Attached: reddit dog.png (940x602, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

steamdb.info/instantsearch/?refinementList[appType][0]=Game&refinementList[categories][0]=Valve Anti-Cheat enabled

>ability to pick teams
>only a random chance to win even if your team wins
>no cards
What a disappointment.

shit event

Whatever, I got a shitload of levels

based Team peanut butter won again

Why didn't you pick the obvious normie meme team? Are you fucking retarded or something?


Attached: 1491000637991.jpg (500x705, 71K)

>-53000x from attacks
>still faster than everyone
go back

Attached: 1538211694379.jpg (523x490, 157K)

>didn't chose corgi because expected others to catch up
>they don't

>Not choosing the vastly winning team just because you're afraid of looking like a "normie" in front of anons who will only know what you chose if you tell them
You're a special type of retard.

Who here was retarded enough to not choose team corgi? Who here unironically chose a team thinking to himself "gee whiz I hope our team wins!" and did not instead wait and see which team would reign supreme like a human being with normal intelligence?

>cards and rng
lol only thing you should care about is that 15k points -> 5€ off. Just open a game that has you have lots of completed achievements on and leave it on for 30 minutes.

Attached: 1560197888015.jpg (640x360, 21K)

No you, fucking zoomer

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Attached: 63473473474374.png (794x205, 22K)

>the biggest meme animal of the decade normies enter a euphoric state upon seeing vs three generic animals and a bird no one's even heard of before

hmm I wonder which people will pick

If you don't pay up then you won't get a high enough capacity for $5 off.

apparently more than half of Yea Forums, they don't want to pick "muh reddit" team, fucking losers

>few hundred winners chosen from each of the top 3 daily teams
>team peanut butter dog is so bloated with players that you cannot possibly expect to get a game
You have a far better chance of being given a freebie by picking any other team and accepting a 2nd or 3rd place standing.

what the fuck is even going on

Attached: 735734734743.png (1060x153, 8K)

>spending $150 to get a $5 coupon
Yeah, fuck that. It would've made sense to go for the 15k points over the course of the event if Boost Capacity didn't get spent.

That's happened multiple times throughout the day and corgi is still miles ahead.

Team Corgi is evolving into Team Dachshund.

you have smaller chance of getting muh free gameys on team corgi, mr. redditor

Thanks steam, very cool.

Attached: jeb.png (1280x683, 117K)

Don't you only get free games on the winning teams? Between a 0 chance and a small chance, I'd rather take the small chance.

Maybe if there was a clear 2nd choice. But a team more people thats top 3 every single day is still better chances than a team with less thats top 3 60% of the time.

>racing game uses rubberband mechanics

>Upgrade your Boost Meter's capacity
>or wait until tomorrow to claim your points
Pretty sure the points stay and stack for every day

>small chance
Try absolutely fucking microscopic chance. There's no point of intentionally choosing or not choosing corgi, you'll need insane luck regardless.

>s-slow and steady!

Attached: file.png (265x81, 2K)

you can't fix it. valve thought that not only was it a super idea to let everyone join the same team, they let everyone see the standings before they even joined a team so literally the entire internet got on the meme updog bandwagon. the game was over 20 minutes after it started.

You need capacity to claim points. Capacity goes down after you use it to boost and get tokens.

1st place gets 300 winners
2nd gets 200
3rd gets 100
If Corgi has more than 50% more people than the 2nd place team, you're better off in 2nd.

the choice itself takes one click
just click corgi and forget about it, and one in a billion you get a free game. not choosing corgi = sub 100 iq

how do i find a game that i have the biggest amount of completed achivements?
I have over 500 games, i barely remember what i played

Probably something like TF2. Warframe also has a lot of achievements if you ever played it at any point and other free to play games.

Rigged from the start. Every time.

Attached: really now.png (471x574, 211K)

>a bird no one's even heard of before
Huh, are these characters? I thought they were just basic animals

>Having the meme dog tramp stamp on your account forever

Do you people even read the manual before choosing Corgi?

>install CSGO to get points
>suffer through several matches with screaming kids and singing russians
>no points registered for matches
Damn you Gabe

>open SAM
>click game
>click an achievement if needed and confirm
>wait 30 minutes
So hard.

You'd think Valve would learn by now considering every Steam Sale event they've done so far. Every time people gamed it to get free games and had to patch something. Either they don't care this time around or the free games aren't going to actually happen.

mind the fact that if you pick anything than corgi, your team isn't guaranteed to win since if we exclude corgi there's no clear power levels and other team actions feel random with way less people in charge of boosting your team.

>he thinks they won't be reset

i dont know why they made such a complicated points system for something that doesnt really matter anyways

>Valve's storefront is slathered with some bullshit metagame
I don't get it. Just give me the flash sales. I don't want to play shite.

Attached: DigitalJitteryFlatcoatretriever-size_restricted.gif (500x288, 984K)

>Claim 16950/37192 Points Now
>You only have capacity to claim 16950 points
Upgrade your Boost Meter's capacity or throw away the extra 20242

Wait a minute, you guys are not seeing these confusing as fuck thousand and decimal separators mixed together like on my dashboard?

Attached: salpicadero.jpg (1184x827, 193K)

I chose the COCKatiel cause it had the best looking helmet and car, plus it's an Aussie bird. All the low IQ plebs are spamming Corgi and will have a far less chance to win games. Heh.

Presumably they get less money from flash sales than they do from people whaling their minigame.


>have like 48+k points on day 1
>press button to help team but the rest of your points get thrown away
nice (((game)))

>play inquisitor martyr completely unaware of the steam races
>hear about it and join in to fit in
>have thousands upon thousands of points
Oh, thanks I guess Gabe

What I don't understand is why Valve is so insistent on reminding us that nobody there fucking seems to understand how to make a video game. Yeah, I understand that the teams working on their properties do, but I seriously don't think those people are going to pull themselves away from their game to design some fucking sale mini-game.

