Good morning Yea Forums

Good morning Yea Forums.

Anything you want to do today other than playing the vidya and jerking off?

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Fuck no.

No not particularly

I'm gonna watch some anime because I hate video games

Rape, OP.


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Joke's on you. I always masturbate BEFORE playing the vidya.

Why did you posted the edit and not the original Wojak version?

yeah shitposting here and scaring away the summerfags

nope, wanking to loli

i want to jerk off to JAVs and play pokémon all day, but i have to go to work

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Not go to work.

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i'm being forced to create mediocre content all summer please help

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I miss vivian porn
also I have to go pay for a gun I won at an auction

but i like videogames and i like jerking off

Get started on my first youtube video

Working on my vidya.

Porn and fapping has been getting really boring to me. Am I getting old?

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You better post that shit so I can dislike it but leave supportive comments

What's the latest of those comics? Rageguy was alright.

A gf.

made pie today
might make jam tomorrow
also making pickles

That sounds like a Miiverse post

I love Yea Forums tans

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How do you tell a girl you like her?

Never post this again

stick a finger in her ass

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Yeah I'm making an arcade cab. Nearly done, still a bit of jigsaw and screwing to be done.

Show her your penis user.

getting drunk and trying to figure out how to off myself as painlessly as possible

if 3 months of HRT worked like that everyone would do it

The ps4 launch was a fucking disgrace, literally anything but your pic would be better than it

that vivian james shit was so fucking stupid

I want to fuck Vivian! And I want to play video games with her!

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i feel nauseous whenever i think about gamergate in general

>can draw hips and tits
>can't draw a single fucking decent arm for /vr/
Fun stops here.

She already knows

Yes. Same thing with me haven't fapped in nearly two months



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Put a letter in her locker and tell her to go to the tree at the schoolground.

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More like 12 months and some surgery

I'm at work right now and I have 40 dollars in my Steam account for the sale, but man I don't know what to buy.
All the games I want I can't get two of so I gotta make a single choice but man I dunno, I don't want it to be a regretful purchase. I bought Kenshi yesterday for instance but changed my mind like 5 minutes later because I dunno, it looks like fun in videos but I don't know if I'll get my own fun out of it. The other two games I have in mind are X-Com 2 and Deep Rock Galactic.

Anyways I'll probably play modded Skyrim later.

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>being at work

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I wouldn't, I like being a man and I'm really not gay.

Vivian is Yea Forums's daughter. She's precious.

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please crippled-chan

But I'm only 25. Seems kinda weird that my libido just decided to plummet the past few months.

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It's a living. All I do is mop floors, throw trash out and nice office ladies always offer me baked goods.

oh no!!! whats happening to poor vivian!!?

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You just need a break that's all.

Same thing happened with me.
But my friend got a bit to tipsy one night and she made out with me. Dick was hard and nearly came in my pants with that.

>Video games have so many trans characters (not nearly enough)
>Yea Forums bigots keep making transphobic threads
Videogames aren't for you
Yea Forums isn't for you
Leave bigots

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I have the same when I am busy with shit.
Unironically having days where a small voice goes
>maybe you should fap again
and I just end up doing something else and forget about it.

I'm not sure if it's healthy to ignore it it's been 4 weeks.

I want to FUCK the former Black Belt!

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>poison the confirmed shemale

>confirmed female

>pokemon has female black belts
>making it trans meme
this agenda is so funny because its all wrong and full of strawmen

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You jest but it makes me seethe myself out of existence that bait this cheap ia enough to lure the eternal newfag in getting angry.

i'm 26 and feels like past two years i've had the same problem. i don't get as easily excited anymore and even boners feel weaker (they look fine though.) i even went to test my testosterone levels and they were alright. am i just getting old? it sure sucks though..
then again i have type 1 diabetus and suffer from long lasting depression/anxiety, which is fine at times, but might affect it

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I have been talking to a bunch of girls, maybe it's that.

