>will most likely be playing 5D chess
>doing all these “evil” stuff as part of the greater good
>won’t be a villain
How much would you bet this is what is going to happen? When did Warcraft writing turn to shit?
>will most likely be playing 5D chess
>doing all these “evil” stuff as part of the greater good
>won’t be a villain
How much would you bet this is what is going to happen? When did Warcraft writing turn to shit?
Other urls found in this thread:
hopefully wow 2 will be better
>When did Warcraft writing turn to shit?
Warcraft 3
>Burns down Teldrassil (Darnassus tree) with hundreds of Night Elves still inside
>Greater good
Fucking Blizzard.
When will we likely get more 8.2.5 details?
>When did Warcraft writing turn to shit?
Warcraft 3. I'm waiting for WoW reforged.
The story is fucked beyond believe already. WOW2 would have to be set in the future by like 100 years and start fresh.
any writing that keeps the banshee queen alive and kicking is good writing in my book
100% it'll happen.
>>will most likely be playing 5D chess
I don't get this. what does that mean?
Warcraft 1
Soulless warhammer ripoff
pick one
>Uther arrives at the end of the last mission
>At no point between that point and Stratholme do Arthas and Jaina explain to him the plague. It as if the characters dont exist and cant talk while travelling.
>Arthas autistically demotes Uther rather then take 10 seconds to say 'These people are gonna turn into zombies we cant waste time"
>Level-headed and reasonable Jaina does not tell Uther anything. She has just as if not more knowledge of the plague then Arthas and just walks away to cause drama so Arthas can become a death knight.
it was always shit
A few hundred need to die so that millions can live.
We already knew from like moment 1 that everything ongoing is Azshara old god memery as per rule of every single WoW writting plot ever.
>oh look super mega powerful rocks of death casually laying around
>ha ha they screech with whispers of evils, must be nothing
Arthas did explain the plague and that the citizens would turn. But Arthas immediately jumped to "We must kill EVERYONE! Including the non-infected!" Whereas Uther wanted to try and save and cure them. Both of them were right and wrong at the same time. Maybe it was possible to save the citizens, at least some of them.
I despise binary retards like OP who can only think in terms of "good guys" and "villains" as if realistic and complex characters are only one or the other even in fantasy
>implying there's any in-betweens in WoW
It's MoP 2.0 but it's not because Sylvanas is playing 5D chess.
15 bucks plus tip
>implying there are any in-betweens in RL
Or you could just retcon WoW and make WoW 2 happening in the Wc3 timeline.
They were all infected retard.
Uther wouldn't want to kill them regardless because killing innocent i
She's been a genocidal maniac since 2003. If you want to play the evil faction that's fine, just don't pretend that you're doing the world a favour with your literal death camps.
Nah, Warcraft 3: Reforged is changing Warcraft 3 lore to fit WoW lore. Look it up. WC3 is now non-canon.
Then it's fucked forever and there's no point in making WoW2.
This is what I thought would happen but Blizz cast away any possibility of "greater good" or "she was fighting the TRUE threat all along!" shit when she had Green Jesus attacked
The leak confirmed that she's Kerrigan 2.0
It's just another case of "SUBVERTED EXPECTATIONS".
And it's not like WoW story was the biggest garbage ever invented where characters constantly attack each others, then become the best friends ever against some generic loot pinata, then attack each others, etc.
What's the leak about?
It's extremely vague that's why at first i didn't believe it. But it said that the factions will merge and that's what is happening right now.
Well everything after vanilla WoW is non-canon now at least.
Sylvanas is no more a villain than Jaina or Thrall are
where can one find the full text of this?
Blizzard has reused that same plot how many times in it's games now? Even Diablo 4 is rumoured to have a similar plotline.
Dunno google it, it's everywhere, but it's not that interesting. You just learn that the next expac will be about dragons (lol) and shadowlands (lol), and that Sylv/Azshara live.
hope she kills baine
He becomes the warchief in 8.3
>Yess Thrall, you should absolutely fight your own faction while we reap the rewards. See, im touching your arm that's why you should slaughter your own people.
Implying she isn't playing them.