I feel like this shit is so shoddy that it's offensive. It's like those cute Google things on its front page you get every so often except this is incompetently executed to the degree that you question the professional capacity of the people making it. And this being fucking Valve, it's more like confirming your biases against their competencies. I don't think I'm being a little bitch when all I ask for is a gimmick that fucking works.

How do I steal progress? The button just appeared randomly today but clicking it does nothing.

Use a comma for thousands like a normal person and you won't have that problem

It makes more sense to be on the losing team.

i just spent all my shit on boosting and instantly got 6k points
i dont care about the minigame really

> valve did not normalize point gain by team population

le doge vs le birb vs le turdi XDD

Based birdanon.

Attached: 1556820972497.webm (204x360, 171K)

I want the free games, gimme them free games

Here's how to idle all games for maximum points + cards


VAC Blacklist 2019, just in case

paste into config file located here with notepad++

You have to be in the monkey team.

I am a pig.
And I am sad.

Haven't wanted to spend a cent yet, but presumably some kid is wasting thousands to make his animal go faster for a chance at some DLC or some shit. Fucking zoomers ruin everything, there will never be a good sale again.

Don't do that it makes mustard gas and fucks up your wrist forever

man turtle has been getting fucked, there's more negative points on turtle then there is on all of the other teams minus the dog team

What are some cheap games with tons of achievements?

>the turtle is crippled by like -50,000
reddit really hate turtles i guess

You don't lose points. You can only spend a maximum amount per day. If you get 50,000 and can only spend 10,000 a day, you have 40,000 left over for the next day.

Tell that to fucking valve. They even used the comma down there on the 1,775 points earned but they just mix them everywhere else. As if having different countries use different systems wasn't retarded enough they just drop points everywhere.

I really have no clue how these points are getting calculated, when this started, I booted up Skyrim to get lots of points since I have like 90% of achievements there, and I could only get like 11k of the 28k or something points I got, then today I could only get 2,3k points from Terraria where it said I got like 30k from the achievements

Mine looks like that too. I'm pretty sure those numbers are fucked too.

And if the numbers aren't fucked I'd love to know why they're like that. Because there's got to be a reason why Tortoise is getting smashed for three times the amount of Bird. The dog getting as much damage makes sense as it's the leader but I wonder why people are coordinating against the Tortoise over any of the others.

Team Fortress 2 is free and has a 520 achievements
And Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms is free with 139 achievements

Just use the idle program dummy, you'll rack up all your points in a couple of hours without having to load the game.

When do the capacity things reset, mine has been down for what seems like a day and a half

Attached: tomee.png (994x451, 382K)

Is capacity based on your spend in this sale or total games, total lifetime spend, I don't follow

They don't go back up. You start with a certain amount and you get 100 capacity each day. After you use your capacity it's gone. Buy more games to get more capacity.

Slow and steady my ass LMAO

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i pressed boost twice on day 1 so i guess i screwed myself permanently. oh well.

What a load of garbage trash, remember when the events weren't just blatantly "lmao buy more games"?

Do you have capacity for the points? That's typically the bottleneck of this event (i.e. the part where you have to spend actual money).
Any game you've played in the past will probably give you thousands of points retroactively but you need the capacity to hold them.


Attached: 1516844444759.jpg (425x319, 86K)

how the fuck do i get more boosts?

Pig will never win, feels bad man.

Attached: wba0scbfjv631.png (480x900, 399K)

how the fuck is it minus?

Attached: minus.png (498x351, 45K)

based turtlebro


Attached: BIRDUP.png (500x2000, 888K)

you are slowing your team down

Buy games or we're deleting your team

>everyone dunking on birdfags


Epic bird pun

Go further, when you capacity is negative enough, it will become infinite.

>pig ahead of anything
I'm fucking disgusted.

inb4 valve stops c*rgi just before the finish line and cocks win

>tortoise 1.0% now
come on now

Hare here. Pigbros, we have to team up to overthrow the cock/turtle regime. With our cooperation we can own this fucking town. Remember to slow down turtles and birds and let's take our rightful 2nd and 3rd place.

Who team /COCK/ here?

Attached: 303179274d3720a6c0a8257a3d422ee2.jpg (690x905, 80K)

>Spanish steam translated cockatiel as cockatoo
>even though the image clearly shows a cockatiel
Why are we so shit at translations?

why is this event so fucking bad? and did they really have to fucking remove cards?

in polish they translated it to just "parrot"
and they translated hare to bunny

Mammal cucks are prey for Dinosaur ogrelords. Deal with it.

hare is beating turtle atm, they're your main concern

>small chance
You have less than a 0.00001 percent chance of winning.

You won win.

any of the retard asset flip achievement hunter games

Join the volunteer translation team today!

So if I haven't picked a team yet, I should definitely pick Corgi then?

>working for free

Post yfw you didn't choose cucked reptile

Attached: smug larry.jpg (356x342, 13K)

If you want a permanent reddit tramp stamp on your profile, sure.

no, bird is the only way to go now that turtles have been cucked

It's not all bad. This is from when I actually had spare time to work for free though.

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Same with Russian translation. Fucking jannies.

fuck you

No, it's the team with most people. Less chances of getting picked

fool, it's all part of the great plan.

Attached: 1551704189944.gif (327x251, 3.6M)

How in the fuck are the events getting worse and worse every sale?
This has to be the lowest low yet.

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>he doesn't enjoy easy free levels

Please look forward to Christmas!

Valve doesn't want to work anymore

Fuck off with this retarded corporate sponsored tribalism.

Now I have your attention. Does steam ever have DLC sales? There's a single DLC I want but it is only 20% off. Is that usually how low DLCs go?