That too. I usually fap before going to bed, but now that I have a bunch of obligations I just think it's not worth it or that I'd rather just go straight to sleep.

Thanks doc

Sounds like me, sans the diabetes. I'm not as depressed anymore and have been exercising, so if anything I should be in better shape.

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resetranies pls

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I want to fuck white korra

If you were gay I would be all over you, sucks that you're getting limp though, it'll be alright just find a chick and make her suck your peepee

i'd kill for a job like that, am stuck in a cafe, its a fucking nightmare and the pay is prob the same as you

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which makes it better

Don't mess with this duo. You can't win.

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sounds pretty comfy tbqh

yeah i've always been pretty active, but even moreso since i've been doing some training and running. this all worries me greatly since i do have Yea Forumss nemesis, a girlfriend.
hang in there brother

>sucks that you're getting limp though
please no, i refuse to belive it.
also here's an image of elin to make these blogposts at least somewhat video game related

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Do you play vidya with your girlfriend? Is she fun company?

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Why'd you had to do this? Now I'll have to draw Vivian jojoposing with rage guy stand.

I don't even want to play vidya or jerk off. I don't want to even eat, even when hungry.

I just want to sleep. I don't know how is it called.

Do it. She needs new fanart.

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As long as some OC comes out of this i'm fine,i'm struggling to find anything vivian related without the ribbon

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It's called Depression

these pics only make me think trannies are more mentally ill lol

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barely. she doesnt play too much, but we did play through ff10 together earlier this year. i had only played the demo when it came out, she on the other hand had completed it long ago
yeah i do enjoy her company, even though we're two very different people. i'd say more normalfag and with more long term goals than (the piece of shit) i am, so it balances it out i guess

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I think you might have the big D user. You should probably speak to someone about it

It’s a fucking bird dude

You need to talk about it to someone. Talk to a professional even.

This shithole site is not going to help, I speak from experience

Society keeps telling me that depression is a myth and all I need is "kick to the butt" motivation and such. You know, all those "people are dying from hunger, your problems are not problems at all" approach.

At the same time I know that there are people who are close to killing themselves out of depression and Im afraid I won't be treated as wannabe snowflake for asking for help. Overall, Im confused.

I need more of Vivian being molested by white Korra.

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>be on HRT for two years
>getting panic attacks because "this isn't right" "what the hell am i doing" and huge self doubt
don't do it senpaitachi

>Society keeps telling me that depression is a myth and all I need is "kick to the butt" motivation and such
This is just bluepilled normalfags spilling the same platitudes they heard from others over and over. Ignore them.

Did some repairs in my secondary property. I just finished. Now, I'm finally going to play some vidya.
Should I play bloodstained or play Mario Maker 2 that I got early?

Mowing the lawn.

you got Mario maker early?
go for it user, make some cool maps

fucking boomers

do you have boobs yet

I'm going to work at World Market, selling candles, incense, cookware, food, cosmetics, etc. to rich white ladies like always. Sometimes I want to kill myself but I'm putting a lot of my pay towards retirement so I have that to look forward to. I still have to sign up for college classes and I keep procrastinating that fuck.

I have shit to do but I have been playing vidya and pretending that my duties will go away.
Am working so that I can afford to play vidya... yet I cant afford the time to play my vidya.

Don't let others guilt you because your situation isn't "as bad" as others. At the same time, don't use it as an excuse to be a lazy shit. Keep trying, despite the handicap.

That kick in the butt thing is true, in the sense that most people work in thresholds. Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you pick yourself up, or for others to actually start caring. Sometimes all you need is responsiblity to be put on you, or a looming deadline. Things like that. If you're lost and don't know what to do at all, talking to someone always helps figure things out.

Depression isn't permanent, but you might always struggle with it a bit. Don't be discouraged.

There's people who claim to have depression after feeling little blue for a moment and they tend to shout about it in order to get the attention. Because of this, in my experience, the people who actually suffer from it don't say anything and try to cope with it on their own which usually ends in two ways, either they somehow manage to "deal with it" or be an hero.

