Today is yet another day where Banjo and Kazooie are confirmed for Smash and Steve is not

Today is yet another day where Banjo and Kazooie are confirmed for Smash and Steve is not
Today is a good day

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Other urls found in this thread:

Literally rent free

Stinky Steve, cope and seethe.
Dabbed on twice and still won't leave.
Stevies cry and beg forever. Still no invite, NEVER. EVER.

Ok. We get it.
But after months of bullying Minecraft fans, and harassing Rare/Mojang/Playtonic employees, do you really deserve any of this??
Bad enough you boomers took away affordable housing, and now you’re going to take away our video games??

>bullying Minecraft fans
You mean the discord trannies who constantly spammed threads about Banjo to shit on him?

So what did we learn? That you Banjo fans couldn’t handle any bantz

Look at this beautiful bastard.

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>Spamming the same exact thread repeatedly
Sure thing, tranny.

That’s nothing compared to the stalking and bullying done by 26 year old neckbeards to children on twitter. Bad enough James Perrot was bullied by castlevania fans

Stevefags made hundreds of meme pics of Steve. That's called original content. They also had varied insults like fursona, cereal mascot, Banjoke, etc.
Banjofags keep spamming all stale Yea Forums memes. Seethe, cope, tranny, zoomer boomer, dabbing, assvore, etc. No creativity. The only original thing about Banjofags is "Stinky Steve" which gets spammed everywhere.
Stevefags are much more endearing.

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Can we start a to have Steve replace Banjo in Smash


>reddit won E3, and trump may not get re-elected
Kek, why????

>my level of shitposting is much more endearing than your level of shitposting
Have sex.

Lol and it was all for nothing, fuckin trash.

Because he's a zionist and no one likes israel. People

Subforum for nintenkiddies when

Ah yes, have sex, another meme spammed to death. You sure proved me wrong there buddy.

>I can now play as Banjo and battle against Donkey Kong

I've wanted this for 20 fucking years.

What are you talking about? It was fun as hell. Memes aren't supposed to have a purpose y'know

It's not a meme. It has nothing to do with rosterfaggotry. I am telling you to have sex because you're a legitimate loser who finds shitposting to be acceptable.

Tell your cult leader that his sans asscheek tattoo better have Yeezey glasses

>something that's spammed in every thread is fun
sure, kiddo.

>stevefags think they're hot shit for using buzzwords for a year

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That’s what you get for dealing with discord/twitter migrants

It's ok dude I'd be mad too if I wasted all that time to be btfo that bad.


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I don't mean to interrupt, but could we talk about my boy, Banjo? He's kind of a chad.


Yikes... Banjo incels...

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He's perfect.

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That's basically the bread and butter of communication on this site now


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What Banjo songs do you want to see in Smash?

Final Battle and Click Clock Wood. anything else after would just be extra gravy

Doomguy yes. Dante can fuck off though. He is literally the quintessential Hot Topic vidya character. I'll take another cartoony platformer mascot though.

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>Thinking that we're getting another Capcom character

Capcom loves to whore out, so it really wouldn't surprise me.

Most of them seem like they would fit nicely.

I want Gobi desert or Mad monster mansion

but stevefags are now going apeshit on anyone with their shitposting, even crashbros

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>Main Theme
>Click Clock Wood (Medley)
>Final Battle
>Mr. Patch
>Hag 1

keep seething zoomie steves based boomer banjo will always win

Seething this hard because your zoomer icon didn't get into smash.

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damn it feels good to win

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Steve itself was a stale Yea Forums meme. All they did was repost the "good morning Yea Forums" shit over and over again. Hardly original.

SteveCHADs make great edits of ugly Steve
Banjokes use buzzwords

Think of all the Stevies and zoomers who bought the fighter's pass and will now have to live with the fact that Banjo's big, goofy face will be staring right at them every single time they boot up the character select screen.
We really should be thanking you kids. You've only made his inclusion all the more sweeter for us, yet entirely brought it upon yourselves.
It's beautiful.

Yet banjochads have the last dab

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>waaaah stop bullying us!
>you did the exact same thing for months
>y-you just couldn’t handle bantz!
Quit acting like a victim blockhead

Thank you rare for our first trans rep in smash! (If you don't count samus) Kazooie!

They will hear Guh-huh every time they play online. It's over.

ITT: Images that did not age well

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Low effort bait will always fall into irrelevance. You can literally see the cope, seethe and cringe in every pixelated line.

