Summer Games Done Quick
creepy vanitas edition
Cave Story
Koumajou Densetsu II: Yougen no Chingonka
Fire Emblem Fates
Kingdom Hearts 3
Summer Games Done Quick
creepy vanitas edition
Cave Story
Koumajou Densetsu II: Yougen no Chingonka
Fire Emblem Fates
Kingdom Hearts 3
Other urls found in this thread:
Toroko is a whore
>RPG’s till 4pm
yeah fuck this shit
Added Sonic 3D to B.
SSS!!: Punch-Out!! (Wii)
SSS: Big the Cat // Super Bomberman 2
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar // Titanfall 2 // Mort the Chicken // Glover // TRAG
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift // Resident Evil 2 // Divekick // Shrek XL // Last Action Hero // Nex Machina // Dead Rising // Remnants of Naezith // Metal Slug X // Metal Slug 3 // Chip and Dale
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM // Super Mario Sunshine // Silent Hill 3 // Nuclear Throne // Starcraft // Jumper: Griffon's Story // TMNT 4 // Ristar
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64 // Ape Escape // Crash Bandicoot 3 // Punch-Out!! (arcade) // Zelda Randomizer // Furi // Command & Conquer // Sonic 3D Blast
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipstream // Pokemon Crystal // Splatterhouse // Sylvester & Tweety // Clustertruck // Dark Souls 2 // Gauntlet
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune // Monster Boy // The Textorcist // Deltarune // Hylics // Laffy Taffy // Boogerman // Lethal League Blaze // Looney Tunes // Rhino Rumble // Aero the Acro-Bat 2
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2 // We Love Katamari // Catlateral Damage // Castlevania DOS
ZZZ: Borderlands 2 // Zelda: Link Between Worlds
Ω: Metroid Prime 2
Just this once, I'm making an exception.
Holy shit KH3 is nearly 4-hours this is gonna suck.
>No Umaru poster
>No Runescape poster
So, did they get banned or something?
look at these goddamn belowbook rabbits
Send gamer bods (gamer nudes) for a gamer to fap to [email protected]
MSF is a fine org which helps millions worldwide.
They thread everybody hurt including in warzone, that may include terrorist, they don't know.
They also provide a few doctors on humanitarian ships to provide care for the refugees they catch.
They still have honorable goals though and don't deserve the clickbait /pol/ tier shit this thread parrot.
You are missing dark souls 2 couch autist
>4 hours
I sleep
Chaco is a literal whore.
what anime tiddies should I crank it to today?
Anyone else see that qt awkward girl in the audience with the BROAD shoulders?
All of them die
>Cave Story
nigga u what
>dat female to male votes
Who's the brown cutie next to the redhead in the top right corner on the ESA side?
those are goats user
I used to stream koumajou densetsu and ghostbump spam my thread to sticky it to the top of Yea Forums back in 2009. Fun times.
Hell yeah, time for Cave Story.
thank you for your work man
Whats wrong with the fat bald guy who airdrums in between runs. Im not hating, I just think theres something wrong with him and I can't decipher his mind.
They stopped getting (you)s
and you're still here you fucking loser?
>SSS!!: Punch-Out!! (Wii)
Yeah, no.
he wants to be popular in his own little way. He's not shilling his twitch or his patreon or his twitter, he's just having fun and making others laugh.
>It starts at 3PM
>Ends at fucking 8:30, probably more because tech
>Good chunk of the day wasted on shit
Fucking FE with Kirbymastah I can't think of anything more boring.
Kill yourself.
bona fide Asperger's syndrome
>more indie pixelshit
why is the dialogue fucked
Wow, we found him. We found the Patient Zero for Ass Obliteration.
He literally has aspbergers, so he probably doesn't realize how it strange it looks.
You forgot yaaaayyy
faggot that shit was incredible to watch
Japanese language without japanese locale. Basically the wrong encoding.
>internet went down
>play through Doom Knee-Deep in the Dead for the 1000th time
>internet comes back on just in time for Cave Story
I assume I didn't miss shit between Ristar and Sonic autism?
I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here
commit stop living
Yeah, but she's actually European and was also at ESA.
zoom zoom
Japanese game played without japanese locale.
They didn’t buy the Japanese language DLC
Please stop using this website.
Please tell me it get's faster
you didnt miss much. people liked ristar but i wasnt a fan, and sonic had a bitch talking non stop (mostly about herself)
>No deaths
wtf are you talking about nigga
>2D walking simulator
I KNOW! This over shantae any day; what a disgusting portrayal of a woman’s body.
