One copy of Sekiro: Shadows die twice by Fromsoftware please

One copy of Sekiro: Shadows die twice by Fromsoftware please

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Minecraft, please.

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No one buys Minecraft at stores.

He's talking to notch himself

Notch doesn't own Minecraft anymore.

One copy of Super Mario Odyssey please.

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One Nintendo switch console please

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This is more of a cod/madden player, as you can tell by his physique

>yes I do in fact own a PS4 and PC, why would I own a Nintendo toy when I’m an adult with taste?

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Of course sir. Do you need me to carry this to your car because it appears you don't have any arms or legs because you're a talking bottle of basedlent.

>yes I do in fact own a PS4 and PC
There's no point of doing that, you literal mongoloid

I own Super Mario Odyssey and I could easily defeat youand anyone else on this board in single combat. Would you care to test me?

Sure, what platform do you want it for?

>One copy of 真・女神転生III-NOCTURNE マニアクス please.

Keep the change cutie.

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Sekiro is the worst From game

Everyone stopped talking about it within 2 weeks cause it's so shit

t.filtered casual
Get dabbed on lmao

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I never got his name, is it a different version of Chad?

Not everyone has the same shit taste in vidya as you do.

>one copy of Lost Life please

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You couldn’t beat a dogshit fatty


Yes I'd like one copy of world of warcraft for my custom personal computer please

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I bet you like DSII brainless faggot

Nah, Sekiro's garbage.
You don't have to like any Fromsoft game to recognize that Sekiro is their worst game in recent history aside from Steel Battalion obviously.

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>people stopped talking about a single-player game
How is this a bad thing? Discussions that drag on forever are pretty much always garbage.

woah you can cheese some easy meme boss, that's totally not possible in any Souls game at all

This Sekiro game, it's for my friend who likes to wear a fedora. He is too shy and very insecure of his weight.

You can easily cheese every boss in Sekiro and since the areas connecting the bosses are devoid of any challenge that's all Sekiro has.

But Sekiro isn't hard. It doesn't even have a difficulty setting and that is one of the biggest reasons why these games are deemed so hard by the large audience. They have to play the game on 'hard' but anyone who is used on playing the games on that and above it is just another bossrush game for the sake of the gamer cred.

Do people really find this attractive? I get hypernormal stimuli but it just looks unnatural in a bad way.

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>working out for looks
never gonna make it

Get dabbed on lmao

>Do people really find this attractive?

its photoshopped you retard
gigachad isn't real
if he was we should kill ourselves

Open the image, I just realized it doesn't show in the thumbnail. I'm talking specifically about the cheek/jaw definition they shop into all their images.

>One download of AM2R, please.

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>buying games

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>naturally and artificially flavored

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>gigachad isn't real
Oof. Someone hasn't seen the making-of videos behind these photoshoots. I would advise avoiding them because you really will kill yourself.

Did you really watch those, user?

None of them feature gigachad.

It means it uses both. whoa. So yea basically artifically.

>game has a boss rush with no breaks

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>You can easily cheese every boss in Sekiro and since the areas connecting the bosses are devoid of any challenge that's all Sekiro has
You can run past all the enemies in Souls games as well

you can cheese literally every boss in every game, more you can even cheese your boss irl if you really want to