Friends and family don't usually know how to cope with a depressed person, as they've never experienced it, and some might even tell you to "snap out of it" or "pull yourself together".
But the deal is that depression is a disease and your mind doesnt work quite right because of it.
Thats why talking to a professional is easier (to me at least) as most they have, at minimum, the textbook experience and can help you cope with it.
If you decide to go that route, remember that professionals are people too and it might take a while to find someone who "clicks" with you.
It will take time and lots of effort. Thats why support is important.

Me, who lost 7 years of my life to drooling on a pillow before getting help.
Stay strong, its a shit place to be

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>tfw no autistic vidya obsessed gf thats also clean and not fat
if they like playing vidya beyond match 3 mobile shit, they are smelly fatties that are more porc than human..

Vivian james is asexual and she wants a breast reduction

Don't have a job (hence no money)
Don't have anyone close by I can hang out with
All the fun areas are an hour's drive away and guess what they require money
Don't have any classes
Don't have the money to fly
Don't have the urge to go to the gym this week
So yes I'm going to play vidya and jerk off because I have fuck all to do.

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I managed to get over a 12 yo depression by meeting a woman in an even shittier state than me.
Actual autism and cleaning OCD. I don't know, I just found something I really wanted to do, save and support this person.
Started college again, got a masters and a teaching job. We are happily married.
Try to find something you really want to do and go all in.

Fuck your urges.
Go to the gym and show youself you're not a whiny faggot who spends his days complaining about video games

How the fuck did you find a gem like her?

I spent years telling myself that I didnt 'deserve' to be depressed becuase I knew people with actual fucking huge traumas and problems, when I myself didnt really have anything that seemed to have caused it.
It set me in a downward spiral of misery and self hate, tempered with guilt over the misery and self hate, AND more of both becuase I didn't 'deserve' to feel either of them.

Shit's fucked user.
See a specialist, if you can.

I'll be honest I'm taking this week off to deload.
Next week I'll definitely workout but for the next two weeks after that I wont have access to a gym because I'll be on the other side of the pond

So then walk around it

>I managed to get over a 12 yo depression by meeting a woman in an even shittier state than me.

Funny how that works, the same pretty much happened to me too.
Although we broke up later and Im single again.

And you're correct with the rest of the stuff

>Society keeps telling me that depression is a myth
This is the same society that now thinks there are 69 genders and it's ok for kids to mutilate those gentials, fuck them.
With that said there's nothing wrong with seeking help during dark times.

I'm just not feeling it user, I had a big meltdown last weekend and I honestly dont have any motivation

Of course

> tfw the only girl who ever gave me her phone number told me she wasn't interested in me yesterday
y-yeah we're all gonna make it bros

In a shitty job. She was here in a good position for an engineering traineeship, I was here to make a quick buck moving crates around and shit.

It's happened to me plenty of times
just dont be me and let it get to your head

Sounds good. Carry on

yeah mentally I'm okay, but physically I'm still in a sad state after the vodka I drank and the time I spent playing doom instead of sleeping

I wanted to turn my brain off and it worked great

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The single best thing to beat depression is purpose. I had to find my own.

Keep looking, don't get stuck on one girl. She's missing out on you, not you on her.

thanks bruh

Let's face it. If HRT was a magical girl pill on which you'd turn into a perfect girl (male), pretty much everyone would have done it already.

Yeah nothing wrong with having a drink to calm down, dont drink too much though because too much alcohol with a bad mood is a recipe for disaster. Thats why I tend be careful and drink when I just want to drink for lols, not sads

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I have to go to work before doing either of those. Thankfully today is my Friday so I can get blasted and continue my Underrail playthrough without worry.

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I'm happy with being a functional man you fucking freak. HRT wont turn you into Astolfo ever

I need to add that finding a gf wasnt the first step. Hell, it wasnt even the last.
At that point I've had over year of psychotherapy and support.