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>every single one of those characters besides Geno made it in anyways

I hope all Dantefags die. They're the absolute fucking worst shitposters to ever taint smash threads.

This meme aged like milk

I wanna use kazooie as a fuckpuppet


When you finally have sex. So, never.

At this point this is autism. Seriously why not make a thread about the games at least? It would at least mask the rosterfagging.

how are they gonna recover?

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Cry more stevebitch.

Who says it was for nothing? Steve is POPULAR in smash now

You had to know there would be repercussions for your daily Steve threads.

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I don't think Banjo would say that, let alone even know what it means

He just did B)

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You know, i made that mspaint comic to bait (you)'s, but i really like your edit.
Only thing that's made me smile all day

>wasting 10 months of my life spamming every Smash thread with Steve shit only to be btfo beyond all reason was totally fun bro, mr a waste of my life at all
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

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>getting excited over DLC
>still not realizing that he hasn't even gotten an announcement for a new fucking game
Fuck I hate smashtards, never in my life would I expect Yea Forums to be so obsessed with DLC, coming from fucking Nintendo of all people.

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>implying the Steve discord wouldn’t be doing the same thing
Consider yourself lucky, banjofags will stop posting these threads after a month or 2, discordfags were posting non stop for almost a year, if they had actually gotten their way it would have been another year of 24/7 btfo threads.

>this guy again
>this “argument” again
Just quit while you can, it didn’t go well for you in the last thread.

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Were you intending Kazooie to be FTM or MTF?

Lol you again
Didn’t you swear in the last thread you weren’t assmad? Yet here you are once more

>discordfags were posting non stop for almost a year
They keep going even now.

I dont even know what the thread your talking about but its what i've been thing ever since you fuckers flooded the board during the initial rosters speculation.
Why the fuck would I get hyped up about a character getting into someone elses game, as paid DLC too to top off that shit sunday.

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Doesn't really matter either way, they both have cloacas and the like so i guess mtf.

GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we're another day closer to Banjo (yes, THE Banjo from Banjo-Kazooie) releasing as the 3rd DLC character for Smash! Make sure to save your tears for an upcoming Nintendo Direct when Steve is revealed to be a Mii Costume!

>b-but we shitposted harder then you guys! m-minecraft is more relevant then a shitty mascot platformer!


Turns out relevancy doesn't mean jack shit! Sakurai and Nintendo will add whoever they want to Smash, and Banjo was a clear fan-favorite! So what about you shove those rules up your ass while we wait for Banjo to be released, hm?

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Wish I had your enthusiasm.

Geno mii costume.

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So it's ok to be a complete jackass so long as you put on a few pretty colors? You Blockheads were the ones with Banjobros living rent free on your heads to dedicate so much time to making up all that shit. Gruntyposting is so much more creative than a few spammed insults and slapping that ugly render on threads.

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It's always the unfunny zoomers keeping a dead joke going. They'll eventually get bored and move on to the next big meme.

You're using the wrong tactic, that won't actually work on anyone here

They're in.

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>stop posting after 2 months.
Says you, buddy. I'm going to gloat all the way till Banjo-kazooie is released.

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i can't believe banjo killed etika

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The grave?


the ending of the first game but without the rock

>why would I get hyped about my worst nightmare coming true?
You wouldn’t, but we would.

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Hoes are, in fact, mad.

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Uh oh it's the "No games" guy! Should we call you Chad Warden since all you seem to do is attempt to dump on Nintendo fans? I feel like it fits.

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The only ones keeping a dead thing going on are Banjokes and their shitty bear.
>b-but we won h-he's alive now
Because fans spammed the Smash Ballot. Everything else about the Banjo franchise is dead. Rare doesn't want to make Banjo games. EVEN IF Banjo gets a new game announced by a different company, it won't break 1m sales.

Why are you smashtards just making threads about this one character over and over again? He didn't even have any new game confirmed. I don't understand this autism.

Hey guys I have a situation, I want to play as Dragon Kazooie but the fucking XBLA stopnswap bullshit aint working.

Here's the rundown
>1st Kazooie savefile in which all the stop n swap items but one (the rusty bucket bay one) were collected
>It's got most of the jiggies and notes and is at the final fight but hasn't beaten it
>Went and played the 2nd savefile to 100% completion, stop n swap items didn't appear (besides the rusty bucket bay one) because they were already collected in the 1st save file
>Now playing Tooie
>Beat Tooie early last year, so playing on the second save file
>Despite having all of the stop n swap items collected in some way or form in Banjo-Kazooie, none of them are showing up where they're supposed to in Banjo-Tooie
So what do I have to do here? Beat the 1st Kazooie save file? Do I need to bring it to 100% completion? Delete it and collect the Stop n Swap items in save file 2? Is my Tooie savefile going to need to be restarted once I work all this out?
I want to play as Dragon Kazooie, god damnit.

