Expansion goes live tomorrow, job guide has been updated.
Astrologians need not apply.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Pack it up AST bros, we're in the shed now.



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We're entering the age of WHM

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use this thread first


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Is MCH in the shed, and if so how far in the shed?

Amazing tracks on stream.

We know you're mad about cards AST. But look we got you a brand new dot.

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>GCD healing

Attached: JXIfqvF50KiBOlOt.webm (640x360, 2.4M)

I don't see anything wrong

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Which Elezen for my GNB?

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>Astrologians need not apply.

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>Combust III is lower potency than SB Combust II
Holy shit

How does GNB look? More DPS tank?

Which classes got nerfed the most?

There there

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>20 more hours


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based retard

>Everyone quitting over the tank and healer changes
World of Warcraft wins again! And with patch 8.2, they're coming back with MORE content, MORE story, and MORE force. Bide your time XIV. Classic is coming and you will die and NEVER get queues because you have NO twitch viewers and ZERO entertaining streamers like Asmongold.

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>maybe 5 people mention DRG in a 700 post thread
>because the job is 95% the same or better
SO, DRG bros, the ONE and only elephant in the room:

Do we feel like refreshing Heavy Thrust 2.0 will be awkward for AOE combos now that it takes 2 GCDs to get?
Our AOE is extremely strong now to compensate THREE PART AOE COMBO

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They can't keep getting away with this

>GCD healing
Bro, you're starting to sound like WHMs did...

This sounds like a super retarded question in my head, but if i'm not going to head to level 71 right away is there any rush to actually buy ShB right now?

Fucking hell

More like the age of solo healing scholar with all the fucking ogcds they go
15 second duration 30 second cooldown 100 potency regen 10% damage reduction sacred soil Jesus Christ Yoshi are you banging a professor in real life or something

>GCD healing


Attached: Chadwick.png (653x707, 596K)

Yeah its not. Still doesn't mean Steel Cyclone, Inner Beast, and the heal weren't useful.

shitty b8 m8, queues have never been a problem even when we had at most 100k subs during ARR.

Bros... SAM's Sen'ei was nerfed from 1250 to 1100
Also the Enhanced Jinpu/Shifu trait makes no sense either now that they already do 13% by default.
Or the Jinpu/Shifu description shows what you are at level 80, as it says at the bottom.
The trait still makes no sense in that case anyway.

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As retarded as YoshiP is with healer balance, even he would step in if raiders start using a 5th dps

GNB and DNC are available from 60 onwards.

Attached: >tfw blm.webm (800x450, 496K)

>Forbidden Chakra buffed AGAIN
>it now has more potency than TK

what are the latest MNK developments?

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It's a spoiler guys, trust us.

i think the 1% buffs make up for the 150 pot loss every 120 seconds

left. beard looks retarded on non-old giraffes

I don't give a shit about the 10% buff. I'm not even going to bother apply it because AOE is AOE.

I miss the days of using bahamut-egi as the main and only tank on ramuh.

They have to have some internal thing otherwise they wouldn't be able to name their NPCs, would they?

>don't know what class to play for shadmanbringers story
fuck, why did they have to make look DRK so utterly boring

Attached: You.png (344x73, 46K)

>SCH's ruin 2 and SMN's ruin 2 have different potencies
Why do they still share the same name/icon? Should've gave SCH a spinoff like they did with biolysis.

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Yeah, the second people legitimately use solo SCH, Yoship's gonna make Malefic changes look like a fucking joke

>tanks forever will have hat shitty limit break
>gunbreaker will never be able to use lionheart for that reason

This hurts me


Attached: file.png (803x631, 615K)

>art of war
hey that's pretty good


>We might see solo healing in fucking prog or week one farm.
Jesus Christ SE.

If you still plan to just run SB content I guess not. If you already have a a job(s) at 70 and are done with the MSQ I don't see why you would wait outside of financial reasons.

Well shit, there you go

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They can use whatever they want for NPCs on the First.

They're getting the 4.x MCH treatment. Don't address gameplay issues and just increase potencies till its a janky machine that does respectable damage.

I was torn between SMN and NIN although more inclined towards SMN but after seeing the patch notes I'm doubting, NIN looks so good. Which one would you go for?


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SCH seems so fucking boring now. I loved breezing through dungeons with bane and miasma 2 spam and now I have neither of those.

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We detected an issue where healers were being killed in PvP when several DPS and tanks coordinated their CC and damage-increasing actions. This issue has been corrected and healers should now be invincible in PvP.

Additionally we feel that healers in PvP are too weak, so we have removed the MP cost of their basic heals and attacks, and also increased their damage potencies to be on par with melee DPS, while also giving them new DoT attacks which debuff the target for 15s. The burst damage of other jobs has also been reduced to further reduce the likelihood of healers being killed.

Please enjoy the changes!

Attached: healerpvp.png (1185x692, 86K)

>Royal Authority
>Potency upgraded from 360 to 550
WARbros...I think we're in the shed

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Yes, but his stepping in might involve nothing but SCH nerfs and fight mechanics forcing two healers.

This is Eos, your main healer for the next 2 years.
Say nice things.

Attached: Eos.png (334x508, 208K)

>not posting a dps queue from arr

you're doing it wrong kiwi.

It's strange because this might legitimately be the correct choice
Having to lose 2 AOEs to reapply the buff is pound-for-pound not worth it on anything more than three mobs



AEW is better FUCK VINCE.

Titania theme is back...?

>they're playing the Titania theme again

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Do ninja through the story and then level up Summoner by doing dungeons as scholar.

They have completely different playstyles so just pick the one that suits you.

Wait a fucking second.
Wait one goddamned second.

They totally just turned Paladin into a Sword Summoner, didn't they?

Requiscat is now "FFT Trance", it gives you instant Sword IIIs and you end it with a fucking Swordflare.


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stomach bulge

Okay its fucked, there's two songs playing together


>Tony fucking up again

She's been main healer for a long time bro.

My hype is dead. Class changes, especially tank (and healer) changes are garbage. I hate what they did to tanks. I hate what they did to our combos. I hate the removal of stances. I hate the homogenization. I hate the dumbing down and ability pruning. I hate that my hype is literally dead. I was so fucking excited.

Why do they fuck everything up. Why and how did they manage to make things even worse than what they did with Stormblood, and not only that, but make it several times worse than I ever could have imagined. They make Stormblood's changes look like nothing.

Why can't we have a lot of buttons and deep and complex class gameplay and jobs with identities? What the fuck. Did they do this for the WoWfag refugees?

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Haven't cleaned it up/compiled it and translated it for the various languages yet I guess.

Should still be able to discern the rules from the auto-generator.


>Sound guy

It'll totally be doable. 1 scholar as healer, offhealing from PLD RDM and SMN L's new fucking bird aura that outheals medica 2

gunbreaker is after i beat the story

So for Wildfire Window you use Wildfire > Hot shot > Hypercharge > Spam Heat Blast > Use Gauss Shot and Ricochet between Heat Blast

Is this a new one? Havent seen this one yet.

