Why do they all follow the same layout?

Why do they all follow the same layout?

Attached: meme games.png (171x192, 45K)

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It's a good layout.

Dusk is a pretty fun game. Duskmare can be extremely annoying though.

does anyone have any classic-doom-like games that aren't s-o-y le quirky retro trend following memegames like OP's pic?

They're all released by the same publisher.

>s-o-y le quirky retro trend following memegames

are you alright

How the fuck are Doom like games soi retard
Soiboys play paltformers or adventures

>this is your brain on buzzwords

Look at this nigger lmao

New Blood does good work for publishing but they are definitely trying to craft a brand with the logo stuff.

same publisher

is maximum action good

>tfw remaking Blood Gulch and Turbine for when Workshop is released for Dusk
God I cannot wait.

DUSK was a real fucking solid game, I enjoyed it a lot. Should I play the other two?

Attached: 1549456227401.jpg (1024x1024, 144K)

It’s pretty jank right now and seriously lacking in content, which is why New Blood has partially taken over in the first place.
I’d wait for a little bit.

Modern "retro" FPS games are pure beanjuice made by people who don't understand why the genre was fun back then nor the basics of good level design. They think it's Painkiller trash of box room arena fights one after the other filled with bulletsponge enemies.

Amid Evil is just as good in my opinion. Maximum Action still needs work.

>They think it's Painkiller trash of box room arena fights one after the other filled with bulletsponge enemies
You haven’t played Dusk or Amid Evil

Gonna dump the webms I've made

Attached: magic_hole.webm (1280x720, 2.57M)

>filled with bulletsponge enemies.
I can't speak for the other two, but you clearly haven't played Dusk

maximum action looks nothing like Dusk and Amid Evil

Attached: flying.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

Wait it's out? wasn't it only announced at e3?

Attached: superweapon.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

Good morning shills. Sleep well?

Attached: slashy_4.webm (1280x720, 1.97M)

Early access, but the discord is already full of modders making shit for it.

Games been out in EA for awhile but made by one guy in his spare time.
The E3 announcement was that New Blood would help with the game and get it to a level that Dusk and Amid Evil are at right now in terms of polish and content.

Attached: slashy_3.webm (1280x720, 2.63M)

Attached: slashy_2.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>point out that user hasn't played a game as he blatantly tells things that aren't applicable for said game
>this is shilling
Stick with calling it a redudant inferior Quake clone if you want, all I ask is you don't be retarded with your shitposting.

>no arguments

Amid Evil is very different, but honestly hits the same highs of quality while having some lower lows. I preferred Dusk but Amid Evil does have some standout elements in its combat and weapon design (way more creative than Dusk's straightforward arsenal) and if you prefer fantasy/magic settings or are a zoomer who thinks Dusk is "too ugly" because it uses low poly models then you might prefer Amid Evil's visual design.
Maximum Action is more of a proof of concept right now than a full game. It's neat and the price is right but if what's in it right now is all they have then I'm more interested in a sequel that actually ties things together than its series of loose ideas and scenarios.

Sucks that they couldn't actually figure out how to make the game even remotely challenging, so they had to resort to a lazy slapped together meme difficulty. That's the main thing holding it back from being a good game like Quake

those webms are far more fun looking than the official stuff

Attached: quake2.webm (640x480, 2.03M)

Amid evil was fucking boring, all weapons are some sorta melee weapon that shoot magic balls with no punch to it at all, enemies and levels are bland

Seek help.

one of them appears to send enemies fucking flying though, isn't that punchy?

>Contrarian just says buzzwords as an argument

Attached: 1544188265928.png (298x388, 102K)

I like this one

yet you couldn't help but respond

Not really, it a mace and you just swing, would be cooler if it was a shotgun or a crossbow, so you can feel the force you are firing, every action has a reaction you know? You don't feel the reaction with any of the weapons in the game

Bought Amid Evil because it looked fun, but I guess that's the more Hexen-like game? Looking at Dusk possibly for a Doom experience. Is that correct? Wanna keep myself busy until Doom Eternal.

Dusk is moreso Quake with the aesthetic from Blood than it is like Doom.