So is this a complete lie or what? Can I actually get more coins if I wait or do I actually need to spend money

Attached: 166b51e5d7d84af3cfaa305c9d9240b2.png (500x146, 10K)

What for?

increase chance of foil card and rare item drops to get free dosh

I'm gonna do it

Attached: slowandsteady.png (923x430, 111K)

have fun not getting any free games ever

>Tortoise c*cks are actually ITT

Attached: 15030702709820.jpg (640x633, 42K)

Over time those extra levels are worth more than the $2 equivalent or whatever towards the discount voucher. Selling foils earns you more overall and levels increase drop rate for them. If people were smart they'd stack every coin into their badge.

Higher chance to get drops which you can then sell to mentally ill trannies

Just fucking rebalance everyone.

Please let team pig win, for one day at least.

>enter a race
>choose a fucking tortoise

Slow and steady gets the girl!
Eventually, after Chad's gotten bored of her.

Day 1 - 5th place: Team Pig
Day 2 - 5th place: Team Pig
Day 3 - 5th place: Team Pig
Day 4 - 5th place: Team Pig
Day 5 - 5th place: Team Pig
Day 1000000 - 5th place: Team Pig

play the games or spend money and it resets noon steam time or whatever

So I should spend all these on just the badge then?

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Attached: 1.png (1402x406, 74K)

Yeah, but you only need level 50 to get max drops

I got a free £5 voucher because a 100% Binding of Isaac Rebirth has 403 achievements and is worth like 14,296 points.

Can't complain. Done with the event now.

Don't keep em, it'll get reset tomorrow and you'll have 0 token.

Why is it at 1x?

You're just growing up out of this scheme and realizing useless profile numbers are useless

>it'll get reset tomorrow
What, I still have my 4k+ tokens from day 1

i got $500 in steam codes during xmas 2013

But I loved the Saliens event, at least we have a buggy game to play.

Why? Because Valve doesnt give a FUCK. And you people are just wasting money on the shit they dont even make.

Can some one confirm if I got this right.
You only get 100 points a day if you don't buy anything?

it's happening turtlebros

Attached: SLOW AND STEADY.png (218x106, 15K)

There's a bug, people've been complaining about losing their tokens at the forum. You got lucky.

Because their team received tens of thousands of attacks which lowers the multiplier

Cause it's getting fucked by everyone else right now

nigger i played rl for 2 hours and 18k tokens

It will always reset your caps to 100 everyday.

I'm guessing the event is beyond fucked and full of smurf accounts/ bots. I guess the smallest chance of 1 free game is enough for people to lose it. Either that or there is so many people on at once.

Look how much it has changed over the past few seconds.

Corgi will win again though

>Faggots excited for steam sale race garbage
>Literally will spend money for some random points in an arbitrary system
Fuck has steam indoctrinated all of you. This is literally why we need epic to fuck this platform up. People spend hundreds of dollars on this shit and cards just to look good on their DRM.

Attached: Martyrs_Image_2.jpg (600x316, 18K)

Yeah because a fucking game client has "smurf accounts"

>watching active attacks vs tortoise go up by 10k in 30 seconds
This has to be bots right?

Attached: 7243567.jpg (367x451, 30K)

Where are all these turtles coming from? It suddenly bounced up to 2k, it doesn't seem right.

>Turtle went from 1 to 1k+
>Corgi went from 1k+ to 1
What the fuck is going on

They are hacking the scores dumbass.
Steam doesn't get any sale today.
Steam is finished.

honestly the worst thing to come out of this sale the horrendous new tablet interface

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I'm level 50 now, now what?

Attached: 1561052628594.gif (720x312, 1.74M)

The same reddit faggots pushing corgi are pushing the turtle for second place because of the slow and steady meme.

hahahahah you actually fell for it

Attached: 116.png (262x420, 205K)

>he hates free shit
>he didn't get free points from the start
Stay mad, poorlet

Oh they tried between "MYSTERIOUSLY" resetting the boost 1.0x while Tortoise MYSTERIOUSLY got 4000x boost a couple of times a few hours ago and the Race "MYSTERIOUSLY" restarting like 3 Times because Corgis kept instantly pulling ahead, but us Corgifags are too dumb to stop spending money.

>thinking anyone is spending any money on this garbage
Cheering for the superior team is its own reward

>This is literally why we need epic to fuck this platform up
ebin is too busy blowing money on muh exclusives and being confounded at the concept of a shopping cart.

Now you buy all the cosmetic stuff you want and then level up your badge

Okay so tell me.
Is it possible to redeem more points without spending money after it has dried up?

The massive attack on Corgi should have been left for tomorrow. Today they already got far enough to win with little effort.

So I depleted all my nitro after buying RE2 and have 0 capacity remaining
Is it over now or can I come back tomorrow?

>no, but actually yes

Attached: bd589419fc098f263fe413ed4f7706ad.png (478x73, 8K)

you will have 100 capacity tomorrow

i know understand this shit.

do we win games or something?

It seems like bots are trying to artificially balance out the lower four. Pigs are suddenly getting a huge boost and tortoise is fluctuating between 3rd and 5th. Hares made it to third, and pigs are likely going to climb up to at least fourth soon (maybe third if tortoise continues to get fucked). Who knows what's happening.

>it's fucking nothing

Gee if only your third world country could teach you how to read

>it uses up capacity
That's not how it's supposed to work.

Friendly reminder to attack cockatiel and pig, Corgi Chads

>i know understand this shit.
just pick memedog like the rest of the sheep

>dropping to 1.0x point boost every so often
i have no idea what the fuck is happening

Yes. It's the only team that's guaranteed win.

I have a suspicion that all the corgi niggers are the same retards spamming the board with smash threads.