Stop posting your weird fucking pictures. Also, is this the same chick that sings a bunch of other shit in jrpgs? I forget her name...

as long as someone manages to record a clean version of Titania's theme I'll leave these threads early and listen to it until launch

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Bro's say goodbye to Aeroga

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You were never hyped to begin with, WoWfag, now begone

Your local Samurai chads appreciate your service Trick Attack servant.

I don't understand why removing all of AST's cards is something even humored.
What's the point of the class without the RNG and variety?

>drk is boring
>other tanks play almost exactly the same with base rotation, with continuation even lining up with the same time it takes for DRK to use 3 EoS
If you want something interesting don't play any tank, period.

Same as in the beta version with some potency buffs.
The PvP kit got completely reworked though if anyone gives a fuck about PvP.

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>Titania theme

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That WHM dot...
>Additional Effect: Increases target's damage taken by 10%
>For 15sec
>With instant cast and on the GCD

What the fuck SE?

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>offhealing from PLD RDM and SMN L's new fucking bird aura that outheals medica 2
Don't forget DNC's Medica too.

So fellow SAM Chad's. How do you feel

Sounds super simple.

>Viera have no hairstyles. Ears have no animation or physics, even when emoting. No helmets or headgear.
What the fuck went so wrong? Why couldn't they have spent some of the money they spent on marketing to release a finished fucking product?

what's wrong with art of war?

Probably just put it up while the tank is rounding up trash and then don’t refresh it if it falls off before everything dies. Using two single target GCDs in the middle of cleave would feel like ass. Also just kind of hoping Coerthan Torment not extending Disembowel is an oversight because having both that and Sonic Thrust extend BOTD is super redundant.

it sounds like something out of 60s britpop

They should just replace AST with sacred soil.
What a joke of a balancing team.


There is a Hrothgar and Viera in the GNB quest on the source at Lv.60.

Woah, woah, my dude
Are you SURE you have enough damage to kick DRG out of the running? REALLY sure?
Because i'd keep a close eye if I were you as my other eye is being given to the NIN

They have headgear now, just limited to no helmets and hats.


Attached: Samas.png (647x835, 479K)

Yes I was you stupid faggot. I've been playing since 1.0. Since September 2010. Literally have never unsubbed, but they keep making this game shittier and shittier and it's like they literally want us to unsub. They're making this game for WoWfag retards that's why they keep dumbing it down like this and I'm both mad and sad as fuck about it.

I think you're right. I wish we had more facial hair options without having to be a highlander/roe

how's mch above brd?
also put ast higher, it's still going to be the parse slut

>MNK below BLU

PvP Monk is somehow better than PvE Monk.

Yo Titania's theme is great

What's wrong with BRD?

I would just be happen if they would make it where you can't do premade with frontlines. Fuck that Mael premade on Primal.

They listened to shitters complaining about RNG.

is he super tall or is that gunblade xbox hueg?

What will the gear be a reskin of?

Attached: gnbq.jpg (399x228, 43K)

G-gee, thanks.

>Rak'tika Greatwood
How does Soken do it?

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im guessing this theme is the viera forest theme

Post both hetero and homo Hrothgar so Yea Forums can learn the difference!
I'll start us off with hetero.

Attached: heterohrothbro.png (1445x2079, 3.01M)

>this theme

oh yes. What will it be from?

The nigga called the expansion Stormbringers.

Highlanders look great in armor but they always have that stupid fucking look on their face

t. highlander player during ARR/HW

GUN and PLD still look plenty fun to play. Healers have been fucked since the removal of Cleric Stance anyways.

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both MCH and BRD are selfish dps
MCH does more

I've never noticed how wierd the BLU icon is compared to everyone else's.

Bros, does Phoenix's regen scale with MND like physic or does it scale with INT? Is SMN in the shed now that the media tour potencies have been gutted?

Fuck off retard

Can someone link the stream?

hrothgar players need to stop being so goddamn insecure about this

Rak'tika Greatwood, the First's version of the Black Shroud

>tfw I just 2 weeks ago and I leveled my WAR to 60
I don't know really know what a rotation is per se , I just do my Enemity Combos and Defense Abilites and whack on shit. These changes shouldn't effect me too much. I hope.

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>10% BL
>no more Piercing debuff for the BRD
Are you gonna get in the shed yourself or am I gonna put you there kiddo?

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I don't know how he escaped that sextape bullshit without a scratch

I can't as she is not targetable anymore, she will never be touched again.

>prune some abilities
>add new ones
>total amount of buttons stay the same
>somehow this is dumbing down
Why am I not surprised that its a tankcuck who is too dumb to do basic addition and subtraction? Of course you think Tank rotations were ever anything more than fischer price combos you dumb fucking faggot.

It's the greatwood

Oh man. I was prepared to main RDM but with reprise being useless now and ninja being even stronger, I'm not so sure anymore.

There is no mael premade on primal. All of the good players just stockpiled onto Mael, so it has the most "captains" that aren't brain dead retards that will lead teams to victory.

Yeah they do kinda' look retarded, but they look the most chad out of all the races currently in, and like you said, they look the best in armor.

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I wouldn't be so sure about that, we'll have to wait a few days, wildfire is absolute dog shit right now

Well i hit lvl70 but didnt finish the MSQ and i have no idea if any quest rewards for getting through 4.X content will 'preload' me to lvl71
but whatever, it sounds strange but the leadup to ShB i was sort of ignoring because i was still playing catchup with SB content... might as well just buy ShB now anyway

Soken is on fire.

>literally SCH's only aoe attack now
It's shit.

I just want WHM to get a Water spell that ain't Fluid Aura.

this looks like the crying cat meme

Can I play SMN without double weaving now

Materia hoarders on suicide watch?

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My fellow GNB Chads, are you ready?

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ShB music is very good

Jesus this OST keeps getting better and better.

They aren't adding as many new ones as they are removing old ones. I play everything but I main tanks because having the boss fighting you is the best feeling and you feel like the real hero. I want tanks to have the same complexity to their combos and rotations as DPS but they keep making it fucking worse. I hate the idiot devs for this game that keep fucking ruining it.

I'm still sad that no MMORPG since RO came up with a spell that uses your environment like Water Ball did.

>tfw gunbreaker looks fun in pve and pvp
I'm really going to end up doing everything with this job.

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I dunno why, but seeing Austin sperg out over meeting YoshiP, being the person of 'high profile' he is was kinda heartwarming.

>these cooldown changes
MCH is fixed.

And that's a good thing.

And now, while GNB still seems to have a shitty mitigation, The DPS seems to be at the same ballpark as a Warrior or Paladin.

>trailer theme
das it mane

Attached: 1456850785634.jpg (392x446, 109K)

That's basically how it was before though? You couldn't meld a grade 6 past the 2nd slot.

Old spell good, new spell bad

I'm actually a PLD main and I'm still not happy. Hype is dead.

I fucking told you

imagine having to wait 2 fucking minutes to wildfire

How? It does a bit less damage but the potencies on Air Anchor and Drill were nearly doubled. What are you basing any of your values on?

It does more damage spammed than Miasma II. The only thing you lost was Bane and that's really not that big of a deal.

