>Bought last Steam sale game in 2013
Any good shit come out since?
Bought last Steam sale game in 2013
Other urls found in this thread:
>Valve start shipping their Index hardware
>no big sale on VR titles to support it
Bad at business. Epic Games already won. China > USA.
What would you buy out of these games?
If you own Recettear you have the mandatory steam game.
dont have a potato for a pc? Kingdom Come Deliverance rocked my world so hard i started looking into 14th century bohemian history so i can concoct theories for the eventual sequel.
if you havent played bioshock i say pull the trigger right fucking now. bioshock 2 is ok too. also EDF is always a good time.
The Witness, also Tomb Raider Anniversary > Tomb Raider 1.
Used to play King Arthur's Gold, and it was great. Not sure if its still alive.
Monaco is great, but weird.
Tower of guns is competent and forgettable, but good to kill time.
Darkest Dungeons is a 100 hour game for sure. BIG RECOMMEND. Just don't get triggered, remember losing is fun.
Gang Beasts is a party game exclusively, and dull without other people in the room.
The rest are AAA games that you should know about, or indies I haven't played.
To the user trying to get WotS3 we can friend each other, I can buy it and send it as a trade and you can buy a cheaper game and trade it to me so it makes up the 80 cents difference. I could also gift cards but I don't think the ones I have will ever sell or they're enough for 80cents.
If you wanna, reply and we can set it up.
Any idea why reviews are mixed with both Bioshocks?
Just have him put some card on the market for 80c + steam cut and buy it
>Kingmaker, 40 bucks total (with DLC)
>game released incredibly broken, finally got patched to decent enough conditions, release of the Enhanced Edition actually set the whole thing back as it's based on an old build
>if bought, I'd have to leave it sitting in my library until it gets fixed again
>will probably get some kind of all-in-one bundle that's cheaper in a few months
>Hitman 2, 35 bucks total (with DLCs)
>haven't finished 1 yet, I absolutely intend to play 2 but maybe I should spend more time in 1 instead, barely replayed most stages too which is a big deal for how the game works
>WWE 2K19
>gotta pay my redneck tax, I like the games and I skipped 18, however this means interacting with the worst modding community ever created
What do bros
fuck forgot to add 2k19 with DLCs is just under 20 bucks
>And "The Silver Case" original soundtrack CDs cost at least $100 used in Japan, by the way.
weeeeeeeew bois
physical media cucks are outrageous in their whaledom
That works as well I guess, lets see if he replies.
the remasters have performance issues i think. never played the remasters myself. If you cant buy the originals (they still look very pretty they really didnt need remasters for pc but consoles got them so they run at 60fps and money is money so they got released on steam.) then pirate them or check cd key selling sites.
King Arthur's Gold is only good if there are servers in your region with low ping.
Kindmaker EE is playable and much less buggy than on release. Finshed a 110 hour run a couple of days ago and ended up with two random crashes, one minor bug which got fixed days after I reported it and one major one costing me a story companion to permanently die in the second last chapter.
Risk of Rain is a meme
As far as I know, the Enhanced Edition has a save bloat bug from an older build where the longer you play, the laggier it becomes to the point of unplayability. And this is save bloat, not some memory leak that's fixed by rebooting the game. Not even the save cleaner mod fixes that. I'm waiting for confirmation that, at the very least, this one bug is fixed
That bug has been there since release. It's still there, but less bad. Expect quicksaving to take up to 15 seconds during chapter 4 onwards. Pick your poison.
LOTS of stuff. Actually 2018 and 2019 had some great releases.
>Insurgency sandstorm
>3 kingdoms
>Kingdom come
>Div 2
>Risk of rain 2
>Mordhau mordhau mordhau
>Pillars 2
>New asseto Corsa
>A hat in time
Anno 1800 isn't on sale on the Steam Summer Sale though, because FUCK CHINA.
Well I think that's because it's only just dropped this month iirc
A great meme
I got $5 left, what do I get?
There might be other reasons too.
Lethal League Blaze, btw get DMC5 as well cause its GOAT
why not risk of rain 2 and original s;g?
But those are all single player games user. Why spend your hard-earned money on a thing that a few ppl did SITTING in their basement
I don't understand the point system. How do you get points? Just buy playing certain games? Can you get them for achievements? Can only certain games be used for points?!
Fuck sweeney
Because I already have those.
I got really drunk and bought all this + some game called WarSim and the Supreme Commander bundle. I'm glad I took a screenshot. I woke up two hours ago in my chair with my feet on an ottoman I have no recollection buying with La-Mulana running.
I can trade you EDF+all DLC, Viscera Cleanup Detail+DLC, and Monaco for something cheaper than all three combined.
Add me on Steam: steamcommunity.com
Should I get Kenshi for like 16 bucks?
If anyone bought or is thinking about buying Blood Bowl 2 during the sale, a few anons and I started a Yea Forums league a year ago. Leagues are the most fun part of the game, and a newbie friendly one is a good place to start with this get-mad-at-dice simulator.
We're about to start season 4 with fresh teams and maybe a rookie division if needed. If you're interested, feel free to join us.
I wish the Steam sale had come before the GOG sale so GOG would've gone cheaper. Most of the older single-player stuff I want is better bought from GOG. Steamworks multiplayer went to shit a long time ago, nothing worth getting on that platform. It's all free-to-play or non-Steamworks.
You get points from steam achievements, you need to load up the game and have it run like 30 mins for it to register
There are also separate repeatable tasks in free and/or cheap shitty games. They are calling those "Quests". The points they give is miniscule but they are repeatable.
The only games that are even worth considering.
>Doesn't already own English country tune
Opinion discarded
>download The Room
>has nothing to do with Tommy Wiseau
Based shill
>accusing someone of shilling
>in a fucking Steam sale thread
Sandstorm or Squad???? Goodbye nigger
I have the $7.50 discount but I have over 300 games and don't particularly want anything new.
Welcome to the circus of value.
Lobotomoy Corp. is garbage.
