FFXIV Shadowbringers soon

FFXIV Shadowbringers soon.

Updated Job Guide: na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/battle/?utm_source=lodestone&utm_medium=pc_banner&utm_campaign=na_jobguide

Full Patch Notes:

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Other urls found in this thread:


was jinpu 13% before? shifu is 12% wtf

g-guys just wait for the final numbers
su-surely they'll adjust them, this build was from april!

What skills were changed?


Nothing changed from the media tour build.

>caring this much about slight differences in potency numbers that'll be changed over and over again through the expansion and won't matter to anyone who isn't a top tier raider sperglord

arm's length on tanks is going to be so fucking overpowered in dungeons

>dancer crit/dh buffed nerfed from 30% each to 20%

I knew it was never going to make it to launch like that. It's weird that they swapped the names though since the buff was originally Saber Dance now it's Devilment and Saber Dance has Devilments effect.

Where we MCH bros at?

>Fills your youtube recommendations to the fucking brim after mistakenly clicking one video

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GNB got some dps buffs

When is the preload up?


Do the new custom deliveries share the same lockout as the other ones or can I do 12 HW/SB and whatever ShB ones every week.

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>cure potency: 50

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dark niggas

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false, drk potencies got updated

Shifu is also 13% in the skill tooltip, not sure which one is correct, the trait or the actual skill.

>wildfire is now a 2 minute cooldown with 200 potency per weaponskill instead of 1 minute with 150 potency


Have to wait 1 day for expansion is ffxiv finally dead?

DNC direct crit buff down to 20%

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Ahaha. AST had the same potency on Combust II and Combust III. What they did? Drop the potency of Combust II so Combust III becomes and upgrade

>Burst strike is stronger
>Blasting zone is stronger
>sonic beak got its initial potency tripled, its DoT potency almost doubled, and its duration doubled

NIN potencies also changed

I'm so glad no mercy wasn't staying at 10% and sonic break actually seems worth using.
My hype is cemented, I'll stay gunbreaker even if people want to flock off because it's not WAR.

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Yes, 12 max, so only hand in 6 this week.

was it always 13% i actually don't remember

Skill Speed for BRD now?

Was already fixed in JP build


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Plus Blasting Zone and the Continuation skills all getting 100 potency buffs

>300 upfront + 900 DoT
>60s cd
Uhhhh balancebros?

>sonic beak got its initial potency tripled,
It didn't, the initial 100 potency in English media tour build was mistake, it was also 300 back then
They were both 12% in media tour build.

>Superbolide lowered to 360s CD

Literally ungabunga tier now just like WAR, just hit the sks cap to get 5 weaponskills instead of 4 and you're a orange parsing mch kek

Just fucking remove wildfire or change it to lasting X amount of GCD instead of time duration.

Am I useful now?

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why the fuck does drk get the aoe combo at 72, I don't even play drk and i'm mad

>not running in incognito mode

Better than astrologians wheel of fortune. Weaker than scholars sacred soil. Hmm?

No Mercy buff to 20% and Gnashing combo down to 30s cooldown mean you can kill your ass goodbye to skill speed build.
So whatever, hope you poser stop pretending it's anywhere similar to HW DRK now.

>MCH is fucked
Maybe I will change my mind what to play.

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Have you not seen how good smn was for pretty much the entire expansion?

Back into the shed with you.


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I was in denial about the Monk changes, I thought the Media Tour was just outdated and there's no way they'd keep Riddle of Fire and Tornado Kick the way they were.

It was a mistake to have hope. Time to drop this trash job.

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>WHM damage buff
nice la

Wrong dumb faggot.

I was talking about that skill in particular and not SMN itself. It was like 20 potency in the media tour build which is laughable

Boy do I have good news for you lmfao go look at what Seraph can do

Every embrace is a 200 heal and 200 shield with a 120 potency Regen for 21 seconds and a 300 potency heal 300 shield with two charges. Sacred soil now 50% uptime 100 potency heal and 10% damage reduction

Literally nobody will ever die with a scholar healing them ever again

>ninja ninki is now 6 per weaponskill instead of 8
>shadowclone only gives 4

Man it would have been crazy if ninja was getting full ninki every 5 weaponskills

>Still no mention of the 50 extra fairy gauge on summoning seraph even though its clearly how it worked in the job preview
>Aetherflow can only be used in combat
Welp, looking forward to never using Fey Union ever again.

The 8 ninki per gcd is a trait

They were both 12% in media tour build.

>NIN forever meta

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>mfw i just started so i don't get anything
Did DRK get even worse or stayed the same from those earlier builds?

At least it can be used without a target and doesn't bind anymore.

That's literally as good as Medica 2 now, what the fuck

>potencies on drill and air anchor nearly doubled
What's the problem here?

This seals it. Going to main casters for ShB and maybe try out NIN and WHM.

it's strong but boring

wrong retard. Every job had changes.


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Looks like Fang and Claw got bufffed by 50 too on top of coming back a little quicker so it's going to be more active.

I didn't care about it being similar to anything, the job looked fun as it is. Blame all the extra salty former DRKs.

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>Paladin's 1200 potency non-scaling aoe made it through with no changes

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potency got buffed all around, but still won't be as fun as HW but maybe at least funner than SB.

Yeah but it's also on a 2min cd basically and tied to SMN's most powerful burst phase

>posting the good version

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When will the update roll out. This is the first time I ever played when an expansion was releasing

Is the Holy potency nerf worth the cooldown buff?

You're using the 1.5 second attack in that window dummy.

>They axe Rouse
>But make Seraph act as if she was permamently Rouse'd and giving off the effect of Whispering Dawn on single target healing
>Except that she can still use whispering dawn to further boost single target healing
>Also 600 potency aoe heal that you can use twice in 20 seconds
>The 10 fairy gauge cost blessing is worth 3 whispering dawn ticks, you can use it every minute just for existing
>Excog is still fucking broken
>Recitation is still fucking broken

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A Moment of silence for our fallen skills/traits

PLD: Savage Blade, Flash, Shield Swipe, Sword Oath, Tempered Will, and Bulwark.
WAR: Skull Sunder, Butcher's Block, Unchained, and Deliverance.
DRK: Spinning Slash, Power Slash, Darkside, Blood Price, Dark Passenger, Dark Arts, and Sole Survivor.
WHM: Repose and Aero III.
SCH: Summon, Energy Drain, Miasma, Summon II, Sustain, Bane, Rouse, Miasma II, Shadow Flare, and Fey Union.
AST: Royal Road, Empty Road, Spread, Undraw Spread, and Time Dilation.
MNK: Internal Release, Steel Peak, One Ilm Punch, Howling Fist, Purification, Earth Tackle, Wind Tackle, Fire Tackle, and Riddle of Wind.
DRG: Impulse Drive, Heavy Thrust, Full Thrust, and Blood for Blood.
NIN: Jugulate, Smoke Screen, Shadewalker, and 一双.
SAM: Ageha and Hagakure.
BRD: Misery's End and Foe Requiem.
MCH: Reload, Heartbreak, Blank, Quick Reload, Rapid Fire, Turret Retrieval, Bishop Autoturret, Gauss Barrel, Remove Barrel, Dismantle, Cooldown, Bishop Overdrive, and Bishop Overload.
SMN: Enhanced Intelligence, Enhanced Intelligence II, Enhanced Intelligence III, Aetherdam, Aetherdam II, and Aetherdam III.
RDM: Enhanced Intelligence, Enhanced Intelligence II, Enhanced Intelligence III, and Enhanced Jolt II.

