So, do buyfags actually have any points against piracy, or are they just coping?

So, do buyfags actually have any points against piracy, or are they just coping?
I'm starting to think sunk cost is the only thing keeping them going.

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This is why everyone hates pirates. Because every time a 14 year old manages to pirate their first gay dating sim they haul ass over to Yea Forums to make a thread bragging about it.
Fuck off.

So, no? Cause none of that is an argument against piracy.

As a collector, piracy makes no sense to me. I constantly play multiplayer games online with my real life friends, so obviously a hacked system wouldn't work out for me.

The point is nobody has to argue for or against piracy because everyone does it in the confines of their home, in private, and neither should people make threads about it on Yea Forums.
Again, fuck off

You can play pirate games online.
And there's always LAN

The fact that you keep making threads as a way of seeking validation and affirmation suggests there is some underlying anxiety you are having difficulty adjusting to.

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coping. they're just ASSBLASTED their country has cucked internet and they can get fined for pirating lmao

Read my above reply.
This is my first thread. I am genuinely curious. I haven't heard a single argument against piracy here.

I don't know why we need to keep having this discussion. If you want to buy, buy. If you want to pirate, pirate. No one else can stop you from doing whatever you want so who gives a fuck? I buy most games for various reasons. Very occasionally I pirate stuff. Movies, I pirate most of everything. Music I tend to buy or stream. That's just how I do things and it doesn't matter to anyone but me. How about we talk about video games?

Dumb retard piracy IS a crime. What the usual argument is that whether piracy is theft and whether does it cause major loss to companies to which the answer in both cases is NO.
Make no mistake tho you illiterate fools, piracy is still a crime as you are gaining access to the use of product without proper fulfillment of the implied payment of the contract. You can potentially still be sent to jail for it. Tho most governments don't bother.
t.Pirate for decade but also not illiterate.

Intellectual property is a farce. There is literally nothing wrong with pirating.

>Dumb retard piracy IS a crime.

it isnt where I live

can't you pirate RDR2 on PS4?

>Wah I don't like discussion so nobody else can do it!!!

it's not supposed to be an argument against piracy. it's supposed to call you an annoying retard

>petty shitflinging and calling each other cucks
Only on nu Yea Forums


Yes it is dumb illiterate retard. Your government and isp are just lazy fuckers who don't care about it because you probably live in a third world country that has bigger problems to deal with

A lot of things are crimes that are not prosecuted, doesn't make those things morally wrong. Lending your friend a game you've bought is a crime because he doesn't own the license to play it and you don't own the right to redistribute it, for free or otherwise. Letting people you know come over and watch a movie you have is a crime because they haven't bought that movie either. If corporations could have your way, you would be jailed for these infractions. One has to remember that law in spirit is more important than law in the letter and when it reaches absurdities such as this, prosecuting people that cause no harm is insanity.

I buy games because using Steam is more convenient than pirating. I'm poor, sure, but I'm even more lazy.
I did pirate the CK2 DLC, though. Fuck Paradox.
If other people want to pirate absolutely everything, that's not my problem. Go nuts.

The real question is why do you even care? It's obvious from your post you are firmly in pirate ground. Are you sincerely stupid enough to believe a few threads on the subject in a shitty 2chan copycat made by a western gaylord is gonna turn their opinions around? "Oh user, I was so misguided! You're right, it's totally ok for you to pirate" What kind of delusional world do you live in?

I want arguments against piracy. I thought I clarified that in the OP. Are you stunted?

No retard, its explicitly legal to download anything from any source for "personal entertainment" as it would be up to the owner of the IP to sue and prove a lost sale which is impossible

>Your government and isp are just lazy fuckers

Average internet speed is twice of burgeristan

> you probably live in a third world country that has bigger problems to deal with

am*rica is a third world country

I'm a buyfag, although I never buy at full price outside of one or two games a year, tops.
Honestly I don't give a shit, pirate what you want and be happy with your vidya. If you'd want to buy it, you would do it, but you can't or won't. Just have your fun.

i've only just found out how to pirate literally everything at 30+. 95%+ of games i've dl'd aren't beyond mobile shit. the games I REALLY like, I buy physical merch like vinyl, shirts, posters, cosplay, etc.

>People who try to come up with some kind of moral excuse for pirating
Just say you want free games you fucking dorks lmao

Ah, shitposting. I get it know.

Not the guy you're replying to, but piracy is wrong because the money that would have gone to the developer because you bought their game instead never reaches them because you instead decided to pirate their game so you could play it.