>Katana Zero
not sure about Prey or Darkwood
are they good?
Stardew Valley
Bioshock 1
Nuclear Throne
Tower of Guns
Darkest Dungeon
Beyond Good and Evil if you didnt play it on GC/PS2
Because they are reboot era shit from before reboot era was an official thing.
RS2 is pretty neat.
I have way too much shit on my wishlist and every sale I just add a lot of it then start cutting it down until I get a reasonable enough price total
Problem is it's just a bunch of random shit, and I don't even know what to buys these days, I've got a big enough backlog as it is and my time to play shit is simply getting shorter and shorter
Doom (2016)
Not much else really.
You'll like Prey if you liked System Shock and Bioshock.
At the risk of over recommending Prey is near god tier for myself, I love games when exploring and moving through the environment is as fun if not more fun than the combat and Prey really scratched that itch for myself. It did get *slightly* annoying towards the end but the narrative momentum and my familiarity of the station layout got me over that speed bump quickly.
Prey is pretty good
Well, SupCom NOT 2 and Grimrock are good.
I finished it on PS4 when it was released. Thinking about picking it up for PC with the Mooncrash DLC.
EDF and Spess Enjineers
Darkwood is a certain, but what about INFRA and Heat Signature?
Drop GC. It's shit. Only buy 0 if you played the original. Only buy ror if you have frens
After going through my email, I also bought TOME and Age of Decadence.
haven't tried out mooncrash myself so I can't comment I'm afraid.
mudrunner any good?
Can anybody sell me on Project Nimbus? I want a mech game but I don't think I'm going to find a pirated copy of the recent complete edition that just game out.
Good post
Should I get Monster Hunter World? I've never played a Monster Hunter game for very long, since the only ones I had were on handhelds of some sort and I couldn't play them without my hands cramping up. I've never played a game in this style before, would God Eater or Toukiden be better for a beginner? The outstandingly silly weebishness of God Eater is appealing, I always get a chuckle out of jap shit like that.
Best platformer on steam?
I'm thinking of buying Hitman 2. The last one I played was Blood Money, do I need to play the reboot before 2?
My friend picked up MHW for me at the start of the sale. It's a pretty fun game, even solo. It's easy to get distracted with gathering materials while you're on quests to kill monsters. Combat feels good and there's a very wide weapon variety so you will absolutely find your niche. I have not played the other games you mentioned so I can't compare. The only thing that comes close is PSO2, which I also heavily like.
World is pretty good, I played 180 hours without playing anything else before I burned out
The story doesn't really matter in Hitmeme.
I got the standard because the Gold is just so much more, maybe I will get the expansion pack when it gets cheaper.
ARe those good in single player?
I'm looking for a modern Fallout like game. Should I get UnderRail, Wasteland 2 or Atom RPG?
ATOM RPG is good if you can excuse the memes.
Should I get the long dark
Darkest Dungeon
Alright, anybody have a list of decent /m/ games that are on sale? I'll start there.
Longtime TA, supcom, and FA fan.
I know supcom 2 is shit. Everyone said it was shit. I believed it was shit. Still bought it for 3 bucks thinking, maybe its shit but it cannot be THAT shit. I should get a few interesting or half assed campaign to play worth the 3 bucks right? Nothing can be that shit that is supcom it still has strategy right?
NOPE its a fucking chore to play and I want my 3 bucks back.
What's FA? According to the email, SupCom2 was 1.63. In my defense, I was completely toasted out of my head.
I'll throw this in thread too.
I've seen several games people are looking to buy that I have spare HIB keys for, if anyone wants to trade anything. Yeah, it's a giant list, but Humble doesn't really have an option to "Hide all of the crap."
steamid: steamcommunity.com
How about personal recommendation from user? Name 1 (one) game that you want other people to play.
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
EDF 4.1 and the regular editions of Bioshock.
Don't believe this bad taste nigger, Bioshock games are bad.
Is The Vagrant any decent? Granted it's not even two dollars so it's not like I have much to actually lose
The Witness is great if yoy like puzzle games.
Well obviously
Surprisingly decent Odin Sphere/Muramasa clone. Way more simplistic battle than these but responsive when it needs to. Fun and fairly hard bosses but pretty weak mobs. The story sometimes gets hard to follow since its cutting corners at some points but honestly, for the price it has, its the best effort to copy these games I've seen anyone try to do.
It's basically Assault Suits Valken/Cybernator/Metal Warriors
opinions on these?
Is the Golf Club 2019 worth it?
i literally want to buy something but i browsed the store for a few minutes and literally nothing jumped at me
i just keep playing ins:sandstorm and ksp
fucking help me anons
Frost Punk discount might be cheaper on GOG though at the moment. Both are decent games though.
Somebody buy van helsing. 5€ for remastered trilogy in one HD package. Its like diablo but with vampires and silly plot about saving world. Make sure you have the correct edition, not the separate games.
Just buy it. Also snake pass and talos principle is nice.
Is The Free Ones any good?
Its a first person parkour game like Mirrors Edge which I really liked but I cant find any decent reviews, Steam sure has some uninformative people reviewing games.
underrail is really incredible and is not only really long but has lots of replayability
You can save yourself hundreds of dollars if you simply pirated everything, and then buy yourself a nice VR headset.
Wuppo, a fantastic game, very charming game.
Its a platformer with ocassional puzzle solving, a fun and wholesome game that reminded me of Paper Mario.
It's pretty good. Too short though.
the question still remains what games are actually worth playing
Be warned that Underrail expects some min-maxing so if you make retarded choices in skills you might make the game impossible for yourself.
Rain World
does the Legendary edition come with everything? If yes, why is it so cheap compared to buying everything separate?
Try the demo.