You know Jaina is yet for weird dick. Arthas, Kalec; green dick is the logical next step. Maybe an ogre next. Or Sylvanas.
>The leak
You mean generic unsubstantiated LARPer no. 20818023 that only just repeated shit people have been theorizing for months just to seem credible? Shit, thats confirmed as fuck
After reading this the only good thing is the level squish but unless they bring back class quests and bring back something akin to the talent trees like tbc/wotlk it's gunna be a yikes
He was right about the faction merge.
Blizz is like the writing team of lost : They follow fan theories like Illidan being a good guy all along, Zandalar being a straight copy of a fan work, etc.
If Sylv is popular they won't kill her and instead turn her into Kerrigan.
breed me daddy
People hassled Blizzard for years to get them to give in and write the Illidan fanservice. That doesn't lend credibility to every lazy fucking LARPer that just decides to play it safe and compile a list of fan theories into a "release". How gullible are you?
>When did Warcraft writing turn to shit?
Burning Crusade.
But it ceased to be Warcraft after WotLK.
Why are people thinking a faction merge will happen?
This has been an idea that's in people's heads with every recent expansion announcement. There's never any proof of it and any leaks for such a thing had always been bs.
population is dwindling so hard and faction imbalance is so extreme that a faction merge might be the only option to solve both problems
>Malfurion arrives at the end of the last mission
>Sees Illidan killed an entire demon army by his own
>gets jealous and bans him
>cuckidan - who is clearly stronger than malfurion - goes into cuck mode and does what his big brother tells him as he had always done
>malfurion make picture of tyrande with his dick in her mouth and sends snap to cuckidan
>Sylvanas kills her own troops every update
>Blizzard pays millions of dollars to make huge cinematics where you hate her through Saurfang
>"hurr she's Kerrigan cuz she has a pussy"
cost reduction and low subs.
and because of the cinematic of 8.2
>implying anyone relates to Saurfag in any level
t o p k e k
Because people fall for Blizzards bait all the time. Everyone on Yea Forums honestly believed that Illidan was the chosen one and that he would become an angel
I'm tempted to come back this patch.
What FOTM atm?
That's literally what happened except the angel part which didn't matter anyway and because people bitched on the forum about the angel leak.
Success or failure is subjective, it's the intent. They are doing everything in their power to make you hate Sylvanas, from her abusive boyfriend bullying you all expac to bringing back Metzen
there will be some kind of twist with her but she's still evil and won't be warchief
>tyrande gets greened during the war of the ancients
>both brothers get cucked by tyrande
#resist and #notmypresident faggots do
You may or may not be right, but they did exactly the same with Kerrigan.
Bitch killed a star system worth of people + is the cause of Tychus getting a bullet to the head, and she still turned into Space Jesus and was given immortality for it, so I wouldn't exactly hold my breath regarding perceived "intents."
I fucking hope it's gonna be this, I don't want another fucking Garrosh.
Trump isn't a quarter as bad as someone who wants to murder literally everything because she can control it and because she's going to hell
>tfw Arthas killed user while he posted
rip my dude
Sylvanas has been evil since Cata
>Killing hundreds of elves
The greatest good there is.
We all know good and well they're going to turn Sylvanas into some savior instead of Garroshing her
wait a month or two
no reason to subscribe now so you can wait like everyone else for the dripfeed content
it's unthinkable how people still haven't learned
new patch is out -> wait 2 months for everything to be unlocked -> experience the new content fully
Sylvanas sends you to Nazjatar to free Nzoth and get everyone murdered
>5D chess
You'll still have to do the dailies. Just the raid and dungeon will be open in two weeks
no, she has never been evil up until battle for azeroth
I wish. It's the least WoW deserves.
Cataclysm has NPCs literally talk about how she's evil now
>implying changing a 30sec cinematic was a big deal.
>commits genocide in Hillsbrad
>illegaly raises unwilling humans
>sends thousands to pointless death in Gilneas
>despite numerous times she was told to fuck off she still uses the plague
>has a literal Auschwitz style camp where ghouls "farm" innocent farmers
All in one expansion
>never been evil
fuck off rotten pussy lover
So I think we all need to ask ourselves,
Who dishes out the best dickings? Orcs? Tauren? Worgen?
seeIt's Orcs. Even Tyrande lusts after an Orc.
she killed millions to save billions
what went fucking wrong alliance bros? weren't we going to exterminate the horde?