Heres your (You)
I still don't like the official Cave Story translation changed the HUZZAH!
>King's theme
I didn't expect that to hit.
commit an hero, faggot
Uhm, No?
When was the last time there was an actual female running at a game at a real GDQ event?
was someone actually beat up at GDQ? lmao why
the remastered OST is better than the original OST but nostaligiafags will disagree
How do I upvote this post?? :^)
>people voting for revelation over conquest
...but why?
God I wanna fuck a mimiga so bad.
>the remastered OST
The Wii one is shit, the CS+ one is slightly less shit, the NES one is good. Original is still the best.
Zoomer spotted.
I don't like what Nicalis did with the game at all. Most of the changes and "extra content" were completely unnecessary.
Cute gote
Jokes aside had Cave Story come out today it would have been fucking crucified as furfaggotry and söy. Thankfully it came out first and just inspired ten thousand shitty indie games instead.
They did the shit Yea Forums does, incorrect pronouns and being mean. Try that shit in real life and that's what happens.
I don't think his style of music worked for all of cave story, but where it's good it's really really good. I like moonsong.
>can't handle an opnion that isn't his
>but I'm buttblasted
Would be impressive if it was literally any other game
Here's yours.
Stay mad, children.
Just woke up
Did anything interesting occur in the last 10ish hours?
Really depends on each track, original Egg Corridor is still the best for example.
>more units/everyone gets to see their character be used
>games are all a shitshow anyways so might as well pick the third version
>God I wanna fuck a mimiga so bad.
which one, though?
I'm talking about the CS+ one, specifically
Lol shut the fuck up, I guarantee you that's not what happened.
Is this thing at sgdq a tranny?
Cause if he is then why can't all trannies look like that
Look at all those ugly females, jesus
Some drumpftard got mauled by the tranny army, or at least that's what the thread says.
user if you need help with this I don't know what to tell you
explain further
All the female ones.
Probably that Final Fantasy VI speedrun from the first couple years of GDQ. I can't remember her name nor do I remember if she ran the game or was on the couch.
Is that the announcer slut?
Quite a lot of decent runs
Sounds fun
Anyone got sauce on this?
No, but people will pretend a slew of mediocre runs were incredible or entertaining
Any particular favourites?
What extra content is added ?
which run was that from?
you missed iceplug playing super bomberman 2 and the really good metal slug runs, but nothing big.
Dark Souls 3 last year.
No way, no tranny that goes to GDQ would put in even close to that much effort.
Got banned yesterday for posting about wanting to fuck trannys. I'm sorry bros, I'll behave. It's out of my system now (the posting, not the wanting to fuck trannys part)
Some guy got beaten up and thrown out.
someone punched a nazi. big deal huh?
There have been some good runs in the last 10 hours you miserable fuck
Conquest gameplay was actually good, you just have to ignore the characters, but that's the same in all three
That doesn't explain anything.
Are you talking about the guy that got beat up by the drug dealer or did something else happen?
How about the suicide part? Is that one still very active?
Wow, this game is awful. Is there a single redeeming quality other than
>i-it's my childhood
ofc not, but someone did get their ass beat. It's assumed the that "victim" tried to pull a fast one on an drug dealer and got his ass beat in the process, it also got him banned from GDQ. He's now suicide baiting on twitter.
oh good, made it just in time for Cave Story
SSS2: Metroid Prime 2 // We Love Katamari
SS: Borderlands 2
S: Ducktales 2 // C&C: RE3 // Starcraft // LoZ: ALBW // DS2
A: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune // Monster Boy // Hylics // Deltarune // DOStlevania // Looney Tunes
B: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipstream // Pokémon Crystals // SMB2 // Zelda Randomizer // Catlateral Damage // Chibi Splatterhouse // Sylvester & Tweety // Boogerman // Flustercuck // LLB // Rhino Rumble // Aero the Acro-Bat 2 // Gauntlet
C: DMC // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64 // Ape Escape // Crash Bandicoot 3 // Punch-Out!! (arcade) // The Textorcist // Nex Machina // Chip N' Dale // Sonic 3D Blast
D: The Hobbit // THUG2 // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM // Split/Second // Super Mario Sunshine // Nuclear Throne // Remnants of Naezith // Jumper: Griffin's Story // Ristar
F: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift // Resident Evil 2 // Divekick // Last Action Hero // Furi // Metal Slug X // Metal Slug 3 // TMNT IV
ZZZ: Rygar // Titanfall 2 // Silent Hill 3 // Laffy Taffy 3D // Dead Rising // Super Bomberman 2 // Cave Story
Ω: Punch-Out!! (Wii) // Big's Adventure 3 // Shrek XL // Mort da Chicken // Glover // T.R.A.G.
more details, pls!