I was already getting better and I think that was what "caught her eye". Probably a glimmer of hope that I could fix her too.

I still hope I at least didnt make worse for her

I think that's what he was saying you retard.

Unrelated, but fuck astolfo, ever since he became a meme i get bullied by my friends about looking basically like a 3D version of him. Seriously, i tried everything but they just wont quit, and it doesnt help i cant build bulky muscle mass, it's all just lean and it sucks

>girl (male)
Pretty sure that's quite the minority. If it was girl (girl) you might get more support but in the end it'd just be a fetish thing and people would regret it after the novelty wore off and they had to deal with just kind of being a woman.

Eat more.

Look on the bright side, you have a source of income.
I still regret quitting my shit supermarket job because now I've been nojobz (went to college though) for almost a year and the lack of my own money (and by extension control) is driving me crazy. I fucking hate asking my parents for money even though they're more than happy to help pay for flight training, food, etc.
I just want control over my own life again.

Hey lets be fair if you look like pic related a handsome devil like yourself can pick up a lot of chicks
no homo

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ya ya, you're a pretty boy that looks like Astolfo but doesn't want to, cool story bruh, I'm sure your hair is pink with a white strand just like him too

go erp somewhere else

>mfw this thread is turning into a somewhat wholesome support thread
>mfw I dont have a face

No worries, bruh. Keep trying to talk to more girls, it gets easier the more you do it. I learned not to get too attached and just take it as it goes.

Only thing I don't know is where to meet worthwhile people. Dating sites don't work, and /soc/ is a hellhole.

>actually anonymous
>and not frogs or wojaks
You can shit on this all you want, but this is quality OC on a completely other level than the trash that is being made today.

t. Faceless Void

>god all my friends make fun of me for looking good it suuuucckkkssss
Jesus fuck, fuck you.

prove it


Eh, taking hobby courses or whatnot might help. That way you'd instantly have something in common.

hell, at least you know. That's a huge blessing. Learn from it and move on

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at least you're playing a good game

Tfw our daughter gets more ass then we do. Are we terrible parents?

that girl(male) on Euphoria is about the best looking passing trans person I've seen thus far. I'd definitely tap that if I had the chance

how about you introduce her to guys?

Regular women would become obsolete when men can turn themselves into bombshell bodied bimbos.

Are you only just realizing that Yea Forums is tsundere?

Vivian is your daughter too. We must all play our part!

oh wait I'm an idiot I thought you actually had a daughter

fuck off faggot

deep down Yea Forums is mostly comfy threads, mixed in with console war shit. Happens more often than you think

>Black belt karate chick becomes a regular girl later
>Splatoon characters and Doomguy for some reason
I get Birdo, Posion Mettatron and Bowsette (she's cut content tho), but what the fuck do these other ones have to do with being trans rights?

Is this fucking bait?

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That's not how asexuality works idiot.

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>my feel when I dont have a face
What is your feel user?


how does it work

It is bait, but there are actually people who think every character is some sort of tranny so it's not entirely a joke

I got eggs benny and a stack of blueberry at the diner this morning. so no.

Yea Forums doesn't play vidya

in Miko's case it isn't that it was some transformation, his real body got fucked up beyond belief and had to take his Wife's body to walk among the living again
That's why the missus is a ghost now

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Get a full night's sleep.
I'm not going to though

So he's trans?

I'm going to take my bicycle for a spin and annoy some motorists with my presence.

They're sensible panic attacks.

>mfw my face when

too bad Vivian is pleddittier I wouldve loved to see more lewds of her

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The fuck are "trans features"?

Deep Rock Galctic is really good.

So nothing has changed since 2011 when I last spent time here

Want to make music. But I know ill end up procrastinating and playing vidya

it's less about sexuality and more about desperate times
i mean, when you have a woman trying to kill you and had a child with said woman and you're stuck as an old spirit without any real power in the material world he just took his wife body to fight, not knowing that shit was permanent

Thank you. Really.