It makes sense. Probably the more a team lags behind the more they get from boosts. Also can be based on the amount of members on the team. It would be a pretty boring race if after 1 day the victor was decided and that was it

Look at pigs too. They coincidentally have the biggest boost of the lower four while the others are all taking turns fucking each other. I'm guessing Valve is just playing with the dials and watching this all happen.

> same retards spamming the board with smash threads.
That'd be the Tortoise zoomers, sweetie

Wrong, turtlebros would never do that

Nah it's pig fuckers
Corgis are Chads who also browse /pol/

>what if we had a resource they could use
>but we also put a cap on that resource
>I'm listening
>but the cap is also a resource
>this is why you're making the big bucks here Benny
Steam is playing 4D chess

Tortoises couldn't zoom if their lives depended on it user, look at those slowfriends in fourth place and dropping by the minute
birb gang for life

Attached: 1552180285982.jpg (232x293, 10K)

It's because only autistic redditards are taking this seriously, guess which demographic chooses the meme dogs?

>Entries generated by script, macro or other automated means will be void. Valve is not responsible for misdirected, incomplete, lost, late, illegible, undelivered, inaccurate or delayed entries, or for technical, hardware, or software failures of any kind, lost or unavailable network connections, or failed, incomplete, garbled or delayed computer transmissions or other errors or problems that may limit or affect a person’s ability to participate in the Steam Grand Prix 2019. In the event of sabotage, acts of God, terrorism or threats thereof, computer virus or other events or causes beyond the Valve’s control, which corrupt the integrity, administration, security or proper operation of the Steam Grand Prix 2019, Valve reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, cancel or suspend the Steam Grand Prix 2019. In the event of cancellation, Valve reserves the right to award prizes from among all eligible, non-suspect entries received prior to the event requiring such cancellation. False or deceptive entries or acts will render the entrant ineligible.

all botfags BTFO

high level profile to impress discord trannies

>meme dogs
>he can't tell corgi from shiba inu
So this is the power of tortoise fags

>tfw not even joining a team and waiting for this whole shitshow to be over
The clicker and alien minigames were way better than this

Attached: 1533267858642.gif (500x362, 234K)

It's the retards who can't tell the difference between corgis and shiba inu who picked the corgi.

>The quest page doesnt even acknowledge any of my hitman 1 or 2 achievements

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Attached: 02BFC310-B991-4A60-A801-87D034653154.gif (264x264, 1.17M)

Idle the games for 30 minutes each

>some teams have 40-20k slow down

Why would they be reset?

According to leaked database, approximately 4 thousand users choosed team Pig. There's approximately 13 million Steam users, and only 4k chooses pig.

Attached: sfdgsdfg.png (296x104, 11K)

>not wanting free levels

Attached: 1560835211436.png (640x600, 614K)

im gonna fap and go to sleep now boys, i'll see you tomorrow when corgis win again LMAO

Attached: Untitled.png (311x364, 13K)


dont you have to do achievements and perform tasks in the game to get the points?

there's got to be some exploit or something that is causing turtle to be a 1.0 boost, it's been at 1.0 for far too long to not be something like that.

Levels are useless

this nigga gets it, it's the other animals trying to sabotage the bird reptile alliance

Based bots dunking on tortoisefags.

you have to use the boost to help your team, and it will deplete your capacity in no time
idling is useless

i got it set on games i have achievements on

Yea Forums here, I'm hacking their scores for the lolz

I'm just mad that r*ddit wins again.
Corgis are shit dogs for NPCs anyways.

I bet you're the type of person that only supports sports teams that just won championships like a good little plastic, instead of sticking to your local team through good times and hard times.
You disgust me.


thought that shit was broken or fixed a while back and didn't work anymore.

Corgifags are just Normalfag/NPC anons who picked Corgi because they didn't know Reddit was going to pick Corgi because unlike SOME PEOPLE they didn't religiously check Reddit before picking a team. and have their motivation be shit like "I like dogs" and other generic ones..

Cockatiel is the Trannydiscord, cause COCKS WITH TINY COCKS AND CLOACAS, Tortoise are memesters, which includes Rosterfags and Smashposters, Hare is full of "Furries" who mix up Rabbits and Hares. Pigs are /pol/ for obvious reasons.

t. Corgifag.

Attached: 1524013052933.png (700x700, 254K)

so if i just idle in a game i have like 85% achievements in for a half hour ill get points?

Why is my capacity zero? How does it go down in the first place?

>Corgis are shit dogs for NPCs anyways.
At least it wasn't shit bulls

>listening to a normalfags opinion
no thank you

Attached: (You).png (382x956, 35K)

it's just steam trying to trick you into thinking somebody is spending money for this event

but you have to have to actually unlock them and play the game. you have to play a game for half an hour and unlock achievements while you play

if your capacity isn't large enough to fit those points you'll just lose it all


you surely wouldn't be able to steal what isn't there. there isn't any boost modifier so they can't take it away with that

Cream API

Google it and pirate the DLC. Its the only way.

Waking up in aussie land time already showed me who was winning without having to wait, based gaben does it again.

Attached: 1561110989418.jpg (200x200, 5K)

It goes down when you boost and the only way to increase it again is to spend money. The points you get for doing the achievements are basically just a decoy resource.

No you don't, retard, you can just idle a game you have achievements on for half an hour.

>corginigger posted it AGAIN

Attached: 1500511679084.png (298x273, 168K)

no u don't, you just need to load up the game api that has achievements.

Attached: Untitled.png (477x515, 232K)

>these idiots didn't join team Corgi
>tried to look cool and join a losing team

Attached: 1432496734507.jpg (1462x1462, 298K)

went from level 1 to level 43 by doing nothing

>There's a single DLC I want but it is only 20% off. Is that usually how low DLCs go?
that's entirely up to the dev/publisher

Being in second or third actually gives you a higher chance of rewards

you're in 5th

Anyone who glanced once at the internet in the past 8 years knows that r*ddit is obsessed with corgis, but not as much as they are with shibes.