You are reaping the fruits of their labor without giving them compensation for it.

There, that good enough of an argument for you?

the people who actually worked on the game already got paid their wages, though

That money just goes straight to the publisher, user. Unless it's an indie game I guess.

> that would have gone to the developer

Retard, the developer has already been paid in full by the game is finished and shipped. The only one losing money is the publisher.

>No actual arguments against pirating ITT
Buyfags BTFO

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What about just supporting the developers you like? I have a job and can still find time to game my day away and buy atleast 1 game each month if there's anything good on the market.

>Average internet speed is twice of burgeristan
Isn't that still total garbage by global standards?

If everybody pirated, there'd be nothing worth pirating.

Top 20 internet speeds are tech havens like south korea and singapore and east european countries. Mostly because their infrastructure is new and they often have dozens of competing ISPs.

so what you are saying is burgerpunk is worse than a 3rd world country? pro tip: it is

>vidya """industry""", esports shit, managerthink and artifical, engineered hype based marketing collapses
>back to pet projects out of dedication and community driven modding

Oh noes, people will vote with their wallets! Please think of poor megacorps!


If everyone pirated there would be no video games
People don’t spend time and effort for free
Thank the buyfags so that you can continue to pirate games
When uncle trump cuts off your autism bucks and mommy makes you get a job you’ll understand

Whats your internet speed?

>Buyfag calling someone else a tool
How about you fuck off, normalfag

And yet you pirate your music and movies, you hypocrite.

>I love sucking Sam Hyde's 2 inch dick
Fixed. As I said, FUCK OFF YOU TOOL!

>If everyone pirated there would be no video games


>People don’t spend time and effort for free

But they do.

Yeah, intellectual property is shit, hope nobody steals the credit or gains cash with your products, you're genuinely a genious

Daily reminder that pirating games will give you malware. Prove me wrong.

How would you know it's 2 inches unless you've sucked it yourself, faggot

Because if I enjoyed a game and the developer/publisher isn't cancer then I want to actually give them money and support them so they can make more games in the future

I unironically didn't know that copying shit for your friends was supposed to be a bad thing until my late teens. Is this some American thing?

Only if you're a brainlet who downloads infected chink reuploads from pirate bay
t. completely malware free despite pirating all the time

Pretty sure most people who pirate would never buy in the first place
I cant remember the last time I bought a game because most I only play for a couple of hours before realising how shit they are

been pirating for 20 years never once got malware

I'm rich.

I only support piracy against certain devs, and encourage others to do so. I don't pirate myself, as I hardly can bother/have the time to play video games, and struggle finishing off my current collection of purchased games.
I actually unironically still buy CD albums, I'm cursed with being autistic about audio quality and bootlegs are hardly ever the CD quality I'm looking for.
Movies? Netflix and waiting a few months for a movie to show up on Redbox is my go-to. There's only 1 or 2 movies a year where I actually go to the theater to watch. And none of that jewy IMAX or 3D bullshit, standard definition for me please.

>the lost sale argument
Absolute bollocks. People that were making the game already got paid.

Why do you feel the need to let people constantly know you pirate stuff? I do a lot of the time but its not like im stickin it to anyone.

They already get paid for work done, yes, but the low return on investment would cause them to not to develop more games in the future.

It depends on the game. I had to rebuy BF4 because my first account got banned for using a cheap ass stolen russian key. It was about 3 months after release too, was just suddenly banned.

Pirates are the vegans/gays of the gaming community. They literally cannot shut up about their identity.

daily reminder to seed faggots , don't be leeching retards.

Wait, vegans get the streak and all the side-dishes for FREE?

>vidya pirate boogey man
You are just looking at reasons to be mad you sad cunt.

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>ohhhh a collector

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Competition is unamerican.

This. A seeding pirate is a respectable man. Those who only leech are the scum of the Earth.

No it's an (((American))) thing.

>typical consolenigger thinks pirating is some dark alleyway drug deal shit

It doesn't benefit you in any direct way. But if you're wondering why all the good games these days are console exclusive, blame piracy.

Pirating is fine but it doesnt make you any less of an obnoxious asshole to keep on mentioning that you do it as if your owning some non existent person


>get a free invite from a friend to a private tracker
>use [REDACTED] software to show my download as 2x Upload
oh yeah i seed, i seed hard nigga lmao

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>mfw pirates are one of the main reasons that consoles are still alive
Hoisted with our own petard

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Wasn't there a time were Pirates Bay was popular with pirates and seen as decent? What's to stop other piracy sites from pulling the exact same shit?
>They're based in the UK!
The niggers who banned memes? You seriously think they won't try to ban piracy?

nah, console are alive coz dumb zoomers falling for words like teraflops and custom made ssds

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What is your occupation, OP?

