Has this country made any good games other than Lobotomy Corp. and Ragnarok Online?
Has this country made any good games other than Lobotomy Corp. and Ragnarok Online?
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Lobotomy Corp is horseshit though
>Has this country made any good games
Plastic surgery simulator 2019
lowest birthrate simulator 2019
Pretty much only this.
Damn I wish they made a proper singleplayer version of Maplestory
They make sone nice stardew valley and rimworld mods
Tree of Saviour
Lost ark looks pretty dope
why are they wearing lipstick
Shattered Galaxy
different culture
White Day
...the list could go on!
Grand Chase
they only make phone games or f2p trash. art is either weebshit or some deviant art ish stuff
unfortunately not so different from chink shit.
Why are they copying Japan's artstyle?
you do know that most anime's actual animation get outsourced to south korea and china, right? the japs are mostly just the "idea guys"
Kingdom Under Fire.
Dumbest post on Yea Forums
how is it wrong? anime is korean too
Yeah, it's called 8 goddesses or something
He's right, you're retarded. The "korea makes all anime" meme is completely overblown and just makes you look like a fucking idiot because you actually believe that japan outsources 99% of their shown when it's the exact opposite. You fell for a fucking meme. I don't even watch anime anyone but a quick search shows how your post is 100% pure retardation
>anime is korean too
Yep, pure retard ITT.
just like americans are.
>no argument
guess i was right then
>I don't even watch anime
name 1 (one) anime
Cory in the House
Anime is shit.
>"korea makes all anime"
you are right. they however makes all american cartoons lmao this is a real story.
Yea Forumstards dont know anything other than memes. the ones who totally rely on koreans are amerimutts. they outsource all their 2d cartoons to korea or a few sea countries like philippines.
They're making Little Devil Inside. I'm pretty excited for that one.
vindictus was kinda cool
Jackie Chan
Literally the biggest game of the past few years (PUBG).
Apparently it's being spun off into single player but sounds like it'll be a non-Korean studio: youtube.com
the project leader was a white man.
pepsi is not a fucking country
>DongWoo Animation Co. Ltd (also known as DongWoo A&E Co. Ltd; Korean: 동우에이엔이) is an animation studio located in Seoul, South Korea.
oh no no no i was right after all