>Incentive for the lipstick
>Not the panties
chip and dale, metal slug games, super bomberman 2
You could have just reset your router you dingleberry
>tfw no mimiga to hugs
Thanks senpai
Honestly can't tell. Either way looks like a psycho slut.
keep at it, miiaposter.
damn it dude, just cough already and stop ruining the run with your HUHUHU-HUH
play it, retard.
You won't be able to beat it.
i just pooped my pants again..
welcome back based aussie list poster
Oh dear. That Frame fatales thing isn't going to change much.
I can neither confirm nor deny that I did
sexy women
Mostly extra modes that were blatantly stolen from mods of the original game without crediting the authors.
god i want to fuck those robots
The only hard part is the final boss, but even then, the game isnt that difficult
respecc wamen
enjoy the event
zerotwo is very hot
bet shes into some kinky stuff
Good for you, dance Dad.
If the guy would stop lying we would have more. As it stands now he just suddenly got assaulted for "no reason" and punched 8 times
what do you think dance dad does when he isn't at GDQ? What kind of job does a man like this have? None? Does he speedrun himself? Does he have any friends?
Handholding during rape
he's running autism% because asperger's
Second time I've watched this game be run and it's just not interesting desu.
>arab guy constructing a bomb
imagine my surprise
Found the Antifanigger
pic-related tranny
I want a 27 year old woman to fart while sitting on my lap so I feel the rumble on my penis
this part is a maybe but I would like if she accidentally shit a little bit and went to the bathroom embarrassed but laughing
My guess would be that he works at walmart
He spends every waking moment grooving in an off-beat way to whatever he can.
based dumb animeposter
dat sucks.
you forgot to add "haha" to the end, now we have no idea if you were serious or not
The run isn't particularly interesting but that's just because there isn't really any interesting tech
I still love the game
Dr.Fatbody Isn't a fucking Nazi, Foh tranny.
Damn nofap, this announcer is giving me a boner.
That's part of why I like it as a speedgame. It's just pure skill at playing the game normally.
That was Sayvi idiot, she was in ESA.
I wish Curly would eat my fireballs
I don't know or care about politics so these comics become so much funnier.
guys the_donald got banned from reddit lmao. the boomers were threatening to form militias and shoot cops.
dinolover of supreme taste
based machinegun chad
>abolish ice
>free palestine
they're at least as wacked out as a tranny
That's a really weird way of saying Curly.
Suck my cock.
That's a weird way of saying Sue.
quickly, eat a whole raw potato to take you out of the mood
Machine gun makes the Sand Zone such a joke.
How do I get a gf like that? She just screams daddy issues at me.
quarantine =/= banned you idiot
ah that explains whythere are so many triggered nazi snowflakes here today
It was foolish of them to assume they would not be censored.
If cave story came out today, the indie market would look nothing like it does today.
Sakuya up next! Also Shadax is a Komeiji fag
Yeah different strokes I suppose. I haven't played the game in an age so maybe I can't appreciate any skills being showcased since it's not really a flashy, speedy game.
Potatoes do this ? All I know is that I ate some homemade fries last evening and had a vivid nightmare and made the connection this morning that it must have had something to do with eating potatoes so I won't eat them for a while.
Damn, I'd make that meat spin.
Weird, weren't the blacklivesmatter cunts and the antifaqueers the ones marching around talking about "roasting pigs"
reddit is cancer anyways
If you frequent there you deserve to get banned from the internet
chest dog is best dog honestly
>Fucking killed her off just to be subvertive
>ah that explains whythere are so many triggered nazi snowflakes here today
What are you even talking about?
>Also Shadax is a Komeiji fag
yeah i'm thinking he's based
>Nicalis actually casualized Cave Story
What's the optimal way to map VOOT's controls on a PS-like gamepad + control scheme?
Can't find anything good
Thinking they would go straight to Yea Forums and not /pol/
wtf you retarded newfag, go back now.
Does this look like a tranny to you? God damn I want to fuck her ass
Technically it’s a role playing game.