Horde are meant to be evil though. Blizzard trying to paint them as noble savages is what has ruined the story of these fucking games.
t. Brainlet and lorelet
Both Illidindu and Malf where always super duper speehshul twins.
what would be best is just a faction rework, and make more like EQ where adventurers can play together but that has nothing to do with their racial faction.
>jaina wants to be greened
Why werent they a thing?I know metzen had a mid life crisis and put everything from his life in thrall's but its weird to see this.Thrall and Jaina keep having this sexual tension and im pretty sure even the writers forgot Thrall is married with 2 kids.
And that Jaina is banging Kalec and got a whole book dedicated to the subject.
Is there a more cucked race than the blue dragonflight?
Blizzard can't worldbuild for shit
Didnt they break up or had a "kinda together but not really thing"?The books always end up being non canon or just put in a forgotten corner.
Why are warcraft orcs fucking garbage how can people like this trash?
the worldbuilding is great, it's the plot with the same five or six celebrity characters that is trash
They are easily manipulated, fuckable walls of meat and muscle whose only concern is fighting, eating and fucking with a dose of being misunderstood and marginalized bad boys. Essentially a drug for homos and women. And self-insert fags who think too highly of themselves, ie Metzen.
>Waaaaagh XDDDD
he says posting a franchise that's more dead than wow
thrall is an ethno nationalist, not a race traitor you degenerate.
Imagine finding a woman LESS attractive after she commits genocide
To be fair a MMO isnt exactly the time of genre that works with great stories.Worldbuilding is good with blizzard,its the plot department they suck at(and wow and its need for expansions only shot them in the leg)
>Worldbuilding is good with blizzard,
No it's not lmao.
They could have focused on small scale issues, keep the sense of wonders, make the MC a mercenary... But instead they went full retard destroying the lore with TBC.
she did it to turn tyrande into whatever she is now
what does the state of a franchise have to do with the fluff that's in the setting
the greenskins/orks from WH are infinitely more fun and play their role a lot better than the dindunuffin basedboys we got in Warcraft at the momen
even 100 years isn't going to unfuck the game with all the sci-fi tech bullshit they threw in starting with TBC.
A giant Orc slut who can't even kill an undead with a bow?
I was thinking more of blizzard in general.Warcraft before WoW may have been a Warhammer clone but it was interesting and fun.Starcraft 1 and Diablo 1&2 were also good.But yeah TBC as much as i like it was the start of lore fuckery.
Yes. The Banshee Queen's grand plan has been to turn all r34 settings into reality. Starting by getting Tyrande and Jaina orcporked.
Has there ever been a canon resolution to the question of what Sylvanas smells like?
Like no matter how hot she is that might be a huge dealbreaker
>Sylvanas in HoTS: Ugh! What is that horrible SMELL!? Is it still me?!
Sorry bud
Well no wonder she's crazy then, we just need to find her a man with a huge dick and no nose
Much like real life, women ruin everything.
So Warcraft 3 reforged is non-canon. It’s not Warcraft 3 if they change its story.
Um, sweetie... WC3 is not canon now. Reforged is canon.
Wait they changed the story?
They are aligning it with wow canon so reforged will be the de-facto canon.
>The Culling is the sixth chapter of Warcraft III’s Scourge of Lordaeron campaign, and sees Arthas – before he became the Lich King – slaughter the citizens of Stratholme in an attempt to prevent the city from falling prey to the Plague of Undeath. It’s an iconic moment in Arthas’s story, and one of Warcraft III’s most memorable missions. However, visit Stratholme in Warcraft III: Reforged, and it looks different to how you remember. Well, provided your memory of Stratholme was established with Warcraft III, that is. Those who have only visited the city in World of Warcraft may find the city a little more familiar.