Can anyone recommend some lesser known platformers and megroidvanias?
heat signature is very cool, definitely worth it
>Shenzhen I/O
>paying for a programming exam
the only steam game I play a lot is warhammer but I stopped buying the dlc after vamp coast because it's a bloated piece of shit now.
warhammer 1 is perfect though, If you like strat and bat
Axiom Verge and Environmental Station Alpha
In that case,
CrossCode. There are a lot of games in your list that I've played that were "hm, cool" tier that you play once or twice and never play again (Into The Breach, Undertale, and more). Crosscode I easily put 70 hours into and that was before they added more content. It's basically a singleplayer MMO except it has an actually interesting story and actually good combat.
Lobotomy Corporation. I already have it.
Phoenotopia on Newgrounds
Tomb Raider 1
Bioshock 1&2
Kerbal Space Program
Any good WRPGs or JRPGs anons recommend? Picked up Pathfinder Kingmaker but that's it so far.
So, there is no way to increase your capacity meter without buying games during the sale?
touhou luna nights
Unepic, but strangely it's not on sale.
Is Elder Scrolls Online worth it when I usually exclusively play singleplayer and don't like other people? It's tempting for 10 Euros
U get a free, one-off chunk of it based on your past purchases and leftover tokens from the lunar new year event.
U get 100 free per day
That's it.
Not him but Blood Bowl 2 Legendary Edition is base game+expansion+all the teams that aren't included in the expansion.
>why is it so cheap compared to buying everything separate?
Weren't as many teams when the game launched, DLC teams were just slowly added in over time over the years. I guess that's just a byproduct of the DLC just looking to be more than the sum of its parts if you don't buy the legendary edition.
The absolute state of PC """""""gaming"""""""""
Yes. I guess more money upfront?
The Real Texas. Love that little game
Only good senran games are on 3ds
How good is this?
any games where you can gradually improve your kingdom and shit like that? already did asc2
Well worth a playthrough. Mooncrash is fun aswell.
9/10 good
You create your memorable moments
Yeah i already used that initial chunk, and i know about the daily 100, i meant other ways to significantly increase it without having to buy games.
I guess there's none.
Imagine being this retarded
cool beans, can you explain the league stuff to me?
nope none other, only $. THere's always a catch, a jewish catch.
I'll let the other user explain to you. I'm not in the league yet.
I only buy things in my wish list that are not in GOG. The rest I use GoodOldDownloads.
buy mutant league football instead. It is actually good and has a demo.
Wasnt GoodOldDownloads dead cause the vietconigger doxed them?
a cunny in time.
Only got £15 left what do i buy?
It's still alive, you just need tor browser to access the page.
south park the stick of truth
The best way to play the game is in a league because there's team progression. Your players can earn experience and get new skills, which let you build your team in different ways, but also can get injured and lose stats or just die. Which happens a lot.
We play a 9-ish game league, each coach plays one game per week, so about 2 months. There's also a side-leage with no schedules so you can try teams and stuff
A life.
Is there any way to play with a pirated copy? This sounds pretty good. I'm not any of the previous posters.
>Strategy game
>Buy sports game instead
Are you retarded?
why would you steal my game?
I cant find a single game that I would enjoy playing. Jesus christ
.......does anybody wanna play Clue with m-me......it's on sale.......
Because I don't know if I would like it enough to buy it (and if I didn't, I would uninstall it).
To be honest, I don't know. The game uses its own authentication and accounts. Give it a shot, maybe? I might have an easier time shilling the league if you can.
Fuck off cyanide
Ys Origin and Okami HD
momodora, you can get it on gog too, but it doesn't have a sale right now. The older momodoras are on itch.io, the first two being free.
oh wait it looks like the multiplayer is broke.............fuck
hollow knight
Buy tabletop simulator and play it there. There's always people playing random games
>mahjong club
>not just playing majsoul with rest of Yea Forums
To user, if you happen to be reading this thread, based picks.
Alright lads tell me how I did. Also kinda iffy on Touhou Luna Nights. How much replayability does it have? Also any recommendations for horror games on steam?
Darkwood, lone survivor, duskers, eversion
Environmental Station Alpha as someone said
Really good, and the ost is great
beyond good and evil
the witness if you like myst-style games
>senran kagura
jesus christ, don't people know that exists free hentai on the internet?
I am weak for Hellenistic Era Greece, but I don't care much for AC games, haven't played one since Brotherhood.
Other games I have on my wishlish but don't feel like:
Styx 2
Dishonored 2
Expedition: Vikings
A plague Tale
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Conan Exiles: Jewel of the West Pack
God Eater 3
I'm thinking about adding Cuphead or Hat in Time. Are they worth it? Also considering DS3 season pass but I don't really know if I want to play through the whole game again just to get to the DLC.
jag heter homo peter :D
Subbania. It's a free browser game about a Nazi submarine in hell.
Cuphead is great
Pathfinder Kingmaker reignited my enjoyment of crpgs
A hat in time is easily one of my favorite games. Go for it user you'll have a lot of fun
Both Bioshocks are really good. I don't know why they'd get "mixed" reviews. Maybe the remasters break something? I just played the original releases.
Darkest Dungeon is good, if you enjoy having your balls stepped on. Some people do. Just know what you're getting into.
Kerbal Space Program is fun if you're into that nerd shit.
Starbound is shit, don't buy that one. It still has the potential to be a really good game, but the devs are too incompetent to do anything with it.
Same with Space Engineers, although that one's at least fun to play with friends if you have any.
Anyone found any decent games under a dollar? I know that's a stretch
Is Helldivers fun? I have a friend to play with and heard I should get the "boots" dlc because of terrain bullshit slowing you down
i'm thinking about pulling the trigger on rainbow six siege
yay or nay?
been itching for a fps for a while
It's 10 eypos right now, do you guys think it will go lower?
Sleeping Dogs is like $2 that’s pretty close
It’s great. Do not buy the starter edition if they’re still doing that shit. Get full game
I can second this. It's amazing.
Someone here must have played this recently. Give me your review.
the most "fun with friends, awful alone" game out of the lot of the comp fps games.
Try Galacide
Also one of the biggest casual filters ever
Plenty of good shit. But why would you ask people who don't play video games?
pretty much every western game square enix owns is around the dollar range.
