Why do black people hate him so much????
How much hate would you feel towards a fellow nigger that managed to not be just another chimp committing crimes and killing people?
Everyone hates him, black people just aren't worried about being called racist for saying so
>why do Yea Forums obsess over him so much????
I think they hate him cos he wasn't one if them Erika was a decent dude
lol nigga in hell
One less negro in the world. Works for me.
Too bad they populate like rabbits like their middle-eastern counterparts.
>le funny scream at videogames man
>a decent dude
pick one
They need someone to shit on so they don’t feel lonely tonight. There’s been like 20 threads in the last 20 minutes
So basically nothing happens.
wtf I love black people now?
Can this be a black girl thread?
Hah, I did a mistake there. No worries.
Crab mentality.
rest in peace MKBHD
post yfw youre not a nigger
Hmmm. If I do recall the reason mods sticky this shit yesterday was so that this shit won't be spammed despite it being not vidya related. Now, where's those janny tranny cocksuckers.
Because he was a monkey dancing for the nintendie white boys
Blacks hate each other black on black gun crime statistics
I dont understand how you can like him
youre still a gay nigger lmbo
black people really hate nintendo games
seething scrawny white incel boy can't cope with nature bringing karma to his race
based and weebpilled!!! time to watch moe shit and jerk off to my cartoon girlfriend! remember 2d>3dpd!
which is more pathetic niggers or cucked whites who pretend to like them?
>snitches get stitches
I suggest you to move in the ghetto area in order to understand their norms, culture, etc. Of course, Blacks would betray/kill others to get anything despite the long term consequences of this - their lifespan are shorter than other races. Look up crab theory, which is prevalent in the black communities
t. nigger
this guy is pretty mad
im thinking the obese whites that parrot everything /pol/ says and will never continue their race because they're jerking off to cartoons.
>white knight kids fucking doxxing these people
Why do they think breaking the law is okay if it's for their favorite e-celeb?
Lol fucking chimpfuck NIGGER
The normies and normy summer vacation trolls hate this guy now. It ruins their flow, their plans and concentration when people keep talking about a black, dead guy.
Rememberminder that Etika is here to save us and not the other way around.
i get why you're seething. after all, THIS is what your women look like.
Damn.... really makes you think
Blacks hate any black who isn't selling drugs in the hood to make money, or doing some other gang shit. Especially if you're talking about video games on the internet for a living they won't consider you as a real black.