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Current DRK is incredibly unfun to play because you need to press a spell called dark arts in between almost every single attack to increase it's damage and even with that effect they're still outdamaged by Warriors

A class where you have to do twice as many inputs to be less effective sucks dick. Instead they're basically stripping the job down to one combo, a 25% shield and a mana spender that's impossible to overcap on. So now instead of frustrating they look boring but will be simple to do near-max potential damage on

Which one is it again?

>at least funner than SB
How do you arrive into that conclusion? Fray is press a button and forget every 2 minutes. You get two 3000mp spenders a minute. Other than that it's 123123123bloodspiller + inner release

Did salted earth actually got another nerf?

Scholars true power depends on if seraph shields stack with our shields

Who gives a fuck about the meta, play what you like


360 seems like a good spot for it.

Bummer. Maybe i was lucky that i didn't manage to hit cap with it (only 58 at the moment) and i never got used to his older full kit.

because literally anything is better than weaving the same fucking button a thousand times


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Its a tank, not a DPS. None of the Tank rotations are that interesting.
> Instead they're basically stripping the job down to one combo
Literal brainlet argument.

they do, it was confirmed

It doesn't matter her 300 potency raidwide heal and shield is already as good as adloqium

Repose is actually a Role skill now
Don't know why it's still in, but ok

>Enchanted Reprise was useless in the mediatour build
>It's even worse at launch
RDM literally got nothing this expansion

They do. Nocturnal shields only overwrite galvanize. They don't even overwrite the new critical shield effect from adlo, which means that scholars no longer give a shit about ASTs being in nocturnal. White Mage is dead for another 2 years.

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Honestly? I'm happy. Cheesing mechanics was way too easy with Holmgang.

Grade 8 is first slot only, grade 7 is 2nd slot only?

I'm ok with DRK changes.
I just dislike how Stalwart Soul is a lv.72 spell, and I will miss old Abyssal Drain, but I guess YoshiP really want healers to heal more.

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>scholar and summoner

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>implying everybody here doesn't need constant validation for their jobs


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Where are you guys finding datamined stuff btw?

holy FUCK paladin got buffed
those fucking AoE potencies are insane

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you don't cheese shit with holmgang, it's just up for more tankbusters

Paladin and Gunbreaker are allowed to have far more involved rotations than lmao 123123123123123 ad infinitum, arguments like yours are what led to healers being homogenized and dumbed down

Let's make every tank only have 1 aoe, 1 single target attack and a DoT since "they're tanks they don't need to do damage"


Think I'll still main it with summoner on the side. I think the job is kinda perfected now with these changes.

*laughs in hallowed ground*

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job guide was updated

>tfw drg and smn only lose useless annoying shit

Which frees up other cooldowns and healer gcds.

Long cooldown.


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It's better but still looks boring as fuck, still going to do the MSQ with it to give me a good opinion of it before switching to Gunbreaker

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>2 minute cooldown for 1000 potency attack
>Drill and Air Anchor hit for 700 potency now
I don't know whatever to feel annoyed or glad.

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>DRG: Full Thrust, B4B
user FT is still in and B4B is just renamed

>Actual AoE rotation
>Got nothing
Reprise is litterally the RDM Scathe, I don't know what you expected. Might have some niche use in dumping mana if you go over 50/50 mana right when Manafication comes back up

Because I won't be pressing dark arts literally all the fucking time. Right now I think I'll still enjoy it more than I did in stormblood, but that can change over weeks or months. I'm not happy with all the fucking changes, but I'm "fine" with them. I realized I was never getting HW DRK back a long time ago.
they been out for DRK's self-sustain in dungeons since HW, it was only a matter of time until they fully slashed it.

It got AoE that wasn't just spamming scatter and thats pretty much it.



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>Paladin went from worst tank AoE to best tank AoE.
What went so right?

Oh, you thought you were about to kill that healer in PvP? Well they just used a free 60s benediction on themselves that also makes them invincible for 3 seconds. Enjoy.

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>nerfed DRK
>buffed PLD

>nerfed WHM/AST
>buffed SCH

What the fuck are they even doing?
PLD was already stronger than DRK on the Media Tour build and SCH better than either of the other healers.

>* Attempts to affix grade VIII materia will always result in failure when it is used as the second or later materia in advanced materia melding.
Looks like just VIII

>gravity does flat 130
>doesn't upgrade at all
>available in ARR content now
>no longer requires lightspeed to give it a reasonable cast time

Well most mechanics you'd wanna cheese only show up once or twice in a fight.

Looks like SAM just got readjusted, meaning stronger really.

MNK still the same as media tour build? Not sure.

SAM+DNC will be meta. Just watch.


What class do i play?

Holy shit, they actually managed to make PvP even worse somehow

more healer dps uptime isn't cheesing

>Attunement is back

>123123123123123 ad infinitum
Oh, please do tell. Write it out so you can see how retarded you are. Its 123124123124 which isn't exactly big difference unless you have the brain of a monkey and think that pressing one different button in your rotation every 30 seconds is the difference between boring and fun.

>surecast now has a 2 minuts cd
Fucking ouch.

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so you get one supermateria and then 4 regular materia per gear then?

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>an kill your ass goodbye to skill speed build.
>So whatever, hope you poser stop pretending it's anywhere similar to HW DRK now.
I'm still going to stack Skillspeed. Get fucked tranny.

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how long does maintenance usually ACTUALLY take

I want to play DNC but I'll feel like a fucking clown in the story if I do


>When some jobs have better skills for PvP than their PvE version.

Sorry buddy but it's actually NIN/DRG/DNC/SMN(RDM for prog)

The one you think looks coolest

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13% is correct according to the Japanese page

>Chain 3 limit breaks to finally kill that SCH
>Each LB deals whopping total of 1 damage
>SCH uses their new knockback spell that gives them 3 aetherflow for free and goes back to being invulnerable

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24 hours and not a second less. Expansions and raid patches don't come up early.

>Divine Veil got reduced to 90s Cooldown which applies to all damage (not just magic)
>Still has Passage of Arms as well
>the fucking potency's on all their attacks
Paladin is absolute god emperor of tanks this patch.

honestly its probably like 6-8 just to get the expansion rolled out onto the servers and probably 12+ just to test stability across all data centers

We've known about that change at least since e3.
Both should have just been damage in general.

creatively bankrupt design

Maybe it's for the best we didn't get a healer


Whichever you find most fun
Don't listen to metafags
Even then as long as you get good enough with the class you like meta won't matter

reparations from heavensward, we still deserve it

>jinpu and shifu now 40s

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Convince me not to fantasia to Male Elezen tomorrow because i'm about to ding-dong diddly do it. Seems like they would look great as GNB

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Go false flag somewhere else.

It's likely that it will finish an hour or two before they actually say it will, happens quite often.

Full 24 hours. NEVER earlier. Especially for actual expansions or raid patches.

Bladeniggas me irl i can't believe i'm gonna main tank in a mmo

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They usually look better drawn than in game.
They look best as tanks anyways.

So this is the power of AST

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I know SAM was never particularly brain stimulating, but holy shit.

How long is maintenance and when does the game files come out?

have fun faggot, make sure to have a sick glam

that's what I thought too before picking up DRK in HW
have mained tanks since

It’s like this. say you have a crafted chestpiece. you can have up to 3 materia 8, and then 2 materia 7

So the GNB Continuation combo now is a total of 2490 potency over 3 GCDs

PLD, SCH, and SMN look like they're gonna be fucking ridiculous

One of the patch maintenences a few weeks ago ended like 6 hours early.

>This kills the raidwide damage

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Hey, you even have the exclusivity of losing potency on both one of your weaponskills and one of your most used oGCD skills.

Praise Yoshida.

Don't worry, asylum is also shit compared to sacred soil.

