Why is the Philippines so underrepresented in vidya?

Why is the Philippines so underrepresented in vidya?
I can't think of a single game set there.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because pinoys are literal subhumans



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Because Devs don't want to reveal their Powerlevel and suspiciously intimate knowledge how the Ladyboi industry works, duh.

Because we don't matter on the grand scheme of things.

All you have are ladyboys and balut. Who would want to play a game about that?

Forget about the Philippines
Is there any game that set in Southeast Asia at all?

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Every vietnam war game ever made

I think one of the splinter cell games is set in East Timor

because flips are low iq monkeys? nobody wants to think about you

Front Mission 3 has a story arc set in the Philippines.

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Just Cause 2

With a red-haired, pale-skinned, blue-eyed native Filipino mecha pilot.

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stay in maldraw



because literally shit country

Puerto Rico doesn't even show up on video game maps.

Tangina mo ulol


>You're a fool

well that already ruined OP's narrative

Games set in the Philippines
>Front Mission 3

Kainin mo titi ko bobo

>rising sun
The game so bad they immediately put out Pacific Assault as way of an apology. Good times.


>when they literally infect and ruin every free to play game and are stealing everyone's jobs in real life

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>stealing everyone's jobs in real life
We also, likely, were involved in some of the games you play.

All Vietnam games
Commandos games, specifically 2
Everything here WW2 games set in the pacific

Personally, games set in the Philippines tend to be boring. It's just fucking palm trees and rusty corrugated metal sheets for roofing and walls.
If a game were set in Other SE places, at least there are interesting ruins.
Failipinos have no sense of culture that they tend to destroy their own 'ruins' or statues whenever they want.

I remember Philippines being in Front Mission 3

>Failipinos have no sense of culture
eto kultura mo ,,/,,, (^____^) ,,\,,

People like Vietnam and Thailand better. Stay seething flip.

It's true though.
Your culture is trash.
You are a failed civilization doomed to lose your sense of identity.
You don't even speak perfect filipino anymore, and use borrowed terms with your ugly mixed mutt language: taglish.

Not only that, you are a consumerist country, you are a race of people who have nothing new to offer to the world but being a braggart, that's why the only popular memes about failipinos is because unironically, that's all you can do, despite everyone else in the world owning you.
You are the world's slut. You are Spain's bitch, America's slut and Japan's whore.
You are literally a joke to the whole online community.

>Failipinos have no sense of culture that they tend to destroy their own 'ruins' or statues whenever they want.
Basically this. Failippines doesn't have statues, temples or ruins like the rest of Southeast Asia. It's culturally stale.

eh di wow

eh di wow

>Why is a third world shithole underepresented in vidya?

A nation of whores.

They're no underrepresented, they're just irrelevant.
If there was a single game set there they'd be overrepresented.

Because nobody cares about a land of micropenis pygmy subhumans who are destined to drown and cease existing.

lol cry more you irrelevant tryhards and stay mad


Imagine having pride in being a manlet with a micropenis.

>mah dickkkk

lmao okay guess who's more insecure kek

As a fellow flip, I would advise you to simply shut the fuck up.

We don't need it. Millies think we do, but we really don't.

>biologically-destined micropenis pygmy talking about insecurities
Go back to producing prostitutes for us, that's the only thing your nation is good at while it still exists.

you try to banter me about insecurity yet now you're bringing up prostitution

ohh fuckkkk don't tell me you're a filthy virgin HOLY SHITTTTTTTTTT OH MY GOD look at this dumbass IMAGINE getting BTFO'd by me, a Pinoy which you consider subhuman x)))))))


yes you really should :/ at least you have self consciousness. I mean why would you talk about dicks in a video game shitposting board???? :? :??

There are plenty of garbage dumps in video games though.

cringepill continues

Harsh, but there's some truth to that.
t. pinoy

OP isn't talking about your state of life though

There's literally a genre called JRPG you fucking faggot.

Fuck peenoise

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then you must be overdosed on it every single day

Give me a game concept that doesn't involve war or I can't do in any other country

but why? I love being a pinoy
>people instantly butthurt when they realize you are a pinoy
if I could make a profit out of it, i would be filthy rich right now

>that pepe
wow... just...

>admitting you are here every day
full cringe, no only a micropenis pygmy but also an incel

Damn Singapore would be a pretty neat location for vidya, I wonder why noone has done it yet.

