Dwarf Fortress

How autistic do you have to be to enjoy Dwarf Fortress, let alone be "good" at it?

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If you install a tile set it is pretty easy to play. Also some people like me enjoy autistic games, so who are you to judge?

Not at all. Getting a basic fort up and running is easy and after that you can just do whatever the fuck and experiment. It's nice to have the wiki open but that's it.

Not autistic at all, it takes like an hour to learn the fuck awful interface/nested menus, after that it's incredibly straight forward with the odd googling of a wiki.

No one's judging, I primarily play "autistic" games.

It takes some time to learn the keybinds and to understand what's important to build, that's all.

It's a good autism simulator if you're into that shit, but it's a shit game with no challenge if you're expecting something like a more complex rimworld.

i've never played DF but is this one of those scenarios where the game being "SUUUUUUUUUPER HAAAAAAAAAAAARD" is just a forced meme/idea by reddit normies

I played it for about thirty minutes and it just kinda clicked for me, it took me a while to learn the more complex stuff but you can get the basics in no time

it's not as hard as everyone makes it out to be
the controls are a pain, that's all

So when is the Steam version out?

It's not "super hard" so much as it is the stories of failure are the more interesting stories, since the only way for your game to end is in failure

yes. people always talk about how they had to watch 12 hours of tutorial videos on youtube but that's bullshit

I'm too autistic for dorf fortress. When I play a game, it's not enough for me to just learn the mechanics. I have to do things the "right" way or else the thought that I could be doing better eats away at me.
Know that I don't enjoy min-maxing, but I can't escape the compulsion to do so.
The dorfs would turn me into an obsessive mess.

>How autistic do you have to be to enjoy Dwarf Fortress, let alone be "good" at it?

Definitely necessary to be on the spectrum. The game itself is less complicated than it looks, the problem is that the user interface is an absolute nightmare. Minimum requirement for vanilla DF is watching about 5-6 hours of tutorials and/or reading text tutorials for the same amount before you begin, just to figure out the controls.

If you have some kind of a third party mod that adds mouse controls, icons and other basic shit, this goes down to 2-3 hours.

get Factorio

Requires a decent imagination for sure

not autistic at all
I'm an absolute UBER chad and I play Dorf intensely.

It's the same sort of deal. I'd constantly be chasing perfection over fun.

well, chasing perfection pretty much IS the fun
if the process doesn't generate excitement for you, you're fucked I guess

Is it autistic to have that nagging perfectionist impulse to want to restart from scratch before I've even started "failing" at strategy and builder type games? Or with level editors in games that are new to me I'll spend many hours making my first level, and then discover better ways of using the tools available that have somewhat important implications and use that as an excuse to delete all of it and start over with a more ambitious plan.

I'm not that guy but maybe as I've should at that's been a wishlist / "thinking about it getting it" game for me for awhile.

I talk to you fuckers everyday. I'm practically a tard wrangler.

>5-6 hours of tutorials
If you're a retard maybe

Based and autismpilled

or you could just play the game with the wiki open at the "fortress basics" page i'm sure they have

watching/read things without doing them yourself doesn't teach you anything

not true

Actually have never heard of that but ok??

This game is ugly as fuck

>megabeast or any other threat shows up
>build a single wall of stone infront of my castle entry and now I'm completely safe

>a 5x5 field of plump helmets can sustain a fortress of 200 dorfs

>craft menacing spikes and melt them down again for infinite bars of any material

DF is not only not hard, it's broken, and not in a good way.

>mouse controls

doesn't even exist as far as I know, it adds like 2 clickable buttons at most

Wait for the graphics version to release on steam then play it

the game is piss easy and the hardest thing is honestly only learning the hotkeys and workarounds for the many small bugs in the game
literally, the only challenge this game poses is either bugs or embarking in ridiculously difficult areas while also putting huge restrictions on yourself.
it's like playing Rimworld on hardest difficulty Randy Random except you can just wall yourself off from enemies indefinitely and be fine.
t.been playing DF since 2011 but havent enjoyed it since 2014 update

>but is this one of those scenarios where the game being "SUUUUUUUUUPER HAAAAAAAAAAAARD" is just a forced meme/idea by reddit normies
Yes. Entirely.
To be fair, back in 2008 or earlier versions the game was actually pretty fucking hard but in 2010 and later the game is basically easy as piss, the hardest thing is just learning what hotkeys are.

The average mouthbreather that thinks DF is hard is the same kind of retard that doesnt know what tilesets are or the kind of idiot that tries to use a mouse in a keyboard-only game.