It's going to be NIN/MNK/DNC/SMN though

Fuck off paladin nigger, you literally were barely below a DRK in heavensward and you fucking faggots act like you were put in concentration camps worse than the jews.

don't worry, ill use the biggest baddest coolest FemWhiteViera glam i can find.

The price of having buffs, yes

I don't know shit, how is MCH looking?

>AST is worst than I thought it would be
How the fuck did they just give others better tools and butcher card mechanics?

Do it. Malezen is patrician.

I want to FUCK that fairy

Warrior will probably still be the best because IR now also gives you 2 400 potency direct crit AOEs. PLD will probably pull ahead at the end of the expansion when crit values are higher

Looks fine to me, but metafags will say it's shit cause no party buffs

You are retarded if you don't understand what reprise is there for. It is i fucked up my mana management button meant to further idiot proof the job.

What made SAM hard was Hagakure and Meikyo alignment in the proper way.

Now that it's gone, HELL YEAH SAM BABY I DON'T CARE ABOUT BABY MODE. I do have to level MNK first though because of my retainer.




>one deletes 10% of damage from the game
>it's the one with 30s recast
>it also is a stronger heal

c'mon man

I'm not sure it's as good as it seems on paper. It didn't seem like the shield was all that big.

That image literally stole my glam.


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Its.fucking nothing

Mentaiko BTFO, maybe he'll go back to drawing now.

Any White Mage who thought their dumb fucking Lily spells and afflatus that they need to stand still and actually cast like some brainlet would make them more sought after than Scholar and their ridiculous fucking endless OGCD heals was in denial

Holy fucking shit I actually cannot believe how much free potency scholar gets to shit out

Dissipation doesn't even make you resummon your pet anymore, how the fuck will people die?

Savage solo healed before next major update

play the heavensward PLD job quests and tell me we were treated right, I dare you

The extra 20 potency during overheat was a weird addition, maybe there was some fine tuning or fluff here.

>literally the biggest complaints about PvP in SB was that healers were virtually invincible unless you had a literal entire team shit out all of their resources on one all at the same time with perfect timing
>they buff healers so that now you just literally can't kill them
sasuga SE

Did anything on WHM get buffed from the media preview?

Feels good to be a BLM chad. Now with even stronger healers I can move even less, basically becoming an off-tank.

Looks great.

Anything new in the full patchnotes worth anything?

>mfw PLD main

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>Combust II Deals unaspected damage over time. Potency: 35 Revision: Damage over time potency has been reduced from 50 to 35.
>Combust III Deals unaspected damage over time. Potency: 45

New music on stream by the way, even if you don't understand moon.

The dev team does not know what to do with healers. Do not expect a healer in 6.0

That's somewhat true, fairy potencies aren't 1 for 1 with Scholar potencies, it's more akin to 2/3rd of SCH power. That still means that Seraph is pushing out 400 potency aoe heal for free twice every 20 seconds
Keep in mind, Indomitability costs Aetherflow and is on 30 second cooldown just to heal 400 potency aoe. This shit is ridiculous.

>behind on game but grinding through it
>just finished all patch content for heavensward
How is the ride through stormblood? How did a fucking mmo make me feel the things heavensward did?

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Good stay off my job you meta slave tranny. I'll remember your post when monk gets multiple world's first again

Again, go false flag somewhere else.

pretty good since we're much less dependent on Wildfire for big burst damages with both Drill and Air Anchor being 700 potency ogcds.

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SB is nice. But ultimately a setup expansion towards Shadowbringers. Unlike HW where it felt like a self-contained story-line expansion.

>AST increases raid DPS by 20 so it's okay that it ltierally can't heal anything at all ever

>PvP Six Sided star grants full stacks when used.
Holy shit why didn't we get this Six Sided Star in PvE? Then you could use it after TK. Fucking Yoshi you cunt.

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>mfw SMN

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In terms of the actual effects, Asylum is right in line with Sacred Soil. It heals more and grants a healing increase instead of damage reduction.
The real crime is the fact that SS is effectively going to have 50% uptime, because SCH barely have anything to spend stacks on now without Energy Drain.


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>haven't played this game since ARR
>WoW is a dying shitfest
Might come back but I also realize all MMOs are shit even if XIV seems to be at the top now. I had all jobs at cap and relic for them all before I ended up going the fuck back to FFXI out of boredom and lack of things to do. What do bros, do I fall for the MMO meme again?

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leveling GNB and SAM, who else /dmc/ here?

Not as good as Heavensward storywise, but it's still good. While heavensward has better plot, I feel like Stormblood has better characterization.

Ok no fucking trolling just once.

MNK peeps. What we got?

Gunbreaker is 123123 but every 30 seconds you have a Dark Knight rotation where you press not-DarkArts/EdgeofShadow after every attack. They're basic rotation is pretty much the same as DRK except their ogcd ability is locked behind another combo.

And WAR and PLD are exactly as brain dead as I said they were.


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One last time guys.

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It seems like the devs are pulling away from damage window buffs altogether, which is really weird that they wouldn't curbstomp trick attack while doing everything else.

NINs, why does your skill still exist? Justify it.

We'll fight the light with light.


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Fellow GNBros, how are you feeling about the changes?

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Fine, i'm convinced

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And every 30 (I stack skillspeed let's see how it goes) seconds I get fun While drk gets nothing

Astro got fucked

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Based fellow BLM chad. Plus, every dungeon will come with a complimentary DNCslut to further boost our big dicks.

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See you on the other side.

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yours makes her look like she has freckles

that's hot.

tfw I will be the only bard in all of ShB

My nigga, absolute patrician.

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No one would play it without trick, even with adjusted numbers. It's so clunky.

That is unfortunate but seeing the previews for Shadowbringers even the patch content for HW is building towards it. Hopefully the new game plus when I get to it lets me redo HW without having to suffer through ARR again, there were so many moments I would like to see again.


>It seems like the devs are pulling away from damage window buffs altogether
The fuck are you talking about? Everyone fucking has burst window every 60 seconds now.

Reminder that WAR now has the 2nd highest potencies in the game

I'm ready boys. Chad DPS incoming.

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where have i seen this art style before....


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Nothing new since the press event, we also are (from the jobs I have seen) the only DPS job to lose potency on more than one skill.

>That is unfortunate
? I'm saying SB is good.

>Infinite free healing
>Literally never gonna use a GCD on healing ever again
Fellow SCHads, where we at?

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Dark Knight has the continuation combo at all times. If you're going to count continuation, you have to count EoS.

How many of you niggas going Dancer?

SMN has lower numbers than in the media build but they still look strong


yeah for themselves. Trick attacks the only one that gives a party wide damage buff. no more foes, no more wildfire debuff.

Fire Emblem Awakening

Its okay bros... if I don't DPS, nobody will know how shit my potencies are.

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SkS is probably going to fuck up more than it helps.

Honestly liking it all, it's natively a bit faster, superbolide is at a nice 6 minutes for what it does and renzokuken looks a bit beefier. I found my new home.

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They gave MNK a bunch of huge potency buffs because I guess they were too lazy to actually fix it and are probably hoping people will stop demanding they fix the job if it does retarded amounts of damage

Please, don't actually try to argue current and future DRK in the face of GNB or PLD. It's absolutely static and a shadow of its HW self.

You get enough MP for an edge/flood every ~3 combos. One fucking oGCD every 3 combos. One.

>WHM/SCH meta
AST on suicide watch

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Imagine nerfing someone's fucking level 4 spells holy shit Yoshi was your mother raped by gypsies what the fuck did AST do to you

Meanwhile Scholar get broil buffed at all lower levels


MNK aoe combo refreshes dmg buff
SAM aoe combo refreshes dmg and haste buff
NIN aoe combo refreshes huton buff
>DRG aoe only refreshes botd buff but if they want their dmg buff they have to do True Thrust then Disembowl first.