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I had to put up with your bullshit for almost a year straight, and you're gonna get bitchy because it's been two weeks?

Get dabbed on, cubecuck. I'm gonna continue to be excited for Banjo

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>Banjo and Kazooie had fallen so off the radar before Phil's comment that they didn't even make it into this image

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Stop n Swop items are carried over between save files in Banjo Kazooie. The fact that you them in one and not the other is strange. Get the items again on your 2nd file, and then try to go back to Tooie. Also keep in mind, only some of the colored eggs from Kazooie carry over. The Ice Key for example is actually inside one the 3 secret hidden N64 carts in Tooie’s hub area.

It's only a matter of time

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Well yeah, beforehand, why would anyone seriously support a Microsoft owned character being in Smash? Phil's comment about being okay with it was the first ray of light Banjofags had in like a decade by that point

It's like how Genofags were mostly dead after Brawl, only to be resurrected when Sakurai acknowledged Geno's popularity in an interview in 2016 and with the Mii Fighter outfit.

The stop n swap items are split between two games because I didn't remember how to get to the captains quarters in Kazooie the first time through. So you're saying I should get rid of the first file and try to recollect everything in the second?

I checked out the waterfall in spiral mountain and the ice cave outside of jinjo village, unless they moved them in the XBLA port, they aint showing up.

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dumb nigger

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I mean it's fantastic that Steve will never be in smash, but these threads are getting tiresome. Maybe chill with the autism there banjofag?

Actually, fuck that last part. I’m thinking of the N64 version. In the Xbox version of Tooie, the 3 N64 carts now contain bronze, silver, and gold Stop n Swop eggs (which can be used in N&B)

You shouldn’t have to delete the first file, but at least see if you can get the swop items in the second file.
And is there absolutely nothing in those secret areas in Tooie? Not even the N64 carts??

>still not in smash

took 20 years but we finally got em lookin like the old school renders, maybe even better.


>but at least see if you can get the swop items in the second file
None of the stop n swap items were in my second Kazooie save file. I assumed I had to do something to make them appear that I had forgotten about until I got to rusty bucket bay and got the last egg I missed in the first save file.

The two areas I was far enough in to check were absolutely empty.

relevancyfags got blown out eternally to the point of nonexistance.

>He is literally the quintessential Hot Topic vidya character.
Your thinking of donte not dante

Geno confirmed

That’s really fucking weird. iirc, the way to make the stop n swop items show up in the XBLA version of BK was to have a save file of Nuts and Bolts. That might be what makes the 3 new eggs show up in Tooie as well.
And the point I was trying to make was once you collect stop n swop items in a BK file, they’ll remain in your inventory even if you start a brand new second file afterwards. I don’t wanna say your shit sounds fucked, but it kinda does

If I had to guess I probably have to go back and beat the first save file where most of the stop and swap items were collected.

Do you think an internet connection matters? My 360 isn't connected to the internet at the moment

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reddit tier thread
please go back

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Internet connection shouldn’t matter. Try beating the game, or like I mentioned before, collecting them on the 2nd file.
Also it seems the secret areas in Tooie don’t have the new eggs until you hatch all the original stop n swop eggs there first

>or like I mentioned before, collecting them on the 2nd file.
Therein lies the problem
The stopnswap items I already collected weren't there on the second plathrough of kazooie

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>that recent interview with kirkhope

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In Kazooie’s pause menu, just go to your totals and scroll all the way right to the Stop n Swop menu to confirm you have everything. If you do, they should automatically be in your inventory when you boot up Tooie. Which from there, you can take the eggs to Heggy the Hen to hatch them and eventually take the Ice Key to the secret Ice Chest in Hailfire Peaks

Just double checked
I do in fact have all the stop n swap items, and I also have the little stop n swap logo on all the Tooie save files.

Are you saying that if that's the case I don't have to go recollect them and have them all on my person already?

I'm gonna be getting a switch for Banjo's return but I'd like to know, what's the best switch bundle out there?
Should I wait for Black Friday to get one?

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Yeah. You should be good to go. Have you been to Heggy’s in Tooie so she could hatch some of your eggs?