Of course you were getting censored they need to gear up for 2020
how many more days is sgdq?
Sand Zone really is the worst part of Cave Story.
Yes. But it's okay user, traps aren't gay.
Damn son
>Does this look like a tranny to you?
Tranny, no. Trap? Possible
It’s probably autism and I genuinely mean that not the meme.
Check the schedule.
It's one of my favorite parts.
Women are so desperate for attention
It's honestly kinda crazy when you see shit like this
Imagine, a full 50% of the human race was born mentally and emotionally disadvantaged.
Muh dick. She's clearly crazy as fuck.
Which makes her even hotter.
I'm still sad what happens to Toroko and King here.
to be fair lots of fags from the rest of the internet come here for GDQ because of le ebin dial 8 maymay
consult the schedule
would berry
he's doing 100% autism
Might be. Yea Forums has ruined me, most females look like trannies now
I legit haven't watched any runs so far - any highlights thus far?
Nah, Labyrinth up to and including the Core fight is the best.
>Women are so desperate for attention
Shut the fuck up. Men will send pictures of their dicks to literally anything with breasts online. Get the fuck outta here.
Can’t a tranny be a trap though? Or am I thinking of a herm? Very confused I must say please respond.
That and everything after Plantation.
Titanfall 2 and Glover had extrovert runners with good commentary and were fun to watch. All others were mediocre.
no fuck off and tell me NOW
Being horny isn't the same as being an attentionwhore.
A trap is a boy. No female shit involved. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.
No, traps don't take hormones or chop off their dicks. Trannies are just monsters, traps are just cute boys.
>anything with breasts
You have never been to /soc/
there's a tier list at the top of this thread
watch punch out
Haven’t been home all day. What was the best run of the last 24 hours?
Unironically this.
I never sent dickpics but am aways receiving titpics. Do I live in bizarroworld or are you just butthurt?
In all honesty it's only hard to differentiate on camera cause of all the filters/makeup and perfect angles.
In actuality you can usually tell straight away if it's a tranny/trap
Thanks for clarifying. Which is gayer a trap or a tranny?
>3hp monster x memories
f-first time right bros
right here user
Unironically Cave Story.
always a tranny
Jesus this music is bringing me back. Maybe I should do another playthrough of this.
>We Love Katamari
I didn't watch it. How the FUCK could katamari get an F? How bad could a runner be?
You are obviously sexual attractive if you receive tit pics. Shake what your momma gave you user.
stop clapping for everything retards
I think I spent a cumulative 8 hours or so on Monster X and Core on my 3HP run.
He looks like the secretary of education from Idiocracy.
>"What do you think the N stands for?"
>"I'm not gonna say it..."
Runner broke down crying during the final level.
well that just sounds entertaining
What a Chad™
Why are you spreading lies again?
The alpha of the Chad.
>starts out by saying "my pronouns are she and her"
>really bad gay southern accent
>constant moaning and weird noises
>almost breaks down crying every 5 mins
>lowers the music despite the fact that it was part of an incentive
he 100% slayed that asian pussy
A southern tranny with a thick accent who never once stops speaking and constantly choking
more like
for real
T-totally man. Piece of cake.
Runner was a tranny Cletus with the ugliest southern accent ever that simply put on grandmas clothes and announced his pronouns first thing in the stream.
The runner was really bad at commentary and didn't even really talk about what they were doing or why.
dude looks like a mtf ben horne from twin peaks
Is that a Venus Van Dam cosplay attempt?
>not saving her
>pierced nips
nah im good
just by the run i feel like i want to replay again this
I just realized he only got Booster 1.0 so far, unless they'll do a glitch they won't be able to get the true ending
He doesn't have any booster.
He didn't get the Booster 1.0 though.
What? He doesn't have the booster.
I'm pretty sure he just used the Machinegun to clear that jump.
oh, my bad then
This movement is sick
How were the metal slug runs?
Quote is a bro.
Best Music right here
Is the 3D version of this game good or is it soulless shit?
Amazing, worth to watch
Top tier music btw
Which run?
slightly soulless
Pretty solid.
I'd get curly a mushroom
Great. Commentary was a bit lacking though.
All of the remakes and ports are varying degrees of soulless.
Now I'm just pissed they put it fucking 3am
Definitely less soul than the original.
It's probably the worst version.
I recommend playing the original with NXEngine-Evo.
This isn't Last Cave though.