Attached: delete this.jpg (638x459, 37K)

I was worried about the potecies from the media build at first but holy fuck are those worries gone.

Literally the 4.01 and 4.05 MCH treatment.

Hoping it'll look good.

Attached: gnbq.jpg (399x228, 43K)

Maybe, but I'll figure that out during the story and dungeons where it doesn't matter. It'll be at the very least fun.

>DRK mains are this delusional about the state of their job

>SkS is probably going to fuck up more than it helps.
Because it fucking will.
Having skill speed at all means your Sonic Break and Fang combo won't line up with No Mercy unless you delay it and thus negating the benefits of skill speed altogether.

someone shop AST onto this

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Can't wait to laugh at all the bandwagoning SAM who lack motivation.

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where is this pic from?

ill miss you miserys end and foe even if im a shitter

>3 ogcds every 30 seconds
Based brainlet, thanks for proving my point.

I hope people are already complaining to them about this.

Who gives a shit, we all have glamors planned, whether they be Primal weapons, HW raid weapons or even shire.

So can anyone figure out why Scatter still exists? I thought the gamerescape tooltip was just wrong and it was gonna be Scatter into Verthunder II or Veraero II just like Jolt into the single target variants, but as it stands scatter is only useful for "3 levels" and only in POTD. Why does it exist at all?

Attached: scatter why.png (985x315, 58K)

>Everlasting Flight in PvP too
That shit is fucking broken

Yeah that shit is retarded especially since refreshing BOTD is irrelevant since the two-hit combo already increased duration faster than the single target rotation did anyway

What's up with the shape of the job crystal? Is it a new job lorewise but not really?

Drg already does more AOE than every other class in the game right now lmao

Job guide. Hover over starting quest.

>simplified GNB job guage

Attached: f-DTeCAUMEaEyqUR4T9i9cLMjs.png (290x100, 8K)

>tfw WHM / SCH chad
still cant decide which one to level up first though

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>SAM only got better

feels good, ready to disrespect content day 1.

Attached: DSBoomer.jpg (400x400, 131K)


>or proving my point.
That's not me.

Is SCH really going to be better than astrologian? My friends and working out which healers to run and level up, so far its going to be one white mage with the second undecided for the raid comp.

Scatter upgrades to Impact
Verthunder/aero II don't match scatter in potency until they get the trait that upgrades them to 120

>dnc is very much on par potencies wise with other rdps
Doomsayers btfo.

Expert and complicate tank, please understand.

Don't even understand how that shit made it to release.

more like disrespect my fucking ears. *RESHING SHING*

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GNB bros.... we got draw and junction

This is gonna be a godlike FF8 expansion

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AST all day. God I'm super hype

new player (just hit 48) here
Is Mach kill?
I was gonna main Machinist...

Oh no I'm expecting a good time, I was just hoping for something else more self contained than more buildup for shadowbringers. But maybe I'll be more optimistic about it overall once I actually get into it, it sounds like it's a lot stronger on the characterization front so that might turn out to be a nice change of pace

Looks decent. Lord knows I won't be using the full-sized one, shit is ugly as fuck compared to WAR/DRK/PLD.

Attached: angry roastie.gif (500x273, 1.56M)

>these pathetic things take up space on the mob's dot bar

What are some vergil songs to listen to while playing sam

Gets upgraded into impact so you do the same short cast->long cast as single targets. Useless at lower level syncs though lol

Why did they call them Verthunder II and Veraero II, should have been Verice and Verwater.

Definitely SCH.

There's a trait to increase VA2/VT2 pot to 120 at level 78, so they will probably be around 80-100 potency while you have scatter instead of impact

SCH heals right now looking absurd.

The aoe thunder/aero aren't 120 potency until much later.

AST's potencies (damage and healing) look absolutely trash.

Then again, shitty AST potencies seem to be a tradition for X.0 patches. They'll for sure get buffed in the 2 week or 4 week patch

>RDM gets absolutely nothing for their single target rotation but Scorch
>BLM gets upgrades and potency out the fucking ass

It really feels like Paladin, BLM and SCH stole and kept all the buffs for their role for themselves.

Holy fucking based, FFVIII chads can't stop winning

Attached: Seifer-ffviii-battle.png (263x446, 65K)

Can't wait for the FFX expansion!

Unironically more interesting the the bootleg PvE Infuriate's equivalent.

Are you the guy who said
>You get enough MP for an edge/flood every ~3 combos. One fucking oGCD every 3 combos. One.
Because that's who I'm replying to. If you were smart enough to do basic math you'd see that you'd get enough mana to do 3 or 4 EoS in the same timeframe that continuation is on cool down.

Imagine being this retarded. Hell in the E3 build shit was significantly changed.

>B-Because it uses two dots instead of a meter that is "100" where 50 might as well be a dot itself, it's less complicated!!!!
Absolute retard.

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Hey, how is level progression going to work, now? Is Stormblood obsolete at this point/there's no reason to do its content with Shadowbringers coming out?

ignore the retarded doomsaying shitters, MCH is better than it's ever been except for one patch

>parsetrannies make AST and balance the in-thing just to satisfy themselves with padding
>SE thinks AST loves balance
>takes all our cards and makes them balance
>take an axe to our tool kit and can't have nice things anymore
Metafags are killing the enjoyment of my favourite job.

I'm going to do everything I can with GNB now, PVP Eureka, I don't give a fuck. I'm riding this bitch till the wheels fall off.

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So they steal damage and damage reduction from the jobs that need it the most?

I'm ready to rip and tear my way through frontlines while all the fucking losers head to HOH tomorrow


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*Verblizzard and Veraqua

No I was the guy who was talking to you at first. The fun guy. He's a retard.

Welcome to healers in ShB.

I used to but Blizzards bad writing and awful class design put me away probably for life.

What are you even trying to say?

I see, thank you anons!

>TCJ for NIN doesn't cost Ninki any more
NINbros?? this is our TIME

What the fuck is it with HW jobs being shit?

>muh boogyman

Who cares WOW 8.2 dropped the other day. WOW IS BACK

Don't worry about it. Just keep shitposting.

It's also 150% extra damage instead of 100%.

Oh shit I missed the trait, thanks. I'm dumb.

You still have to do its content because of how the Main Scenario Quests work. People will be queing up for SB dungeons and raids regularly because they are part of the daily roulette and are still a good source of exp for leveling. This isn't WoW where expansions are invalidated by the next one. People still regularly do raids for 6 years ago today with a queue time of around 15-30 min.


Enjoy your nerfed 35 potency combustion next time you run leveling roulette, please understand and unsubscribe from yoshida san's game

>whine about SCH losing all their DPS
>they jack their healing way the fuck up to compensate
we won... SCHbro.s...

Attached: 1551667413011.jpg (1280x720, 156K)

This will be the anti-HW expansion. Every job introduced then will get shit, Ishgard will get nuked, Edmont is gonna die.

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>Clusters cannot be gathered anymore


Aetherial reduction only? What the fuck? Am I reading this shit right?


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NIN has always been OP.
Even more now with all the buffs to ninjutsu.

3 quest away from completing MSQ before maintenance dropped. Its over for me bros, go on with out me.

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They laughed at me for starting as a tank
They laughed when I stuck with paladin the entire game plus both expansions
Who's laughing now

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That the GUN gauge being two dots isn't much different from say the blood gauge since you spend in increments of 50 anyways

DRK was fantastic on launch. They destroyed it because it treaded on WAR territory, and WAR can never not be the best at its niche.