>As the demonic Mal’Ganis enslaves Stratholme’s population and turns them into corpsified beasts, you find your troops battling a new foe: Meathook. World of Warcraft players will know this grotesque beast from an instance in Wrath of the Lich King, but he was never part of Warcraft III’s version of the Culling story. His inclusion in Warcraft III: Reforged is yet another way Blizzard is retconning the RTS to make the Warcraft universe a little more cohesive.
>“It’s still a work in progress, but I think thematically what we’ve done with The Culling will probably continue to be the case with other missions,” Morten says. “Certainly we’ve talked about how the story has evolved since Warcraft III and the significance of some of the characters. Sylvanas wasn’t as evident back when Warcraft III was being played, so it’s a chance for us to reconcile and modernise.”
>“We’re being very careful not to change anything fundamental about the story,” he notes. “But perhaps we can add some more color or depth where we know where things are headed in the World of Warcraft story.”
>The suggestion from the team is that cutscenes or encounters can have their narrative angles “refreshed” rather than re-written, to acknowledge the wider advancements that World of Warcraft has provided to the universe’s lore.
This is what people are upset about? Minor changes? Really?
what evil stuff? people keep going on about it, but the only thing she did was in that book.
It's so fucking hilarious if you choose the option to snitch on Saurfang and co which I did on my main. It would be so disappointed if they don't follow through with it. Kinda expecting dissapointment though just like this new patch. They nerfed the new spells so much that the generic fireball with a dot spell is the bis for most dps
She's been evil since WC3.
Sylvanas has never been evil and has done literally nothing wrong
>raised as a banshee
>not considered evil now
Anything non-human is evil.
killing her own forsaken who were walking back to her when they called off the meeting was pretty fucked up, but other than that.
>people would rather Sylvanas ruled and bullied the Horde forever "because at least it's not another Garrosh"
it's called strategic collateral damage
shit, you would smite a dwarf? They don't get anymore bro-tier than them
Why wouldn't you? All races are garbage and the only mildly interesting thing left is betting on who Sylvanas nukes next.
>muh chaos
They're subhumans, so yes.
she isn't going to keep ruling the horde. She doesn't care about running it she has her own plans apparently. She is going to dip out at some point and someone like bloodhoof is going to step in as lead even though he doesn't deserve it and isn't a good fit. Just like how the crying prince shouldn't be highking.
>she’s evil
>she’s not evil
EPYC GAMERS deserve the HIGHEST caliber writing
Sylvanas is different this time. Garrosh was a fucking racist to the point only Orcs and Goblin mercs were with him. Sylvanas has managed to convince many of the Horde including to side with her despite their leaders like Lorthemar going against her.
I would rather Sylvanas ruled and bullied my dick forever
Sure, whatever works.
They fucked Garrosh raw and they even admitted it in the Mag'har quest line
Bfa ending was leaked like 1 month after launch
>Garrosh getting creampied by every male in the horde-alliance
>she’s evil
The current writing is shit
>she’s not evil
The future writing is even more retarded
We aren't asking for shakespear we just want something above a grade school level.
>Big Bad Evil Guy throws projectile at her
>it passes harmlessly through the holes already in her torso
I so wish Jaina would've Greymane'd instead...
She's a fucking ghost, why would she die from a projectile ever?
thrall is a big cheating fuck so yeah he isn't going to stay loyal to his wife is he?
its an azerite projectile
>I'm going to heaven now bye
He has that weird moment in the other cinematic where he tenses up at being asked about his family, if he got a Negrand divorce or they died to push the old Thrall Jaina ship I will resub.
>smash cut to Sylvanas getting spitroasted on a cloud by Arthas and Grom who are best friends now
Sup bro.
Thrall won't care about his orc wife if he can get some humie pussy
>Symbolic clatter
it was so nice to mess his up his plans back in Gilneas.
What an asshole
Sylvanas is going to kill Thrall or Saurfang
non-meme answer is burning crusade, but it wasn't total shit.
Hopefully Saurfang
Always thought he was overrated
most likely Saurfang. it'll be just enough to get the retarded NPC commoners (in lore) that still like her to want to exile her
this is 2019 Blizzard we're talkinga bout
They're not subhumans, they're not human whatsoever.