Hahahahahahahahahahahha, it's fucking Dennis from always sunny.
is it true a tranny beat a runner up and the guy punched got kicked out?
what do you anons think of Cave Story+
I thought this was a dead project?
very good tech
why is she doing that hand thing
Yes, and yes!
Doesn't seem like it.
Perhaps you're thinking of the original NXEngine.
This run is making me realize how neat a Cave Story 2 would be.
It wasn't a tranny, it was some mexican druggie. But yeah a runner got beaten up and then kicked out of the hotel.
Cave story was overrated, you couldn't even play it if you even could try now. Great game though and good run so far
how does one get lost in cave story?
Shitty version of a freeware game that costs money for some reason
happening never
Just play Kero Blaster, it's the closest thing we'll get.
don’t bring a map or light or compass or phone lol
Look up Jenka's Nightmare. It's a pretty neat cross between sequel and New Game+.
Make sure you buy Kero Blaster then
I have it and I couldn't even get past the 1 stage because of how awful it looks to the original. 100% recommend either original or plus. The music remixes aren't too bad though.
It's a defensive stance she subconsciously assumed due to her being unnerved by her confusion.
I wanna FUCK Nanao!
Kero blaster's really good
Would love to see a jacket run speedrun
Who the fuck names their child "Misery"?
There was a Kero Blaster run one or two years ago I think, not sure if it was a Zangyou playthrough though.
Funny how quickly lies get spread on the internet lol
Runner did get beat up but it wasn't a tranny that did it
Your parents, insightfully.
This run get any better? I watched Super Bomberman 2 instead.
Jenka of course.
This lady.
>hour of fire emblem
>followed by nearly four hours of kingdom hearts
It's very good on a technical level with very few mistakes, but if you don't care about the game it's not that interesting.
Just imagine suddenly grabbing mimiga Sue then putting her on a table to lick her holes clean and fuck her on the spot. Imagine the painful struggle to hold back your orgasm as you're dicking her super tight mimiga cunt. God that'd be hot as fuck.
there was normal mode in 2016 and zangyou in 2017 I believe
You just have to look at shit blocks like a break to go do something else.
Yeah I've never played it so I don't have any nostalgia/interest seeing it broken.
>3hp tile room memories
>wake up
>miss the only good run today
What the fuck was Ballos's problem?
You did beat Ballos, right Yea Forums?
Hey, at least you can have Kirbymastah put you right back to sleep.
wasn't this literally explained as you played through hell
Who the fuck was he in the first place?
That was some A-tier shit. Maybe S if you're being generous.
prove it
missed it /10
i did a lot time ago. was fun as hell
An ancient kingdom fucked his shit up something fierce so he went crazy. He's calmed down since, but he can't control himself anymore so his sister helped seal him away for everyone's good.
D for Didn't care.
A+ or S
9/10, very technical and good. -1 point for the faggot on the cough coughing constantly for the first 20 minutes.
Time for Touhou finally?
B/A... somewhere in between an A- or a B++++.
S run honestly, great run and tech explanations
A tier. Run was godlike but I wish commentary was better.
A, was pretty comfy
Absolute, the whole area is the best part of the game.
I tried to run this game but not being able to mash really locks you out of it
Where are the lewd pictures of curly?
Time for Sakuya's game!
>Empty ass room
>Its 8am over there
Lmao, why can't people wake up?
A, maybe S. very cool movement tech
>banned again
My wife is next
S desu
really technical and nice
>several hours of RPG ""Speedruns""
I'm tapping out, see you fucks at the super mario race
You shouldn't be on Yea Forums if you haven't. That said, I don't think I could do it again with my old man reactions
You're missing
A tier
Probably S.
I hopped in late after waking up, it was really chill and had fun to watch movement. A good run to wake up to.
>every single run that is decent is now a S or A rank
maybe she really likes Steven King
>Getting out of bed before noon after a night of smelly fucking and drinking to see some weebshit getting run.
user, ever went on a holiday?
hahahahahahahahahahaha how the fuck is button mashing lock out real hahahahaha nigga just hit the button like nigga just press it haha
Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean other people didn't like it user.
These remixes are worse than the Wii OST.