That's because RDM played perfectly already. If you want an example of classes being changed for no reason other than it being new and different, look at how fucking terrible WoW's class design is now.

>tfw SCH can do all the bitch healing while I get my orange WHM trannyparse

WoWchad is back, bros. I see some of my fellows are intent on causing grief in this thread. Ignore their shitposting, I hope you have a successful expansion launch and enjoy everything it has to offer.

Attached: gigachad.jpg (235x283, 8K)

>burst strike and fated circle have either heavy or bind based on what you draw
I don't know how important effects are in pvp, but I love little interconnecting effects like this.

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The DRK changes are the definition of a mixed bag.

I feel like I can't complain too much, at least it will flow a bit better now and several skills became more useful it seems

Thanks bro. I appreciate your posting this.

Is that really such a problem? Did anybody manually gather them instead of reducing for mass amounts?

I miss her desu.

me because I chose scholar and summoner who have been retarded good forever

what the fuck? that CANNOT be real

haven't played WoW since 2010 but i'm curious what the original devs would think about that

>implying potencies matter in leveling dungeons
What matters is that you're pressing the button so you aren't bored. Leveling dungeon damage is irrelevant because your contributution to damage is the difference of a few seconds at best.

But you don't get them in increments of 50. Also nowhere did I say it's less complicate than DRK's, I'm just poking fun at Yoshi's comment about GNB being expert and complicate tank. None of the tank is complicate at all.

>remove everything but damage from cards but still make them RNG
>remove royal road entirely and replace it with a single aoe balance that's half as strong and lasts half as long every three minutes
>no damage
>healing is still the lowest and still has highest mp costs
So this is the shed

MCH bros with low ping. We are finally home...

Attached: Untitled.png (919x406, 46K)

Goodbye Stormblood is actually a top trending tweet right now.

>PVP Seraph will autoheal wounded players
>SCH no longer needs to cast heals on others to make their fairy heal others
>Seraph is going to chain cast free adlos on every wounded teammate
>Since PVP potencies are fixed, Seraph is unaffected by fairy potencies modifier
Frontlines is now decided by how many scholars you have, what the fuck

Attached: rip pvp.png (918x309, 35K)

It's only for favour nodes, i.e. shit no one uses.

I mean
Once Vanilla WoW launches it's going to break the board. It's literally going to be the largest MMO on the market.

>become even more god tier
>get even more hot fairy sex

Why do non scholars even exist?

Attached: brave fairy.jpg (900x1243, 183K)

Paladin since 2.1 reporting in
Our faith has been rewarded, brother.

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bitches will love you because their hamplanet pudgy pussies are still wet for harchefaunt, do it, speaking from experience here

this is the first time I've seen live coping in one of these threads.

Warri- I mean Paladin bros... I'm thinking we're a little OP right now, Yoship should tone us down a bit

>>Lily spells not ogcd
>>Afflatus not ogcd
>>Afflatus is a dps loss compared to just using glare
I mean they're still definitely going to be everywhere but when there's 2 healer slots and only 3 healers it just means one is on the shed forever.

600 potency raidwide ogcd heal and shield that stacks with galvanize what the FUCK Yoshi does he have a tonberry fetish or something

>SAM wins
>MNK loses

as it should be.

>Shitposts on the GNB gauge about how it looks simple
>Somebody points out it works fundamentally the same as the other gauges
>I-I didn't say it was easier!!!

Attached: LoT1sFL.png (461x591, 482K)

iktfbro i was at shinryu, only needed post-sb to do

Why don't they just buff Afflatus to 1200 potency to make it dps neutral and forget about it?

twice in a row too

Dumbass, all the SCH heals don't even need to be cast. They're ALL OGCD

Also lol if you think you're even going to be brought once SCH start solo healing

WHM is the best 5.0 healer now

You guys said the same thing about 8.2 and that it will kill ShB.

Look where we are now. 8.2 was done within 3 hours.

2 minute recast wildfire is going to be weird, but I like how we're extra bursty now with the new potencies. Can't wait to learn fights and unload in burst windows.

Doesn't Yoshi base pvp around the Feast and not Frontlines?

You have to be delusional to think otherwise. WoW is still a juggernaut if Bfa could sell 3.4 million copies. Shadowbringers will sell a third of that by 2020.

I wonder how many of you faggots "maining" Gunbreaker are going to quit the job in a month because you suck at tanking.

I thought he was making fun of how ugly it looked.

Chadbreakers rise up

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What is the point of DRK's Living Shadow getting a Job Gauge icon for a fucking dot?

What are you even trying to say?

I'm pissed about the loss of Energy Drain and all the damage skills being distilled down to basic Broil spam the way AST and WHM already spammed Malefic/Stone while their DoTs were up, but I guess a future of solo healing content might make up for the monotony.

Where do the ranged jobs fit in? I don't know enough about any of them to say

Attached: shbtier.png (712x492, 157K)

They told scholars they need to heal more instead of dps. So they made their fairies heal even harder

Attached: 1523609829972.png (586x511, 143K)

they said the same thing about osrs and now look at where it is

SAM and DNC meta incoming.

MNK getting MCH-tier rework next expansion
Please look forward to it

I don't see how shitpostigng
about how Yoshi P said it was an expert and complicated tank ties into Aesthetics.
My god you're a fucking retard.

Attached: 1561191933423.jpg (630x630, 43K)

Nobody cares about content patches just like nobody cares bout FFXIV content patches. Show me the threads about 4.1 or 4.2 on Yea Forums, oh wait, everyone already quit playing by then just like WoW.

Its cool.

those effects are life and death in pvp, even just a few seconds

Did you miss the 2500 potency self heal and 3 second invulnerability that scales up with how wounded they are that SCH also got?

>about how Yoshi P said it was an expert and complicated tank ties into Aesthetics.

Attached: 1547071928666.png (512x466, 281K)

learn to read retard

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>paladins get a boring sword
>dark knights get a big boring sword
>warriors get a gay axe
Lmao, imagine not maining GNB

Attached: Gunblade_Lionheart_2.jpg (283x312, 28K)

I`ll miss Rapid Fire

>Shadowbringers will sell a third of that by 2020
It passed 1.6 million a couple weeks ago

Stop stop stop stop stop MY DICK AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

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when are you expecting we can download the patch

Probably DNC S, MCH A and BRD B

Feast has similar problems, you have to throw retarded amounts of resources onto a healer to kill them and fights are pretty much just "whoever bursts the healer down better wins instantly"

RF is baked into overheat now

>future of solo healing content
The moment people will actually try to do this sch will get nuked into stone age. Please do it i can't wait to see the shitshow when that happens.

>someone makes a joke
>literally gets mad because he didn't like it
have sex unironically

I want to try GNB but you know damn well everyone will have one now

>that Crystarium theme
Wait, was that Susan?!?!

>Show me the threads about 4.1 or 4.2
Every content patch for XIV always has big threads in Yea Forums that at least last for a 3 days minimum.

Your 8.2 was done within a few hours and the threads were already at page 10 with 200 posts. That's just sad.

How does Overheat work now?

>Do a pull of five monsters early on
>Everything is normal
>Life starting to get pretty low, pop a few defense-up skills
>No heals
>Life getting lower, now in hundreds
>No heals
>pop Living Dead
>No heals still
>Health stuck at one, only two monsters left
>Revive instantly as if the healer calculated the events that had just unfolded
>awkward twenty seconds spent trying to round up the dogs and the giant that just joined the fight chasing the healer since I have no MP now
>Healer spends the rest of the dungeon healing me anytime I get smacked as if to baby me in a "fine, I'll heal you, GAWD" kind of way
I kind of want to know what happened here on his side of the situation. Is this just a thing that happens because of negligence or was there supposed to be a lesson I was to be taught? I legit don't pay attention to the community so it could be a rebellion thing or something, I dunno. It was a comical waste of time though, followed by poor management of MP to the point we had to stop after every fight just so he wouldn't run out of mana.

