know your place.
I play videogames between posts, dumbass, what else do you think I do? It's not like this is the VIDEO GAME BOARD or anything?
>no klonoa
outed yourself as a furry toddlercon
That's the stupidest fucking thing I've read all day.
you can't seriously believe this
i don't even know what that is let alone is it spammed
have sex
It's just some furshitter.
Yeah, god forbid people actually participate in their hobby instead of just bitching about it.
Nah dude, it goes like this
>bump order
Threads that get more frequent replies are at the top. Shitty clickbait and threads derailed by bait and roll images have the top
>reply counter
Threads that have had discussion are at the top, you may get the occasional 200+ reply shitpost here and there but most of the shitty threads will be concentrated at the bottom
>creation date
A lot of shitposting because the board is fast, enjoy low quality threads with less than 5 replies and good threads that will get buried in a few minutes
>last reply
Nobody uses this
I use last reply, its the same as bump order without pretty much.