Just keep telling yourself that

they are not coping
they are not copying


Not one pirate can explain to me why they should deserve free entertainment. Is this somehow beyond your comprehension? Having to earn things?
How do you not feel like dogshit when you take something you don't deserve? What is wrong with your parents that they failed to teach this to you? Are you just faulty human beings? Actual degenerates?

This. I can take you through step by step of why piracy is bad if you start by telling us what your occupation is.

You dont need a license to play an already sold game
You dont need a license to distribute YOURE instance of a piece of software. You even own the IP for the one piece of software, so you can hack your own game, you dont own the IP of the brand or source code to redistribute new copies

And yet you pirate other shit (music, anime, comics, books, whatever).

I'd rather spend 5 bucks for a working steam sale game than risk a copyright strike and the pirated game eventually not work because of DRM. Stop being a nigger.

>and the pirated game eventually not work because of DRM
Is the other way around, legit copies might stop working some day due DRM servers going down. Pirated games always work.

if everyone would pirate games, nobody would make them.

>pirated game not working coz of drm
do you even know what pirating/cracking means?
>copyright strike
learn how to use a vpn

if every dev starts making games worth buying, no one would pirate anything

i do, i deserve every fucking game i pirated, coz i only pirate shit games from shit devs


if every single person pirated payed software, it wouldn't get made so don't act like we're all stupid for buying, because without us you wouldn't have anything to pirate

They’re also looking to the next quarter, for which they need revenues from their previous game to keep getting paid

someone try justifying pirating indie games

Indie game devs are fucking faggots

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I don't need a justification, that's for faggots.

there's no demo, and stores ban if you use refund too much

>this game sucks and for that reason i pirate and spend my time playing it
maybe play some games worth your money and don't waste time on shit that isn't

Do you faggots really think Valve would get away with not letting people download their games within a certain time frame if they ever shut their servers down for good? They would be sued into oblivion!

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thats just poor judgement skills on your part if you keep buying games that dont look appealing to you off the bat and having to refund so much to the point you get banned

I, like all human beings, deserve anything that I can obtain. I'm sorry that you are too weak to take what is yours.

No. I don't. I have a job. I buy the things I want. So your only justification is that others do it? How weak are you? You sicken me.

buyfag here, I think piracy is ok for people who doesnt have money but if you have enough money and dont spend it on things that you like to support the people which made it you are a rat and a faggot

>do you faggots really think american corporations would get away with anything
I don't "think" it, I know it.



why play shit games? its not like your stickin it to the dev because if you knew it was shit its not like they lost a sale

Who's justifying? I'm just calling your hypocritical bullshit. I pirate because I can.

>lying on the internet
Now that's sad.

The only legit issue with pirating games is that it makes you less bound to them.
You are much more likely to just drop the game and uninstall it over some small quirk when you got it for free.
I finish maybe 1 out of 10 games I install these days.

>pirate AC-O
>use cheat engine to increase xp gain and eliminate the worthless grind

trailers are highly misleading and lets plays spoil the game. Developer companies literally want you to impulse buy so they generate hype. Reviews are also paid.
You literally have zero way of actually knowing wether you'll like it or not before trying it.

They don't make demos for a reason, 60%+ of AAA buys never play more than one hour, so if they'd let you know what exactly the game is like, they'd be losing a ton of sales.

Piracy is literally able to save you from getting screwed by these companies.

I've spent thousands of dollars on games, but I haven't bought a single one before pirating it/trying it with a friend's account.

>the lack of buyers remorse is a issue
Now that's coping.

thats fair, i'll always advocate try before buy but most people try, like a game and still dont buy

imagine being this much of a defect

Imagine being so retarded that you keep playing a shit game only because you paid for it.

It is coping. You're getting overly emotional over a digital file on your computer. You're having the effects of a bad marriage from a video game. You are so fucking stupid.

>all the good games these days are console exclusive
You have a weird conception of "good".

Why shouldn't game devs, designers, programmers etc be compensated for their work?

>if you shut down your entire business model, essentially destroying your whole company, your former customers might sue for the lost service.
A dire threat, to be sure.

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Am I on Yea Forums or Yea Forums right now retard?
I don't give 2 shits about music and movies.
I do buy idolshit music because I like idolshit though, gonna come up with some pretzel twist somersault in your head to make me look wrong?