Will the pause theme play when you pause on Spiral Mountain? These stages all need something a little special about them I think, because they're part of the DLC package you paid for, and that's why Joker's stage interacts coolly with the music. So I hope something happens for Banjo's stage like the pause theme. In fact, maybe even Gruntilda will speak with insulting rhymes based on who's playing. As for the Dragon Quest stage, I don't know what cool features it might have.

>You don't have to re-collect the stop n swap items in their old Tooie locations
Words can't describe how stupid I feel right now

I just went and hatched the first egg, thanks user

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Then when you find the secret Ice chest, it should automatically unlock for you. That’s the first step to getting dragon kazoo

I thought it was Leon from the thumbnail.

The only reason you had to recollect them in the N64 version of Tooie was because Rare couldn’t get the s&s feature to work properly back then. Now after you hatch all the original colored eggs, those old secret locations in Tooie will have brand new metal-colored eggs. Those only give you blueprints in Nuts n Bolts though, so it’s not a big deal

This faggot needs a name but that one won’t work because people will think we’re referring to the actual Chad Warden.

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Gee Steve, how come Sakurai lets you have TWO characters in Smash?

Best part is when the artist puts a signature and makes themselves known. You can tell they only draw shit like that to get followers and then play it off as a joke when they're no longer relevant. I bet you the user that drew that was a bandwagoner who probably didn't even consider K. Rool or Ridley before they got confirmed.

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Smash roster faggotry is 99% random bandwagonning you fucking elitist

>Today is a good day
over ten years without a new banjo game and you think it's a fucking good day. what a faggot.

>genuinely liking characters and not pretending to like ones you’ve never heard of is elitist

>genuinely liking characters
It's not genuine when a reddit poll told you to like them

Nice projection bandwagoner. Castlevaniafags have to be pissed off at how many kids hopped in their series due to Smash.

>there’s no way you actually played Banjo way back then! I-it’s impossible! Stop ittttt!

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Sup Chad.

If the best effort Rare can muster is Nuts & Bolts, then it's better to put the series on ice. Yes, you best believe Banjo and Kazooie in Smash is a good fucking day you little shit stain.

You clearly didn't. So yeah you're a bandwagonner. Make sure to watch out for future polls so I can control you again. I'm thinking that you'll become a Waddle Dee fan next

I never played a significant amount of Banjo Kazooie but I am glad he is in Smash. He's a natural fit

>If the best effort Rare can muster is Nuts & Bolts
Well that's certainly a higher effort than banjo in smash.

>if I’m too young to have played x game than so is everyone else
Seeth and dilate

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Keep living in delusion, little retard. I’ll be playing smash as the character I’ve wanted for nearly 20 years now.

>reddit created buzzwords
>Fireden shows you post nothing but "btfo" culture trash that only bandwagonners care about
Yep. You have never once played Banjo. Must be why you're so angry about him being in. neck yourself fake fan

>STILL can’t cope with the fact that people have genuinely wanted Banjo for years and years now
Keep it coming, baby. You know I love it

>Fake fan is doubleposting with his phone
Wow you are SEETHING that you're never gonna enjoy a character you like being in Smash. Must be why you came all this way from Smashboards.
You have never wanted Banjo. Consider yourselves officially purged from our hype train


Hey guys sorry I made this post as bait. I was really upset. I retract it.


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>Banjo and Kazooie were created by the same guy who created K. Rool, Steve Mayles
Even if Banjo was still a never-ever it would still be dumb.

>Wake up
>Remember Banjo is in Smash and Steve is not
Is anyone else having a great day?

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So why are you so upset? You know that you can tell samefagging with extensions, right?

Mad that you're my pet? You'll vote for whoever I tell you to. Don't fight it, bitch

>steve is not
Whelp it's time to wake up again cause you're dreaming lmao

>get called for double posting here
>immediately try to reverse the accusation just like you do when you call Banjofags “zoomers”
Stay mad short stuff, this fall the entire community is going to be pic related why you cry over cubeman not getting in.

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Grotesque steve aside,im starting to think if we got a Minecraft rep it could be Minecraft dungeons themed and im scared

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When has Change dot orgasm done anything?

Shut the fuck up fake fan

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>have my morning coffee
>Remember again that Banjo is still in Smash and Steve still is not
This is gonna be a great day :D

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>quoting two different people and accusing them of samefagging
>Uses [character] wars terms
Ah I see! You've NEVER played Smash. As we know, Smash Bros fans have NEVER autistically tried to turn roster specualtion into political camps. That's only a Smashboards thing.
You lose, Smashboards raider.

