Why were Americans too stupid for RGB SCART?

Why were Americans too stupid for RGB SCART?

I don't understand, why would such a dramatically inferior signal become the standard?

Attached: Composite-cables.jpg (3600x2340, 1.58M)

What? What do you have instead?

>reading comprehension


Attached: rgbvcomposhit.jpg (1024x1024, 413K)

Why would Americans use an American connection technology that was invented by a huge corporation, and was simple? Who knows.

Peak burger.

>mfw when scart in mart

Didn't your games run at 50hz tho,so you guys are also retarded

S-video had a similar single connector form factor and looked a billion times better than composite.

Attached: sonic_composite.webm (720x480, 2.95M)

Here's S-Video.

Attached: sonic_svideo.webm (720x480, 2.91M)

wow, that's disgusting

>tfw you've been using s-video since 1991

>you guys are also retarded
Oh the fucking irony. It's "though", you goddamn retard

>buy PS3 17 years later
>comes with only a composite cable

I don't understand why it took so long to get component

SOULLESS, almost looks like it's emulation!

Attached: composite-vs-svid-with-shitty-tuner.png (1280x480, 913K)

fuck off its early in the morning
grammar nazi scum

Y u mad tho?


Attached: 1552549265726.png (756x734, 44K)

>stupid scat cable can only do 50fps

NTSC TVs support RGB too retard.

>playing a blurry mess just to have the waterfall look pretty
The transparent effects are no big loss to me if it means everything looking sharper and clearer.
As someone who grew up with a Sega Genesis, I say fuck composite. Too bad the Genesis doesn't have native S-Video and that we didn't get SCART here in the states.

SD is better looking

Attached: Conker Live & Reloaded - Xbox One X Gameplay alkthrough Part 3 - YouTube 73_33.jpg (2617x7557, 2.18M)

Looks like you got lost on your way to /vr/ grandpa

You chose just about the worst fucking example you could've - you are a retard.
Deal with it.

>implying it's exclusive to the genesis

Attached: flicker_composite.webm (720x405, 2.99M)

Learn to read, you walking fucking condom advert.