Thrall/Metzen isn't going to stick around, and Sylvanas killing Thrall would mean shes never going to be warchief
Remember that she burned Teldrassil because some random nelf trolled her while dying. Truly the cold, calculating leader we deserve.
Idiot, Thrall is the biggest serlf-insert/mary sue of the game.
Even Tyrande will suck is BGC and agree to his peace treaty.
The only good elf is a dead elf
And also Sylvanas is a dead elf
Which proves Sylvanas is good
They better not redeem her, Garrosh was far more redeemable & got killed, remember he executed someone for killing innocents & told the banshee bitch to stop using the plague
Yet Garrosh gets iced & Sylvanas gets a free pass, okay
they don't redeem her but she doesn't die, that's likely what's going to happen
Good, her current character is retarded.
>want to live no matter what
>make everyone hate you by entering into a massive war in which you fight on the front lines and alienate all your allies
In certain quests in WoW it's shown that when Arthas arrived, almost nobody had eaten the grain yet.
They are going to redeem her same way they redeemed Illidan. Hell even Kil Jaeden was redeemed.
I didn't even know that. Another proof that WoW writers really hate wc3 story.
The entire story of BFA, the conflict and the reasoning is only explained in books and everything that happens in-game is based on book.
It's like if you are watching Harry potter movie 2 and to understand what happened in the first one you need to buy this gayass book.
This is the most cucked stuff blizz has done to their lore
The entirety of stonetalon was somebody not sticking to the playbook and writing their own story. Garrosh was never meant to be good, which is a shame, but he was meant to be an asshole
Jesus Christ, how does this jive with the fact that in the mission, 100% of "civilians" WILL spontaneously turn into zombies if you let them get away from your troops for a minute?
>follows wow story
you have to either be a 13 year old or a mentally impaired adult
>The entirety of stonetalon was somebody not sticking to the playbook and writing their own story.
More like they changed Garrosh later. You can't do his quests in BC and then seriously tell me that they wanted him to be a villain, the entire thing was about how he was terrified of leading his people down a dark path like his father, so he refused to even fight in self-defense.
>killing green jesus
Metzen wont do that to his boy.
you'll feel bad when you learn that tree was powering nzoth
The Garrosh vs Sylv stuff is always funny as fuck to watch when all the thirsty as fuck Virgins come and defend her like some kind of white knights. To repeat these stupid fucks go out of their way to defend the actions of a FICTIONAL character just so they can jerk off to porn of her later.
I dunno what is sadder the idea that they need to do this mental gymnastics just so they can get their rocks off, or the idea that they aren't doing this just for their weird fetish and they are actually so fucking cucked that they defend her just because 'muh female war chief'
Just wait until they introduce holy undead Calia into the game next patch
What the hell?That even dumber than I thought blizzard is.I gave up reading the books a long time ago when I realized they always end up being non canon later.What audience is this suppose to go with because casual fans dont read books and most lore fags gave up on warcraft.
>play forsaken
>get taken over by an alliance aligned Menethil
How absolutely cucked can you be?
because most players don't care about the story
for gameplay sure, but the plot and theme were far inferior.
nathanos or voss gets the forsaken seat, calia and light dead are going alliance so they can get their lordaeron AR
Forsaken love their King and just hate Arthas.
Them having freewill while killing and torturing their own families since vanilla made no sense in the first place.
I think it is more like PROUDMOORCED
Thrall lost his balls long ago.
Na Arthas story was great. The orc/ne campaign are meh with highlights like Illidan/Grom.
Then TFT is mostly kino, except the ending where Sylv takes half of the Ud campaign.
0% chance of Nathanos taking the forsaken lead
unless blizzard pulls some deep undercover working against sylv the whole time bullshit for him
>Tyrande Whisperwind has more than 10,000 years of combat experience
>Is the strongest priestess of Elune to ever exist
>Is the greatest warrior the Night Elves have had
>Is the 3rd most powerful Night Elf to ever exist, only behind Illidan and Malfurion
>Was empowered by a ritual so dangerous that everyone who's even tried to WITNESS it in the past has died horribly, let alone the people actually partaking in the ritual
>can't handle an undead bow guy who's not even 50 years old with a few valky'r
That wont happen at all because the writer/dev who self inserts as nathanos has a massive sylvanas fetish. If he could get away with it he'd have her sit on nathanos's face and BRAAAAAAP
Why do lorefags always underestimate Valkyr like they are generic mobs?