Siege is awful and full of the biggest internet tough guys and people who think the highest form of comedy is yelling nigger over the mic and team killing because you sound black
it's great, I've been playing for 3 years
really though, I know people say every multiplayer community is the worst but Siege takes the cake
grab some friends if you can, the more the better
One last shillpost
It's great, and complete edition is more than worth it at that price point
I played it for like 1000 hours with friends, it's fun, but it might be dying out now. Worth 10 bucks.
Tower of Guns
Darkest Dungeon
Viscera CUD
Nuclear Throne
Lobo Corp
Lethal League Blaze if you don't have LL 1
Who's your favourite senran?
Darkwood is good, yes.
>tfw you don’t live in US or EU and can’t play with /r6g/
Nuclear Throne
Lethal League Blaze
doesn't say anything about starter edition that i can see
well, i will probably play alone with randoms if i buy it
the room seems interesting, it's 0'49 cents
Crusader Kings 2 is fun.
Unfortunately, Paradox went for the "go fuck yourself" style of DLC pricing, but you can pirate the DLC, and it'll work with a legitimate Steam copy of the game.
Are the DLCs good? One of them has mixed reviews. I might just get the ultimate edition and wait for a better sale on Cuphead (if it ever happens)
I played it for about 3 hours. First couple missions I did were alright. There's a lot of stuff to customize and a good deal of multitasking/management on the strategy layer. More involved than XCOM. Tactically it's okay, I didn't play long enough yet to reach deeper levels of combat. LOS mechanics seem a little wonky.
For $16 I'd say give it a shot. The atmosphere is pretty good. And you'll probably still be within the refund timeframe by the time you decide if you like it or not.
Thanks boys
She's on the left of your picture.
If it's for Nyakuza it's because there's a tranny flag in some obscure place. I personally never saw it so I didn't have a problem with it
both DLCs are short but fine for the asking price
Seal is probably mixed because it came with the extra challenge mode stuff which took a chill, easy platformer and made it stomp-on-your-dick hard
Yeah I’ve sunk enough hours into xcom 2 to feel like I’d have a good chance at liking it. Never heard of it until now though
Should I buy GTA V (Mainly for LSPDFR Mode)?
My nigga
>I don't actually like video games
Cool, now fuck off.
Thanks man, really liked the Starship Troopers vibe
>FFX/X-2 remaster is more expensive than FFXV
Who is in charge of those discounts?
What is that?
I don't have time to play all of these, so please, tell me if any of these are worth my time.
This game worth fucking around with? looks fun, I like games where you're mini
Bioshock 1 and darkest dungeon
it's a cop sim mod for GTAV, look it up user
kingdom come is a good RPG, it's a bit like elderscrolls but more hardcore and no magic.
You bought the wrong Hitman.
2016 is obsolete since Hitman 2 has the maps from Hitman 2016.
Guacamelee 2 is great and it doesn't take that long to beat or 100%
Don't buy BG&E. Ubisoft gives it out free on Uplay every once in a while, and I'm pretty sure you'd need Uplay to play it anyway.
Actually disregard that, I was retarded.
It's actually the only game in the list I will buy no matter Yea Forums's opinion. But good knowing it's decent.
Looking for a AAA/big name game this time. Help me single out a few
* Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe
* Resident Evil 7 Gold
* Monster Hunter World
* Evil Within 2
* Final Fantasy XV Complete.
* AssCreed Syndicate or Origins/Odyssey
I'd get either DMCV or RE2 remake.
don't play re7 or asscreed, they're hot garbage.
Aside from the memes, the first one was 10/10. Def will pick it up at some point.
Play RE7 because it's good. Alternatively what said.
If you're still lurking in this thread, I've got VCU, Moncaco, and EDF with all of its DLCs that I can trade you. Send a friend request.
Not too keen on RE2make, will wait for at least 50%
DMC5? I've grown up on the series and the discount makes Capcom's asinine regional pricing more tolerable. I'm itching to get it, but I know it'll be 50%- too on Winter Sale....
Seems like I'll go with this.
DMCV is always a good time with plenty of replay value and bloody palace
MHW is great if you like MonHun
I only played FFXV on release and it was meh, I think they made some improvements in the PC port and they changed that one trash bit at the end but it probably still isn't good
>AssCreed ever
Origins runs like super garbage on all but the best machines and Odyssey is probably the same
it was fun but it's still an AssCreed game
Hope I did good.
I want a game that can grip me by the balls and make me stop just replaying MGSV and Mount & Blade. These are my options. Reccs appreciated as well.
>Fight N Rage
>Silent Hunter
>Tales of Symphonya
Might get Helldivers for coop, same reason for FnR and something else
Frostpunk is really good until you figure it out. Then it's a slog.
I've got Cultist Simulator, if you're willing to trade.
Fell for the meme, this shit better be good or Im refunding
Furi is great
>Shadow Tactics
>Yakuza games
>Space Rangers
Awesome list. Can't say shit about Wizadry because I'm a shitter who can only play SMT, Grimrock and Etrian. Though I really want to get into those games.
About Elminage iirc I've read that Gothic is the punishing one meanwhile the original is more forgiving bear in mind that I've read this here so people could be actually trying to help newcomers or just spreading chaos.
River City Ransom looks great.
Yeah I thought it'd be a bit like that but I love the builders in general. Any of you fellas know if Planet Coaster is worth it?
What is that in real money?
Like half of what they would cost in USD. I need to get a Mexican steam account.
buy Hitman 2 and the legacy DLC and then just ignore hitman 1
Do I get to learn Mahjong with this game? Tried the one in Yakuza and got m shit slapped so hard that I'm ashamed to go back to it
Wait, people told me to play only the first too. Not the COmplete although I have it too since it came with the package. Gonna play it alongside Victor Vran
GOD, THIS! Wuppo is amazing and funny as fuck. Love when the mc is being a bitch ass to everyone, cannot stop laughing at the humor in this game plus its cute as fuck
Remember that if you don't like it, it's because you're bad at the game.