Super popular on the internet = r*ddit is behind it somehow. Simple rules.

>would have to reinstall like 50 games to get points
i have 2 games installed and neither have achievements. i can't be fucked doing this shit

>have to buy games to increase capacity

Attached: 1559907487769.jpg (720x960, 31K)

Homos at reddit piled onto their shit ass mascot animal. Everyone else piled on.
Reddit ruins everything again.

who gives a shit, you have better chances of winning a free game as a second or a third place.

Do you even get anything if you have no capacity left?
What's the point?

A moment of silence for my fellow pigbros.

>t. Corgifag.
stopped reading right there.

I will never understand why people hate corgis just because of some dumb steam event.

what happened to them?

Keep it up, birb gang!

name a more iconic duo than 5th place turtle and 1x speed

Dead last, can't you see?

Attached: 2ad0ab6119e32344f1acfc8269d7c2af.png (222x464, 15K)

>had a ton of points yesterday
>Upgrade your cap or wait for tomorrow
>wait for tomorrow
>cap is 0
Fuck you too, vulva. I hate how despite being so shit, steam is still better than competition.

Pigs will be 3rd today.

>they've been at 1x speed for 20 minutes
how the fuck is it still at 1x?

I already dislike corgis because reddit likes them, not because of the steam event. But because of the steam event, I dislike corgis a little bit more now.

Attached: CONGRATS.jpg (1200x783, 555K)

>Level 31
>Don't have enough coins for the discount, spend around 12,800 coins on the badge
>Level 56

Attached: 1561534751409.jpg (248x292, 30K)

tons of people including me :( blew a bunch of money thinking that the boost meter would permanently increase for the entire event for easy steam levels. turns out, valve deceived us.

5th, forever, i'm crying

are you getting confused with shiba inus? nobody ever talks about corgis, they're only popular among people who love the queen.

>all those whales cucked out of their big levels

Attached: 1557265073094.jpg (225x225, 6K)

>I hate it because someone else likes them
Wow. You're so unique and cool.

bot accounts is shitting on them

most likely to win the games with a higher chance

damn i feel bad for turtlebros, they were supposed to shit on corginiggers with us
t. cock


I had to unlock one in Dirt 3 when just "playing" it didn't cut it, only got my points then. But I had none at first.

what if all the fuckery with the boost levels was caused by people using something as simple as Inspect Element?

if all i have on my wishlist is cyberpunk 2077 will i still be eligible to win it?
or do unreleased games not count?

Really? I associate em more with Yea Forums cause pic related, but i will take your word to it, i mainly stuck with Yea Forums for like a decade so i guess i qualify as "not having glanced at", so the only Reddit shenanigans i seen have been of Shibas.

Attached: 255245r25.png (500x429, 194K)

I doubt they will care since they are probably at level 3000+ at this point or some shit

Yeah, shiba inus are the #1 reddit dog now. Corgis are #2 I think

>generic "ur so unique" phrase
You're not even hiding it anymore.
Go back, r*dditard.

>still have 30k attacks on them despite being last
What did they mean by this?

How do I get lots of capacity and points without spending money?

Attached: _20190502_220225.jpg (952x720, 80K)

but it was the end of post

Corgis are just cute, user. It's not my fault you hate things just because people like them.

spend money, before this event
also attend the lunar event


Wasn't inspect element how people got absurd badge levels?

What the fuck makes you think I hate them because of this event? It's nowhere in my post.

>idle program
please spoon feed me

Well, I got those but what can I do now?

There is nothing wrong with wanting to see women you think are attractive getting fucked by BBC

Attached: 1561590322723.jpg (1067x1600, 666K)

spend money
or get the 100 free capacity valve added so they won't get sued for running a lottery

>Tortoise went up to 51x then instantly went back to 1x
>It's actually bots
why would you target the last team though?

Why do you hate them? If you hate them cause ANCIENT BRITBONG LICH likes them you are cool with me.

Can you trick the system into getting a free 5 euro game?

Anyone else still in this only to get that $5 discount and snatch a cheap game for free, if any? I can't believe how dull the event has been otherwise.

Attached: papa.jpg (784x640, 39K)

>slow and steady meme.
It's an adage you dumb fuck

They think Tortoises will win like they did in the story I guess

t. corgi

birds, do we have a chance tomorrow?
what happened that now it seems more competitive (even though corgishitters started ahead)?


Attached: 1558132689017.jpg (738x922, 44K)

In yesterday's standings they're in 2nd place. So dumbass corgis mass focus them as well as a few misguided cocks
Besides, it is the fate of turtles to be slow

yeah, seems like valve somehow balanced it, unfortunately a bit too late

>Doesn't know a difference between an adage and a proverb
>Calls me a dumb fuck

numbers win everything

Tortoise placed 2 Second day, so i think it is the "EVERY TEAM HAS TO WIN ONCE." fags, only that since people can't seem to do shit to Corgi people are going to try cycling second and third place only.

That is my hypothesis anyway.

>takes off makeup
>looks like a mexican femboy

Feels bad.

Attached: 726.webm (720x404, 1.08M)

Does using SAM can cause a vac ban?

What's SAM?


>The dog getting as much damage makes sense as it's the leader but I wonder why people are coordinating against the Tortoise over any of the others.
Because corgifags are falseflagging niggers trying to get everyone to attack each other. You should have seen the desperation in the threads yesterday.

Keep attacking the turtles and you might get 4th place today :^)

being a shitskin thirdworlder like you should cause a VAC ban

Yes on VAC enabled games.

I don't give a shit about competetive games.

>I already dislike corgis because reddit likes them
Reddit also likes videogames.