Why set a game there when Brazil exists? It's the same theme but better.

Just watch BuyBust, it's video gamey:

yawn okkk :))))

stay ass mad tho

Very cringe, sad! You deserve the world's pity.

Our culture is passed on literature and traditions. We don't have much ruins because we're Pacific Islanders technically, that is of Malay descent.
Those people rarely build temples. And the few we did was likely destroyed by Christian Spanish colonizers.

>stealing jobs
those are indians, shitskin

Flip here, it's a shithole.

>Cucked by China multiple times in span of 1 year
You subhumans deserved it

>Brazil exists
Likely because we're more better at speaking and writing English than they do.

You sure know a lot about a country you hate
Maybe it's because you're actually a Filipino you fucking rat

Rent free lmao
holy fuck we're turning this into /pol/ now? Imagine being this butthurt :))))

nakakahiya kang putangina ka

Front mission 3

>more better
There's still room for improvement.

If you wanna run around a shanty town shooting drug dealers, Brazil is always gonna be the first choice.

Because there are no developers out from that country and if there were it will most likely be set in a typhoon where there is rampant flooding.

>consumerist country
Very true, but only because we're being limited by the banks and international laws. Don't want Trumpbro to put a tariff on our exports.
We're still unironically better than SJW Californians.

Aren't Sleeping Dogs and Just Cause 2

Isn't maldraw malaysian?

Wow i hate Malays as much as the next Chinese but Flips are 10x worse. I guess Flips are what Malays would eventually become if there are no significant Chinese presence to make them competitive.

And we hate Chinese, because they're literally Asian Jews.
>sells drugs to kids
>destabilize countries they're in

Fuck off, you have no culture, being raped by many nations during the war

People already forgot CS: condition zero


kasi retard ang mga pinoy. barring flip nep posters

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asian jews
asian niggers
>mudslim flips
asian terrorist

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Where I live we always get hundreds of nurses imported from there. I slam loads of boy pussy every year from there.

Chinks are either the top 1% or the lowest of the low drug pushers.


Nobody likes shit eaters in their games

SD is set in Hong Kong. JC2 though, yeah, that one is very clearly an unnamed Malaysian island.

tfw ladyboy flip gf has a bigger dick.

no one knows anything about that place. its uninteresting and no one would buy a game set there

Indivisble is going to take place in south east asia right?

North is a shitland colonized/raped by spain,america and the japanese
Middle are shitty islands
South are muslim terrorists

>3rd world cope thread #83828282828483822

This is getting tiresome. Keep it on /int/ you fucking spics and SEAmonkeys.

The Philippines is a province of China. So any games set in China is fine. ᕙ(͡° ͡°)ᕗ

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there is not a single game set in Serbia either. No one cares, not even me, I'd rather have completely fictional settings than fictional representations of actual places.

Hong Kong is technically SEA

Uncharted 1-2,4?
Far Cry 3
Just Cause 2

J-Japan isn’t in Southeast Asia user...

stop projecting oriental negro

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>shitty island
I just like to swim, bro.



>Negros looks like a cock

it's China, faggot

what the fuck is interesting enough for tagalong to be a setting
fuck off filipino swag nigger motherfucker

we're talking about locations

Hong Kong is based and is not, and will never be, part of asian jew kike cancerous china

Crash Bandicoot

user, are you trying to tell me that China isn't a location? Hong Kong is in China. China is not Southeast Asia.

Based or not, it is part of China.

She can't possibly be ethnically flip. Either dutch or spanish family or something like that.

oh shit nvm, was thinking of singapore for some odd reason

Much has changed since '99. Just look at HK cinema going downhill as they worked closer and closer with China in the past 20 years.

She looks like my mom who was a mestiza.

The pinoys in this thread sound like they're 12 and/or monkeys flinging shit.
In fact, that's what they always sound like on the internet. Huh.

Imagine having a culture revolving eating shit

imagine having a culture revolving around selling useless shit to one another and call it freedom.

I'm half Filipino and I fucking hate being related to the culture. I feel terrible saying that because I love my mom, but every single Filipino I've ever met in the states has this ridiculous sense of inflated self-worth and pride for no reason. I actually went and visited it with my mom once a few years ago and came back even more disgusted - the country fucking sucks. The people are friendly enough, but how the fuck can you blame all your problems on the government when the canals are trash ditches piled three feet high and you piss in the street? Have some goddamn ACTUAL pride and take care of yourselves at the basic community level! I also fucking hate how as soon as someone finds out I'm part, they expect me to do them favors. PINOY POWER?? Fuck off.