Doesn’t look like there’s enough room with you in there.

Hell yeah

Who cares. With SCH having busted healing and shielding and every tank getting Intervention you'll hardly even notice.

What's the best way to pass through roughly 20 hours?

Which skills did they remove that made you upset?

>main theme

Attached: glory.gif (500x250, 487K)

>being a Metatranny

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You're telling me that all the players on mael just happen to be able to coordinate to kill a tank in one second even though they're not a premade?

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You're forgetting that XIV's playerbase can't even fathom the basics of addition or subtraction, much less apply them.

Attached: ffxiv-construct-d28c8.jpg (640x360, 52K)

No they're still strong. Ruin spells got nerfed but brand of purgatory got buffed

And shadowflare.

Imagine caring when you have a 700 potency attack on a 20s CD


>something something
just how much of Uematsu's power did Soken take

Ok, count how many new abilities PLD got compared to how many they lost. You can do that for me, right champ?

How come enmity control tools were removed from NIN?

Did the 2 minute CD on Wildfire kill us?

They're live.


Should be enough to replay FF VIII.

Wait is the song playing the ShB main theme like Revolutions and Dragonsong?

>130 pot 2.5 cast 700 MP

>140 pot 2.5 cast 600 MP and stun for 4 sec

>Art of War
>150 pot instant cast 800 MP

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I wish raiden thrust had more going for it than just a 40 potency increase

I still like the animation a lot and I think I'll get a lot of satisfaction out of it

>Auto Crossbow, Ricochet, Flamethrower, Spread Shot and Bioblaster to deal with aoe packs
My peener is happy

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Yes, I play on mael on primal. It doesn't matter what group I get into, there isn't any talking to one another. The average mael player is just not dog shit and at least knows the basic of focus firing one enemy.

>eternal wind
>eternal wind
>eternal wind
>eternal wind

I'm upset about literally everything they removed. They should never remove, only add.

This music during their stream bros... kino.

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Soken and Uematsu are no more.
They are now known as Somatsu Nobuyoshi.

PLD only got better with 5.0. Can't say that for too many jobs.
Actually I'd argue that only PLD, NIN and BLM are better off with this patch.

The one playing right now that sounds like the Crystarium song is the main theme I think

Because emnity is a tank's job.

Go on a marathon jerk session and then sleep

Yeah i think the shitty mitigation of GNB is still enough to clear ultimate without any problems. So it wont affect the job. Just saying that its shitty.

>playing tanks or healers
You have only yourself to blame for playing secondary jobs.

Soken is possessed by Uematsu.
Uematsu in actually an Ascian

Attached: Reddit fox.png (542x428, 159K)

Everyone save for tanks lost all enmity mitigation.

I love it

>he has to read guides instead just reading the Skill list and coming up with everything himself

Holy's drawback is the range. You need to stand in the middle.

The absolute state of ast

Attached: collective.png (930x428, 41K)

>leaving it effectively the same is somehow making it worse

risk of rain 2 update
jump on the autochess fad
play wow lol

One of the dungeon themes is a remix of Tchaikovsky's Sugar Plum Fairy and Uematsu's Clash on the Big Bridge.

>TFW AST is the only healer I ever leveled up all these years

You'll have to deal with me having no mana and like it if I ever stop tanking

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Fuck me, that boss hurt to watch. Anytime prime numbers come up, absolute panic. How are people so dumb?

JUST GIVE ME AN ACTUAL SWORD-USING DPS CLASS (fucking katanas don't count).

So do you for Art of WAR

So? Your rotation isn't focused on one dps cool down, that's a good thing. You are now balancing between AA/Drill, Queen Turret and Wildfire. While still getting to use your wildfire rotation of spamming 1.5 second gcds whenever your heat guage gets up. You are aware that Wildfire doesn't lock you out of Heat Blast, right?

Ok, fair, but that's a long cd ogcd you only pressed once per pull anyway.

The pictures make it look like Koji is split between two personalities.


Attached: 1535284930321.png (1024x819, 853K)

>plebs dont draw a 60 second timeline and fit in as much potency as they possibly can within those 60 seconds
fucking casual I swear

That's not what that word means.
It's an homage.

You have a rapier too

How you holding up Warbros?

Attached: Holmgang.png (700x165, 16K)

All jobs in pvp are better than they are in pve.

>there isn't any talking to one another

Not in chat.

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RECITATION+INDOM :400 potency crit heal to the entire raid every 90 seconds
INDOM: 400 potency raid wide heal every 30 seconds
EXCOGITATION: 800 potency stored heal every 45 seconds
SACRED SOIL: 10% damage reduction, 100 potency regen for 15 seconds every 30 seconds
FEY BLESSING: 350 potency raidwide heal every 60 seconds
WHISPERING DAWN: 120 potency Regen for 21 seconds every 60 seconds
FEY ILLUMINATION: 10% healing increase and 5% magic damage reduction for 20 seconds every 2 minutes

SUMMON SERAPH UPGRADES: for 20 seconds every 2 minutes,
Embrace heals for 200 and shields for 200 stacking with other shields
CONSOLATION: 2 charges, heals for 300 and shields for 300 the entire raid


RDM has a sword...

It's a flat upgrade from SB's PLD. It's not groundbreaking but it's solid, I can see myself playing the job for a decent while longer.


This is your Shadowbringers meta.

Please say something nice about it!

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>he doesn't know

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>Literally log in for a chance of becoming straight shot ready

It's still the best invuln.

How many Dancers are going to use Standard and Technical Step out of range of enemies as the Radius is only 15yalms around the player. These shitters will be playing as max distance meaning they hit nothing.

Now I wish I had caught up with the main story so I could play the expansion with everyone else

Answer my question buds.
You can do basic math right? Come on cuck, tell me, how many abilities were removed and added so you can support your claim of "
They aren't adding as many new ones as they are removing old ones."

My bad, should've specified MELEE DPS. RDM is pretty much a mage no?

How does a katana not count?

>effectively the same
>everything is dumbed down to near autonomy, especially poor healers that only have a dot and a damage spell

What are you leveling up first Yea Forumsros?
Ill go for SAM -> GUN -> AST

I'm so fucking ready for tomorrow
I pray that they get it together with load on the mogstation because that shit will be insane
it will be like this right?
>Have to register the Shadowbringer Key you got from steam whatever on mogstation
>mogstation load to big f5 like shit
>if you somehow make it and it registers next step
>download with 12kb/s
it'll be like that right?

Oh no it's retarded

To be fair, you have only yourself to blame for having a transient and delusional feeling like "hype" in the first place. Especially for a game that has had a predetermined content cycle for 6 years. You should know the roadmap by now, and there was never any indication that ShB was gonna deter from their design.

The constant simplification is just a part of their philosophy; they'd much rather treat each expansion as a reset button, rather than build or adjust existing mechanics that are deemed "unnecessary". It's more lucrative that way, because it keeps a constant influx of new players who never feel left behind. Not saying it's brilliant or even compelling game design, but you can't deny it works and pulls in money.