Being able to look attractive without make-up is basically a SECRET SKILL among women though. Pro-Tip: it involves not using too much make-up and other chemical shit to start with since that shit ruins your "natural" look underneath all the shit by wearing on it.

that stealing progress mechanic is interesting, maybe if tied to use only in who is ahead of you could balance to stop the numbers of corgi

>implying anyone here likes videogames

>Corgi slowed down to 1.0x
>-61k attack

Nobody hates them, Yea Forumseddit is just mad at them because they're winning

steamdb.info/instantsearch/?refinementList[appType][0]=Game&refinementList[categories][0]=Valve Anti-Cheat enabled

If this list is correct then there is only 106 VAC games

It resets to 100 dude.

what the fuck it was at 1x, seconds ago.

Attached: what the fuck.png (1144x660, 418K)

Attack Hare instead that fucking smug rabbit needs to be hung.

jesus there must be some superwhales on team turtle

Attached: file.png (220x126, 6K)

r*ddit likes food and music too. Do I hate those general things as well? No. Would I distance myself from a specific game if r*ddit raves about it? Probably.

That is actually like the twelfth or so time today, they snapped back to their lead a few times and then someone else gets the 1.0x, shit is fucky.

>favorite group


Attached: corgi fags btfo.png (1218x408, 22K)

shut the fuck up you falseflagging turtlexcorgi shipper

Tortoise back up to it's rightful third place
Slow and steady lads

slow and steady is real

Attached: file.png (224x84, 3K)

What's your favourite game?

4th place every day
Well at least we aint Pig

Attached: bestteam.jpg (590x350, 16K)

Just you wait till plebbit will control the bots so "every team will win" in a couple of days.

>the bots are kicking in again

>oh, there's a steam thing
>oh, yellow is winning
>*joins team yellow*
>team yellow immediately slows down

Oh fuck, I'm sorry.

Birdbros, what the fuck are we supposed to do?

what's going on

Attached: sjdi2.png (1053x393, 17K)

>flash sales
it fucking hurts.
fucking normalfags who can't check a website every 8 hours can afford to buy games full price anyway.

Pig last place, everyday.

Got that £5 discount
Whats the best bang for buck I can get with the discount? Handsome collection is only 4.28

>he is a Corgilet

Attached: 1289787556261.jpg (600x579, 23K)

But don't they need to spend horrendous amounts of money for that to work?

look at the attacks go up, what the fuck is this?

He called you out on your garbage English, you retard. Now fuck off and get some rest, you will need it for tomorrow when you have to go out and walk 20 miles for some water.


>implying gaben isn't going to cuck redditdog right before the finish line to keep people interested.

Attached: gaben.jpg (600x569, 50K)

>Pigs will be 3rd today.
Fuck you! You lied!

NUKE BOTH CORGIS AND TURTLES. Spare the pigs and hares

what the fuck

Attached: 1557127236233.png (1380x387, 51K)

>who can't check a website every 8 hours
It would be even easier now with smartphones being so common but the real issue is the refunds make those brief extra discounts a problem.

Just look here, back to 1000x in like 5 minutes.

Attached: YAdda Yo.jpg (1267x401, 34K)

Fellow pigbros, should I buy some game to boost?

how much did you spend to get it?

>people wondering why people attack Turtles after that massive shitfest just now
Yeah, there's your answer.

down with mammals
turtles are cool, leave them alone

Lmao eat shit losers, always pick the winning team

>Calls everything a meme
>Not some brain dead simp that would have my cock in his mouth in the first 5 minutes of our first encounter.
I'd fucking destroy you kid

Didnt buy it yet but it'll cost £0 with that £5 discount from the team thing.

>it took 6 minutes to go from 6k attacks to 27k attacks on team turtle
really gets the noggin joggin


>corgi was 1x and turtle nearing 2kx
>now this happens in a matter of minutes
I suspect this isn't botting, but spaghetti code having a stroke, like everything Valve touches

Attached: file.png (1265x460, 31K)

So Team Cock is the official Yea Forums Team?

>tfw team hare
We might have a chance after all lads

Attached: fluffy but also despair.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

Turn it from total contribution to average contribution per team member
Wow, event fixed, very hard

Brit begone

It's called winning, nerd

Attached: boost.jpg (359x246, 18K)

Inb4 it's actually an automated event and users have no actual influence over the results. We've been duped by Valve lads!

please refrain from replying before reading properly

>tfw 2018 April fools all over again

Not that guy, but i got two + 100 Level Badge + Some emotes just from what i started with, i know some people here started with enough to be able to get like 10 5$ discounts without spending anything.

I also know some whales on Community got jack all, as said, the whole event is really fucking inconsistent.


Attached: 1404782482708.jpg (251x251, 8K)

The game was rigged from the start and people who pick corgi wins no matter what

>automated event
Scripted event.

God I love cock

Good luck rabbitbros
Remember us pigbros when you make it

Attached: 1470440208272.png (600x400, 505K)

dumb bunny get cum

Pig is 4th now!

all similar events are like this, remember Yea Forums's april fools? the points came from nowhere

I'd fuck your ass and make you humble, you jabroni bitch.

reminder that birds literally create tools and are only losing to save the self esteem of lesser races

Attached: 1543524228792.jpg (640x360, 26K)

Fuck fix this site Hiro!

That Corgi middle finger / Corgi dong

>birds suddenly drop to 80x
what's going on?

what time does this race end

the bots have gotten uppity, you will suffer as turtle as.