It was a low quality forced meme. It was basically doge reskinned but a rancid shitty version that was way worse. Only the smash community is this autistic.

>Stevefags would've lost either way

Yep. Sure is a tough life being the new fan favorite like Ridley. People always trying to tear down Steve the underdog.

Whatever you say Mr. Warden

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What's ANY Minecraft song that compares to this banger?

>taking a leisurely drive
>almost feel bad because I get stuck in a traffic jam
>recall at that moment that yet again Banjo is still in Smash and Steve is not
What a lovely day

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>Literally DAILY "We can't stop talking about Steve even though we say we hate him" Smash generals
Man Steve is certainly becoming the next big underdog, isn't he. This reminds me of post-brawl with Ridley and how he became "hated but still does great in polls" in the community.

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You already admitted to being from Smashboards using this image. Man. You're really trying to destroy Banjo's reputation aren't you

Ridley was never hated and the people who wanted Ridley in unironically wanted him in and didn't wish for him just to shitpost. There were no disgusting renders of Ridley

Careful, user. The raiders from different websites are gonna call you "Stevefag" because you didn't confirm to the psy op that they are trying to force onto Yea Forums

wait - you actually think comparing someone to based chad is an insult? banjofags can't meme.

>Ridley was never hated
>There were no disgusting renders of Ridley
I don't see how your dislike of some random image is relevant. You DO know the reason they fucking make this is because you react like this right? "ew its icky get it away from me eeek :("

Gross steve fans wanted him in as a joke so him being in or not being in is a loss for fake fans
Minecraft mini game music is kino,im to lazy to find a playlist of it all but I recommend it
Also you posted a remix so
I wanted steve and banjo btw

Underdog my ass, Stevefags have been forcing their ebin meemees for months and shitting up threads worse than any relevancy or BTFOfag could ever hope for, fitting that webm of him raping Banjo came two days before the reveal. (You) can fuck right off.

>Ridley was never hated

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>still trying to use this deflection strategy
This hasn’t worked in the past, what makes you think it will work now?

Where the hell does this song ever play
It sounds like it's from La La Land

>all 3 banjo games got 4K enhancement
>Minecraft super duper graphics pack still delayed
The BTFO has no end in sight

>Rosterfags are a bunch of manchildren that are butthurt that anyone would want something thats "mainstream" or "modern"
>Naturally, a slightly younger crowd enters the scene with ultimate and they want more modern characters, Steve simply being one among many
>Because the manchildren don't have nostalgia for it and because of how mainstream it is, manchildren rosterfags SPECIFICALLY sperg out at even the idea of Steve in Smash
>the slightly younger crowd realizes this. Makes a bunch of smug ass Steve images
>They work fucking WONDERS as making the older manchildren sperg the fuck out
>everyone laughs
>more get made as Steve becomes a popular Smash request
Stevefags didn't force anything, you made it happen

>refuseteve is trying to interpret his embarrassment as being a successor to Ridley

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Aha. You admitted it. You're a samefag that's constantly posting the same images. I said that because I saw someone say it to you on Fireden :) You are ACTUALLY a Smashboards raider. You've been outted

>trying to revise history
It won’t work pal, it didn’t work 6 months ago, it won’t work now

Hey look, you called me a Stevefag... just like this guy predicted here Does that mean you come from another site?

>slightly younger
Some of you in the same thread and probably you aren't even eighteen yet. I was posting here at fifteen back in 2006. You were literally in diapers at that time.

No, there's a large contingent of dedicated shitposters committed to creating and shitposting those grotesque Steve renders just unprovoked. A lot of people want a lot of different characters in Smash. But Stevefags are the ones who admit to not even wanting him in, they just like taking the piss out of Smash fans

Black Friday, see if you can get a MarioKart bundle to join in on Yea Forumseekend.

I can pull up all fucking kinds of Smash Boomer images from E3 2018. That's EXACTLY what happened. And it's why you guys FLIPPED YOUR SHIT when Isabelle and Incineroar got in

Except we both know this community's older fans feel so insanely threatened by modern characters. Remember Incineroar?

>posting the fake discord the Stevies made
Away with you

>you recognized me! Got ya! XD
Recognizing your Smash board boogieman deflection is something a lot of fans are used to at this point, but keep pretending you aren’t the same faggot that has been getting btfo repeatedly every day since Banjo Kazooie got confirmed.

My headcanon is that Steveposters abandoned Steve and became Bear and Bird posters instead in order to stay smug.