And no, I'm not defending the game, my feelings toward ShB are completely neutral. I'm just saying, if you're analyzing the changes at that familiar of a level, you should know better by now (And that few people even care).

No... No this can't be happening.

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>New Fag
>Removes Protect
Soo what now White Bros?
Blood lilly is hella interesting tho.

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>DRG instead of SAM

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Because he's a fucking insecure weeaboo playing a fucking final fantasy game.

What to do while no game?

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I would do PLD instead of WAR if my retainer wasn't a WAR.

More like SCH/RDM

what happens if 2 dancers get paired up in a dungeon light party

>Tanks are Blue DPS
>DPS are Red DPS
>Healers are never allowed to be Green DPS

You should have already registered your preorder code for early access.

Can you go fucking kill yourself or something? You should have left after last thread.

>trailer music is 10/10
>music in the game is all complete shit
>it never uses the music from the trailer anywhere
you know this will happen

>flat upgrade
>only have one combo tree now

>They should never remove, only add.
That leads to retarded power creep, which can fuck a game up as hard as oversimplification.

ERP with me


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Yea, I got what you were saying, I was just being a dick. RDM does have a melee combo they do every ~40s or so, other than that it's all magic.

The whole armoury system just makes it seem unlikely that another sword class would ever exist, sadly.


this guy seems incredibly based, i like him

Circle dance

I did that but I still have the collectors edition code in my cd key library and its still invalid

>2x SCH
>not single SCH with a BLM for the DNC to boost

Yoshi wanted to nerf SCH but the fairy got to him first.

Attached: bravely default manga ending.jpg (880x3840, 1.13M)

Someone did the math already on lvl 80 values and HP will be scaling much faster than heal potency. The effective healing of every spell, % of total HP wise, is basically being halved. A 120 potency HoT is effectively a 70 potency HoT.

The trailer music IS in game music you fucking retard.

That they use discord and call outs.

Everyone knows that.

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Is DRG still a cuck class or does it have respectable personal dps now?

Time to be considered a good DNC for the first couple months because I at least have basic spatial awareness.

>that Titania theme on stream.

This expansion going to be GOAT

Hey guys, should I register a free trial account and learn to play? No I don't intend to pay any subscription to play

At this point, unless the next magic DPS is Mystic Knight, there's pretty much no chance of a sword DPS job.

Inb4 but those doesn't count.

Based Captain Beefheart bros

>People trying to blame WoW for FFXIV homogenization.
You realize WoW healers have stayed relatively the same complexity wise right? They have ways to increase their damage, manage cooldowns, and Disc Priest is even entirely based around doing damage to heal. Tanks are pretty much the same between both games now (basic combo + defensives) and DPS is where XIV shines over WoW.
I really wish MMOs in general would stop kneecapping Tanking and Healing if it's still going to be a required role but give DPS all the complexity and mechanics to handle.

So it's the same as it is now? Don't tell me you actually used your aggro combo like some kind of shitter

what should i play after MNK?

So you're going to play up to level 35 then quit because you don't want to sub?

>want to play
>have satellite internet
>won't get cable internet 3-4 years later.
It's always realsadboi hours around here.

Leave it to tanks to be so stupid to think that their basic rotation was ever complex and to completely ignore the ogcds and damage spells that aren't your basic rotation. PLD is much more complex now than it was before but I can't expect you to see that considering your room temperature IQ.

>Improvisation is only 6yalms radius

Feels good to be monk.

I managed to get a snippet of it.

Titania theme from stream:

What kind of question is that?
If you don't intend to pay sub then learning to play is pointless because you'll be stuck below level 35 forever.

You never use Rage of Halone outside of pulling, which you should never do as PLD. Instead you get AoE combo, AoE Holy Spirit, AoE Requiescat finisher, another oGCD and the new Sword Oath attack so you don't have to spam Royal Authority as often.

You're retard if you think PLD got dumbed down.

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The First will have Mystic Knights as their Red Mage stand-in

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funnily enough, there's a crying cat edit floating aorund somewhere

Tomorrow we're all gonna see the true power of Samurai. 6k potency under a burst window. Your puny little jumps have nothing on that.

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Who are you talking about? No one is talking about WoW at all you retard.

>mfw dilated just in time for Shadowbringers
It was a close one, how are my tranny sisters holding up?

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Why bother if you have no intentions to ever buy the game anyways?
The trial is pretty lengthy but it's still limited to lv35 when the current cap is 80 and the low level story content is pure garbage and boring as shit.

Glad I swapped to SAM.

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here's your meta comp, hope you like it

lmao 2 sch

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Which skills specifically do you think they should have kept? How will their removal affect the way you play?

Don't be vague with your statements. Give examples. Otherwise you just sound like someone bandwagoning off of other people's sentiments towards the changes.

"Homogenization" is being thrown around a lot. Tell me how they are. And tell me how you would handle the changes if you were in charge so they're less homogenized. If you can't answer such simple questions, then you don't understand the topic enough to make those claims.

No, he's just a WoWfag trying to concern troll because he hates that 8.2 was a massive flop

The more I hear it the more it grows on me.


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hrothgar would like a word with you

No but I was hoping they'd keep the savage blade and rage of halone combo tree and make them actually do something useful, or instead make royal authority branch off of savage blade again or something.

Join the Maelstrom today! Tomorrow.
Speak to your local recruiter for details.

Also managed to snag
The Rak'tika Greatwood theme:

its fucking lackluster as hell and mana intense

>just bane
shadow flare and energy drain

why in the fuck would they get rid of energy drain blows my fucking mind even after hearing they were going to gut sch’s offense


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what's wrong with ast? aren't you a healer? they didn't make you unable to heal

The singer better not just be Soken again like Locus.

based retard


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>tfw no gf to play XIV with

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>log in twice yesterday
>Square Enix locks my account for suspicious activity because of this
>They did the same thing recently so I have to contact support about it to get it unlocked
>XIV support
So long early access

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>SCH handles healing with their oGCDs and keeps up GCD dpsing
>WHM uses Lily heals only, to cover for gaps in SCH cooldowns
>AST gets a ticket to the cuckshed
Speedrun tranny meta settled


AST is flat out worse at both healing and dps than both of the other healers, and their cards aren't good enough to make up for that

Because Aetherflow is for healing and you don't need the extra MP regen. Why is it so hard for SCHucks to understand that their job is a healer job and not a DPS one?

I-I can be girlfriend (male) user!

Is this Mili? The one who did the Goblin Slayer theme?

I want blood weapon, quietus and abyssal drain back.

It was literally the only fun aspect of the job outside of TBN.

Not a furry faggot, sorry.

wrong, cope harder

Actual plebeian post

It's the same singer who did Lakshmi at least according to Soken's twitter.

>no f at all to play xiv with

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>they didn't make you unable to heal
AST's heals are now pathetic compared to both SCH and WHM's.

The "Knight of Darkness" is called "Magic Knight of Darkness" in the Japanese version, since the Paladin Job is "Knight" in the Japanese version.
Paladin is already Mystic Knight.

You idiot, that was Soken posting.