>t. Corgifag
Yeah, we can tell

in 5 hours

The event will run for two weeks, Your time will shine pigbros

Attached: 2QmbSzB.png (325x237, 94K)

k, I'm going to bed then

Wow, sus as fuck.
I'd be emptying my load already, the one in my Deagle brand Deagle clip

Let's predict today's result, I'll start.
1. Team Cock
2. Team Corgi
3. Team Turtle
4. Team Hare
5. Team Pig

>birds get fucked
>hare and pig in 2nd and 3rd

Attached: 1533944925768.png (540x521, 107K)

>mfw I choose the minigger team without realizing

fuck this gay turtle team man

>no significant rise in attacks
>birds drop from over 1k to 1
either rigged or broken

Berd niggas let's fucking go

Attached: 1556787993005.jpg (654x655, 21K)

if you are nigger faggot

>picking anything but the dog
subhumans deserve nothing

Which April fools team would best match the Grand Prix teams?

same thing that happend to turtle. they are trying to make it so that both turtle and cock are 4th and 5th so that the other teams can get the welfare games so it isn't a repeat of last race.

>team mini: turtle
>team creme: hare
>team peanut butter: dog
>team choccy: bird
>team peep: pig

It's scripted. And the win rate is based on the amount of members in the team.

>picking the dog
what are you, a chink?

Harebros and pigbros, it's time

If by some miracle i win, i know it will randomly pick one of the shitty $1 games i have on wishlist


Attached: woah.jpg (500x375, 22K)

Chinks would eat the Dog, not race it dumbass.

Attached: That really Burns My Poffins.png (558x641, 17K)

>Be sure to update your Wishlist before you put the pedal to the metal, as the very best drivers will be awarded their Most Wished For games throughout the event.

>you can't even see your max boost capacity
fucking kikes

update your wishlist then retard

>tfw don't have a lot of games in order to earn points
Fuck me, I have to win a tf2 match and I suck dick at that.

Someone explain capacity to a brainlet; If I spend it on boosts do I get it back tommorow or should I have just saved it for the discount?

>birdfags claiming to be choconiggers so they can dick ride another teams victory again

Each boost permanently consumes 1k of your capacity
You get +100 at the start of each day

Can Corgi Chads please finish today's race? I want my free Cyberpunk.

Capacity is a container, you use points to fill that container so you can boost, when you boost bothe your points AND capacity by the amount you are boosting for, but you also get tokens for what you are boosting for, you need to boost at least once to be able to apply for the "Wishlish Game Draw" provided your team placed 1/2/3.

So basically the Meta if you are going for FREE GAMES is "Join the smallest team that will win to maximize chance of being picked when it wins" and only boosting once a day to apply to the draw, and then Boost to hell and back on the final race to cash in all your tokens and get Badge/Discounts.

So basically you're not going to get the 5 dollars saving without at least spending 15 dollars on games before right?

>spend $1.08 on sale
>at this rate I'll need to spend $436 dollars on the sale to get all the points from this ONE game

Oy vey goyim, if you want your precious Pigs to win the race, you better cough up the shekels

Attached: the fuck.png (1612x588, 401K)

Basically, the clincher here though is that since people started with different amounts of Capacity some people STARTED with enough to get several 5$ discounts before they even spent anything.

That means that for some people this was a SHIT SALE, and some got free games even without this race bullshit because they had so many discounts that could potentially glitch and not get removed after purchases.

everyone attack hare
push them back

And with not get removed i mean you can use the same discount for several games, not that it didn't apply to purchases, just to clarify, i know some user was bragging pretty hard about that yesterday anyway.

Attached: dont.jpg (360x406, 38K)


Attached: AAAAAAAAAA.png (435x202, 7K)

Umm what the fuck??

tfw picked pig

Do it for oink

>Cockatiels, Hares and Pigs double downing on attacking Tortoise
Even after -27,000 attacks on Tortoise there's still a flicker of life in us, whereas Cockatiels are only suffering half the amount of attacks yet they're doing just ok with Hare right fucking behind them.
If Hare's overtake Cuckatiels, remember it's your own fault birds.

We could've had a reptile bird alliance. But you had to throw that away with your try hard attitude, you've thrown Tortoise out of the race at the cost of being on the edge to losing to Hare.

Attached: Never trust tryhards.png (1515x678, 228K)

slow and steady fellow turtlebro

This is the worst event ever. Cards were part of the fun.

STRIKE NOW! Hold the line, don't give them another inch. Everyone, we must stop Corgi! If everyone ITT launches an offensive right now we may just be able to turn back the tide. I know it might look grim, but worse odds have prevailed all throughout history.

>he didnt pick reddit dog

Attached: 1490507178815.jpg (307x297, 25K)

This event at least had pretty decent rewards. More invested in this one than last years tbqh

Attached: 1.jpg (984x1667, 352K)

Yeah, no daily/flash sales and no cards really ruined it this year.

Valve is trying to slowly phase out trading cards

>he doesn't remember how fun the sales used to be

Attached: WIakQmy.jpg (1600x886, 315K)

I wonder if the race can be finished earlier with how Corgis are nearing the finish

It's basically another currency you gain and spend despite the term.

You exchange X Points with X Capacity into X Tokens.

Points are practically free for anyone with an old account that has a good number of steam ach. The real limiting currency is "Capacity", that's like $150-ish for a $5 discount if you're gaining Capacity purely from buying shit

Slow and Steady to you too slowbro
Our time will come, as the legends have foretold. The mammals fear the Tortoise, this has led to their 3v1 backstabing

Attached: 1561574791369.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Stop spamming this reddicktor shit

Nah, im pretty sure it is running off a algorithm, Corgi had even MORE momentum yesterday and only touched the line when the Race ended as scheduled.


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Team Birb has been consistently on the podium, do what's right

Attached: tripfag.webm (720x720, 2.86M)

Is it even worth going for the 5 dollar discount? Should I just spend those points on leveling up my account?

Attached: 1468063340160.png (403x419, 219K)

>birds bounced back up to 2nd place
Eat my dust turtlefags

Can you earn points without spending a money on this summer sale? I already have most of the games that I want but I wouldn't mind getting cyberpunk or doom eternal for free this sale.