Why arent they playing touhou music
cute soft girls
You'd think every rank was that if you witnessed the shovelware block
kys undertale shitter
Submit your rating with reasons and fight for your opinion. Don't be a passive aggressive fagotron.
really good run, couch was a little bad
it's an A from me
>Fumos already on the couch
>Donated with a funny comment during last night's DS2 run
>Didn't get read, instead they read all the "JUST GOTTA DONATE XD THANK YOU REDDIT" bullshit comments
Ok well last time I donate, fuck you GDQ
only "girls" to fuck at this event are men, user.
Think of it this way.
A - This run is worth watching.
S - You should go out of your way to watch this run.
SS - This run is legendary.
Honestly S or SS
I missed most of Dark Souls, did the game continue to fuck up and lag
Post it here, and we'll laugh at you
Probably because there is very little good touhou music.
a hole is a hole
Touhou Castlevania 2
Doesn't beat my point.
Added Cave Story to A tier.
SSS!!: Punch-Out!! (Wii)
SSS: Big the Cat // Super Bomberman 2
S/S: Split/Second
SS: Rygar // Titanfall 2 // Mort the Chicken // Glover // TRAG
S: Streets of Rage // Alien Soldier // Chasm: The Rift // Resident Evil 2 // Divekick // Shrek XL // Last Action Hero // Nex Machina // Dead Rising // Remnants of Naezith // Metal Slug X // Metal Slug 3 // Chip and Dale
A: The Hobbit // Tony Hawk // Marble Madness // Ranger-X // Half Minute Hero // Bloodstained: CotM // Super Mario Sunshine // Silent Hill 3 // Nuclear Throne // Starcraft // Jumper: Griffon's Story // TMNT 4 // Ristar // Cave Story
B: Devil May Cry // Spyro the Dragon // TMNT 3 // Zombies Ate My Neighbors // Metroid // Castlevania: SotN // Metroid Prime // Skylar and Plux // Kirby Air Ride // Kirby 64 // Ape Escape // Crash Bandicoot 3 // Punch-Out!! (arcade) // Zelda Randomizer // Furi // Command & Conquer // Sonic 3D Blast
C: Sonic Generations // DKC2 // LoZ: Minish Cap // Final Doom // Bwaster Master // Solomon's Key // Jackal // Contra 3 // Ninja Spirit // Castlevania // Perfect Dark // Slipstream // Pokemon Crystal // Splatterhouse // Sylvester & Tweety // Clustertruck // Dark Souls 2 // Gauntlet
D: Portal 2 // Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland // Outland // Contra // Super Time Force Ultra // Timespinner // Castlevania: PoR // Prey // Uncharted: Drakes Fortune // Monster Boy // The Textorcist // Deltarune // Hylics // Laffy Taffy // Boogerman // Lethal League Blaze // Looney Tunes // Rhino Rumble // Aero the Acro-Bat 2
F: Super Mario Bros 2 // Ducktales 2 // We Love Katamari // Catlateral Damage // Castlevania DOS
ZZZ: Borderlands 2 // Zelda: Link Between Worlds
Ω: Metroid Prime 2
I thought 2hu was banned from gdq
Why can't Americans pronounce words properly?
>Touhou Castlevania 2
Wtf touhou isn't banned?
No! Someone even brought plushies earlier this year i believe.
Touhou? In MY GDQ?
cave story
Haha amirite?
>tfw everything you know about Touhou comes from IOSYS flash animations and Yea Forums and /jp/ memes
This is a fan game? Damn what the fuck
about 2 cop this game
Because the caves were bored out from the rock?
first game was better desu
This game actually looks good. Is it?
Why not Luna Nights?
Oh shit I didn't know hentai games are allowed in here
quite good for a fangame tbqh
This run is looking pretty skillfull so far
same and I think its a healthy amount I'm fine with.
>Super Bomberman 2
Pretty much. Has SotN style graphics, but Rondo linear gameplay.
It's a rather ancient one. IIRC it broke the dev's bank getting VA.
about to donate $500, what message should I attach Yea Forums? No racist/transphobic shit please.
Can’t form an opinion yourself? Sheesh~ how Reddit of you.
wich 2hu wud u fug Yea Forums
all of them
greetings from vermany
"Sakuya best girl"
down with the women and weebs
Man, bosses die kinda fast
And I know pretty l much everything about TwoHoe
Played it ages ago. I remember it being pretty good.
greetings from germany :)
I would need to play it before I do. And I have a huge list of games to play already
"Shoutout to my friend Vee"
It's IGAvania in Classicvania. How can you go wrong?
Sayaka is my wife!