>mfw in the middle
im glad im not that unlucky

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>China's whore
Fixed for accuracy.

Sounds preferable, actually.

reject traditions, embrace individuality. You don't have to feel terrible anymore.

U mad brah ?

I am so fucking tired of 3rd worlders. I miss the early internet days when it was only rich yuppies from California and Switzerland. I feel like I'm surrounded by disgusting monkeys now. I can literally fucking smell this thread and it smells horrible.

Dyling Light takes place in Indonesia, I think. I'm pretty sure their flag can be seen in the city.

>paying for shit


This. At this point, I am glad to be a halfie. Sometimes, I see hope for this country, but most of the time, just no.

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What's that even supposed to mean? I don't feel terrible, I'm angry because I can't help but be associated with the culture because of how I look. I was born in Burgerland and I'm white as fuck inside, but then I get racist comments and a general "one of us, one of us" familiarity with the swelled head "pinoys". I hate it whenever that happens and I'm using Yea Forums's anonymity to get out a rant. I just hate being reminded of how obnoxious the community is, I don't consider myself part of it.

>having money
>having friends
>enjoying a hedonistic life
Sounds fun. Being a blackpilled 3rd worlder that hates life is miserable. I'd gladly switch lives with a plastic American.

It's always been weird to me how so many South-East Asian countries are muslim theocracies.

>I can't help but be associated with the culture because of how I look
Then you're an idiot.
Flip here. Culture is something you adhere to, not just something you wear. You look like a Flip but adhere to American traditions and culture, you're no Flip.

It takes place in a independent city-state that broke off from Turkey, hence why in-game Turkey was butthurt and essentially wanted to firebomb that place, which made the GRE happy.

You will never find a more self-hating people than a Philippine-American is what I'm getting out of this thread.

why would you even write this post ?

Because I'm tired of seeing these shitty /int/ blog threads every fucking day.

different half flip user here
are filipinos are actually that boastful i have been living here my entire life and i only see those boastful faggots on facebook and those cunts fucking hairstyle's

Those guys are memes. Not all Flips are like that.

There are way deeper issues than that, user

I know, but seeing as my mom is 100% native and a large figure in the Filipino community in my town, all her friends are always sitting around with their malaka koy mo puta ko bullshit thinking I'm right there with them, they expect me to do them favors and my mom is always trying to sign me up to fix her ignorant friends' computers, and I get it from random-ass people too. I moved away and it's much better, but I hate it when it happens.

>shitty archipelago country in the middle of fucking nowhere
>stopped speaking Spanish, which was the only thing that made them unique

Should I go there on vacation to bang some whores?

>What's that even supposed to mean?
It means don't associate with any national culture because that's something externally put onto you, don't follow any traditions because of social pressures, don't let your identity be dictated by things that had nothing to do with your personal choices.

No one cares about your country unless you're actively contributing to the zeitgeist.

Pic related includes the Philipino stage and cast, and their military even operates aircraft carriers

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I appreciate that, but also yes, I 100% subscribe to that already. I just hate it when I'm at work and some rando is like "oh are you Filipino? Fuck year gimme discount help a pinoy out lolol", or my mom has her friends over and they have their screaming powwows that are all gibberish to me, and when I just see any Filipino running around all PINOY POWER AW YEAH MOTHAFUCKA. Get away from me with that shit. I am fully uninvolved with it personally, but it annoys me to see, especially after seeing their "amazing" country they're so proud of firsthand. I just can't stand baseless nationalism, and so many of them type like retards.

Just tell your mom how you feel.
When my mom told me to grow up I told her she should have aborted me because this is the only thing that gives me joy: anime, manga and vidya. If you're afraid if offending her, you won't get the message across.

Filipino food is actually really good

>that one time a filipino actor committed suicide and everyone thought she was worshipping the devil

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actual filipino food yeah. Problem is that they eat snacks all fucking day

Whoa dude, I could never do that to my mom. She's got the idea now anyhow, I shut that shit down quick once I grew a spine. I did tell her I wished I was dead for about half my life, but I'm good now. Also, stop being so reasonable and calm. I'm trying to be unreasonably angry on an anonymous board and you keep forcing me to be normal. Also, sorry you feel that way, but at least you do experience joy from those things. Some people really aren't happy at all and live their whole life pretending to like normal stuff.