I hope all the fotm gunfags aren't as insecure as you.

The only reason I'm happy that GNB is here is because queues for DPS will not take long.

Are you implying Runescape have even had a fraction of the success WoW has had? Wow had 13m subs in wotlk, FFXIV is just now reaching 1m to put things in perspective.

If a vanilla pvp tourney could bring 200k+ viewers on twitch imagine what the launch is going to be.

Not giving you fags any (You)'s.

>because queues for DPS will not take long.
Dancer exists.

no one cares

WOW still has more views in YouTube

WOW still has millions of more subs.

Why did they get rid of Lucid Dreaming's enmity lowering? Wasn't that kind of the point?

MCH : B or A

>have to wait 6 months for a patch
>dead within 3 days
Thanks for proving my point

>Fell cleave buffed
>Decimate nerfed
>Shake it off buffed
>Holmgang nerfed HARD WAR in the shed now lol
WAR is so dead lol

Attached: 1303269554449.png (225x225, 39K)

Been seeing conflicting information in these threads for days; did the Amazon promotion, got my code, and cancelled my order. It's been 11 days since doing it and nothing has happened, was that guy who kept showing up in this thread claiming he got banned for it truly just LARPing like a colossal faggot

tanks now generate infinite aggro so it doesn't even matter really

im implying that the revival of an old game is nothing but pure nostalgia

It had 1.5 million in Heavensward, The FFXIV census doesn't count people who are subbed but haven't completed the MSQ.

>nin has like 5 damage up buffs in pvp
>total of +70% damage if lined up right
what the fuck?

>One of the biggest complaints about MCH is how ping dependent the Rapid Fire burst window is
>New MCH uses Rapid Fire more often and you have to weave Gauss/anything else that comes off cooldown otherwise you'll lose dps

Attached: attempt.png (550x550, 43K)

as a scholar I can say I only ever used it so I could mash miasma 2 harder to aoe

WHM Lily gauge skills need to be instant, The single target is literally just Cure 2.

During media tour, it dropped the recast timer to everything to 1.5

Sell me on why DNC is so good.

DNC will still probably be more popular because the playerbase is a bunch of tanxiety crybabies.

There is literally no reason for Holmgang to retain its 180 sec CD now that WAR gets tank mastery trait and new Raw Intuition.

You earn heat from doing basic attacks. Then you activate hypercharge which gives you overheat for 8 seconds per 50 heat you get access to two new spells with a 1.5 second gcd. 1 is single target and the other is aoe.

When you use the single target version it takes 15 seconds off your two ogcd attacks which also have 3 charges so you are just spamming the fuck out of ogcds.

healer was retarded and wasn't paying attention


Attached: Garnet_White_Mage.jpg (1645x1150, 147K)

That's actually just a role ability every healer gets access to. What I was getting at was that SCH no longer even needs to heal in PVP when Seraph is out, shit's ridiculous.

Yep, just being a megafag
or amazon shill

poor MNK

Ohh, okay.

It didn't. In heavensward FFXIV had roughly 500k subs and by the end it just barely had 250k according to the census and was in the worst state since ARR.

It was the MT king because of the low CD
Now its nothing but a useless tank with a bad ultimate lol

It's not hard to do 1 oGCD during rapid fire, I think for some reason people are insane and trying to do 2 during it.

It is instant, it's just that it uses a gcd.


Manual activation, costs 50 of the Heat Gauge (which is now only used for that), allows access to Heat Blast and Auto Crossbow, both being 1.5 recast GCDs (HB is single target, AC is AoE.)

>tfw forgot to dilate before Shadowbringers
How you holding up, sisters?

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You'll be doing so much clipping though if they were oGCDs

>he/she hasn't seen the spreadsheet

what the fuck, I was actually worried my account was going to get fucked. that dude's a bitch for sure. now that i think about it, why did i even begin to think anything bad would happen lmao

FFXIV just recently broke the record of having over 1 million subs, what drugs are you on my man

>no bravely default crossover with fairy glamours
it's not fucking fair bros
yeah I'm aware of mods

Attached: 1555658435145.png (2500x2500, 1024K)

i play with 140 ping and trying to use an oGCD between Rapid Fire GCD's always clipped a little



>job quest only starts after the final quest

Also just found out the game went under maintenance and I couldn't finish Requiem of Heroes on time

fucking hell I was saving it for last

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Where's your celebration party, certainly not in the raid static

It's sad when MNK is more fun in PvP than PvE.


Attached: ShBTierList.png (800x683, 236K)

>edge of shadow does as much damage as current fell cleave on a 7.5 second effective cooldown

But XIV patches are every 3 months on the dot with smaller ones in between. Every Eureka patch had more content than 8.2.

Hypercharge has a 10 second cooldown now so you can no longer be overheated during the entire wildfire. It was only 1 second in the media tour.

I read your spoiler, but I'm still going to say it.
mod your game retard

>PvP in a MMO
No way fag

WHM is probably D tier with AST but otherwise yeah

>BLU above MNK
you didn't have to do that user
but you did it anyway

Again, the census where that number comes from is incomplete. I just explained in the post you quoted you illiterate retard.

>jump on them, burst strike, full swing, gnashing fang combo
Probably not the best but shit like that sounds fun to try.

>Secret of the Lily II gone, (not reworked, gone)
>Protect and Stoneskin now both gone
Is this really a win?

SCH is babbies firs healer now whilst they just broil spam?

i'll be with you comrade

As long as you're not stupid enough to register the code THEN cancel the order, you should be code
Cancel order after getting code, then using the code means you should be good iirc

I wouldn't put MNK that low. It can still technically do cap content.

About right.

Trick question
Nothing is fun in pvp

Attached: jJOJSVT.png (920x159, 21K)

Every job pvp kit is head and toes above the pve kit. Fight me.

>tfw WHM unironically has the most complex dpsing
Can't believe it

brd bros ww@

Shit I remember when PLD used to cross-class Stoneskin.

How can it be gone?

what's the most japanese BRD armor

>tfw Diadem is getting remade for the second time
I just want no bullshit fixing up Ishgard

Attached: 1502257727221.jpg (540x405, 65K)

Seems like Eden will be PLD, GNB/WAR, SCH, WHM, NIN, DNC, BLM/SMN, DRG/SAM

Ok, even I dont believe that's actually gonna happen.

what's even the difference? not like Amazon is going to know at which point you registered the code.

Not really.

If I can't assign any pet actions, does this mean the fairy will just Whispering Dawn as soon as it comes off cooldown? I can't time it for aoe phases? No more control?

Nah, BLU is F tier at best.

Well, if you think about it there's the possibility that BLU will be unlimited in 6.0 while MNK is basically guaranteed to be forever fucked

Don't scare me as a MCH main.

Me, I'm gonna be the cutest dancer!

Genji Armor?

You have skills for your hotbar that activate every fairy skill. Embrace is the only thing you can't control.

>DRK is still the worst tank

when are the level skips gonna be changed to 70?

Feels weird to use 3 ricochets one after another



It's just blood lily, though.
Everything else, they're weaker across the board.

Every healer is now just 3 buttons, but WHM get extra ones to press from assize and afflatus

SCH is now literally just 12111111111111111112 without even the OPTION to do something else

I'm maining AST...how fucked am I?

Please tell me it's not that bad.


Problem with MCH is that it will be good but it's going to have to compete the ranged DPS spot with how broken DNC will be at release. Once it gets balanced I bet they will be another choice.

merchant haori (ink blue) + hakama (white or gray) + geta or sandals + emperor's new gloves + non-glowing yoichi bow

Wow that sounds like shit.

