What are some modern games with soul?

What are some modern games with soul?

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Is anyone else having trouble buying the Penta Ninja skin? It's not letting me despite having the coins for it.

Have Trophy Girls been created by Cortex as well?


Sunless Sea

He was creating an animal army to take over the world so yeah.

Now post the real Ami from Nitro Fueled.

>no CTR or crash in OP

Why do they all have saggy cheeks now?

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this but unironically

Cortex had an animal anthropomorphizer, every fur fag's wet dream.

Why do the females get more human characteristics than the males

See oglaf

Because Brio knows what's good.

>that pic

I thought I was the only one that thought it was that.

True but mostly because we have forgotten all the dogshit games that came out alongside the gold. I think Gamecube had something like 300 games but only a dozen were not forgettable trash, almost all of those happened to be amazing timeless classics though. Same for N64 and PS2 and Xbox. The great games were truly spectacular where now they're just moderately decent.

soul/soulles may be a meme but you can't deny new games give you weird feelings.
There's something off. You can almost small and taste corporate.
There is nothing wrong whit new games but they feel all wrong.

This isn't about nostalgia only. It's very hard to tell the difference.
I can point out many soulless games I'm nostalgic about.
For example, many Crash 3 levels lack soul. Same goes with Crash Bash.
Crash 1 is a soulless DK rip-off. I love characters like Pinstripe and Tawna notheless.
Crash 2 has a real soul.

"soul" is the buzzword we are currently using to describe a feeling we aren't able to describe yet.
You know what? This doesn't apply to vidya only. There's something unsetting about this modern age.
Things were better before. There's nothing wrong but it feels all wrong. We can't understand why.

You 'muricans have trouble to acknowledge you can't explain everything. You refuse to surrender to inexplicable and act like someting inexplicable doesn't exist.
Well my friend, this weird feeling exist. The day we understand why old > new, First World is going to be a better place.

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>jiggle physics

How do they get away with it?

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Can you post all the cute girls?

Based Brio.

I don't have much of a CTR folder yet

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Now I'm sad ;_;

I'll never understand this concept of ''how did they got away'' with normal anatomy that every female has?

Soul is just a buzzword for nostalgia

Wrong, new games can have or lack soul.

Cheer up! Maybe in some future thread.

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Don't be a baby. Get your own pics.

>normal anatomy that every female has
Too sexist for modern western media

Thanks for proving my point

>New game can be good or bad
Maybe it's you who doesn't have a soul.

>mrw i found ou this was hair and not parchment paper