>Na Arthas story was great.
it was a beat for beat recreation of kerrigan's arc in starcraft. The more open-ended plot in war2 of you as a nameless general reacting to and conquering the opposing force was better suited for an RTS campaign. The individual missions were about holding points for strategic reasons as opposed to the missions in war3 which were soap-operas centered around very one-dimensional characters. The entire demonic/scourge conquest of lordaeron was glossed over in a 3 minute cutscene because all the time was wasted following arthas' predictable conversion and jainas whining.
Nathanos is Sylvanas' undead dildo.Whole reason he got a new nice body from his cousin and is relevant/wasnt completely shit on by Lortherma/Kaelthas/Halduron during his farstrider days.He is her lapdog.
tfw no fishmommygf
but he's not the lead writer, he was just in charge of Dark Mirror.
Because Blizzard had too many scattered around Wrath/Legion that just flopped over. Gameplay betrayed the lore yet again
I don't mind them adding in some boss-type enemies like Meathook or whatever
If they change the actual story in any way though I will be very angry and write them a letter telling them how angry I am
Also I'm still pissed that there are legitimately people out there who think the Culling wasn't 100% the right choice
Because in this case at least Tyrande should have stomped all over them OR at least fucked Nathan-boy without any kind of trouble.
I want to drown in her sea of stars if you know what I mean.
>the evil pickle cheats the mak'gora against Garrosh and nobody gives a fuck
I'm still mad
yes this DBZ asspull power up with no established power level should have let her curbstomp every forsaken npc, why not let her fly to org and kill all of them as well?
I just want her to stick several of her tentacles up my ass tbhwy
Dude Arthas corruption was great you are just a contrarian here. Indeed it was centered around characters, but it suited the gameplay and it was refreshing in a period where RTS were only about factions.
Valkyr aren't generic mobs but Tyrande's power level at this point is ridiculous
Even before the Night Warrior buff Tyrande should have easily been able to handle all of them, after the buff she should've been able to destroy them just by looking at them
why introduce an asspull powerup if it's not actually going to power up the character?
Tyrande was already one of the most powerful characters in the series
Yeah,Blizzard made the well known characters like super stars that have way over the normal powerlevel.I think only the player gets close to them.
In WoW Tyrande isn't powerful. She's a damsel in distress most of the time. She would be an Orc breeding slave if it wasn't for the Humans to save her ass. Varian is far more powerful than Tyrande.
Tyrande is more powerful than Illidan now
When she was captured by demons during the War of the ancients Elune was protecting her by creating a shield that not even Archimonde could penetrate.
Source? She can't even kill an undead with a bow.
Wow Tyrande's whole role was being the chick leader in the alliance while Malfurion was the actual leader.Seriously give her some cool moments,she still is the official nightelf racial leader.
Gay anime elves all need to fuck off
That's just a protective spell. In wota iirc she's even kidnapped. That's not being powerful.
That wouldn't happen not because of power levels but story reasons. She is clearly OP enough to wipe Orgrimmar if she wanted to. Or what? You don't remember Jaina almost doing that before?
elune is honestly the worst part of warcraft
>zero lore for fifteen years
>doesnt fit in with any established mythology
>unlimited power to anyone she likes
Faction leader =/= powerful.
See Tyrande. Bitch lost all of her territory, and her people would have been exterminated if she didn't submit to the alliance.
For the same reason most incompetent fantasy writting involves characters and races that can live 10 THOUSAND GORILLION YEARS~~~~~ yet their societies don't advance, their personalities are literally the same as humans that just are really invested in nature/art/machinery/other one single quirk, or why medieval writters do the LORD OF THE KINGS OF THINGS AND ALLMIGHTY BEATER OF WIVES OF THE SOUTHERN MEGATITLES;
It sound cool when you start listing all the things that they are, and they have no reason what any of it actually entails in terms of setting, world consecuences, mental development, power levels, and so on.
they are very hungry
>elune help us
>elune pls
>no lol
>elune you helped before
>i don't feel like it
>elune your dragon died
>oh sec coming down to pick it
>will you help now?