It's worse.
Cards might not even save you this time.

You're fucked, but you'll still be brought over WHM because of balance.

That's the most probable thing, I suppose I'm just surprised because it was the first time I experienced a healer failing to notice low health for that long. I just assumed there was a motive I suppose rather than assuming incompetence.

You still have to press your ogcds you retards.


>geta or sandals
are there even any

>tfw logged out tonight knowing it was the last night I was going to experience my class in its incarnation before its changes
Damn, that was honestly pretty bittersweet.

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Let's see if FFXIV can break Bfa's record of having more than 600k viewers on Twitch and sell more than 3.4m copies on day 1

Attached: wow_ffxiv.jpg (1267x939, 173K)

BLU has somewhat coherent design and a clear direction, despite how retarded it is. MNK has neither.
Makes sense

WHM have 2 extra dps buttons to press over the other healers' 1 dps + 1 dot +1 aoe, Misery and Assize.

That and using Lily's efficiently as possible as each one is worth 200pot over a 0pot medica


Its bad. It's really fucking bad especially if you're going to actually level through story as a healer holy shit

Yoshida's parents were murdered by evil gypsies which is why he's vowed revenge on all fortune teller a to the point he's fucking reducing your potencies even before level 10

>Indom and Fey Blessing
What Raidwide Damage :^)?


Remember AST in 3.0?
That's you now. Again.

Attached: 1553886301512.jpg (510x438, 58K)

no one cares zoomer we want to PLAY the game not watch it

You guys got fucked real bad

Attached: 1561559682211.jpg (600x450, 170K)

>left out the part where bfa broke the record of selling 3.4m copies day 1, most sold copies ever for an expansion
of course you did

PvP only job, please understand.

>Using Twitch numbers as a basis for anything
Begone zoomzoom

I'm so glad I leveled PLD to 70 first

And that fucking sucks. Rip using eos to proc divine veil unless the pld is already below the threshold that the fairy AI sets to heal a target.

What do you do on WoW anyway after your M+ and raids?

That is because you invalided anything you have to say by bringing up twitch as a metric for success.

>Seraph gets to use Indomitability twice for free everytime you summon her

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logoff until reset

Combust III is worse than Combust II in Stormblood was.
Its personal DPS was gutted, its healing was gutted, all for consistent baby Balances that won't remotely make up for how weak the class is on its own.

some of the good ones were from seasonal events, substitute leather caligae or something else simple if you have to

welp looks like I'm definitely playing NIN for another 2 years. too bad we can't fuma anymore but I'll get used to it

Recitation indom* and don't forget your 50% uptime 10% damage reduction and 100 potency heal user!

Doesn't matter at all, we got Yoshi P.

Well at least nothing went down from the last build.

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>WoW is so shit people prefer watching it rather than playing it
Can't make this shit up.

>SMN lamest class in game
>why play anything else

>Divination still at 3 minute cooldown
>3 minute cooldown for +6% damage for 15 seconds

Attached: 1500127168203.png (556x585, 620K)

>some of the good ones were from seasonal events
well shit, thanks

Hey user, if you're still here I was right. I just got confirmed.

I wish I had a main that I could attach to like you through thick and thin.

The same shit people do in XIV, they pvp or rp or hunt cosmetics or hoard shekels on auction house or collect achievements and rare mounts

At least Hyoton became relevant.

no user, you misunderstand. I didnt level SMN at all until a month ago. I always thought it looked like the most unfun class pre-HW

>SCHs happy about how much they can heal now
>WHM happy about how much they can dps now
Am I in bizarro world

>Summoning bahamut is called Summon Bahamut
>summoning phoenix is called Firebird Trance

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it's all coping

Can I move during TCJ now?

Ok so what is the difference between Selene and Eos now?

they're playing the eScape x Crystal Tower remix on the stream right now

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Phoenix is an automatic summon from the trance and summon bahamut is separate from the trance

Before 80, Firebird Trance is the equivalent of Dreadwyrm Trance. Phoenix is added to it with the 80 trait.

samefag kys, imagine going into a thread for another game and shilling your dead brand shit. your not fooling anyone but yourself

That's true. Watch people try DNC and can't DPS for shit. I'm telling you, their DPS numbers will be at healer tier for the first 2 months.

One's cuter than the other. That's it

And its Eos

I wish Summoner got a spell like WoW beastmaster hunter Stampede, that summoned miniature versions of tons of primals to attack enemies for a short period


How come nobody really talks about DNC? It seems really fun and interesting

do we get 1 day sub for the downtime i forgot

>tfw Everlasting Flight is as strong as a Medica II

Well then why can we summon both of them
That's really dumb

because they are simple to play and we know they will be good with their buffs.

Am I good for shadowniggers or do I need to do something else?

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I'm not sure but one thing I do know is, we'll get at least that much after the subsequent issues that bring the game down over the next week or so, hope you're rooking forward to it

>brown sophia instead of bronze-grey
>pale garuda
>pale omega f
>peach colored scathach
>tsukuyomi in only one skin tone

Good idea, poor execution.

I'm waiting for 5.0 when SMN can simultaenously summon both PHN and BAH at the same time
now THAT would be fucking cool

Unappealing class fantasy and red mage tier boring gameplay, compare it to how excited people are for GUN which looks nice aesthetically and mechanically

They'll fix it if they ever finish that egi glamour UI

Lore is the only reason. They'd have to rewrite the SCH job quests if they were going to remove one fairy.

Well no you're not, you need to buy shadowniggers first.

You're fucked, user.

Good for early access and a couple days of release.
Depending on where you bought your ShB you should get the code to the proper game that lets you play the expansion proper over the weekend to sometime early next week


>he doesn't have mystery niggas circled
user.. you fucked up

No trolling, you're fine.

I feel like with WHM, it's actual happiness because they usually had little to do other than holy spam due to the fact that usually they could keep most of the party topped off at all times.
They were kind of redundant before specifically because they did way more healing than what was necessary. That might be different with the new content but at the very least now they have something to do other than holy spam constantly.

>>tfw no birdpussy waifu
Fucking tenzen didn't know what he had

MNK actually has a proper AoE rotation

I know, it pisses me off too
its such a good image otherwise though

all that clipping puts me off though

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SCH was always going to be the best, but WHM is strictly more enjoyable, if only somewhat
My absolute fucking condolences to AST

Don't listen to the shitposters, you're good.

Kinda sad for the changes, but i'm still gonna main DRK. Will of course try GNB later after i'm done with MSQ.

I want demi-thordan

1 more spell every 90 seconds isn't exactly a big difference though.

>red mage tier boring gameplay
>flow is bad
Please stick forever with monk and never taint other jobs with your retardation.

what's the problem with AST though? it still has the cards
t. non healer

I think SCH will be ultimately more enjoyable because rotating OGCDs to heal as little as possible while keeping your finger on Broil is a decent enough minigame compared to needing to stop and cast every heal


Take the Tank pill.

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thanks anons

"Flow" requires actual engagement and a developed priority system not lol 50% chance to light up a button

>no item list
But I want to know if we'll get new Alex weapons or nooooooooooooooooot

AST had unique skills in SB that made them shine, they gave those skills to SCH and made it stronger. SE also decided since our cast timer for malefic changed to 1.5, it was high time they nerfed how personal DPS again.

What the fuck were they thinking with the AST changes? does anyone at Square play this game?
There has to be a reason for it.