So is there any idea on when the next update drops?

>the problem is that the user interface is an absolute nightmare
not really.
every hotkey and button available to you is on the screen at all times. no options or keys are hidden from you at any time.
the game is also paused while you're in menus, so you literally have all the time in the world to figure out what it is in the menu you're looking for until you press the button.
>mouse controls
now I know you're straight up trolling. mouse based right click menus are so fucking slow it's not funny. just literally learn the hotkeys my dude.

no, you're mistaking that for people getting comfy, sipping whisky and enjoying watching someone build a fort for 12 hours.
dwarf fortress Let's Plays are super comfy ASMR sessions compared to other games. I literally used old CapnDuck lets plays as ASMR to put me to sleep when I was a newb.

> mouse controls
> probably builds units in Brood War via mouse click


end of the year if we're lucky.

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dwarf fortress is complex has a terrible UI and has barriers of entry but the gameplay is not deep or hard.

once you learned which buttons to push and some tricks running a fortress is easy. it has been a while since i played it but as far as i remember you can just wall yourself in and enemies wont' bother you much, and a tiny tiny underground farm can supply a giant fortress.
Also for a game that generates an entire world the map you choose can quickly fall into an odd irrelevance as you just dig down and use rocks to build the same base everytime.

everytime i went to look into /dfg/ people weren't portraying the game as deep or hard as anyone outside the community pretends it to be.it just got an autistic amount of simualtions in many subsystems.

Shouldn’t someone report that to the devs of the game?

Are these tiles a Dragon Quest reference?

>Remember which menu leads to where
>Figure out how to assing things for dwarfs to do
>Learn to dig, designate zones/item piles, build shops and items
>Find out where is the most ideal/stupid place for a fort
Thats about it, in a year or two youll be playing it casually

it doesnt take that long

are you a woman?

kinda game that appeals to me on paper but upon trying it I instantly lost interest because of the shit UI and total lack of visual or audio appeal. Custom tileset didn't help its case much. If I wanted to READ about the rise and fall of a fantasy civilization I would READ a book first instead of reading a game. Seems like that's what the hook is supposed to be - the generated story. Yet it doesn't hook because nothing about the presentation / execution is engaging. Combat is visually boring, the text synopsis of the skirmishes is boring.

There are some basic guide videos and plugins/mods to get your first fort going but you will likely make several key mistakes early in that room the fort and require you to start another. These mistakes could take days of playtime to manifest, but they will always be there. Just remember to have the wiki on hand for any questions you need answered.
And remember: FUCK TRANNOIDS

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nope there are definitely people who talk about having to watch hours and hours of tutorial videos

The only hard part about the game is the matrix interface. Play with a tileset and you'll get the hang of it real quick.

It's honestly pretty easy to play. You do have to make your own fun however so good luck with that.

Lay off the estrogen Hernando.

No. He doesn't intend to balance gameplay. He intends to increase the depth of gameplay with the myth update and maybe add some quality of life changes.

reminder that dorf fort got POZZed by trannies
stop playing this SJW garbage

reminder that needlessly creating outrage for the sake of pushing an agenda makes you a sjw

I always thought this was normal for strategy games. Why would I fight for my life through a level when I can steamroll it with a better start? If the bad guys aren't getting fucked on, you're not playing right.

Reminder that adding useless mechanics to a game that offer no useful function other than to pander to dick-choppers and then defending such a move makes you a retard

No autism, you just don't have to be a complete dumbass, so don't even bother trying

I heard the game is great, but I think I'll wait untill the UI is not terrible
might be a few more decades

What happened?

The dev added trannydwarves to pander.

terrible UI is part of experience,
he wont change it, ever

God fucking damn it toady you were supposed to be the one.

Dwarf Fortress isn't difficult to play. The interface is very obtuse, but once you've learned it, the actual game isn't all that hard.
You do need to be somewhat insane to enjoy it, though.
It's like, anyone can learn trigonometry. You'd have to be an absolute retard to be unable to learn trigonometry. But not everyone is going to enjoy doing trigonometry for fun.

People literally said he would never ever put Dwarf Fortress on steam but the moment he needed money he immediately caved in.

The dev of the game is well aware of everything.
He's got a public checklist of features he wants to add before entering the Beta phase of development (Cause DF is still in alpha), so balance and polish is not forthcoming.


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There should be a non-pandering version of every game, including dorf. What about our inclusion?

This is fucking dwarf fortress
Just build a drowning chamber or some shit

>tranny dwarves
>not bad
? kway ?

They're not in the game yet dummo.