They will be, eventually. I think the damage nerf is just an interim until they design a new healing job, at which point they'll realize the only way to design a new healer is to expand on their DPS mechanics. Tanks pretty much followed the same route of "Hey, there are only so many ways you can heal/mitigate damage in a game with scripted mechanics and movement based gameplay". As soon as they hit that wall, we'll pretty much get the GNB equivalent of a HLR.

I thought Wildfire only took into account weaponskills now? Gauss Shot and Ricochet are abilities.

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That's the name I was fucking thinking of, god damn it. Is it her? First thing to come to my mind. The bitch does other shit, too.

Stances. Shield Swipe. Any cooldowns they removed. I still want old DRK abilities back too like Scourge and their combos. I was hoping they'd keep Power Slash combo tree and turn it into something useful for damage now that aggro is gone because the animation was lit. Dark Arts had a cool animation.

Just shit like that. The tanks are homogenized though. It's like they went down a list of things every tank should have and just gave them all the same shit.

Nooo what have I done?!

Bard chads win again

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The PLD change ripping out the aggro combo chain and having only one combo is whatever, since at high levels you're really only doing the aggro combo maybe once at the beginning of a fight, but if i was gonna level GLD/PLD up again i think i would just kill myself for having only one combo for the entire run from 1 to 80

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>All those people who said New AST was going to be great and you should shut up for thinking otherwise
>Here we are now
Get fucked.

I don't understand the japs obsession with that horrible board game, who the fuck likes that garbage

>the only fun aspect of the job outside of TBN.
I dunno, annoying healers with Living Dead at random times is kinda fun for me desu.

>you don't need the extra MP regen

Bullshit. Fucking WHM has more mp sustain at this point, and holy is less mp intense than SCH’s new hot garbage.

I welcome our new Vieria overlords and look forward to the extinction of the Mithra.

>all of those are still in
>DRK and not PLD, which is what we're talking about
Thanks for confirming that you're retarded. Either you're the same poster complaining about PLD and you don't even know what job is what, or you're someone else responding to a direct quote meant for another person with a statement that is factually wrong in every way.

It boggles my mind how stupid you are.

What are the healers ranked in terms of rDPS contribution, don't give a fuck about how much you can overheal me

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When can we expect the patch/datamining to begin, and what will we potentially learn from the datamining?

Bunnies everywhere soon.

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That's not Mystic Knight. Magic Knight was a job in NES FF3 that used katanas and cast white magic, which Knight couldn't do in that version. It got replaced with Dark Knight in the DS version.


>ASTs shitpost SCH's nonstop
>This happens
Ahh... karma...

Remember when Combust 2 and Combust 3 had the same potencies in the media tour.

WHM > SCH > the Limit Break > AST

Calling it now, it's her, same voice, same style of music.

Ok, now count up all the new stuff they added.

No need to false flag discord tranny everyone knows mael cheats.

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I really don't care. I've wanted to make a Viera of my own for years. Bandwagoners will drop off in a couple of weeks and go back to their cats and lizards as is tradition anyway.

Forgot maintenance. Was gonna play the game today... Tomorrow i will have to some quests. How many dungeons do we have on msq after the second raid tier?

No one ever complained about anything other than cards being the same, which is not a problem, which is why you kept getting told to shut up

Fuck you mahjong is great

wow that site is beautifully organized. such a breath of fresh air from blizzard's unstructured text dump

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>Burst strike, gnashing fang, and savage claw all increased by 50 potency
>Continuation went up by 100 potency for each fucking hit
>All this on top of the CD being lower for Gnashing fang, sonic break reworked to be one less GCD, and blasting zone damage up by 100

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Anywhere in the next 10 hours, and basically everything including major spoilers so I'm getting out of here as soon as it is up.

>needing mana when all your heals are free

>still can't cope with how shit his GC is

Imagine having such shit taste

Her voice is cute and all, but my god, why is it that every girl with a voice like this looks just... yikes

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It is very clear that the intention for new ast heavy shifted into buff support role. The numbers might not be there for it though and yoshi could do more with seals than give it only one use, but the vision for it is still there.

I dont know what this song is, but i like it

>double SCH meta

pass me whatever crack you're smoking

>everyones mad about healers dps loss
>i'm actually thinking about playing healer now that I might actually have to heal instead of spamming 2 dps skills and occasionally topping off the tank

Just level a dps class if you want to dps retards

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I’m not the same poster, retard. Abyssal drain is gutted, its a throw away low heal 60 second ogcd. Quietus no longer generates mp so the feedback loop between quietus, tbn and abyssal drain is dead.

Blood weapon doesn’t have skill speed anymore. It’s just a shitty inner release copy.

They're too tall for the ERP crowd and kawaii uguu fags.

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>WHM is now basically a melee healer because you need to be in Holy range at all times to contribute
Living on the edge

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I don't know what slurp juice you're sipping on, but I liked BRD because of the song support, not for playing whack-a-mole as a pure DPS.


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Wait wait.

I can actually see the revisions. MNK actually has their potency on every skill buffed by at least 30-40 potency minimum. That's huge.

Also Dragon Kick gives Leaden Kick which buffs Bootshine to 300 potency. They upped that buff duration to 30 seconds. That means that you can do like 3 Bootshine rotations within it before the buff is removed. Isn't that actually a big buff?

The only shit skills still there are Tornado kick which fucking makes no sense to use, and Anatman.

MNK is actually stronger? The hell?

i dont mind. what server?

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>friend links me an Asmongold YouTube video
>this guy is a total mongoloid
>skip through most of the video
>months later
>still get recommended videos of Asmongold
>constantly click the "not interested" button
>there are like 200 channels dedicated to this autismo
FFXIV is full of trannies and furries, but there's still nobody as retarded as Asmongold.

>meanwhile Edge of Shadow is a 550 Potency ogcd that you can use more times a minute than Continuation
Based Tank not knowing basic math

>he doesn't want 100% soil uptime

Idiot, AST are complaining their healing potencies are shit. Its SCH who are still bothered by their DPS tools.

But my queue times

>They're too tall for the ERP crowd
I see you know literally nothing about the ERP crowd.


Moron you need the mana because during dungeon pulls you stand in the middle of the pack next to the tank mashing your aoe over and over, with 10k mana at 800 a pop you're going to oom every pull

Why would you use Holy instead of Stone IV on single targets?

Stay delusional discord tranny.

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>mfw AST, PLD, and MNK are three of my four mains
Well. At least BLM is getting some fat buffs.

Just that 2 second extension on Astral X alone is a massive QoL change

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Imagine nerfing the DPS of a level 4 job

>They had to nerf the level 4 DoT to hide how pathetic the level 72 one is.

Yeah except that's not how it works.
XIV is scripted damage and mechanics so when people get gear and understand fights the overall damage taken is going to plummet which is why Healer DPS happens, you can comfortably cover the healing requirement with oGCDs and provide DPS as a way to show you understand the encounter.
Wanting to not do damage means you are just doing nothing then, GCD healing feels terrible and there is never a situation where your time si spent GCD healing outside of everyone being unaware of fights.
It's literally making the role more braindead because people couldn't understand how to heal fights properly.