At least 5.0 WHM will be more interesting to play compared to 4.0. There's actually a skill ceiling now

>It still has the cards
It actually doesn't. Everything was turned into balance and balance itself was nerfed back to its old 3.0 self.
Mind you, in 3.0 literally noone wanted AST anywhere because it dealt no damage, it couldn't heal for shit and the buffs it gave were worthless.
Same thing is happening now, AST flavour is also gone.

I will 100% agree IF you ShB enemies actually do a substantial amount of damage
If SCH is overhealing 95% of the content purely based on numbers leaving them with a ton of downtime, they'll do literally nothing BUT Broil with their GCDs
In that case, I'd rather have WHM's pure GCD playstyle if it means more different buttons

You're going to be given two level 60 ones for free and the Savage raid doesn't even come out for a fucking month, you'll have plenty of time



so is fists of wind new meta? FoF got buffed as well but
>four stacks

Shitty heals, shitty mp management, shitty dps potencies, cards nerfed by a lot.

Gutted DPS potencies and card %s

The job changes are garbage and have actually literally killed my hype, most of all what they've done to tank combos and tanks in general with all the homogenization and just general dumbing down and removal of flavor and stances. Game is shit now.

I think nobody on the job design team plays healer. That must be the only explanation.

Yes. Fists of Fire is now pointless except for the first 10 seconds of a fight while you build up to GL4.

apex arrow seems shit if the max potency is only 500

So play GUN

I'll keep posting and reading until the patch drops, then it's bye bye niggers. no chance am I going to be spoiled.

>At least 5.0 WHM will be more interesting to play compared to 4.0
Ever so slightly.
>There's actually a skill ceiling now
Dunno about that. I mean there already was for the healing part of the job. For the dps part, it should be roughly the same.

>Collective regen is shit literally worse than a healing ability from SMN
>Aspect benefic lost a tick meaning you will have to recast more
>Balances are shit percentage wise
>There is virtually no card management anymore compared to the old card system
>Combust is nerfed for no reason
>Synestry got nerfed for no reason
>The entire draw and sleeve draw mechanic is dogshit compared to what it was previously
>Dilate(Time Dilation) is removed
>earthly star nerfed
>horroscope is a 3 minute aoe balance that barely increases DPS

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Fifth stack when?

>playing limited jobs
Why though?

>Dia does more damage than Combust III and Malefic IV combined

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I'm honestly convinced of the same thing.

>T-They removed tank stances!!!
>Didn't you get aggro in tank stance and then switch to DPS stance and NEVER switch back?
>Y-Yeah but
Stoooooooooop being retaaaaarded AHHHH

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Yoshida met actual Roma at EU fanfest and swore to faithfully represent fortune tellers

>AST retainer
>AST all the way at the back of the cuckshed
Well fuck please tell me they're adding in class change potions for retainers because I'm no AST main any longer

Bit late, but DRK is (was) fucking immortal in aoe pulls and needs very little healing if you do it right. Do note that this is ded come shadowniggers, so you missed the fun, but:
-drop grit so you can use blood weapon
-pop dankest night, blood weapon, and delirium
-spam DA>Abyssal drain
-Use quietus when out of mana

Since BW and quietus both restore mana per enemy hit (or did), one quietus+BW was a full mana bar. Dankest night keeps you alive and gives you blood for quietus, the rest of your mana gives you ADs that heal you for a fuckton. Now go have fun with DRKs new neutered aoe in ShB.

>Titania theme on stream right now

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Forgot a few things.
>Cannot extend lucid so their mana management is going to be way worse
>The entire mechanic of extending buffs is gone so ASTs can't even increase their pot potencies throughout the fight to make up for their shit damage
A-At least AST gets t-two essential dignities now.

I think the new Lily system is very clever design, there was a leddit post lying around which outlined it quite well

You can already reset retainer classes

I was worried about burning through my TP with four stacks and then I remembered


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You'll buy copies of retainer books for like 10$ a piece and LIKE IT

That weeb music though

It has to be the case, otherwise the healer changes IN both PVE and PVP make 0 sense
Yoshi is a green parsing black mage who wants healers to stop dpsing and keep him topped so he can ignore mechanics

I don't see how that solves my problem. All tanks are short homogenized boring braindead garbage as if the idiot devs expected stupid flashy animations to distract you from the shit gameplay. Why did I let myself get excited I can't believe I ever thought Stormblood changes were bad now. I never considered how much worse things could get.


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My goodness, that song is great.

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Thanks WowChad-sama

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>Didn't you get aggro in tank stance and then switch to DPS stance and NEVER switch back?

I got a shit ton of use out of inner beast. I feel like WAR was fine with two stances

You only use Fire to get to Wind. So yes. It is meta.

post stream!

Please quit.


>discards honor and terminal tiles when trying for thirteen orphans
This rabbit is retarded too.

Do you think we'll manage to avoid getting stuck at the first instance again

>healers to stop dpsing and keep him topped so he can ignore mechanics
That's how it should be. Healers will suck it up regardless what you do with the healing jobs, so why bother.

Very cute!

What? Healers are stronger than ever in PvP. WHM and SCH can debuff with dots on demand, and AST still has cards.

>Titania gets fucked and only gives accessories

This explains it. You're retarded.

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>I think the new Lily system is very clever design
I don't see it. It's literally an automatic aether charge every 30 seconds.


that's how it'll never be

it feels so good to be a blm main lads

Too cute

Attached: red face.gif (960x540, 604K)

The DPS stances were fun and all did different things and there were moments where deciding to switch back to tank stance could save a fight when shit is hitting the fan. Now there is no choice, no fun DPS stances, no thinking, less combos, all tanks play the same. Shit game.

Then please go and stay go.

As literally a tank who got his first tank to 70 a few days ago, I thought like you then got over it the next day after I realized how stances should work.

I'm maining Gunbreaker you dumb nigger, I don't give a fuck about dumbed-down WAR and DRK.

>Every Eureka patch had more content than 8.2
OH GOD HES RIGHT. what a fucking disappointment wow is

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isn't blm literally the same except for a little more leniency

I honestly think YoshiP and Co are scared of MNK for some reason.

SAM got a 40 sec duration of Shifu and Jinpu from 30 seconds.

Meanwhile MNK still has theirs on 10-15 seconds.

>>The entire mechanic of extending buffs is gone
I wonder if one part of the team screwed up and removed this without even thinking about how it would affect AST, while another part of the team balanced AST with this in mind for the new expansion and the new buffs.
Because otherwise it just seems like someone took crazy pills and started clicking shit to remove from the class.

What's the point of some of these job gauges that literally are used for only one thing such as Apex Arrow or Living Shadow dot duration.

I'm fully aware you can reset. I want to class change, not start my retainer over at level 1. I already did that once before.

If stances were oGCD then maybe.

That's exactly my point. Nobody who played healer would give them a 3 second invuln and scaling 2500 potency heal, just like nobody who healed would think SCH was avoiding responsibility and not simply overhealing just with excog indom rouse whispering dawn

>Most complicated melee dps job
>Takes the hit ever since HW


>The DPS stances were fun

Yeah, this.
I'm happy SCH made it out with as little changed as it did, because I'm convinced anything else would have only made it worse.

I think you healers are forgetting that you're capped at 10k MP and that at the rate you recover mp has been changed. So sch may look great but you might not be able to spam broil like you think.

Everyone is going to quit after they stop being blinded by the marketing hype and see how short Shadowbringers has shaped up. I'm actually sad because I was looking forward to it but they fucked everything up. Shit game. Yoshi really does want us to unsub.

>Most complicated tank job
>Takes the hit ever since SB
Just how it is

ok anyone else thinking dancer is busted? why are their numbers this high and still have so much utility

Were you the same furry that kicked that WHM for using Holy during downtime?
Back to WoW with you.

please follow his advice