I've played most of the games, some of them lots and lots of times, and I probably know less than you. 94% of stuff comes from the mental fanbase. In the games most characters show up to say 5 strange lines about the weather, trespassing or something before a fight.
Satori is best 2hu
pretty sure it's shadax's fave and he'd dig it
Sad pink
ive decided to go for transition% guys. starting off as a straight white male. which game should i learn to speedrun to get transitioned as fast as possible?
>incentive requires 100k
>$100 grand?
>Metal Slug X & 3
Someone give me a quick rundown on these runs.
Did they base the Nier automata slut on this character design lol
Some games look fine but play like ass, so it's fair to ask beforehand.
Pretty good one if you are starved for short and difficult but fair classicvanias.
Insane korean gamer. Didn't speak english and was kind of nervous well but fantastic runs.
it's toewho right?
>We've got several 1K donations with no and and no message!
I want to hug Patchouli's belly
china numba wan
I'm confused
Did you come straight here from 2016? Trans are okay now
Lads I don't think i'm gonna make it, it's sweltering here
What's the best way to get into Touhou?
the fuck is a twowho
god imagine Reimu whipping you
Didn't expect sakuya to be voiced, and like that no less
this. I fucking hate summer. I want comfy winter days back
It sounds fucking kekus. Going to watch the YT upload. (If they upload it)
>letting touhou shit on GDQ again
Do these people ever learn
>Literally just Soma
I can't believe Reimus ducking dead
Play it.
Read to many doujins where Sakuya has a dick.
It's to-ho, with the "o"s pronounced like the "o" in "whore"
amass a collection of lewds until you get bored of fapping and boot up a zip'd copy of EoSD
Which one though
I don't know
>not wanting to fuck femSoma
Sounds like some kind of Little Debbie snack
TH06 on normal, make sure it's patched so it doesn't run lightning fast
what happened
>with the "o"s pronounced like the "o" in "whore"
how fitting
oh shit i remember playing this game
Starting with the 6th game, Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil is recommended,and just go on to whatever you want from there.
Do I just skip all the pre-Windows games?
>Americans pronouncing Japanese words
Can't believe auto correct keeps fucking me over like this
did i miss kingdom hearts? its the only game i care about
i thought 2hu was banned
Who else hyped for a 3 1/2 hour Kingdom Hearts run
No, you still have time to kill yourself.
Summer Cirno
Why are all the characters, monsters, and bosses girls?
>chat calling the game a shameless castlevania clone
I didn't know it was possible to miss the point this much.
You can always go back to them. They're not bad.
Trannies love 2hu
Ran is obviously the best.
That's a nice day out, the fuck? Call me when you hit 30.
>japanese pronouncing english words
I am dumb. Is this a Touhou game?
isnt two whoers a shmup?
just download a collection and start with 6 then onwards, put it in easy difficult if you need. 8 it's the easiest
2huvania fangame
Why is Sakuya fighting her mistress?
shitter forced to play the game normally getting exposed
The main games yes, but there's a ton of fan made "spinoffs"
The japanese indie scene is literally incapable
of making anything that doesn't contain a majority of anime girls or girls(male) as the characters.
Why's Sakuya fighting Remi though?
This OST is so stellar.
new bread
People will say to play the games, but not everyone is into danmaku shooters. You might be more into Touhouvania, or just want to read the manga, or the porn.
So, I'd suggest you look through these instead to familiarize yourself with the characters and aspects of the setting, so you can jump into any official game or fanwork you want with no issues.
I have seen paid Castlevania clones that look and play a lot worse than this.
A-tier run.
It's a fangame
Im so hyped dude
Can't wait to witness the power of friendship overcoming the darkness and giving us warm cuddly feelings d'awww
>cannot abuse shit
>choke and die multiple times
>I have seen paid Castlevania clones that look and play a lot worse than this
Like Bloodstained?
Just a fangame. Be thankful you can't really speedrun the actual games.
Dude, wanna trade? (´・ω・`)
Because there are exactly two male characters in the Touhou franchise. One of them runs a shop, and the other was purged with extreme prejudice after they did a no no.
There's also a turtle and some ghost thingy.
Oy Vey
It's the "you paid for this game right?" Attack
>He hasn't seen Yukari's Manji
Too bad no one payed for this game and the devs went under.
Men dno't spend hours taking pics of their dick to advertise to literally everyone though
>Ghost thingy
Unzan is an angry cloud.
I got both games and even the official OST
Guess it just wasn't enough. I really wish these would turn up on steam or something.