>nah fuck that
Next expansion probably will deal with her in some extent.
Elunaria in legion, the night warrior ritual now, I think there's an intention of fucking finally doing something regarding Elune storywise.
Elune actually helps when Tyrande asks her.
For exemple she calls Elune to save Malfurion and she immedialty intervenes.
It's just Tyrande only giving a fuck about her husband.
>being ruled by some blood elf bitch that only ever used them as cannon fodder for her own agenda is some how better
>in the WoD 2013 reveal they teased that you'd be helping Gul'dan for your legendary (much like Wrathion)
>tfw no storyline about needing to corrupt the orcs and opening the way to alt azeroth, ensuring the timeline remains the same and is reassimilated
>you'll never be forced to keep khadgar in the dark about the horrible shit you have to do to keep the fabric of MU safe
I'll never not be shocked at how blizz writers fuck up every good opportunity. How those fags even draw a paycheque, I'll never know
the problem with wow lore is that they tried pumping out so much content with book/comic books/games, that they hired every 3rd rate blue haired writer they could find. Now they are the only writers willing to work on the heap of garbage.
Why is he so impossible to dislike? Is it just because he's like a big eight legged Golden Retriever?
A golden retriever has never attempted to kill me
Real fucking infuriating.
Nathrezim were my favourite race in the lore, and some shitcunt writer blew up their home planet in a garbage novel.
All the conquered planets that got pulled into the twisting nether could've been an expansion in of itself. Instead, they have some bs lore excuse where all demon planets eventually turn to grey versions of HFP.
Cucking up fel as a mixture between 'light and shadow', instead of a whack forced fusion of all magic types. Demonic arcane magic out. Shadow is now permanently assigned to the gay void-lords faction. Old gods were originally just beings from different dimensions that punched through into the main one —their followers were able to use holy magic because of their faith in them. Instead, it's 'muh void' asspull that every bugman franchise is doing now.
And Mal'ganis could have had some sort of send-off in Legion. But he's forgotten instead, again.
They are chads. Look at these absolute units.
>Remember that she burned Teldrassil because some random nelf trolled her while dying.
She burned it because she realized it's better to try and stamp the enemy out than occupy their nation, which was the original plan.
Hell yes
Well no shit. It's a wamanzez, digital or real, they will never have to deal with anything negative.
>Old gods were originally just beings from different dimensions that punched through into the main one
No they weren't, they were just parasites that pre-dated the Titans and were unique to Azeroth to the point that the Titans didn't even know what to do with them.
Good LORD that fucking SLAMPIG
You're wrong they're creations of the void lords sent from their realm to the warcraft realm to corrupt planets with titan souls before they become titans.
Well, at least that's how it was when it was just C'thun
That's post-chronicle (which was essentially a ploy to milk whales for more merch shekels, since they've already retcon'd parts of it
>can u kill hope?
>killed her hope so hard that valkyrs could rezz her without any effort
Tell me, who really got trolled here?
Sylvanas loyalists aren't thrall's people. They are literally just some undead who've gotten a bit too edgy.
The last batch of undead that got a bit too edgy - Putress and his bong abusing friends - were wiped out by the horde and alliance together and no one gave a shit.
>committing genocide as part of the greater good
Yeah no, it doesn't matter how you slice it, if they don't kill her by the end of this, a lot of nelf players the third most played race, will drop retail.
>she did it to turn tyrande into whatever she is now
>"She (Tyrande) had her revenge"
Boy I'm still mad.
Blizzdrones eat any shit Blizzard throws at them.
Especially nelf players who doesn't care about the lore at all. They are just here to play a pretty race.
Argus, twisting nether, emerald dream, azshara, all of these could have been an expansion but ended up being a fucking raid
>Especially nelf players who doesn't care about the lore at all. They are just here to play a pretty race.