What do you think about niggers?
As a general rule, I try not to.
i don't see a lot around where I live but the ones I do see pretty frequently always dress formally and are really polite
Not entirely sure how it works but what are you planning, big fella?
Been planning on buying it for a long time.
1 American shekel is about 18 pesos but in steam I think its around 17, not entirely sure.
Judging people on anything other than their actions is a pretty shitty thing to do. We all have our problems, our struggles to deal with, and we all deserve happiness.
Hire this man
Am I on the verge of making a terrible mistake?
Should I get the hitman 2 gold edition or standard? Also is the legacy pack included in gold edition or nah?
I see it in a shitload of carts - is it any good?
what's wrong with styx?
>Not entirely sure how it works but what are you planning, big fella?
I'm trying to exchange some of the leftover HIB keys I've got for games I actually want and intend to play. Add me, joto.
disappointingly short but what's there is really fun gameplay, beautiful spritework, creative levels, funny dialogue, and a fairly interesting story
Really good.
Way too short.
Story is not finished and ends on TO BE CONTINUED.
Furi is 10/10
Cultist Sim is weird and requires a lot of experimenting and time, and I really don't think it's worth it
which sucks, because I like the spooky lovecraft bullshit
The ones I see are usually fresh immigrants who can't speak the language.
Maybe their kids will learn it, but until then, fuck niggers.
Bad port.
Shards of Darkness isn't the first one.
Can't recommend ESA enought, seriously, try to ignore the simple graphics because the game is fucking great and the gameplay is tight plus that fucking soundtrack. Touhou was also another surprise since I know jackshit but when I heard you can timestop I bought it immediately and don't regret at all. Axio Verge is for OG Metroid fans, map and walking around can get confusing since shit looks the same but you won't regret it too.
Used to know a guy that would buy a fuck ton of games during these sales, never play them but any time I would go to his house he would be like “Man check out all of these games I got.” Trent you’re a fucking idiot.
say it in your own words
Hey, fuck you too, buddy. And my name isn't "Trent," it's David.
I like stealth games, and it's cheap. A lot of the reviews shit on it, but I figured I'd give it a try.
I was also thinking of the Hitman series, but I have no idea which one(s) to buy.
This game is perfect for learning Mohjang since it teaches you how to play with bots that aren't much of a challenge. It also uses Japanese Mohjang rules which I assume Yakuza uses too.
Edge of Eternity looks cool, will wait for more opinions
Are these games any good? they don't look too good. . .
Do the games get awarded for winning teams right away, so in 1 hour?
get thief 1 & 2, hitman blood money, hitman 2
>I can get 3 of my top "sorted by ranked" wishlist choices
>or 15 of my top "sorted by discount" choices
>paralyzed with indecision
Literally every Steam sale. I'm not going to be able to buy anything until the last day of the sale forces my hand.
I can't imagine the idiocy it took to make this post.
holy shit, thanks man! luv u
any good software on sale on steam?
Something for gamedev maybe, art program or something? Development tools, whatever.
I guess that buying the legendary edition Is a must, at least if you like variety, thats what keeps me from buying it
Are there any games with Dylan Dog feeling to it?
Im hooked already
$7.50 discount? Where do you get that?
I think legendary is more than worth it with this discount, but yeah, it kinda sucks.
Already got dat, it's God tier.
Rate me
Tales of Vesperia, Symphonia, Berseria.
Octopath Traveler (probably not on sale tho')
drop nier and wait for a sale
other than that, you are good to go
Amid Evil +Dusk Combo pack is great
fuck off troll.
Sonic Mania, it's $6 here in America
My only regret is that I'm late to this post so now you won't see me telling you to kill yourself. Why the fuck would you buy WWE 2K19? They're shit games. Just get fire pro wrestling.
Amazing game. Short as a motherfucker. For all you fags getting Furi, fuck Furi, this game is better on every level, get this instead.
How about you post what you want to buy and we point out the good games and you buy those?
NIER will go on sale but is top tier. Drop everything else but Bloodstained, Gato, and Messenger.
This is pretty much all I came up with.
unless you have a supercomputer I'd recommend dropping NieR: Automata
it's my favorite game of all time but the PC version was so poorly optimized
>Amid Evil OST
JESUS FUCK shit is amazing, enjoyed it more than Dusk which is weird since I never cared about Hexen/Herectic
I put this on repeat and listen to it all day
why do people insist on dark souls remastered?
stick with the original man, it's way better
if you cant run automata in 2019 I don't know what to tell you. it ran better than dark souls 3 for me.
Original is fucked, I literally cannot play it on my PC it's just broken.
It's the same game except no blighttown lag and more likely to have any kind of multiplayer interaction.
when I played it the first time I had (I think) a GTX 970 and an i7 4790k
I haven't played it recently but I do have a 1080 now so it might run better but idk
I had no problems before but could tell it just wasn't optimized properly
yeah, you need to download the fix
then it runs perfectly fine
it's not the same game
they ruined one of the strongest points of the game, which is the dark atmosphere, by making everything bright as fuck
Is Slime Rancher worth getting? I mostly buy from GOG if I can, but apparently the slimy devs aren't updating the game with the free dlc that's on every other platform.
Right now my cart is just Mega Man Legacy 2 and Half Life 1.
I was going to do the whole list but I realized that it's not very well ranked past the first 15.
Tell me what to buy/what not to buy, Yea Forums
Only $10 left, what should I buy?
You can get to the dlc in under 2 hours
Furi o eres puto
Just bought Bayonetta, good game
New vegas.
Broforce and Into the Breach are good. Fighting games on PC are a crapshoot because PC gamers are fucking retarded when it comes to fighters and the player bases are always miniscule at best. Beat'em ups are only good if you have a friend to play with.
>Fix will fix it
It doesn't
Mania and MGR. Skip NV, you'll need to mod it for fifteen fucking hours straight just to have it not be janky as fuck, and even then it'll still be janky.