>implying stevefags actually play the game

Next one is Rayman, screencap this

Incineroar BTFO the grinchfags who were hyping themselves out of their mind thinking that there were NINE (9) characters to be revealed a MONTH before launch. Leakerfags are only slightly less bad than Stevefags

user, can you genuinely answer a question?

What else did you think would happen with all these "Steve BTFO" threads? People would stop pushing for the character? Real talk here: When has such a thing EVER happened? Did Ashley stop having fans after all that fucking stupid "K.Rool beats her up" art? No. Waluigi? Fuck no people still love that meme.

You're gonna get mad at me for saying this, but shitting on a character in Smash roster speculation has a bounce-back effect. They genuinely only get more exposure and thus more popular

Even before that, people were seething about him because he's a NEW character.

Wait and see if they put out a revision some time this year

It's less of a threat and more of a grievance, to me anyway. Pushing for recent characters and dismissing older characters because they can't shill a game is a bad way to decide your roster. Even if Banjo doesn't get a new game, the reaction to him was genuine, just and overwhelmingly positive. The fact that Nintendo had to give Sakurai a list picked by them shows how disconnected he is from the fans. Furukawa himself is younger than Sakurai, so it's not a matter of age. He's doing his job as a businessman and first rule of thumb; DO NOT piss off your consumer base. Iwata let him have too much freedom and it shows.

Attached: hmmm.png (257x366, 204K)

Ashley fans disappeared as soon as she was confirmed as a trophy. More or less the same with Waluigi after the initial reddit tantrum wore off.

>this guy
You mean you
>other websites
Yea Forumsirgins have been calling you a stevefag about 10 months now, it’s nothing new and isn’t coming from some mysterious source.

You're caught being a spamming samefag in these threads, and you've admitted in the past that you came from Smashboards. Now go back. You're caught.


Sure, I'm not gonna deny that there were people like that but those weren't the majority. The majority of the anti-Stevefags are that way because of how much a non-character Steve is which is exacerbated by how obnoxious Stevefags are

>Ashley fans disappeared as soon as she was confirmed as a trophy
I still see PLENTY of Ashley fans in the smash community. Also Waluigi is so fucking popular that people still think he's DLC even though it's third party only

>You're gonna get mad at me for saying this, but shitting on a character in Smash roster speculation has a bounce-back effect
I mostly agree, what I was laughing at is the attempt at saving face by saying “we’re just like Ridley don’t be so mean gosh!”

Basically the same picture, but here.

Attached: 1555652182746.png (1413x757, 140K)

>but those weren't the majority
Of course they were. The majority of the incestuous ass roster/poll stuffing/ballot community is a big grey blob of 24-30 year olds.

We must be looking at different sites then. I see Geno MUCH more than Ashley

It has happened before, just look at Chrom in 4 with his Yamcha-like appearance in Robin's trailer and getting made fun of in the Palutena's Guidance for Robin. Waluigi isn't too different considering how his AT was introduced in both 4 and Ultimate.


>don’t be so mean
I don't see him saying that?

Still don't know who Steve is btw.

You could say the same for Geno, until Banjo happened and they came back to shitpost even more because "relevancyfags BTFO! GENO IS GONNA BE THE 4TH FIGHTER NOW!" despite the fact we're getting Hero probably within the next 2 months.

Yes I see Geno also. It's almost as if being "deconfimed" does nothing to actually deter a characters fans.
In this case my point is that these people think they're making Steve less desired by shitting on him when they're only helping expose him more and thus cementing him in the Smash Rosterfag zeitgeist

is the default skin from minecraft.

Attached: 1445682675262.jpg (596x628, 46K)

im just glad banjo got in. hoping for my most wanted since brawl now

Attached: 1543521083851.jpg (1024x1024, 104K)

>mfw looked for this image
>found it on kym
>those comments

Aren't there also Geno and Bandana Dee versions of this?

Calling you out and laughing at you when I see you shitting up threads isn’t spamming, and I’m not the only person who does this, as seen by the multiple responses you got here
>you've admitted in the past that you came from Smashboards
Did this happen in the same phantasy world where Banjofags are “zoomers” and Steve made it into Ultimate?


lmao seething Smashboards raider got caught cause he didn't know about Fireden.

Doesn't he have a mustache or something?


Attached: 1561397418128.png (1085x750, 799K)

Tip for next time, Smashboards fag. Change your filenames before spamming



Oh this is just sad. Go back to facebook

Literally obsessed arrest yourself and go to bed.

They even got the freckles right in the Smash render

I don't get it
banjo got to be in smash.
minecraft got a new game.