Level it up if you're below 50

>We could've had a reptile bird alliance
get fucked turtlefag, your people have been nothing but horrible to us birdbros in the threads

Attached: FarflungUnpleasantKodiakbear-small.gif (250x250, 768K)

why? What happens at level 50

Why tho?

zero effort and 20+ steam levels
i went from fifth on my steam friend list to 2nd and thats because one of my friends also did the summer stuff.

once the rest clue in i'll be back down to 12th or whatever but it was fun feeling like a big card buying loser for a minute

Do you level up with this?
You get better chances for foil cards and booster packs apparently

Attached: Capture.jpg (565x509, 17K)

Max chance to get boosters

top 3 teams get games. players chosen at random.

if 1 million corgis get a few hundred free games to split and 500 cocks get a few dozen, your odds are way higher on the cockteam

I think it is more that people yesterday "did their best" to try to stop Corgi, and failed due CRITICAL MASS, so now they are going for what placed Number 2 yesterday and try to steal that spot, Birdfags because they want higher chance of their FREE GAMES, the other because they want A chance of Freegames.

Especially due "EVERYONE NEEDS TO WIN" fags.

You were the ones screaming COCK, flaunting and autistically screeching at the other teams, as you lot were simply acting like tryhards.

Attached: gettyimages-959627874.jpg (1962x1332, 1.27M)

>gap of 400

You fools, don't let the false flaggers tear down the alliance

Do you really not increase your boost pack chance pass level 50? I'm level 60.

Attached: 1534090473926.png (250x250, 97K)

>gap of 400
How can you tell?

nah it caps out at 50

We need to stay united against the corgi menace bros

Attached: comfy pig.gif (160x160, 1.13M)

We got rid of the turtles, harepiggus. Now lets get rid of the birds and get our free games.

>arriba arriba
si senor, vamos a la playaaaa

Attached: 1551886742492.png (1407x391, 52K)


here's the thing you humongous faggot, #2 or #3 place were not guaranteed like fucking memedoge was, so, keep seething

How exactly dos all this "work"?
What do I do with my points? How am I supposed to use them and how does capacity work?

weird movie

Corgifag you both hate here, you were both acting pretty fucking smug to eachother from the way i saw it, Pigfags tried to get into it with too.

Call me a falseflagger or whatever though, but Hares were basically the chill ones, if only because they were busy being Furfaggots. You faggots tried focusfire yesterday and failed so not like Corgis actually need to falseflag to keep shit up at this point unless the whole game is rebalanced.

It's scripted, there's no point fighting over a fixed race.

>Even Reddit is mad

Urg.... No. Gabe, just... no.

Attached: Screenshot_20190627-090548~2.png (1080x334, 55K)

hares are the chill ones because there is like two of them

What a fucking mess. Every fucking where people are asking about what the fuck is going on in this event. I had to read "driver's manual" 3 times myself before I got it.
I enjoyed looking trough discovery queue way more. And steam actually gets people to look at adds.
They need to keep this shit fucking simple

they should've randomly appointed teams

>actually browsing it
Better stay there, faggot

Urg... no

That reminded me of Yea Forums April Fools last year. Fun times

Attached: 1522595822175.jpg (1920x1200, 303K)

if you're talking about getting Cyberpunk ($60 game) with the coupon, leddit threads says tokens are capped at 90k meaning you have a max cash discount of $30.

You can also participate in the daily raffle thing (put cyberpunk at the top of your wishlist). Chances are kinda low though.

If Pig wins, Gaben will post nudes

This. The event is a clusterfuck and the interface is a nonsensical mess. Whoever designed this is probably getting fired honestly.

They should have had no teams.
And no game.
And spent the "FREE GAME" and "5BUX" money on having just Good Sales instead.

What is this shit and why should anyone care?

I'm sure the race is for a given time and not a given dsitance.

This is why we shouldn't let pigs win.

Steam sale Mini-"Game", and you shouldn't, unless you are a Steamfag who spent LOADSAMONEY on Steam in the past or will spend LOADSAMONEY on Steam for this sale since it is how you access the occasional additional 5$ discount and apply for the FREE GAME RNG raffle.

At witch time does the daily race concludes?

in like 3 hours 34 minutes.

This seems like Corgi propaganda

Well thanks for letting me know. Nice to know that leveling up after 50 is wortheless.

I appreciate Valve are actually putting some effort into the sale this year (for once), but it's still not the same as 6, 7 years back.


>hare fags in third now because everyone decided to pile on cockatiel and tortoise
As a hare fag I am sorry for you. You don’t deserve this.

nah thanks senpai, I will stick to ASF

thats probably for the best considering how they're worthless. I remembered how i could buy video games with that too.

This is the most infuriating shit out of this entire event.
Some people randomly got fuckton of tokens to spend on badges, most got none.
I had like 600 at the start, even though the FAQ says it was supposed to be 4500.

Same fellow Ausbro

I don't give a fuck who wins as long as it's not reddit dog, but it's going to win anyway.
t. ortoise

best event was 2015 summer. it was basically reddit vs. Yea Forums
steam group chat was so fucking fun...

Corgis don't need Propaganda, cause we all know you all will hate us the most anyway cause SUCCESS BREEDS JEALOUSY! We also know we are gonna gonna get real fucked once Gabe gets out of his chair and nerfs us to death so the other teams will be able to go "WE DID IT!" about beating the Big Bad Manlet Dog.

Sounds like an even greedier and more opportunistic way of playing customers out against each other than those sales GOG did, where you had to purchase a certain amount of games on sale, in order for the next one to go on sale.

Thanks for the rundown, user.

What the fuck, somebody explain why the number of points I'm eligible for in Sekiro suddenly halved. I idled in Sekiro 18 hours ago btw.

Attached: pointshalved.png (1214x528, 454K)