>not buying the first Men of War for less than a 20oz soda
>Skip NV
Horrible advice, you'll get way more hours out of New Vegas than either of the other two, as much as I love MGR.
your pc is either a potato or you just don't know how to fix it my friend (it's not that easy to understand how to configure the fix honestly)
any multiplayer games worth taking a chance on?
this is the most legit zoomer post I've ever seen.
Time does not equal enjoyment, user. You'll get way more fun out of the 2 hours of Mania and 4 of MGR than you will of the 80 of NV, 20 of which will be spent modding, and another 30 of which will be walking across generic brown wasteland fighting generic bandits.
Hitman 2 is like 24€ even with the sale, but I'll definitely get Blood Money.
Samorost 3
Bullshit, the only thing you might need is sprinting but I played without it and it was one of the best games I've ever played.
mania and vegas
Don't listen to the resetera tranny, NV is where it's at.
>...sequel to the flawed, but I think underrated Styx: Master of Shadows...
That's some scathing criticism you got there.
I'm on the fence for Battalion 1944. Does the game have a future?
Or, ooor.
Game is just shit and you are just pulling
>Works on my machine™
Anything here shit? I see mixed views on Cryptark
Wizardry 8
>20 hours will be spent modding
It doesn't take 20 hours to install a bug fixing fan patch and the rest of your post is nonsense. New Vegas is well loved for good reasons.
Or buy Sonic 1-3 and Knuckles for like $1
Skip Mass Effect, the whole series is fucking garbage. Get Katana ZERO to go with Hotline Miami.
>all these brainlets defending a nu-Fallout game
Absolutely disgusting. Zoomers, off my fucking board.
Is Dawn of Discovery Anno 1404? If it is, that's the best in the series
I really recommend Worlds. It's a true hidden gem and it's extremely cheap right now.
no, because i ran it in my old laptop just fine, and i always saw threads of the game on Yea Forums and pretty much everyone could run it after the fix.
but it's okay, if you don't believe me just read the reviews on steam.
if you still wanna buy it, np dude, not my problem
was just trying to make you save wasted money
Yep, I might have to put more money into Steam lol
by the was there's ton of reviews on steam that says it has to make fixes to it too
Damn really? I thought it was meant to be post game content. Wouldn't I be severely underleveled if I went straight into it?
>game is 4 bux
>old game isn't removed from library
>Shit eating moron who doesn't understand computers trying to educate to me how I'm wrong at installing fix that I recompiled just to make sure everything was ok
Fuck off cunt.
my nigga
>steam sale is here yuppie
>bought 2 games from wish list
>celeste / baba is you
>they are shit. don't enjoy them at all
>refunded both of them
>bought dusk
>it's okay
wtf is wrong with me maybe i just don't enjoy vidya anymore
/vg/rlg/ says that Tangledeep is shit, but they're autists.
>Shit eating moron who doesn't understand computers trying to educate to me how I'm wrong at installing fix that I recompiled just to make sure everything was ok
kek you certainly don't know
enjoy your wasted 4 bucks
celeste is great wtf is wrong with you
don't believe this lying kike, the first Bioshock is pure ludo
Maybe you need to play better games. But you not liking Baba is probably you being retarded, it's just a simple puzzle game. How can you not like puzzles?
tranny game
>None of the EDF 4.1 mission packs are on sale
Is this game good or was it just a meme that gaming journalists picked up?
I bet you never even saw a code of a dll in your life before. I bet you never even created your own drivers before, pathetic looser.
I was like this a few months ago, except I didn't refund anything I just uninstalled/hid them. Turns out it was a bout of depression. I recently replayed the games I thought I hated back then and I actually really enjoyed them. Maybe just step away from vidya for a few weeks.
b-but it's so good!
Is FFXV worth it?
Hows my cart looking?
imagine knowing all this stuff and not being able to fix a game that a pathetic user could fix easily
I read it nigger. I already have FirePro
Apparently Sleeping Dogs definitive edition is worse in some ways.
>oh no, people aren't satisfied with this product! I MUST BECOME SHEEP AND TELL OTHERS ITS SHIT
Have sex
Those games are all free though
Meme from shitty journo's. They're still eternally ass hurt DmC and Donte were shit on by literally everyone despite their shilling, so of course Ninja Theory's new baby is their new favorite.
yes but that's the worst one, go for testament.
yeah i'm a brainlet and gave up after 10 levels.
also it's kinda overpriced in my opinion
reviews from those filtered by capra demon, of course it won't be all positive
Postal 2 is fun
Sleeping dogs is fun
everything else is overpriced compared to this two.
Remastered objectively runs much better than PTDE with DSfix. It's fine, I don't understand why you're sperging out. I'm guessing you have neevr played it and you're basing your opinion on e-celebs and steam faggots who are upset that IT"S NOT FREE LIKE SKYRIM REMASTERED WAS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
yes, it's amazing, my goty so far.
Stanley Parable is a funny little choose your own quest thing, but not too long. Darkest Dungeon is a pretty good game from what I hear. Stardew Valley is comfy. Gang Beasts is only good with friends to laugh with.
and Thief 1/2 ???
kek, can't you read reviews? are you that blind? negative reviews are only explaining that it has several problems that needs fix as well
if the normal one is so broken, why is the review rate gap is so big between them?
jesus, you are way to crinjy, not gonna reply anymore cause you are either a child or an autist
You can't buy original SD on Steam anymore, only Definitive.
> 40 £ +
Normal one was shit, you have to have DSFix enabled to even start enjoying it. Saying it was "a total mess" is saying nothing. It's almost like people liked it DESPIDE it's problems
have sex
beyond good and evil
>not gonna reply anymore
>when someone wants to disengage the argument but can't actually finish it so he has to pussy out
I'm pretty solid on Dominions and ToME but I'm open to commentary. Mainly looking to trim down to only one of the five dollar games.
I also recommend Worlds. I bought it a couple sales ago for cheap and it's a lot of fun.
birbs definitely taking #2 spot today, nice
Is the single player campaign good in Men of War games? Only interested in single player.