Based, fuck these fake boomers and their epic "retro" games, this shit is just as bad as earthbound clones

Attached: 1521822852734.png (454x520, 13K)

Dusk has more in common with Blood, thematically, or Quake in terms of gameplay and design philosophy. If you just mean "you shoot things with guns instead of magic" sure but it's more focused on cults and weird monsters than demons and sci fi.

Project Warlock

>I've never played any of these games, but enjoy being a contrarian and LARPing as a fan of older games to seem cool to Yea Forums.

Have sex.

stop fucking responding

You were saying faggot?

Attached: ma.jpg (276x121, 17K)

Quake sounds good too, thanks, I enjoyed that one. Never played Blood though, but I guess I should.

I'll look more into this but looks neat, thanks.

>Cherrypicks a proof of concept

I rest my case.

The new Nightdive remaster of Blood is great, irons out basically every issue you might have had with DOSbox while performing great and still being an extremely faithful recreation. Highly recommended.

>you haven't played these games
>show that I have
>muh cherrypicking
All you did was prove yourself to be a retard

Attached: 1479562128588.png (892x1106, 1.13M)

Anybody play Amid Evil? How is it? I bought and play Dusk a while ago and I really liked it. Amid Evil looks interesting, but the lack of guns is off putting.

Attached: 1478673729023.jpg (352x315, 41K)

Perfect, another game on the wishlist then.

Attached: 1499384250186.gif (478x363, 2.95M)

3 episodes in, I haven't missed the guns so far. Your rocket launcher equivalent is a staff that rips planets out of the universe and launches them, and the empowered version of that launches stars. You get a crystal mace that fires crystalline projectiles that impale things, and the empowered weapon turns them all heat-seeking. Your shotgun equivalent is a sword that sends horizontal beams of energy, and empowered, they penetrate multiple targets and bounce around. You also get a lightning trident that's dope as fuck and can overkill one guy to chain lightning to another and kill him (webm to follow).

Attached: Amid Evil.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

Forgive the 30fps and overall shit quality. filesize limit increase never, and I've been recording in 30 to try to fit a little more into .webms.

Attached: Amid Evil 2.webm (853x480, 2.87M)

It'll probably be after Eternal comes out, but Prodeus looks like it has potential. My main issue is that its shotgun looks a little on the weak side from its pre-alpha gameplay.

One of these games is not like the others

Don't worry about the lack of guns, almost everything in the game is still a projectile weapon and basically functions like an equivalent from another shooter, with some added flair like piercing shots or homing attacks. All in all the game is great, kind of a slow start (it front loads it's two weakest episodes in 2 and 3) but after than it's a steady ramp in quality till the end. The last 3 episodes in particular are fantastic.

amid evil is ue4 right? i'm half expecting it to run like shit

This game always looks awful on streams and in video. It has to be the bitrate, right?

I swear AMID EVIL only looks good when you're playing it yourself.

Hedon was easy, but had a real fun Duke 3D sense of exploration. I especially enjoyed that aspect of it. Had that sense of wonderment to it.

I'm playing it on a potato and yeah it's much worse than Dusk. That said, default lower res settings make the game look like shit but also runs at stable 60fps.
If anyone else wants to play it on their craptop, I recommend keeping the texture quality high and putting every single other effect on low.

personally, i liked the thiccness everywhere

>plays the game thats more F.E.A.R than Doom

Is the game a good FEAR replacement?

it could be but not in its current state, it needs alot more content
i would pick it up if you have money to spare

do any of these games have level design like hexen?

I get 120+ FPS maxing everything, but I have a fairly good computer.

No, they're pretty straightforward.

show your Dusk and Amid Evil copies then

generic wanna be retro shooters are the worst

You're right. CoD, Halo, hero shooters, and battle royales are way better!

yeah, at least they understand what they are instead of attempting to imitate something from the past while getting it wrong.

pay attention to the gist of what you're saying: get some new material

Don't forget to just throw in random quotes from Through the Looking Glass in your game on the walls when you're creatively bankrupt.

Dusk is literally better than Quake.

Show us those copies. Just post 15 minutes of you playing AE or Dusk.

i'll never play amid evil because i don't like hexen.