I love my Filipino wife

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Actually yes. Rage-halfie here. The food is fucking great (with a few exceptions, but that's my personal taste). The most Filipino thing about me is I'm definitely about the food.

Cyberpunk is usually some mix of American metropolis with random Japanese stapled to it.

But playing Ruiner I think tropical southeast Asia would be a great setting for cyberpunk's messy high tech feel. Humid, tropical climates, crowded slums, dudes on motorcycle taxis zipping everywhere. Old as fuck buildings with modern amenities like internet cables jankily worked in.

Does Talim count

muslims believe video games are haram

I'm also a halfie. Are all halfies just cursed to be forever alone only to shitpost and whine on Yea Forums and /r9k/?

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You get to destroy Manila in Rampage 2 before moving on to Japan.

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Didn't Just Cause 2 take place in a fictional country based off Philliphines?

She's practically nobility in the setting.

Pabayaan mo na lang sila. Alam naman nang lahat na tayo and pinakamalakas na race sa buong universe.


Mutts like us will never feel any nationalism or belonging to any country.

There's that one mission in hitman 2

half breeds in general have troubles with identity

>literal jungle monkeys recently converted to catholicism like some kind of ugandan mission

>best known for sex tourism and extreme violence


putang ina nyong mga pinoy mga tanga bumalik kayo ng facebook at magmobile legends lang kayo mga inutil

Halfies hate themselves the most, especially hapas like you.

My white as fuck roommate got a halfie boyfriend who plays vidya all day and has the personality of a stoned potato so there's hope, user. Also, before I get called a cuck, I'm a grill.

Once I asked my mom what the culture was before Spain got to them and she didn't even know.

Sort of. It's based in Southeast Asia at least. I understood some of the shouts of the locals but they mix it with some other subhuman language too.

You people are just entitled dumbasses who doesn't have any solid plans in life, just like majority of the young adults here in the Philippines.

Regardless of what race you are, if you're a lazy dumbass who only knows how to complain and play pretend here in Yea Forums, you will amount to nothing and before you know it you're already nearing your 30s and you have achieved nothing so far in your life.

based. Nationalism is regressive cancer.

sige mura pa retard, fucking uncultured swine.
if may Yea Forums na ng mobile legends they can kill themselves.

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I only visit Yea Forums to browse for leaks, read no-filter opinions on games I'm enjoying, and once in a while, spew vitriol in certain subjects (like this one). I lead a pretty nice life actually, total normie from the outside. I just started on Yea Forums at the tender age of 16 (I'm 31 now) and have been unable to abandon it completely, like so many others.


And cunny.

>never been invited to a party

based pinoys dabbing on cringeposters

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Social life is overrated. You get to hang out with trash friends, bang some whore in a one night stand, but so what? The fact that you have done nothing with your life remains the same.

>tfw I'm flip incel autist

>She's practically nobility
Oh well there we go then.

sorry user this is the only I worship

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Have you read the damn thread? Unless you're referring to the gobbledygook posted toward the end, which nobody but you guys can read.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint?

is there a difference?

you are just coping, your opinions on socializing are based on ignorance.

Spira in Final Fantasy X is pretty much fantasy southeast Asia.

no way user

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I'm a Pinoy
Yes, I browse /int/, Yea Forums, and /pinoy/ from infinity chan

Sue me faggot, at least I don't spend an entire day spamming about Etika, but I'm gonna make another Persona 3 thread though. Fuck you.

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*dabs on your amerifat garbage fast food

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>that one autist who replies with smileys thinking he's somehow on top of the argument
pretty cringe

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phillipinos / flips are subhuman mud asians
you mud monkeys are literally asia's niggers

Why would anyone want to include a race of Asian Mexicans that have an insane inferiority complex?
They have no culture and are one of the most irrelevant groups of "people" on the entire planet.
Why, pray tell, would you include them in a game as anything other than the cannon fodder they truly are?

I see a pistol.


Just Cause 2

based fuck niggers

that's some MMO tier island layout

You ever seen how hard these subhumans wish they were Japanese? It's fukken quality cringe.

Depends what kind of socializing it is though, and I am not saying I don't socialize nor my concept of socializing is going to party, I just find it unnecessary to go clubbing and hang out with other acquaintances when I could do something more productive with life. Besides, the people I meet in party are more like temporary friends if anything, if you want a true friend then party is not a place to find them.