PLD is still the clear best tank and it's not even close.

This is the worst change in SHB, bar none.

>He got baited into clicking an Asmongold video
Your friends knew what was to come.

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But why use Holy over Glare outside the rare ad phase? And SCH was always like that since you want to weave with Miasma II

Asmongold is right about nearly everything though.

Absolutely every DPS had those kind of potency buffs.
That also happened going from ARR to HW and then HW to SB as well.

Well if you leveled SMN you got SCH

They’re just going to do another balance pass after a month anyway right?

Vamo Alla Flamenco, they already played it during the DNC preview video.

>They upped that buff duration to 30 seconds. That means that you can do like 3 Bootshine rotations within it before the buff is removed. Isn't that actually a big buff?
The buff gets consumed when you use Bootshine I reckon.

Obsessed anime tranny still trying to deflect how shit he is.

>AST was the only healer I enjoyed playing and was halfway done leveling it to 70 on my alt
T-they'll revert these changes right b-bros?

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That fucking FFIX theme playing on the stream.

DRK doesn't get a fucking DPS cooldown like No Mercy to stack with it based retard

Asmongoloid is the perfect representative of the WoW playerbase, a literally unwashed idiot that lives in a trash pile in an attic that hasn't played a game other than WoW in the past 12 years


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What sword is taht ?

That change seems 100% spiteful

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>caring about mana inbetween dungeon pulls
Based retard.

I wish I never knew what she looked like. I have a hard time believing that's a woman in that image.

>But why use Holy over Glare outside the rare ad phase?
You know dungeons are a thing you speedparsing tranny nigger?

Nah, MNK got potency nerfs going into SB.

Leaden Fist is consumed when you use Bootshine. MNK does more damage but it's still dogshit to play, they ignored all the complaints about the job and just gave it even more confusing and situational greased lightning management tools. Like a full half of the job's toolkit is now devoted to Greased Lightning management and your actual rotation is extremely barebones.

Ah fuck me, always confuse the two for some reason, sorry anons.

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I literally know the people in the Mael Primal premades retard. I was one of them

Yes, there'll be a patch before normal raids and another before savage.

>People sperging about the changes
Calm down, there will be adjustments relatively soon like always.

>melee PvP
Lol good joke, if it's not range or healer, theres no point to play it

Is this yoshis way of telling healers to shut the fuck up and heal?

nice fan fiction.

The Leaden buff gets eaten by the next Bootshine, you don't get to chain 3 Boot for a single Dragon Kick. Also MNK is the only DPS job to have lost potency on two of their skills, Elixir Field and Rockbreaker.

Always surprises me to hear people give a shit about dungeons

Yeah, same here. Really wish I didn't look her up. Oh well, that's life.

so you main AST huh

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>people couldn't understand how to heal fights properly
No. It is making the game closer to the yoshi vision of how healers should play instead of how players thought they should. He is a control freak remember, you will get your shit nerfed repeatedly till you play exactly like he wants you to.

Oh fuck those DRK numbers look MUCH better!
We no longer /shed/ DRKbros!

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There's a thread in the official forums with thousands of reply asking Viera to be smaller

Same here. Everything will stabilize in about a month and I'll give a silent nod to all the remaining bunbreakers.

she doesn't look that bad

Kill yourself Wownigger.

>lower rank heals are being reduced in cast time
Are they suggesting something here? HP values are jumping a lot but healing isn't going up by much. I'm not sure what I think.

Now that our unending supremacy has been established how are you going to structure your team around you?
All non-SAM mains will bow to the whims of the SAMchads so we'll all have the pick of the litter in terms of OUR team composition.

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i've seen a lot of people say they wont make one specifically because of the height. this alone is enouggh to make me want to switch but i want to wear cute wizard hats

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Any loyal Grubllers waiting for Shadowniggers here?

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>official forums
>ERP crowd
not even him, but you're a retard.

Why are you so adamant to deny it? Everyone that actually pvps on primal and has climbed feast knows about them. Don't respond to me again retard.

Why do they even make adjustments if they're just going to flip the table every expansion and throw it all away


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>Yoshi and Soken when the ASTs start bitching

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Well that's a fair point too, either way as fights progress DPS learn how to maximize their cooldowns and lower the amount of dead time they have, Tanks learn how to optimize their defensives and be as offensive as possible, Healers... exist?

I know but people made it look like there were no changes apart from new skills for MNKs. Which from clicking the revisions, that's not the case at all.

>The buff gets consumed when you use Bootshine I reckon.
>Leaden Fist is consumed when you use Bootshine.
It makes no sense to buff the duration to 30 seconds but have a Bootshine consume Leaden Fist then. Why up it to 30 seconds when it's going to be consumed anyway?

Maybe because of mechanics? That is a big clue saying that there will be a lot of downtime mechanics in ShB.

>full Continuation combo is 2490 potency every 30 seconds
>DRK gets 1 EoS every 6 combos for 500 potency

i should've know, you're all the same

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>video editor avoids showing a clear shot of her face

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PLD is perfectly fine.

>lala dancers

>expectation: SCH complete meltdown
>reality: AST turned into limited job

Why would they adjust anything? SCH and WAR are already at peak performance

How about you

Attached: Screenshot_20190625-154809_Chrome.jpg (1080x418, 83K)

>Maybe because of mechanics? That is a big clue saying that there will be a lot of downtime mechanics in ShB.
Yeah I guess it's just so you can fuck off to do mechanics and still continue where you left off when you get back on the boss.

Why didn't they animate their ears

You would know that since cheating is the only way Mael wins.


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That's not the vocalist, Mili is a group. Cassie Wei is the vocalist. she's a leaf btw

was the Hroth Soken's? does he main MNK?

the ERP crowd plays whatever gets their dicks hard
big snu races? playing it
cute cat girls? playing it
burly cat men? playing it
tiny lala boys? playing it

>ranked feast
absolute retard

will have to do*.
Can someone tell me how much fucked i am?

That's straight from the main vocalists twitter.

>communicating is cheating
you can't make this shit up

If it doesn't out-dps WAR or GNB then it's still cuckshed tier, because it offers fucking nothing else besides TBN.

Honestly if Leaden Fist doesn't get consumed by Bootshine, that would be the most exciting thing to happen for MNKs.
that is just your average nip to wanting to show their face, this is her twitter

All I can say is I made out like a bandit through all this

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Does Soken actually think that little of his own music?

That's HAMO the guitarist

where do you think you are?

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lol, maybe next expac bud

I don't get it, she was great as Freddie Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody.

I'm guessing it's just a way of making them more worth using, as it was you could basically take benefic 1/cure 1 off your bar, since if it's worth using a GCD on it's worth using the stronger heal, so maybe they'll have more of a niche for quick top-offs or something.

What's wrong with AST i got the game a few days ago and levelled that class mostly

I mentioned premades as pertained to frontlines you fucking moron, I only even included the feast part to appeal to anyone else who's active in the PvP scene who understands. Don't fucking (You) me again you goddamn inbred.

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I have satellite too. You just get used to it being hard to dodge AOEs.