Real niggas remember this shit. What garbage.
It is like Company of Heroes, sorta. If you haven't played that, it's like RTS but not gookclick. Kind of hard to describe. The single player is great and that is what I play it for.
It was awful having to wait 20 minutes to pool online players, but when they took it out I kind of miss having players you invade send you rage mail, windows live was great for that.
Men of War is kinda tricky, it's good and single player is good, but it's unique. You can take control of any unit and every unit has inventory etc and in single player you have to master that shit.
How janky is it?
Do those even run on modern computers?
I'm sure they're revolutionary masterpieces and all, but I don't really enjoy that era of early 3D games any more.
Bought DX:MD and Sleeping Dogs, but that was like an hour before the sale. Wanted to buy Prey(2018) too, but why would I? I can get it on the grey market whenever I want for the same or lower price.
The perfect amount.
Tales of Vesperia any good?
I only played Berseria, how does Vesperia's combat feel? Better or worse than Berseria?
That sidecrolling camera on the screenshots from the store page looks kinda weird after playing Berseria.
Thief 1 runs, but the cut scenes don't. At least they didn't for me. Got like 3 missions in and was wondering why there was no story before I realized what was happening.
It's more active if you want to do mp content
Whic is one of the highlights of the game for me
Grey market more like GAY market
From what Ive heard Dominions is only good in MP, so consider that.
Bionic Commando
Theres Thief: Deadly Shadows too, its not as good as the other but its just a buck.
the mummy demastered
pharaoh rebirth+
ghost 1.0
I swear VTMBL was always $5 during sales and now it's $15? Bullshit.
It's a good game too and does a select few things better than even 1 and 2 did. The mod to remove the level breaks helps a lot.
>buying video games
So many retards in this thread LMAO
The Mummy Demastered isn't on sale
Gotta take every opportunity to squeeze that cow dry due to sequel hype.
>PUBLISHER: Activision
Why does this simple question have so many replies? Include me in the screencap.
It was €5 on Steam in Feb.
isthereanydeal com/game/vampiremasqueradebloodlines/history/#/chart:history
>since 2013
Metal Gear Rising
Endless Legend
Wasteland 2
Witcher 3
Doom 2016
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Ace Combat 7
Amid Evil
>game is always on sale but you always skip out on it to get other things you want more
>finally go to buy game
>not on sale
Hellblade suffers from what most overrated games do; poor combat.
>tfw wanna buy Nova Covert Ops for Starcraft II because it still isn't cracked
>costs like half a AAA game around here, despite being few years old already
>no discount despite several sites doing summer sale
Actiblizzard are greedy
Does anyone have Totally Accurate Battle Simulator? Is it fun and have the devs said anything about adding multiplayer to it?
>10 levels
How is that even possible? the first ten levels are just the baby tutorials, that explain how the game works.
Anything to add/remove? Anyone got some suggestions for some longer games, like crpgs?
Gimme full price paypig.
anybody win any free games?
What about The Messenger and Celeste?
B-But Mr. Shekelston! It's the summer sales! A lot of games have reduced prices!
You can't just put it back to full price like that...
I've got DS3 if you're willing to trade.
Steamid: steamcommunity.com
What cute gentle girl!
"Remastered" versions were glitchy as hell.
Bioshock 1 and 2 are great games, with relatively open levels and backstory of place you learn via audiologs. Bioshock 2 is IMO better than 1, because of more open levels, faster combat and more open skill management, but there are people who argue B1 has better story. Whatever.
Bioshock Infinite looks amazing at first glance, but setting is all it has. Boring "modern" combat, tons of mechanics downgrades and story that frankly makes no goddamn sense.
any good longer metroidvania style games?
Unless he has the complete edition don't bother. I'm betting you have DS3 + Ashes which was on Humble. That doesn't include The Ringed City which is objectively the better DLC.
Okami is cheaper on Voidu
>for some longer games, like crpgs
If you don't rush content:
Dragon Age Origins UE is ~70hrs including DLCs
Kotor and Kotor 2 /w TSLRCM mod each take about 30-40hrs.
Final cut contains all three games retroactively upgraded in one big campaign. Stop resisting and get it for 5 bucks.
I'll break out my whip piggie. Buy it.
Any reasons not to get MGS V?
>made a fake cart with all the bethesda games to post here and get free (You)s
>accidentally hit buy
>just spent $462.78 + tax on games i didn't actually want
Yay or nay, bros?
It's literally a knockoff Mystery Dungeon. If you like Mystery Dungeon, you'll like that game. /vg/rlg/ also shits on ToME all the time, and ToME is great.
Sales are redundant as G2A sells at sale prices all year round. No, I don't care about ethics and busting fraud is not my job incase you wanted to ask. Have this funny comic.
Too late. Todd has your money now.
Refund them all, dipshit
Valkyria - good.
Get Xanadu Next instead of eX+
I compliment your taste user. You're going to have a good time.
Has anyone played hover, revolt of gamers? i am stuck between it and ahat nyakuza dlc. Is it any good?
>accidently buying something
>with all the verification you need to fill in
Yeah I don't believe you.
>Hello, i wanted a FULL refund on a recent buy because i just added them to my cart to shitpost on Yea Forums and i accidentally hit buy
I finally bit the bullet and bought myself a copy of Kingdom come Deliverance and Hitman 2016 GOTY edition.
Bioshock Remastered, but get it in a GOG sale with a Russian VPN. It's cheaper than Steam's version
>No, I don't care about ethics
Clearly you do, or else you wouldn't be buying the games at all.
Steam asks no questions with refunds, they're chill like that. as long you played 2 hours or less. which is like a blink of time.
>buy from G2A instead of pirating
LITERALLY more retarded than people who buy games on Steam
Huh.... makes my post seem very ironic doesn't it?
what about games with leaderboards/Multi I want to parttake in?