Why are minecraft players mad?

Attached: 1561582474248.png (544x638, 619K)


fuck i gotta wait 4 months for them, thank god its not another 10 years, though.

Attached: 1561554953816.png (411x482, 231K)

go to bed and arrest yourself

Absolutely fucking desperate

Attached: 1362726666405.gif (300x290, 1.74M)

arrest yourself

>repeating the same false statements over and over because you’ve run out of arguments
This is another signature move of yours, take notes everyone. No, samefagging doesn’t make it less obvious.

>puts stevefags after stevefags got BTFO

Banjo-Threeie should be about Grunty getting her dad, a powerful warlock, to put Banjo and Kazooie through a series of challenges. Each of his worlds is full of either his minions, his monsters, or unfortunate people he has trapped there for whatever reason. The hub world is the Warlock's domain, where the presence of jeering Grunty can be felt every step of the way. Each world should be between the size of a Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie world, with denser, more concise setpieces and platforming closer to Banjo-Kazooie. Individual notes, individual eggs, individual feathers, tokens, and Jinjos should be placed carefully throughout each world. Worlds are all self-contained like in Banjo-Kazooie. Dial back on the moves from Banjo-Tooie that don't lend themselves naturally to platforming, navigation, or puzzle solving. Omit playable Mumbo and split-up pads. All new moves should lend themselves naturally to platforming and navigation. Physics and basic controls should be greatly improved from Banjo-Tooie.

autism , because they lost a "war" over a character getting in as DLC, that they wasted 10 months of their underage lives on.

Attached: bear.jpg (772x588, 66K)

user be real. With Kazooie, you're the fuckpuppet.

I hope his eyes emote more in the final product, I think that's the only time I've seen his eyelids, and I've seen Kazooie's emotive eyelids a few times in screenshots

he seemed kinda unfinished, emote wise. also i hope his snout has jiggle physics like in his game

Attached: 1541072097933.webm (606x694, 374K)

I expect he's a lot more unfinished since it's a while till he comes out. We didn't get to see Joker's final mode till the day before or so

That's pretty much how they would look if Nintendo owned them. Only difference is they would have been given five digits of each paw, like they did with the Kongs.

What makes it even funnier is that 10 months is a really long time for them, they have no idea what it means to have to wait. They are zoomers though so you can’t expect them to have patience.

Attached: A09F6E98-3436-4E8F-9BD8-F362E5B8FE4F.jpg (640x211, 63K)

Steve is not a character. Steve is a reminder to replace my default skin.

>Wanted Banjo since the run-up to Brawl
>Been waiting twelve years for him
>Finally paid off
Kind of wild to think that's as long or more than some of these kids have been alive.

>We won the war
Jesus Christ you're still here, Smashboards raider?

this your new boogeyman or some shit, kid? I don't use that website.

Minigames on older editions that had them built in

It really is crazy, I still can’t believe he’s finally in. The only character that would make me happier is Geno but he’s deconfirmed, hopefully they’ll at least put the mii costume back when Hero comes out.

I've been waiting since 4 for Geno and a Rhythm Heaven rep, though I'd sacrifice Geno for RH in a heartbeat.

I didn't even think about Banjo being in until I heard that Sakurai wanted him in as a trophy for Melee, so I only had a short time to get my hopes up for that

Imagine literally obsessing over these characters.

Both Banjofags and Stevefags are autistic manchildren it seems.

Attached: 6969696696786767.png (614x472, 317K)

This is me, the other one wasn’t. As I’ve stated before I don’t use that website and that deflection will never work, cry more.

steve never had a chance to begin with. he is not a character and he is not unique. he lacks the ability to emote. If anything. If Sakurai tried to make him into a realizable fighter he'd just look awkward either way. Mostly because he's a sentient stack of blocks.

Yeah and the Bandana Dee one is actually accurate to how his faggot fans act.

You already admitted to being from there.

based grunty poster

They seem less finished compared to Hero.

Since Kazooie has all of that going on, I'm sure Banjo will by the end

Nobody ever admitted this unless it was you samefagging, fuck off.

lol I'm from Smashboards, I wanted Steve in.

>pretending to be the victim after an entire year of being the most insufferable obnoxious faggots on Yea Forums

Attached: angry kot.jpg (479x479, 28K)

That thing Banjofags are doing?

Our visual diarrhea is much more endearing than your visual diarrhea

Attached: 1556375709173.jpg (469x465, 38K)

>n-no you
Nobody made you poke the bear, stevie.

