Try playing a new game today! You never know, it might surprise you.
Try playing a new game today! You never know, it might surprise you
The older I get the harder it becomes to get immersed in anything. Fuck.
I have Kid Icarus Uprising on my 3DS from club nintendo but I never got around to playing it. Should I though? What’s good about it
I might try a dragon quest
Thank you, trash panda.
suggest one user
I tried Crash Team Racing on the PS1 it was actually a lot of fun, more than I'd imagine.
Basically everything except the control scheme. It's plays fine, just take a break every 20 minutes or so or expect sore hands.
It's very good, controls are really the only big drawback
>replay bk after a long time
>stuck on furnace fun
Thanks Raccoon I'd rather listen to you than a shitty wojak or pepe.
i'm already playing yakuza kiwami 2 but thanks, rat
>try to play a new game
>server maintenance
new games were a mistake
try another new game
Video games are fucking gay.
fuck off coon
"fool me once...", coon-kun
I bought Ghost of a Tale because it's on sale and someone here said it was good. Expect to play it later today
But I'm still playing Outer Wilds
I tried out that game void bastards and I am really enjoying it! Thanks op. xxo
>want to give turn based RPGs a proper go
>don't know where to start
everyone says FFVII, but i've tried a few times to get into it but the ABS system just throws me off.
I keep telling myself I have to be in the right mood for a new game but that mood never comes. I don't want to feel like I'm forcing myself but at this point I feel like that's the only way.
Divinity original sin 1 and 2
South Park Stick of truth
Unironically tabletop simulator for great board games, like gloomhavem and Arkham horror the card game
Started playing Dishonored 2 last week, just finished my first run as powerless genocidal Corvo and now I'm playing powered pacifist Emily. I think it's pretty good but I feel like the first game's levels were better.
Is Death of the Outsider good? I'm thinking of picking it up in the sale.
I bought SamSho, that's all the new game I'm really gonna need for the next two years or so.
thank racoon
that raccoon sure is cute. we should do as its suggested.
im about to just bought overload
I fucking hate pitbulls and yet I can’t look at this picture without crying. Not because it’s cute, not because the dog thinks it is pretty. The dog has no concept of pretty, but even that dumb fucking animal has a sense of pride, and as it’s human made it sit still and painstakingly painted its nails, the dog sat patiently. When it’s human finished, they praised the dog so much for the photo that it had a genuine sense of accomplishment. That dumb animal felt more complete and appreciated in that moment than I ever will.
>i fucking hate pitbulls
Bought Zeroranger last night and even though I'm dreadful at Shmups I felt myself getting better with each run. Those Finns know how to pump out some number 1 jams
I played Speedboat Attack yesterday after I saw it mentioned in a thread on here, it was kinda fun
Depends, if I try it and then have to deal with faggot propaganda I'll be angry for weeks.
Best not to risk that anymore and stick with what is confirmed fag free.
why let it make you angry at all?
Because it does?
This. New games are too linear or restricted to allow immersion, old games are too janky.
but why?
By "new" OP didn't mean "new Sony exclusive released in the last year", he meant "a game that you haven't played before".
>Why would anyone hate a dog who commits disproportionate amounts of violence and was bred for that very purpose?
Real fucking mystery.
I have no money
Is this the stealth /an/ thread