>Fallout Tactics
you will need some program that can limit frames, because encounter rate is frame based. With modern hardware, and 1700 fps, it'll be like 20 random encounters just getting across sector
It was alright, the most fun you get is finding cool lines to hit around the two big areas in the game and finding the fastest ways through the missions. Your character is slow as fuck at the beginning, but once you upgrade them a bit it becomes a lot more fun.
I remember nothing from the story and the missions were pretty basic from what I recall.
The Witcher 3
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Get them on a GOG's sale with a Russian VPN to get the cheapest price in the world.
On Steam you could get:
Space Engineers
Resident Evil 2
Devik May Cry 5
>but get it in a GOG sale with a Russian VPN. It's cheaper than Steam's version
Why even bother buying it this way when you can torrent for free?
If you want to support DRM free games on GoG - don't cheat the system.
I can say Dark Souls 3 and Deadbolt are worth. I got kind of bored of Okami about 6 hours in; its very beautiful but the dialogue is very boring and the gameplay is mediocre.
Would add Worlds. It's a really nice action/stealth adventure game and very cheap now.
Boys recommend me some actually good multiplayer games
I want Mordhau but it's a bit expensive right now, I've tried R6 and Squad but no one was really teamworking so I felt it wasn't worth it
I already own CS, Payday 2, L4D2, Rust and such
pic unrelated
How so? it's still buyfagging.
Gog version is better option.
Murder Miners, unironically. Extremely good once you learn the movement (look up "overjumps) and gun mechanics.
This. I got bored and never finished it.
CRPGs, huh?
>Fallout: New Vegas
Considered by many to be the best 3D Fallout game. Very moddable.
>Shadowrun: Dragonfall and Shadowrun: Hong Kong
More retro-style top-down RPGs. Shadowrun Returns isn't bad either, but the later ones use a better engine. They're all separate stories, so the order you play them doesn't matter much.
Less of a diamond in the rough, and more a razor-sharp diamond shard that you step on. It's a gem, but fuck if it doesn't hurt.
is a night in the woods any good?
Huh I remember trying that on the 360
>47, 24h peak
heh doesn't seem very populated sadly
Anything I should change last min before buying? My total is $32, I have almost $35 in wallet
remove meme world and okami
>47, 24h peak
That's not bad?
That means you'll always find multiple populated servers.
There's also a little community of hardcorefags who arrange small tournaments regularly.
>Lethal League Blaze if you don't have LL 1
It's such an upgrade from 1 that I'd still consider it or buy it on console when it comes out July 12
>when your delivery platform is so good that not even giving products away for free can compete with it
Battalion 1944
These retard newfags!!!
kerbal space program without any doubt!
it's fucking great
I don't advocate piracy but here ya go user.
>You only have capacity to claim 100 points
What the fuck it resets? I had 13K what the fuck resets it
Styx is good and well worth 6€
dude if it reset people would be claiming so many discounts that valve would lose a lot of money
it makes sense that it doesnt reset
Dump everything but Mania and Rain.
is earth defense force 4.1 any good?
It's fun to play with friends.
>in mid-2019
save your money and get the BETTER and FREE game called "Ring of Elysium"
It's very similar to PUBG, but way less cheaters and bugs.
The movement/combat is creative (glider, bmx, grappling hook)
AND there are way less lags (desync)
It's propably the most underrated BR game out there.
should've just made it one per person lmao
Endless Legend
Just wait for another GOG sale. Use a Russian VPN when are going to pay for your stuff and they'll cost you cents.
ESA's downfall is the absolutely autistic means of unlocking a good ending. Otherwise it's great.
FTL or Antichamber? Can't afford both
I know they're extremely different but both have good reviews
"capacity" is a currency, you spend it, its gone.
Probably the same for me.
Haven't even launched steam in years because I cracked all the games in the steam folder so I wouldn't have to have steam running and collecting data.
Refund everything and if they ask why respond with "I'm a huge idiot."
Is this any good?
I would say the only big issue is QoL stuff during the postgame, like not translating in-game. If you enjoyed Metroid, the main game is phenomenal. If you enjoyed La Mulana, then the post game is phenomenal.
Did corgi get nurfed? Or did Reddit run out of capacity?
The translation part was fun, it was other steps I fucking hated, like the part that involved finding the code that you then had to type into certain rooms. That was the point I said fuck it and looked shit up. Then having to re-do the entire game again but with upgrades? That's fucking retarded, should have just added an extra level or some shit.
too early
>redo the entire game
Hmm... maybe that was added in after I finished it. The dev is pretty good about adding shit or talking to the community. I can't wait for the sequel.
This way GOG get the sales I'd otherwise buy on Steam.
Buying with Russian price instead of pirating provides me not only the games, but the associated services like updates and cloud saves and not needing to store the installer beside the installed game.
It's a win-win for everyone.
>BETTER and FREE game called "Ring of Elysium"
Nice try, Tencent
is it any fun on my own? i dont have friends
>"and get free (You)s"
>you actually reply to him
he won
Ignore points entirely. Capacity = fuel. Using them gets you tokens. Points may as well not exist and are piss easy to get. How do you get more fuel? You buy games or get the 100 a day.
GOG with Russian VPN provides better prices and you won't need to mess with regionally locked keys from G2A
"Ring of Elysium" is a Steam game you retard mongoloid.
Just got Witcher 3, Serious Sam 3, Dark Souls 3 and Age of Empire 3. I missed out on 3´s
>While Valve bans this in EULA
yeah,enjoy it bugging out on you.
FTL if you want a game that you grow with and invest a bunch of time into. Antichamber is the "I want to play something, beat it, and move on"
what about games for people that don't have autism?
Where dat
And how does this change the fact that it's developed by Tencent?
As someone who enjoyed Antichamber more I agree with this
shut up kid...he is right...it's by tencent, but tencent also owns alot of PUBG
Sorta. It's about a main character who refuses to grow up while her home town and her friends are already moving on with their lives. It nailed that feeling just fine so it's nice if you can relate to that. The actual story however was a shitshow.
the people have spoken, ftl it is