Just saying.

>infect and ruin
*read: I got stomped hard in dota and LoL by these guys

I dunno user, maybe because they're irrelevant to the rest of the world?

laughed my fucking ass off when I saw the manila idol group

No one plays CS story mode.

flips are the only asians that dont think theyre the ubermensch
i find that endearing

you forgot neppit/r/ph user

I need more details

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It's cute in a really sad, pitiable way, yes

That says more about your mom than anything. We were largely from ancient Malay and the indigenous people here, our very own aboriginals are called Aeta or Ita came from Africa. The abos were pretty well spread until the muslims wiped them out in the south. Then Spain came from the northeast and spread from there.

I still posit that the greatest mistake of our people was trying to secede from Spain. Then US bought us from Spain and just gave us our sovereignty because the fools didn't want to be a US colony too.

All japboo weebs in this country are cringe, especially girls

If you met a girl weeb in this country, chances that she's
>mentally ill
>a fujoshit
>most likely ugly
>likes to draw anime
>is trying to learn basic jap
>a total bitch
>considered cosplaying
>hates men but has a foreigner "boyfriend"

Weebs are pathetic

Can't exactly blame the US for not wanting to babysit literal apes.

>Age: 20
What the fuck? She looks fucking 12

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>/int/, Yea Forums, and /pinoy/ from infinity chan
I thought we got range banned from there recently?

Fuck /r/ph, its like /pol/ for the leftist sjw retards.

I know this sounds like a shitpost but my sister isn't a weeb but she has exclusively dates older/ white dudes.
It's bizarre.

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Thanks unironically for the history lesson, user.

Most powerful race here. A game about executing drug dealers on the street and fucking meth'd out ladyboys wouldn't fly well with the rest of the world.

you mean dead island?

how can wh*te g*rls even compete?

Haha yes, the pride is so fucking ignorant.

and they're super slutty my dude more then western women

We're better off without Americans though. Sure, the lingua Franca would be Spanish but at least the imperialist Americans wouldn't coerce my fucking country into signing unfair trade deals.

Fuck America. Go drown with your own shit your president spouts and people all over the world are slowly waking up how fucked up America is. If America tricked Japan into signing Plaza Accord then I don't think the same trick will work twice again.

>christmas land
>asians with squished faces and hideous pig noses
no thanks

>opened Yea Forums
>see /int/ shit
how low can we go?

putang ina mo

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True. It was also at the tail end of the American-Spanish war and they didn't really want another one so soon so they just bullied us a bit and then gave us our freedom. Filipinos still think we earned that freedom through blood but if US knew how great of a place the Philippines is as a staging ground for Asian conquest they'd have killed every rebel back then. The entire reason Japan conquered this place was because of that reason and now China figured they could actually just build their own island inside flip territory and project their power throughout the western flip sea and they wouldn't do a thing about it.

they make good maids, nannies and jannies

Who cares about the Phillipines or rather SEA in general

Yea Forums or /pol/ tier discussions

It's one fucking thread user, calm yourself.

so... are they sluts or really into jp?

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guess we're just lonely since it's a bit hard finding non-mouthbreathing fellow flips to interact with

Better than another shitty eceleb thread.

Our twelve year olds film themselves on their phones masturbating. One of our child celebrities did it already and spread it on the internet. Our kids are a bunch of degenerates.


Call center cucks and English teachers who demands everyone to speak in perfect English, everyone who doesn't like America are dutertards, and have drugs be legalized. I seriously, and SERIOUSLY I MEAN REALLY SERIOUSLY hope you don't come from that shithole.

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>posting Josh Luna
Be glad you aren't on Yea Forums.

An Etika thread died for this thread

RIP in piece

>even mentioning rebbit
you're part of the problem retard

I find them pretty friendly and easier to relate to than highborne asians. The western DNA really comes through in their social interactions. They're usually apolitical/right leaning and family oriented.

They're biggest drawback is that they're the Mexico of Asia.

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they don't get any influence from spain?

EU4 ternate or tidore start is incredibly fun to play

Grow in size a little, aiming for Ryukyu through Ming tributary status, then no CB a mainland japanese territory, core it, move your capital to it, culture shift to japanese by unstating your territories and moving capital to newly acquired japanese land, enact daimyo government, become shogun, vassalize the world with no AE penalty whatsoever since nobody knows who the fuck you are.