Soken is a SMN

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Thats their theme though, if you googled.

They're most of the game after all.

So what does a stack of Sword Oath even do?

Mili is pretty good as long as the vocalist is singing in any language but english

your sword gets longer

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What manga? Artstyle looks nice.

Why are the pedo race lalafells allowed on western servers?

FFXIV is just chinky muck

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>DRK doesn't get a fucking DPS cooldown like No Mercy to stack with it based retard
So? They have another DPS cooldown which lets them use Bloodspiller like Fell Cleave for 10 seconds. Which gives mana so that you are able to cast more EoS. The DRK DPS cooldown lets you do 5000 potency in 10 seconds. Maybe more if you can squeeze in more than 4 EoS.

>Dia does more damage than Combust III and Malefic IV combined

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Well damn I'm a retard.

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i just want to be loved and no longer be alone user ;_;

Yes, he does. He thought everyone was going to hate the ShB trailer theme.

Don't respond to me again with your fan fiction, faggot.

Is that C milk?

One of the abilities needs it to use it

Does gunbreaker look fun?

Pair with healer/tank

It Dougs

He mains WHM, at NA fanfest when someone asked about WHM changes at the Q&A he was giving thumbs up to the question.

No its in the cuckshed sorry user

who was the MNK?

>Lost their flavor because people complained about bad RNG (which was honestly terrible when your cards blew at critical moments).
>Damage buttons are still terrible and got nerfed even more.
>MP management gutted.
>Heals are nothing special in the new world of "Healers should be Healing"
>Ability to buff group damage is lackluster and on a 3 minute timer.

why are faggots allowed in my game?
we'll never find out


You consume them for that 500 potency move

You basically just listed abilities that you thought had nice animations.
And also
>was lit

FUCK yes it does

But you just said

>there isn't any talking to one another

But they're communicating somehow.


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I guess it's... better...

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If you don't think Bard is SSS tier you're a retard
Literally broken even without Foe, no longer bound by the whims of RNG


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Alice from Hell, same author as Freesia

>brd is in the shed they say
>apex arrow's potency fucking exists and it works on barrage
>all rng is in the trash can now with drg along with it
>even more aoe
>song downtime isnt shit anymore
>battle voice got fucking buffed
am i missing something here because it's looking all smiles from here

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Quit fucking responding to them. They're literally autistic. No surprise given that its the Primal PvP scene.

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>All those buffs
Shut up retard. At the very least it out damages WAR now and Heart of Stone is better than Nascent Flash. Not to mention Aurora can still be put on others. WAR is the shed job now.
Yes, it looks fun as fuck.

It has nothing to do with what was previously said. The fact that you think communicating is cheating is laughable. Go cope harder.

can now move during holmgang plus you can break mechanics by locking down a boss as the OT.

anyone got the full titania theme from the stream?

AST had it too good for too long

Allows you to use Holy Fell Cleave once per stack.

Based dragoonchads getting subtle buffs

Wait is titan no longer the tank egi? He lost his enmity

Horray for WHM!

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>I'll be taking that meta spot now, AST

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Fuck off with this shed bullshit

You are delusional my friend nothing beats WAR ever

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Spend 1 stack to use atonement
Basically, FoF is now goring>RA>3x atone>goring instead of goring>2x RA> goring

Did they though?

>>DRK gets 1 EoS every 6 combos for 500 potency
First of all, EoS is 550 potency because of the permanent 10% buff of Dark Side. Secondly, lets say you only get one every 15 seconds, which amounts to two every 30 seconds. That's still 1150 potency from an ogcd attack. Every 30 seconds, DRK does a combo which deals 2140 damage compared to Continuation's 2490 and if the DRK uses 3 EoS instead of 2, which should be hard because it has other ways of regaining mana, then it does more damage than Continuation in the same timeframe. Not to mention that DRK gets Frey and Inner Release on top of that.

It lets you sword harder.

>No balance
you're still not coming into parties past prog.

dont you still have a 35% chance per DOT tick to proc straight shot ready though? also does straight shot just turn into refulgent arrow at 70 now


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>He says while scholar has been broken since ARR

>apex arrow's potency fucking exists and it works on barrage
Barrage doesn't work on aoe skills

>all rng is in the trash can now with drg along with it
Repertoire is still rng but now you have no control over it

>apex arrow's potency fucking exists and it works on barrage
Yes, you're missing something.

I don't think so. Just means that 4 out of 5 of your opo-opo attacks will be Bootshine instead of alternating. Would necessitate annoying stuff like quick rear>flank>rear>flank successive positionals while the current rotation flows better and makes it so you never need to change positions more often than once every 2GCDs.

>Still a thing
Wonder if the discord will change their name after this.

Wrong, DRK and GNB already looking like they output more dps.

Fuck this
New meta
This meta is the All-80 Meta
As in every fucking job is to be leveled up whether you enjoy it or not
They cant anally rape every single job at once, because then everyone would be equally garbage and thus all meta again

based esl retard

With balance being only 6% now, and with all the DPS AST lost, I wouldn't be so sure.

>main healer with a 105 potency heal every 3 seconds
Don't forget fairies only use 70% of the SCH resources.

At best fairy skills are support for gcd skills, you aren't going to solo heal with this.

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Simply ebin

WAR was third place for overall DPS with the media tour build. The E3 buffs for GNB put it right on WARs ass. With the insane potency increases GNB has gotten since then it definitely eclipses WAR now at the very LEAST.

So where does GNB stand amongst tanks now?

Card modifications removed
No card effects but damage, only 60% as strong and only if used on the right roles
Damage fucking gutted to the point where they moved a sub level 50 upgrade to a skill's potency past level 70 and even then still nerfed it

>you're still not coming into parties past prog.
Post prog is solo SCH land now.

And GNB get's 2 Blasting Zones, Sonic Break, Bow Shock, and some Burst Strikes, on top of the 20% damage buff from No Mercy that I didn't count in the Continuation number I gave

Wait, if you get 3 stacks after using Royal, doesn't that mean for PLD you're using an ogcd almost every GCD?

Divination is nowhere near as "required" as Spread Balance was.
Given how terrible AST looks overall I don't see why you'd bring one over WHM/SCH.

>caring about the meta at all when content is clearable by any comp and the most competative region, Japan, doesn't give a fuck about what The Transition says
Stop being such a cry baby cuck.

With that kit? In the shed.

>can't boost party members with dmg buff
Maybe I'll help you clear on last week of content cuties


Flashy but doesn't really excel in anything.

Atonement is a GCD.

It still boosts everyone's damage more than what a WHM would provide over an AST. The same reason NIN will always be meta.

The meta is a singular existence.
There will always be a Most Effective Tactic Available, even if only marginally superior.

Atonement isn't an oGCD

no proof

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>Air Anchor is Between the eyes on steroid

The patch won't be up until 1am EST at the earliest on friday, newfag.

Honestly I'd wait and see if that even winds up being true anymore.

Right, because everyone wanted AST when Balance was only 5%, right?