That would be the belf players. Also even the forums were throwing massive amounts of shit at blizz after *that* interview.
Watch old gods either be the good guys or become the good guys to help us fight void lords.
This is like a middle scholar's first fanfiction
Yep but they won't quit the game. WoW forum is filled with angry people.
And no nelf players didn't even care about losing Ashenvale, Hyjal and Azshara.
>10,000 years of combat experience
When will this meme fucking end? She spent the vast majority of that time dicking around in Nighthaven or Moonglade. There was no great enemy in those 10k years. Fucks sake, there was only one war. With the silithid.
Doesn't matter if she's the greatest warrior that the Night Elves have ever produced if the Night Elves spent the majority of their existence sleeping or having peaceful walks in the forest and their warriors are shit.
Watch Thrall sacrificing himself to save Sylvanas, so her plan to save Azeroth comes into fruition. Then she will be exalted as the avatar of peace and hero of Azeroth.
Like that other Starcraft bitch.
so she literally killed millions to save billions?
Blame elf players, Tyrande's revenge was supposed to be half a patch and more involved. But the second most populous race on the Alliance raged, so they pushed out the shitshow that was new Darkshore.
But heay, at least they got cool new eye options.
Yes, that's why literally in the same cutscene, before talking to the nelf she ordered to board the ships for invasion. Keep making up stuff to make sense of the the shit story writing, cuck.
Like if it would have been different. We all know Tyrande would have retaken Darkshore as a "vengeance" and then would immedialty suck the big cock of Thrall and agree for peace.
Here’s your (you)
She burned it because said fang refused to kill malfurion and she had to do something to try to break the nelves spirit
>that part when he corrects arthas when he thought the anub'ar were trying to assassinate him
She literally said she wants to invade Teldrassil 5 seconds before talking to the nelf.
That's not "planning to burn it", that's a spontaneous action by a character that was supposed to be cold, calulating and meticulous.
Golden is a hack and you're a fucking retard.
>Like it would have been different
They didn't even get heritage armor.
Tauren waited, got a pretty big involved event and heritage armor.
Elves played themselves.
Arthas was a master of snappy one-liners, by the way.
His "does nobody stay dead anymore?" line was cute. I miss him. I hated his bland portrayal in WotLK.
>committed genocide against countless races through expansions either because they were angry at us or muh corruption
>now it's the turn of the pretty nelves
>suddenly genocide in wow is too much and forbidden even though they deserved it for leaving their city defenceless to attack the horde
>wowfags still cares this much about being
Get dabbed on.
How do you occupy a nation without invading it dumbass?
it's just kerrigan 2.0
blizzard are fucking nigger faggots who have nothing but fansois in charge of writing
It literally is. It's not even funny.
well she was shot dead before in the silverpine forrest questline, stands to reason she can get shot dead again
It wasn't spontaneous, you see i the short story that she was trying to think of a way to salvage things before Delaryn ever talks to her, burning the tree was just the idea she hit on.
*the goodguys
>people will still chimp out if she's not Kerrigan/gets punished because WAHHHH GARROSH 2
It's so tiresome
Didnt sylvanas in Hots acknowledge this?
imagine if she smothered you to death with her evil pusy and then damned you to eternal pusy slavery
Damn I wish Hots was anything other than an ASSFAGGOTS. The art, banter, heroes, and humor are all classic Blizzard.
>but muh books
That won't be the experience of 95% of the people who play the game because they don't give a fuck. She is by and large doing as she's depicted IN THE FUCKING GAME to almost everyone.
Everyone knows that all the story is explained in the fucking books and not the game.
Yeah - that was the joke for a while. I am more concerned she'll get Starcraft 2 Kerrigan treatment. You know: She's a repulsive villain with no redeeming qualities, but she's popular - let's give her "the Chosen One that'll save us all" status that she doesn't deserve on a silver platter. She'll be the key to all this and an ultimate good guy.
the whole reason her or Kerrigan ever get a pass for anything is because of the sheer tens of thousands of pps they make hard
fuck me
>Get dabbed on
lolno I stopped playing wow years ago, and spent my money and time on much better places