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Patrician taste user


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Attached: A62D6B86-48AC-4F36-8BB6-566D0FEEBF37.png (680x680, 141K)

Is that a crit flamethrower effect from TF2?

user what even is this

It’s the final form of steveposting

Attached: F0660034-186A-4A15-9239-139E24C08D58.jpg (132x249, 5K)

On the one hand i can see Banjo being a nice guy and moving on / forgetting about Steveposting. But it seems very in character for Kazooie to be a vindictive asshole about it and rub it in Stevefag's faces forever at every opportunity.

Attached: i'm a centerist xD.png (640x480, 14K)

>not falseflagging as both just to have a shitflinging contest and get smashfags upset

Attached: E98E199A-FA91-4ABA-B7CA-68BA5E7E39D9.gif (288x197, 390K)

>Where's your invitation, Cubivore? Weren't you supposed to be inevitable?
>Come on, Kazooie, don't kick a guy while he's down!
>Oh. Alright, sorry, block head.

Oh look it's the brainlet cope again.
What would your uncle Trump say about you getting into endless shitfests about which character got into a Japanese game and which didn't?

>bringing Trump into a thread about video games
Literally rent free

>Do not piss off your consumers
What's worse is any other director that did half of the shit Sakurai did would get fired or tank the series into limbo.

>rent free REEEEEEE
Oh look it's the brainlet cope again.

Imagine being so obsessed over the schoolyard drama celebrity bullsiht that makes up burger politics that the first thing you think of when being called a centrist in a steve vs banjo thread isn't steve or banjo but blonald blumpf

Attached: brainlet mutt.png (403x334, 100K)

>But after months of bullying Minecraft fans, and harassing Rare/Mojang/Playtonic employees, do you really deserve any of this??

Banjo fans have done none of this.

Stevefags have been FAR worse.

These are all just from kazooie
>main theme
>frezeezy peak
>click clock wood spring
>rusty bucket
>final battle
>grunty's lair
>furnace fun
>gobi's valley
And spiral mountain too obviously


And people think Banjofags are terrible.

Reminder: if you EVER posted the "realistic" version of Steve, you were never rooting for Steve to begin with. You only existed to shitpost about other characters not getting in, and now that you got (audibly) blown the fuck out, you're trying to find something else to shitpost about.

anti fags are autistic, they literally did this shit for months

You can only reply to me if you've owned at least 3 Smash titles in your life time

This'd be really fitting considering it's used for all the four player minigames in Tooie

This looks like the fucking DR1 and V3 ending where the mastermind is waving goodbye

I'm a fan and while this is good exposure it doesn't mean jack shit until an actual banjo&Kazooie game gets announced. Why can't you retards get this through your thick skulls?

Reminder that the rest of the DLC will be characters that have some form of comeback mechanic built in so you can't turn it off and to be thankful that the Smash team, at the bare minimum, learned that being able to hold onto that shit for an entire match with no drawbacks was retarded

Attached: Comeback Mechanics.png (674x654, 20K)

i doubt banjo and hero will have comeback mechanics

They showed in the trailer for Hero that you can use Kamikazee, which is a self-sacrifice spell that tries to kill everyone, so that counts depending on how they limit magic

We also have no way of knowing how feathers will work for Banjo

kamikazee looks like its gonna be trash unless its doubles

Banjo related

Attached: banjo_bear_03.png (529x525, 312K)

>steve in smash threads every fucking day
>banjo confirmed, de-confirming steve
>"r-rent free, g-guys, give it a rest"

Seethie Steavies can't handle the bantz

Attached: 1552900382581.png (221x276, 9K)

Stevetrannies and Steve supporters are two different groups. It just unfortunate that Stevetrannies were the most vocal and annoying

Owned all except the 3DS version

Brawl is the best Smash game

>no Lucario, the originator of the comeback mechanic
Shows how little you know.

You say that because Brawl had the most memes and newgrounds flash movies associated with it

I want this in Smash so bad

>312 posts in
>No one posts Gruntilda tits

>comparing arguments characters in a children's party game to real life politics

Attached: he-man.jpg (431x385, 19K)

it'd be too good if this game got a remake on switch, with banjo in it again

Glitter Gulch Mine


I'd rather have Diddy and Banjo (with Kazooie) in Mario Kart


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Attached: gruntilda.jpg (1158x1200, 144K)

Someone post the edit

The first thing you thought when you heard the word centrist was Blonad Blumpf, but you call me brainlet

Attached: haha I'm smart.jpg (800x450, 45K)

A power to surpass Metal Gear