What the fuck the card gimmick was like the only reason i've chosen it, rip

>Telling me to be okay with something while also calling me a cuck
At least insult me correctly

Atonement is a GCD.

We're not comparing the entire kit of each job or else I could vomit out all of DRK's other damage abilities that you are ignoring too.

My point is that the GNB continuation combo does barely more damage than the DRK's basic combo with EoSs thrown in, possibly even less depending on how much mana the DRK is actually going to be getting with Blood Weapon and Delirium thrown in.

Literally broken, there's 5 oGCD that proc straight/refulgent anyway
Watch these faggots backpedal when one of their e-celebs goes "wtf bard is so strong", like clockwork

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What F2P MMO should we all play until the servers come back up?
I vote for TERA

>skill is called hot shot
>does not increase heat gauge


Did you even see the buffs nigga?

This is your new meta, say something nice about it.

risk of rain 2

Fresh bread?

You're being a cuck because you're getting upset at trannies who literally don't matter. Stop crying about what some NA parsefaggots think unless you're actually playing with them. You have the mindset of a cuck who cries while he watches discord tranny parses.

>no pld
try again

Higher DPS than WAR, unknown compared to the other two. They got significant damage buffs since last mathed.

Every card is a balance now, AST back in 3.0 had way worse ways to mitigate shitty rng. 5.0 AST has constant card draws, a guaranteed spread balance every 3 minutes, and every draw is guaranteed to be a damage boost. It's not even remotely the same trying to say "it's just like 3.0 again!!!"

Playing it makes you a chad

It puts the heat into the bullet.

You brought up Fray and Delirium before I mentioned any of that, you know.

But people were already talking about bard replacing drg or any other melee.

im playing DS3 and Shogun 2 again

Blade and Soul if your not a pedo

I'm already playing pso2

What if I am

I haven't played in ages aside from the free login events. Can I still pre order and get early access?

>potency increased massively for dps jobs
>dps jobs deal more damage
4 and 8% will still be better for TA/burst window than taking WHM

This is what the singer looks like, she's cute. Her Twitter is literally nothing but pictures of her cat and what food she cooked. Some Vidya stuff too, apparently she liked Frostpunk

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when did this word lose it's meaning


Get back to me when PLD does more dps than GNB or can cast TBN.

RIFTchads WW@

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

Are you retarded? You can clear any content with any job you want, there is no "replacing" in this game you fucking mouthbreather

Yeah, it's better but still nothing special yet. Honestly the best thing about it was its invulnerable skill losing a whole minute and No Mercy not being that laughable 10% buff.

>Don't forget fairies only use 70% of the SCH resources
The 30% from Maim and Mend affects pets now, so does the healing potency increase from for example Asylum. We really have not the faintest idea how pets scale with your stats in Shadowbringers either.
It's too soon to say anything, but even if a 100p personal heal is just roughly equivalent to a 70p pet heal like it was in SB the Fairies are crazy strong.

>when PLD does more dps than GNB
That's right now

I miss RIFT bros, why did Trion have to kill it?


When normies took it and assumed anything that looks remotely like a teenager is basically an infant

Cover>Every other OT cooldown

when normalfags and ironic weeaboos started using it every other post.



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are Selene and Eos identical now?

>casters pruned from the game
fucking finally

PLD will be nerfed. They won't let it sit how it is as the king of both mitigation and damage.

After I had already proven my point about Continuation not being that big of a deal and potentially being less DPS than the DRK equivalent. The math is not on your side.

PLD is literally the highest DPS tank dude

dont worry user, youll find someone eventually :)

>Above BLU
Fuck off, it's bottom of the barrel

I wouldn't say they're crazy strong but they shifted focus from embrace to actual healing skills.

Yes, it's the fairy glam everyone always wanted.


You're sounding like a WARbab right now.

And with that, Aether is completely locked.

Attached: aether.png (256x123, 36K)

>tfw ditching WAR for GUN

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GNB got significant buffs, coping WARcuck.

It's okay buddy maybe SE will nerf PLD in 5.1.

Do I just buy it on the square page or should I get it somewhere else?

Any "tranny" or high-parser I encountered know this
It's autists on Yea Forums who think UNGA BUNGA HIGHER NUMBERS is gonna be meta when most of them parse grey

>120s cd and half your job gauge
oh no no no no

no eos is sexier

Implying I care, it's just that you will see a lot more 1 melee 3 ranged parties.

>Cover is the best OT ability in the game bar none, especially now tank stance damage reduction is passive
>PLD is the 2nd highest damage tank after WAR
>Divine veil is better than heart of light and dark missionary

is Eden going to be full of AoE?
Why are they wasting so much effort on AOE?

>there's 5 oGCD that proc straight/refulgent anyway
What? It's just GCDs and Barrage.

>cancer DC got quarantined

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No I play PLD. They're not going to let it be the best of everything. Why is it always WAR deflection from you shitposters?

Have children

>>PLD is the 2nd highest damage tank after WAR
You mean highest

Is that a lovebite on her neck

Used goods. I don't care.

Yoshi himself said that the team noticed that people didn't AoE in dungeons so they made the AoE rotations a bit more involved to incentivize people to use them.

>Job gauge is only used for your OT/MT specific cooldowns
Based retard

people do things other than raids

WAR has the lowest damage of all tanks in 5.0 though?

How long does it take to receive the early access code from the Square store?

See above, Embrace is just gravy on top of the ridiculous fucking ogcd heals SCH have

M-M-M-M-Muh parses!!! G-Guys!!! Look at my parses!! Real quick anime discord icon friend!!! Loving the parses!!!

Attached: download.jpg (231x218, 5K)

Even if you can stack 4 boosted minor arcana cards on 4 dps alongside divination for a lopsided 14% buff it's literally a 3 minute cooldown with only 15 second uptime that you have to build up with stacks that you can still get fucked by having to redraw that will take 10 oGCD casts just to set up in the first place

Isn't WAR looking slightly higher after job guide thanks to Inner Chaos and Upheaval being such high potency?

He does realize that the reason people don't use them is that most players huff paint right?

based retard

Alright, after re-reading your first post, I can tell that this was a massive waste of time, as you're clearly a retard

>they said the 90 fps limit is because they don't want to be responslbie for PCs breaking

>Ask BRD why he's not AoE'ing
>The damage is lower on the aoes so I use single target

No, these two are unchanged from media tour and those numbers had WAR in 3rd place pre-GNB buffs.

WAR and SCH players predictably bitching because their jobs don't outclass everything else by a mile

is there any thing worse than SCH and WAR players?

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got it right away, check your "orders" section on the site

So now that shadowbringers is a confirmed disaster are we all gonna be playing classic wow?

>caring about a meta when you don't raid savage in the first place

t. grey parsing shitters

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He doesn't take in account western players.


People could clip through things at high FPS so yeah.

I'll miss TP, it made it a bit easier to spot the shitters that didn't AoE.

So, tank dps goes PLD > GNB > DRK > WAR, right?

The fuck are you talking about? This is fucking great. You must be an AST, SCH, or WAR main.

Tbh apart from spamming Quick Nock, the BRD AoE rotation is kinda funky.